school health nursing- copar

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 School Health Nursing- COPAR


    School Health


    Prepared by: Ceelin T. Robles

  • 8/7/2019 School Health Nursing- COPAR


    IntroductionThe practice of school nursing beganin the United States on October 1, 1902when the initial role of the school nurse

    was to reduce absenteeism by interveningwith students and families regardinghealth care needs related tocommunicable diseases. While the

    nurses role has expanded greatly from itsoriginal focus, the essence of the practiceremains the same. The school nursesupports student success by providing

    health care assessment, intervention, and-

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    BackgroundIn 1999, the National Association of School

    Nurses Board of Directors defined school

    nursing as:

    A specialized practice of professionalnursing that advances the well-being,academic success, and life-long achievement

    of students. To that end, school nursesfacilitate positive student responses to normaldevelopment; promote health and safety;intervene with actual and potential healthproblems; provide case management services;

    and actively collaborate with others to buildstudent and famil ca acit for ada tation self

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    DOH defined School Nursing, a typeof public health nursing that focuseson the promotion of health and

    wellness of the pupils/students,teaching and non-teaching personnelof the schools. School nurses Alsoassist young people in making choices

    for a healthy lifestyle, reduce risktaking behavior and focus on issuessuch as prevention of drug andsubstance abuse, teenage pregnancy,

    sexually transmitted infection,

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    Objectives of

    School Nursing

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  • 8/7/2019 School Health Nursing- COPAR



    1. Provide quality nursing service to theschool population;

    2. Create awareness among school childrenpersonnel and administrators theimportance of the promotive and

    preventive aspects of health throughhealth education;

    3. Encourage the provision of standardfunctional facilities;

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    4. Provide nursing personnel with

    oppurtunities for continuing education andtraining;

    5. Conduct and participate in researchers

    related to nursing care; and

    6. Establish/strengthen linkages with

    government and non-government

    organization/agencies for school

    community health work.

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  • 8/7/2019 School Health Nursing- COPAR


    Health advocacy Health and nutrition assessemnt

    including other screening procedures

    such as vision and hearing Supervision of the health and safety

    of the school plant

    Treatment of common ailments andattending to emergency cases

    Referrals and follow-up of pupils and


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    Home visits

    Community outreach like attending

    community assembles andorganizing school community health


    Recording and reporting ofaccomplishments

    Monitoring and evaluation of

    programs and projects

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    Functions of theSchool Nurse

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    Functions of the School


    School Health andNutrition Survey

    Putting up aFunctional Clinic



    Establishment of Data

    Bank on SchoolHealth and Nutrition


    Attendance to








    Organization ofSchool-Community

    Health andNutrition Councils

    Student HealthCounselling

    Home Visitation

    Height and Weight

    Measurement and

    Nutritional Status


    CommunicableDisease Control

    School Plant

    Inspection forHealthy Environment

    Health and NutritionEducation Activities


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    School Health and NutritionSurvey

    This should be done initially to providedata

    for evaluation for planning process. Thesurvey

    shall include among others the currenthealth and nutritional status of thechildren, situation on health facilities aswell as actual status of health educationactivities undertaken by the teachers and

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  • 8/7/2019 School Health Nursing- COPAR


    Health AssessmentIt aims to discover the signs of illness and

    physical defects in order to correct them,

    check on health habits of pupils and prevent

    the progress of those which cannot be

    corrected. In order to attain the purpose, the

    examination must be thorough.

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    Standard Vision


    Vision is very important sensory

    skill that affects learning and generaldevelopment. Early detection and treatment

    of eye and vision problems can prevent

    childhood blindness and visual disorder.The students visual status must be 20/20

    for him to perform his visual task demand

    clearly and comfortably at far and near


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    Ear Examination

    Children who do not see or

    hear will often experience difficulty in theeducational environment. The earlyrecognition of hearing loss is extremelyimportant not onlybecause it may interfere

    with the teaching-learning process as wellas school achievement but also becausethe development of clear speech andsocial skills is facilitated by good hearing.

