sample workout

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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8/10/2019 sample workout 1/8


Pendulum Plank

Start in plank position: Balance on mat on

forearms and toes, maintaining a straight line from

head to heels. Lift left foot a few inches off mat

and bring it 45 degrees out to left side, hold for 1count, then return it to start position. MAKE IT

EASIER: Step with left foot onto floor briefly

when you bring it out to side. Repeat move with

right leg to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Start with the push-up position with your arm and legs

stretched out. Bend one knee bringing it close to your

chest with your toes to the ground. Go back to the start

 position and do the same with the other leg. 

Criss Cross

Lie on your back, reach your hands behind your head.

Bring your legs up to tabletop position, one at a time.Squeeze your inner thighs together.

On the exhale, rotate your ribcage to the left.

Bend left knee and bring it toward your right arm.

Switch, bringing your right knee as close as you can

to your left arm.

Leg Raise

Start by lying supine on the floor and draw your knees

into your chest before extending your legs straight

above your hips. Contract your abdominal muscles to

flatten your back into the floor. Place your arms on the

floor next to your sides. Try to keep you legs straight

as you lower your legs toward the floor by extending

at your hips. Only lower your legs as far as you can go

without your lower back lifting off the floor. Pause

 briefly and draw your legs back up to the starting

 position by flexing at your hips and contracting your

lower abdominals. 

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Sit tall with a straight back and long waist. Open your

arms straight out to your sides at shoulder-height and

“crack a walnut” between your blades. Open your legs

wider than your shoulders, flex your feet from the

ankles, and anchor your bottom to the mat (A). Inhale

as you rotate your trunk to the left and round over

your left knee; pressing your right hand against the

outer edge of your left foot and lifting your back arm

as high as possible, palm down (B). Exhale as you

slide your right hand along your outer foot in three progressive forward “sawing” motions while drawing

 back in your right hip to create diagonal opposition for

your oblique abs (keep the weight of your lower body

even on the mat no matter what the upper body is

doing) (C). Inhale and return to start. Repeat the

sequence, twisting right. Perform three sets.

Teaser I

Lie back with your arms overhead, your biceps by

your ears, and your lower legs in opposition to the

fingertips, keeping your back flat and the legs

squeezing together tightly. Your abs are scooped and

your legs are wrapping from the backs of the upper

inner thighs (A). Inhale with control as you bring your

arms forward, shoulder-width apart, and begin lifting

your legs (B). When your arms are parallel to your

thighs, begin rolling up toward your feet, articulating

one vertebra at a time and not allowing your pelvis to

tip forward. Exhale slowly as you descend, replacing

each vertebra 1 inch behind where it was taken

off (C). Do this move three times.

Lying Leg-Hip Raise

Lie with your back on the floor and your legs

extended. Extend your arms and place your palms flat

on the ground to maintain balance during the exercise.

Tighten your abdominal muscles during the entire

exercise. Inhale as you bend your knees and raise yourfeet off the floor while simultaneously bending at the

hips to bring your knees to your chest. Your

abdominals do the work of bringing your knees to

your chest, so be sure not to swing your legs toward

your chest. The motion is slow and controlled during

the entire exercise. Repeat this exercise for three sets

of eight.

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Back Arm Rowing

Sit with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor

about hip-width apart. Extend your arms straight in

front of you, palms up. Your back should be straight,

your chest up (a). Brace your core, curl your tailbone

under, and slowly lower your upper body to a 45-

degree angle. At the same time, bend your arms to

 bring your elbows close to your body, closing your

hands into fists and pulling them toward yourshoulders at eye level (b). Pause, then reverse the

motion to return to start. That's one rep.

Bent Knee Reverse Crunch

Seated Bicycle Twist

Sit with knees bent and lifted into your chest (you

should be balancing on your seat). Clasp your hands

 behind your head.

Leaning back slightly with your torso, extend your

right leg out straight and turn your right shoulder

towards your left knee, keeping your elbows out to the

sides as you twist. Return to the center, and then go to

the other side.

Do as many reps as you can in a row for one minute,

alternating sides each time.

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Double-Leg Stretch

Hug both knees into your chest with your head lifted

forward and your elbows wide (A). Inhale with

control as you reach your legs forward and arms

 backward — stretching in opposition — and drawing

your abdominals in deeply to support your spine (B).

Exhale slowly as you deepen back into your hug

 position, using the pull of your knees into your belly

and chest to expel more and more air from your

lungs (C). Repeat six times.

Leg Raise

Start by lying supine on the floor and draw your knees

into your chest before extending your legs straight

above your hips. Contract your abdominal muscles to

flatten your back into the floor. Place your arms on the

floor next to your sides. Try to keep you legs straight

as you lower your legs toward the floor by extending

at your hips. Only lower your legs as far as you can go

without your lower back lifting off the floor. Pause

 briefly and draw your legs back up to the starting

 position by flexing at your hips and contracting yourlower abdominals.

The Hundred

Lie flat with your legs squeezed together and long,

strong arms by your sides (A). Lift both legs a few

inches off the mat, squeeze your buttocks, and scoop

your abs. Lift your head and look to your toes (B).

Raise your arms over your thighs and pump your arms

up and down with energy. Take a long, steady inhale

for five pumps and a long, steady exhale for five

 pumps (C). Complete two to five sets (one set is 10

 pumps) and work up to 100 pumps.

