roundtable on talent competitiveness

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Accessing Opportunities to Advance an Outstanding Talent Pipeline in Central Florida Session Notes from Roundtable Discussions of March 28 and April 3, 2014


Prepared for the Central Florida Partnership by Fairfield Index, Inc.

ROUNDTABLERoundtable on Talent Competitiveness


About Roundtables

Central Florida Partnership Roundtables are flexible, topic-specific sessions, designed to draw on the expertise and experience of leaders in a field of work, champions of specific issues, and executives of enterprises with some mission or focus relevant to an issue of interest. Roundtables consider and document pathways for projects that may advance Regional Priorities, and set the stage for “Expert Committees” to study specific solutions or opportunities for regional action.

Prepared by Fairfield Index, Inc.

Contents1 Summary of Roundtable Results, Background, and Approach

1 Summary of Results

2 Background

2 Approach

2 Detailed Report

2 I. Scale and Assets

2 II. Definitions

3 III. Problem Statements and Questions

4 IV. Categories of Work

4 V. Key Assumptions

5 Attachment A: Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness Agenda for Meetings 1 and 2

6 Attachment B: Definitions


Accessing Opportunities to Advance an Outstanding Talent Pipeline in Central Florida Session Notes from Roundtable Discussions of March 28 and April 3, 2014

Summary of Roundtable Results, Background, and Approach

Summary of ResultsThese Session Notes represent the discussions and recommendations of a Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness, which was held on two occasions at the Chamber Building in Orlando.

The Roundtable process on Accessing Opportunities to Advance an Outstanding Talent Pipeline in Central Florida identifies a shared, cross-discipline consensus for action on the following items: exploration of an enhanced, regional approach to acquiring and analyzing demand-driven (employer and industry) data on talent; commitment to effective communications on career and wealth-creating opportunities to the talent side of the pipeline (the students, adults, and families who make choices about skills, certifications, degrees, and career changes); unifying the suppliers of educational, training, and counseling and other connecting resources to address regional projects of highest-impact; understanding and taking action on talent-building policies that are most promising for the future of the region’s communities and businesses; and learning about, unifying, and applying globally-relevant measures of success (common objectives, shared successes).

Participants all express a stake in the future of the talent pipeline, and many are taking on and investing in some form of talent-oriented projects. Participants see a promising future of economic growth for the region and a possible market-wide talent coalition of experts and organizations, each with some measure of responsibility for the region’s talent pipeline. They are concerned about the current ability to tap into the valuable employment outlooks and skills requirements of regional businesses.

Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness: Accessing Opportunities to Advance an Outstanding Talent Pipeline in Central Florida

Prepared by Fairfield Index, Inc.2

leaders participated in the two 120 minute discussions. Most of the invitees were contacted by phone prior to the sessions to gather basic perceptions on regional performance in the talent pipeline and ensure avenues were wide open for Roundtable discussions. The Roundtable agenda was designed to be flexible and open-ended, while using some key prompts for group consideration. A representative agenda, that covers the work of both sessions, is found in Attachment A.

Detailed ReportI. Scale and AssetsII. Definitions III. Problem Statements and QuestionsIV. Categories of WorkV. Key Assumptions

The overall flow of the agenda was designed to help leaders:

►Work in the context of the scale and assets of the Central Florida Region

►Review definitions ►Collect and share problem statements and

questions about the region’s talent pipeline ►Explore categorization of problem

statements and questions►Develop shared assumptions about

the work that lies ahead

I. Scale and Assets

Each Roundtable session was launched with Partnership-provided statistics on the overall scale and asset base of the Central Florida Region. Each item is directly linked to talent competitiveness and job opportunities of the future:

p7 Counties: Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Polk, Seminole, Volusia

p86 Cities

pPublic, Private and Civic Leaders

pA Vast Warehouse of Original Research on Growth, Sustainability, and Natural Resources

p3.9 Million People

p7.7 Million People in Florida’s Super Region

p$144 Billion Gross Regional Product (GRP)

p$296 Billion GRP for the Super Region

p18 Centers of Higher Education

pSeven Mega School Districts with over 623,000 total Pre-K-12 enrollment, including the 10th and 31th largest districts in the U.S.

pAll Modes of Transportation: Air Ports, Rail Ports, a Sea Port, and a Space Port

II. DefinitionsDefinitions of talent supply chain and demand-driven were shared with participants and are found in Attachment B.

