scene 5

Post on 01-Nov-2014



Self Improvement



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Scene 5

SETTING: Willie’s basement workshop. Ginny, Willie, Peter, Shannon and Mike are at a party on Willie’s basement. They were celebrating that they could get home. Everyone was happy. Willie’s mom did not realize that the children travelled to the city of Technos. She thought they were in a meeting of the Science Club, so she did not suspect anything.

Shannon: Oh! I’m very happy that we could come back.

All: Yes, really.

Peter: What a great party. I’m really enjoying it. (While eating some sandwiches.) (To everybody). Hope the Supreme Technocrat will not come again with the Bits, Commanders and Bytes to take revenge of us.

Mike: No, he will not come.

Ginny: I hope so…

Willie: Well guys, forget about the past and concentrate on now and the party.

Willie’s mom runs on stage. She brings a plate of chips. After putting it on the table she runs off stage again.


Ginny: You’re right my dear friend of adventures. Ha ha.

Willie: Hey, how are we going to tell us our parents what happened?

Shannon: But… If we tell them the truth they won’t believe us! So, why don’t we keep this on a secret?

Mike: You’re right Shannon they won’t believe us. But we cannot lie to them.

Ginny: I agree with Mike, we have to tell them.

The party keeps on, everybody dances. All of them look happy.

Peter: And what about the other people from the Science Club? We must tell them before they go there.

Willie: Ok! We have to invite them here. We must not tell them anything. We only have to say them to come as quick as possible. Because it’s an emergency.

Everybody took out their phones and start calling all the member of the Science club.

All: (Desperate) (calling a member of the club). Hello. I need you here on Willie’s house but now. It’s an emergency.


Mike: (calling a member of the club). Hi! I’m Mike from the Science club. I need you here on Willie’s house but now. It’s an emergency.

All the members of the group arrived to Willie’s house. Everybody was thinking why they called them.

Ginny: I need everybodies attention. Please silence. (Everybody makes silence) Thanks for your attention. Maybe you’re thinking why we called you. The reason is that days ago every member of the science club received and add to discover a new universe only using a wave amplifier. You might not pay attention to that. Because it’s about a city but when you arrive there if you don’t go with them they hypnotized you. After that they take you at Supreme Technocrat after you are there the Supreme Technocrat which is a big computer will eat your brains. So please do not order the amplifier. Or something bad will happen to you.

The party continued but now, the rest of the members of the club were there. Everyone enjoy the party and dance a lot. The table of food was plenty and the food was very delicious.


Everyone was surprised and seems not to be convinced as if Ginny was lying. But as Ginny, the president of the club told them that they will do what she said.

Mom: Is everyone enjoying the party? Does everyone need anything?

Willie: We’re very well mom, thanks.

Peter: Yes, we are okay! Thanks for asking.

Ginny: Don’t worry, we don’t need anything.

Mike: Thanks for your concern we are more than satisfied.

Mom: Really? Are you sure? Ok, I will go and let the party continue.

Mom runs off stage, she leaves and let the teenagers keep on having a good time at the party. Before the mom leaves she saw on the table the add of Technos, she look the add with a strange face. She did not know what it was. When she was above to reading it, Willie realize and distract her while Peter got the add and throw it away. As Willie realizes that her mom could ask to anyone he decided to make a plan.

Everyone on Willie’s basement shut up and sit down. The teenagers were confused, nobody understood anything.


Willie: (shouted) Everyone listen please, please. I need your silence.

Willie: I need you not to tell anything about the journey to Technos to my mom. So, if she asks you something you don’t know what she is talking about. Do not talk about that here.

Ginny: Sure! They won’t tell her anything.

Moms run on stage.

Mom: (Asks angrily) What is it that I cannot know? Are you Willie and all the ones that are here hiding me something?

Willie: No mom, nothing. I was asking them if they really like the food that you prepared.

Mom: (Calming) Oh! And what did they answer?

Willie: They told me that it was very delicious. They love it.

Ginny: Obviously!! It’s great, everyone like it. Isn’t it?

All: Yes! It’s delicious.

Mom: Well. I’ m proud of me! Ha ha.

Mom’s runs off stage. Everyone relaxed because she was not there anymore.

Willie: (Not nervous) Of what we saved.

Peter: I was very nervous. I did not know what to do or say. Luckily you immediately you told her that.

Mike: Yes, you’re right. And when she enter the basement she looked very angrily, all her face was red.

Shannon: Who wasn’t nervous? Yes! When I saw her face it was all red. I got scared.

Peter: You’re right Shannon! But let’s continue the party. Keep dancing.

Mike: Yes! Let’s dance. Keep on enjoying.


Everyone was enjoying the party. Everything was very good until a strange noise came from the outside. It was like if a crowd of people get out of a spacecraft. Everyone was scared; they did not know what that strange noise was.

Willie: Yes, I will go and check everybody stay here. Do not go anywhere.

Willie went outside without being seen by her mother. When he was there he couldn’t see anything. When he was above to enter his house again someone comes from his back and with a magic potion knocks Willie. So nobody knew because Willie did not have time to shout. At Willie’s basement everyone was waiting Willie’s order. While they were waiting the Supreme Technocrat the Bits, Bytes and commanders appear there. They started to fight but the Supreme Technocrat, the Bits,


Ginny: (A little bit scared) Calm down everyone. Do not get scared, nothing will happen. Now Willie will go and check.

Ginny: I’m back, I’m back.

Peter: The Supreme Technocrat is dead!!

Mike: We destroy him. I’m happy.

Mom: Where’s my son my little son?

Shannon: We all going to go and find him.

Everyone started to look for Willie. They were all desperate.


the Bytes and the Commanders were more that the teenagers there. As they were more they were winning. The teenagers were tired they did not have energy to fight with them. The Supreme Technocrat and his “army” were above to win. But Willie’s mom realize that something bad was happing, so she hide behind the food’s table and she was behind the Supreme Technocrat and so she saw the button ON/OFF in Supreme’s Technocrat back. She had the very intelligent idea to turn that off and 9when she turned that off she Supreme Technocrat go off but no only the Supreme and also the Bits, Bytes and the Commanders. When they were off she started to woke up everyone.

Willie: OOH! Mom, I was very scared. But I’m back!

Mom: My little baby. I’m happy that you are ok!! But now you have to tell me who’s that guy, why is he here and what happened.

The teenagers told to Willie’s mom the story. The mom was a little bit angry because they hide to her the story. The party finished and everyone went to their homes. Willie and his

mom dumped from the Supreme Technocrat and his “army”. Luckily nothing bad happened again to them. The mom was angry but… she finally forgive his son and his friends. The

boys were happy that they destroy him. (Quick curtain)

The End.8

Ginny: (Very happy) I found him, he is unconscious. Come here help me.

Everyone went there. They were all trying to wake him up. Finally they could wake him up.

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