    This will also help in attaining effective

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    Height and Weight

    Measurement and

    Nutritional Status Determination

    Height and weightmeasurement is aprocedure for evaluating thetallness or the shortnessand the heaviness of apupil. It offers the mostacceptable parameter and isthe simplest way to

    determine the nutritional

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    Medical Referrals

    Whenever necessary, the school nurse

    may recommend that a student with anexisting condition be referred for further

    assessment and intervention by the

    appropriate professional/agency.

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    Attendance to Emergency


    It is incumbent upon the nurse to attend

    to emergency cases while they are inschool. However, majority of the nurses

    are assigned to several schools. In their

    absences, the school authorities and the

    clinic teacher have the responsibility ofattending and referring them promptly.

    Parents must be informed of the

    occurrence of the emergency as soon as

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    Student HealthCounselling

    School nurses welcome

    the opportunity to helpconcerned parents andguardians of students in anyform of individual healthcounselling. The school nursealso help to make appropriatereferrals either to school-

    provided or outsidecounsellin services

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    Health and Nutrition EducationActivities

    The school nurse takes every

    opportunity to talk on health related topicsboth in formal and informal settings. She

    would be willing to use her ability,

    knowledge and background to influencethe school and community in a healthy and

    positive way.

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    Organization of School-

    Community Health andNutrition Councils

    The school nurse shallinitiate/encourage the

    organization/reactivation of School-

    Community Health Council, themembership of which shall come form

    both school and community. The school

    shall conduct school-community

    assemblies to interpret the school health

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    Communicable Disease Control

    Prevention and control of communicabledisease is a responsibility shared by parents,school personnel, community and the DOH. Ifa child is suffering from a recognizedcontagious or infectious disease, he/sheshould be referred and sent home and not be

    permitted to return until school authorities aresatisfied that any contagious and infectiousdisease does not exist. The school nurseencourages immunization requirements, aids

    in early detection, helps to provide parental

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    Establishment of Data

    Bank on SchoolHealth and Nutrition


    Accurate and up-to-date health recordsare essential in helping monitor the health

    of students while they are in schools.

    Findings are recorded in the healthexamination card and reviewed and

    updated annually.

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    School Plant Inspection

    for Healthy Environment

    The school plant shall be inspected in order

    to provide healthful environment and safety inschools. Aside from the minimum standards forschools in relation to school site, area, location,space and sanitation, classroom and otherrooms and facilities shall be inspected for size,

    lighting, ventilation, and arrangement of seats.Particular attention shall focus on the provisionand maintenance of toilets, school clinics, watersupplies, sanitation of school canteen, andsafety and nutritional value of foods beingserved.

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    Rapid Classroom Inspection

    It is done as a routine procedure when

    frequent and regular visits can be made to aschool during the year, in addition to the

    individual health assessment.

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    Home Visitation

    It is necessary in the

    effective implementationof the total serviceprogram particularly theIntegrated School Health

    and Nutrition Program.Home visitation is a social,educational andpreventive work and

    should not be regarded as

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    Legal Bases of theSchool Health Program

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    PD 603 Child and Youth Welfare Code

    1936 Constitution of the Philippines-Article VII, Sec. 11,12, and 13

    Executive Order No.14 s. 1946

    RA No. 951 s. 1947RA No. 847 s. 1953

    RA No. 1082 s. 1954

    RA No. 2620 s. 1961 Presidential proclamation No. 225 s. 1967

    Article V sec. 29 s. 1972

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    PD No. 491 s. 1974

    PD No. 491 s. 1974

    RA No. 856 s. 1976

    LOI No. 441 s. 1976

    LOI No. 764 s. 1977

    LOI No. 764 s. 1978

    Section 938 of the Revise Administrative


    E.O. No. 234 s. 1987

    P.P. No. 335, s. 1988

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