BackgroundA Roundtable on talent was called as a result of The Central Florida Partnership’s Regional Priorities process. Led by its Leadership Council, the process produced a prospectus that was approved as policy by the full Partnership Board in August of 2013. Over 650 leaders representing thousands of their orga-nizations’ members, investors, and stakeholders helped vet and establish the new round of Regional Priorities. The Regional Pri-orities guide and focus precious resources of the Partnership, set meaningful metrics of success, and ensure allocations of work and further research are in the right community hands and the best “lines of business”.1

Regional Priorities, as ad-opted, present four areas of work for the coming years: Infrastructure and Talent (The subject of this document); Regional Is-sues and Challenges: Edu-cation Agenda for Region-al Leaders; Resources that Help Us Connect (such as Florida’s Super Region and Independent Sector Leadership in; and Messages and Principles, (in-cluding commitments to understanding the scale and impact of the seven-county region). With approval of the Regional Priorities, the Board called for quick attention to the develop-ment of pathways to achieve tangible benefits for each area of work. In some cases, Priorities require Roundtables to consider next steps and ensure any potential project is “on-target” for the needs of the Central Florida Region. In other cases or with the support of previous Roundtables, “Expert Committees” are formed to make recommendations for action and “Task Forces” are enabled to drive and advocate for projects.

The Regional Priority of Infrastructure and Talent included a call for an investigation of the best approaches to building and sustaining an outstanding regional Talent Pipeline/Retaining and Attracting Talent. The Partnership’s Roundtable process was selected as the next step so leaders could speak candidly and on a broad base of employment and workforce interests without assuming the need to make policy, assume outcomes, or leap to conclusions about projects.

ApproachThe Roundtable sessions were doubled in order to include as many invitees as possible, and ensure strong participation from the economic development, workforce, and chamber professional community from across the region. Participants also included social services organizations, and media. Over 30

1 The Partnership works through four Lines of Business: Orlando, Inc. (Regional Entrepreneurship); BusinessForce (Regional Public Policy and Advocacy); (Regional Research & Resolves led by leaders of Central Flori-da’s Independent Sector); and Leadership Orlando (Regional Leadership).

Since the Partnership’s launch, its Board has utilized Regional Priorities in order to set strategy, identify high performing programs, and identify and apply precious resources. Priorities of the past have built teamwork and led to success. — Leadership Council

Prospectus, “Turning the Page”, adopted August 2013

Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness: Accessing Opportunities to Advance an Outstanding Talent Pipeline in Central Florida

Prepared by Fairfield Index, Inc.3

What do we need to do as a regional team to ensure the likely, strong near-term economic growth does not lead to a barrier or slow down because of a talent shortage or a perception of talent gaps?

How do we do our part in matching talent with available jobs?

How do we help leaders make the change to a cradle-to-career posture?

How do we build on a great base of talent?

How do we keep the promises we are making to our customers that construction/infrastructure will be built with quality and on-time when there is a current or potential talent deficit?

What more can my organization do to gather employment and skills data from local businesses and connect them to talent?

Talent is a chief concern for our target industries so how do we present the most compelling and credible talent pipeline information as we market the region?

Should the talent pipeline work go hand-in-hand with the work we must do to diversity our economy?

All of the U.S. has talent pipeline problems, but what are the unique opportunities that allow Central Florida to leap in competitiveness?

How do we meet our members’ expectations that we connect them to talent resources and help take on skills gaps?

How do we ensure that we are not too slow in making change?

How do we help move our region from single issue approaches to talent, such as a college-only focus, to a holistic view?

How do the target industries of the region help us focus on what matters most, and how closely should our talent agenda be guided by the targets?

Is there a way to connect a regional commitment to talent pipeline to equal access to business opportunities for all people?

What does it mean to be the best talent pipeline and can we get on the same page when it comes to regional measures of success?

How do we use measures of success to work together to separate ourselves from the pack of other markets?