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Side-Lying Double-Leg Lift

Lie on your side with legs stacked, head on bottom

arm, top arm on the floor. Squeeze legs together

and lift off the floor. Hold for a breath, return to

start. Do 10 reps, switch sides.

Side Plank

Lie on your lift side such that your body weight rests

on left forearm, sides of the back and feet. You can

keep feet together or lie them side by side for

additional support.Tighten your abdomen, raise your

hips such that you now rest only on your left forearm

and left foot {with right foot placed over left foot},

and your torso is completely off the ground as shown.

Hold this position for at least 30 seconds to get a good

 burn in your core and other ab muscles.

From a side plank Position. Keep your shoulder

aligned with your elbow. Make sure that your body

forms a straight line. Use the side of your abdominals

to mantain the position. 

Start in a full plank. Lift right leg and bring the

knee to the chest; twist the body slightly to the right

as you extend your leg and kick through your body

towards the left side (keep leg straight). Your leg

should be perpendicular to your upper body and

 parallel to the floor. Return your leg back to full

 plank reversing the steps on the other side for 1 rep.

Work 30 reps with a slow, deliberate and controlled


Mod:Bend your leg so it’s not extending out all theway, i.e. extending your knee to one side and then the

other instead of kicking. You can also move from the

floor and elevate your upper body to a bench or chair. 

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Elbow Side Crunch with a Twist

Come into a side plank on your right side, with your

feet stacked one on top of the other and your weight

on your right elbow with your fingers reaching away

from your body.

Place your left arm behind your head, and inhale to


Exhale and pull your navel to your spine to engage

your deep abs, and rotate your left rib cage toward thefloor. Stay there for a second, and deepen your

abdominal connection, pulling your navel in toward

your spine even more.

Return to starting position, repeat for 30 seconds, and

then switch sides. Repeat series again until a minute is


Assume start position as shown by bending right legand lifting left leg up toward ceiling. Lift butt off floor

 by pushing off right foot and lifting hips toward

ceiling. Return to start position and repeat on other


Level 1: Static Knee Forearm Plank

Level 2: Static Forearm Plank

Level 3: Static 1 Leg Forearm Plank

Make sure your upper body remains straight and your

core muscles are engaged throughout the movement.

Start on your knees and elbows. From here, put one

leg out straight and flex your foot. Focus on lifting

this leg from your butt (leg must stay straight or you

are not using your butt). Slowly raise your leg from

the ground until it’s in line with your body and lower

 back to the ground.

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Standing Side Crunch. 

Stand on left leg, left arm extended out to side at

shoulder height, right foot lifted a few inches off floor

to the side.

Standing Russian Twist

Standing with your feet hip-width apart, use both hands to

hold a dumbbell straight out in front of your chest, core

engaged. Moving your torso slightly, slowly rotate your

arms to the left as far as you can. Pause, then rotate to the

right. That's one rep. Continue for a total of 10 reps.

High to Low Wood Chop

Use a dumbbell that is at the appropriate weight. With

your feet positioned shoulder width apart, reach upward

with the dumbbell, twisting in the direction of the reach.

In one motion, Bring the dumbbell down across your

 body to your front knee while rotating your torso. Keep

your back and arms straight and core tight while you

 pivot your back foot and bend your knees to get a full

range of motion. Maintain your stance and straight arms.

Return to the neutral position in a slow and controlled

manner. Begin with 25 reps and then switch sides.

Tip: You will twist your entire body with this exercise,

 but really focus on getting maximal torso rotation and a

strong clinch at the end of the movement. To ensure a

good mind-muscle connection, keep your abs tense at all


Weighted Side Bend

Hold the dumbbell above your head, squeezing your ears

with your upper arms to activate your core.Pull your abs to your spine and lengthen your spine as

you bend slowly to the right. Return to standing upright,

and then slowly to the left. Keep your pelvis still as you

 bend to the side.

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Golf Squat Golf Squatting is a great way to tone up your

waistline. Stand with your feet hip-width apart while

holding a dumbbell with both hands in the front of

you. Chest should be upright, bend your knees and

lower into a squat. While standing rotate your torso to

the left and raise your dumbbell over your shoulder

(just like swinging a golf club). Go back to starting

 position and repeat on the right side. Continue for 10


Sumo Squat Jump

Hold a dumbbell at length in front of your body. Step

out wide to one side and dip into a sumo sqaut. Keepin

the dumbbell in position, Push your body up through

your heels and leap. Explosively jump as high as you

can. When you land, quickly reset, step out the other

direction and repeat. Complete 3 sets of 20.

Canoe Exercise 

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and clasp your

hands together at your midsection. Bend your knees

slightly while you perform a sort of rowing motion,

 bringing your hands from your midsection past your hips

on both your right and left side. Many people choose to

add a small 5-pound (2.26-kilogram) dumbbell to this

exercise for extra muscle tone. You can alternate right

and left for 20 repetitions, or do 10 and 10 for each side


Side Dumbbell Lunge

Lunge to one side. With upper body tight and dumbbell

grasped in both hands in front of your body just below

chin level. Land on heel then forefoot. Lower body by

flexing knee and hip of lead leg, keeping knee pointed

same direction of foot. Return to original standing

 position by forcibly extending hip and knee and return to

standing position, bringing dumbbell above your head.Keep arms straight. Repeat for a set of 20.

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