How do we extend and support the Career Academy movement?2

2 Under the Florida Career and Professional Education Act, “A ‘career and professional acad-emy’ is a research-based program that integrates a rigorous academic curriculum with an industry-specific curriculum aligned directly to priority workforce needs established by the regional workforce board or the Department of Economic Opportunity. Career and professional academies shall be offered by public schools and school districts.” Specific mandates are in the Act, including: […] “(2) Each district school board shall develop, in collaboration with regional workforce boards, economic development agencies, and postsecondary institutions approved to operate in the state, a strategic 3-year plan to address and meet local and regional workforce demands.[…] (3) The strategic 3-year plan developed jointly by the local school district, regional workforce boards, economic devel-opment agencies, and state-approved postsecondary institutions shall be constructed and based on: Strategies to develop and implement career academies or career-themed

Are we all, in some way, accountable for connecting employer needs to the job seeker?

How do we demonstrate that Talent is the lifeblood of the economy to our Regional peers?

In some sectors, there was a significant talent exit during the Great Recession – What do we need to do to recover and ensure we are prepared for future changes?

How do we use a diverse set of venues and communications tools to connect with each other for common agenda items?

How much impact are regulations causing in our workforce delivery system when the ability to change and anticipate new opportunities matter most – Is the workforce delivery system too restrictive to meet the changing needs of industry?

What are the realities v. mythologies when it comes to the assumed brain drain from the region?

How do we inform students, families, adult career-builders, and career-changers about the real career opportunities in the region; and what approaches are needed to reach a very diverse market?

Are we building pipeline projects and communications with the right audience in-mind, with special consideration to the 18-25 year-old demographic?

As an enterprise with a role and a responsibility to convene, is this an area we can sink our teeth into?

How do we build confidence with the leaders of businesses of all sizes in all sectors that sharing their current and outlook data on talent will be worth the time and resources?

What considerations must we keep-in mind as we confront the fact that talent migrates with opportunity and distress, and the marketplace for skills is more and more global?

Are the supply side thinkers working as closely together as they can on a regional platform; and are we isolating research, dollars, sharing, leveraging, and duplicating programs unnecessarily?

Are we underestimating our talent strengths and ability to collaborate for improvement – What are the benchmarks that matter most?

Are we confident in our ability to identify, use and interpret, and market measures of regional success in talent?3

How do we land on common metrics and goals as a group of regional leaders?

courses based on those careers determined to be high-wage, high-skill, and high-de-mand.” Florida Career and Professional Education Act, F.S. 1003.493 (1)(a), F.S. 1003.491 (2)-(3). Retrieved 14 Apr. 2014. Web. <>.

3 Participants were asked to rate themselves during the Roundtable on their understand-ing of globally-relevant measures of success for the region’s talent pipeline on a scale of 1 (no understanding) to 5 (expert understanding) and the average score from both sessions was 2.5. This supports the general Roundtable call for learning and alignment across disciplines and sectors on metrics pipeline performance.

III. Problem Statements and QuestionsThe following questions were developed to represent the repeated concerns of all participants and draw, from many pages of feedback, a long list of areas for potential regional action.

Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness: Accessing Opportunities to Advance an Outstanding Talent Pipeline in Central Florida

Prepared by Fairfield Index, Inc.4


4 3.25 is the Averaged Respondent Ranking on a scale of 1-5 for the question “How do you think our talent pipeline shapes up for current employers and industries? (1 = Unable to Deliver, 5 = Perfectly Calibrated to the Current Needs of Business)”

Fairfield Index, Inc. Phone Interviews of Central Florida Partnership Talent Competitiveness Roundtable Invitees. Florida. 17 Mar. - 1 Apr. 2014. Unpublished Survey

5 3.13 is the Averaged Respondent Ranking on a scale of 1-5 for the question “How do you think our talent pipeline shapes up for future employers and industries? (1 = Unable to Deliver, 5 = Perfectly Calibrated to the Future Needs of Business)”

Fairfield Index, Inc. Phone Interviews of Central Florida Partnership Talent Competitiveness Roundtable Invitees. Florida. 17 Mar. - 1 Apr. 2014. Unpublished Survey.

6 Economic development professionals shared the target industries for their respective markets across the region, demonstrating powerful overlap of targets. Generally speaking and noting differences in nomenclature, target focus shared by more than one economic development organization include attention to: life sciences/healthcare; infotech/IT/film and digital media; aviation & aerospace; homeland security & defense; financial & professional services;  manufacturing; and logistics/freight/distribution. Because of the significant overlap of targets, Central Florida has a strong alignment with state-level targets set out through Enterprise Florida, Inc. Participants were interested in the movement of talent across the region to access jobs, and the impact of infrastructure improve-ments on talents’ ability to move about and beyond the seven-county area for employment opportunities.

5. The business is not necessarily engaging in the pipeline process at the levels and frequencies that help the region compete – Business confidence is required in order to gather demand data; Business success stories and satisfaction with the pipeline are needed to build regional reputation and support the organizations charged with marketing the region’s strengths

6. The talent side is not necessarily getting the information needed to make decisions about skills, education paths, certification, and wealth-creating opportunities – Job seeker and future job seeker education and confidence is required to develop career pathways

7. Regional leaders and enterprises should be educated on and tied to globally relevant measures of success for talent

8. The focused provision of outstanding, ready talent to the region’s target industries is the best proof of a high-performing talent pipeline6

1. Working at a seven-county region level is necessary to improve and measure the Central Florida talent pipeline

2. The outlook for the Central Florida economy is promising if not super-heated, but failure to develop a high-performance, nimble pipeline risks a potential slow-down in job creation or stop sign for industry growth and diversification

3. Participant leaders are concerned that the ability of the current regional talent pipeline to meet the needs of business/employers is average or mediocre4

4. The ability of the regional talent pipeline to meet the needs of business/employers in the future is also average or mediocre5

IV. Categories of WorkParticipants agreed that the problem statements and questions appear to fall into four categories of work:

1. Demand Side: Business Engagement and Confidence in Providing Outlooks; and Articulating Credible Industry/Employer Successes and Satisfaction with the Pipeline’s Performance Over Time

2. Communications to and Engagement with Current and Future Talent3. Supplier Behaviors, Curricula, Investment and Teamwork 4. Globally-relevant Measures of Success

V. Key Assumptions

Participants made eight key assumptions about the talent pipeline, which could lead to shared agendas, leveraging of investments, shared measures, leaps in regional reputation, and engaged and satisfied employers:

Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness: Accessing Opportunities to Advance an Outstanding Talent Pipeline in Central Florida

Prepared by Fairfield Index, Inc.5

Attachment A: Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness Agenda for Meetings 1 and 2

“Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness” Meetings 1 and 2 March 28, 2014 • 11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Building • 75 South Ivanhoe Blvd • Orlando, Florida 32802

• Welcome The Purpose and Timing of a Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness Jacob Stuart, President and CEO of the Central Florida Partnership

• A New Consensus on Regional Priorities and Talent Don Upton, Chair and Special Projects Officer, Fairfield Index, Inc.

• Introductions and Opening Questions on Common Interests and Concerns Don Upton, Roundtable Participants

• Anticipating Outcomes and Outlining Roundtable Notes Don Upton

• Resources, Budgets, Missions, and Projects Roundtable Participants, Don Upton

• Shared Successes and Globally Relevant Measures of Success Roundtable Participants, Don Upton

• Opportunity Assessment and Data Requests Roundtable Participants, Don Upton

• Next Steps and Outline of Roundtable Notes Roundtable Participants, Don Upton

• Additional Conversations and Adjourn Jacob Stuart

Accessing Opportunities to Advance an Outstanding Talent Pipeline in Central Florida


Attachment B: Definitions

Roundtable on Talent Competitiveness: Accessing Opportunities to Advance an Outstanding Talent Pipeline in Central Florida

Prepared by Fairfield Index, Inc.6


Talent Supply Chain is a system of resources and infrastructure that prepare people on a life long basis to advance the needs to enterprises of all scales, sizes and sectors. Like other Supply Chains, excellence is achieved through customer satisfaction, on-time delivery, reliability, foresight and seamless coordination and process improvement among and between all participants in the chain.

Florida Talent Supply Chain. “Connecting to and Drawing from Florida’s Talent Supply Chain in the Future.” 2012.

Demand-driven, in workforce systems, represents the dominant measurer, influencer and driver (talent requirements and outlooks of employer businesses) of the policies, behaviors, products and programs of service providers in the talent supply chain. Demand-Driven requires strength in business intelligence, communications and occupational and skills data. It customarily requires performance and customer satisfaction indexing to align programs with employer needs.

CareerSource Florida, formerly Workforce Florida, Inc. Operating Plan Glossary. 2010.

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