rotary club of somerton park bulletin 25/08/2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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  • 1Rotary Club of Somerton Park Inc. | Chartered 7 April 1988

    1 SeptemberBecause of the absence of many members at thistime of year, it was thought unfair to invite aguest speaker to present in front of 12 or so mem-bers. Instead, a few of our members will be askedto talk about their lives or events that have oc-curred to them.8 SeptemberOur meeting on 8 September will be Club Assem-bly. This is the first one for this Rotary year andfollows the Board meeting of 2 September.

    Coming Meetings1 and 8 September

    Club Bulletin1 September and 8 September 2015


    1385 and 1386

    Presidents ParagraphsWith a large number ofmembers away, we did notconduct the scheduledCommittee Meetings butinstead enjoyed some fel-lowship between mem-bers.If you have any topics youwould like raised at the

    next Board meeting, please contact your commit-tee chairman to raise on your behalf. We are stillcommitted to St Peters Woodlands Fathers DayBreakfast on Friday 4 September followed by afundraising Bunnings BBQ the following week.I am constantly receiving feedback from theClubs and Groups selling our raffle tickets andthey are all very appreciative of our help. Pleaseremember that ticket sales by our members goestowards paying for prizes and hopefully there willbe a surplus from these sales.Last week I was interviewed on radio on behalf ofthe Blind Sporting Council and it was highlightedthe good work that Rotary does in our commu-nity.We all wish Mark best wishes for his last week asan Anglican vicar and were also pleasantly sur-prised to learn that Kevin has also joined the re-tired contingent.Congratulations to you both and hope that youboth enjoy a long and fulfilling retirement.


    Rotary Shed

    Our lease of the Rotary shed from Holdfast BayCouncil is getting closer to fulfilment and should befinalised soon.Some work needs to be done, particularly in clean-ing the roof gutters of the build up of pine needlesand also to ensure separation of our equipment andBBQ consumables from those of District.We have taken responsibility for the electric powerconnection and will begin the task of moving ourequipment once the lease papers have been signed.Insurance responsibilities will be sorted out as well.We will have a club meeting there once its in ourhands and at this stage, please note in your diarythat a club meeting at the shed is scheduled forTuesday 27 November.

  • 2Broadcast on 1197AM RPH Adelaide each Tuesday7.30-8.00 pm. From each Wednesday the broad-cast program can be heard on-line

    September 20151 September Dr Philip Griffin (Flinders Medical

    Centre)A Sugical Project in Bhutan.

    8 September PDG Alun Hughes (RC Salisbury)Rotary Oceania Medical Aid forcamp Children . (ROMAC)

    The Voice of Rotary

    2 Sept. Board meeting4 Sept. St Peters Woodlands Breakfast5/6 Sept. Harvey Norman BBQ21 Oct. Board meeting10 April 16 President Elects Training (PETS)15 May 16 District Assembly

    Club Diary Dates 2015

    Rotary Club of Somerton Park Inc. | Chartered 7 April 1988Club Bulletin

    1 September and 8 September 2015

    Previous MeetingsWe had a busy meeting on 18 August when a numberof members and directors took time to announce mat-ters of club and personal interest.Fundraising director Jim advised that $550 had beenraised at the Bunnings BBQ on the previous Friday.John Yard spoke of his attending a meeting of inter-ested parties including Federal and State politiciansregarding the wild dog problem in rural areas. Manypastoralists are deeply concerned about stock lossescaused by dog attacks and would welcome any assis-tance that can be arranged.Don Overall spoke on the 100th anniversary of thedeath of an uncle while he was serving in the AIF dur-ing World War 1. He died of complications after con-tracting measles at Puckapunyal army camp in Victo-ria aged 21 years. No antibiotics in those days.Linda announced that she would be away over thenext 4 weeks and is planning on spending some timein Belgium with our exchange student of 2 years ago,Pauline Decroix.Rosalien spoke proudly of her son Jarred, who re-ceived an award for his work in the building and con-struction industry.Frank announced that he would be away for the next11 weeks and will be going to some of the games dur-ing the Rugby World Cup in UK.Finally, our guest speaker, Gerry Greenway, a Rotarianfrom the RC of Hyde Park, recounted many humorousanecdotes which put us all in the mood for a happyday ahead.Our meeting on 25 August was scheduled for Commit-tee meetings but with so many members away, thesewere postponed to a later date. Instead, a chit chatfellowship morning resulted.Peter Thompson related a story of a house auction forwhich he was agent. The house was in a run down con-dition but had attracted interest from 29 registeredbidders. The first bid was the reserve price and after

    two more bids the next one jumped by $70k andso ended the auction.We were saddened to hear of the death of JimParkins mother during the past week.Bill Rawlins stated that he had met former mem-ber Chris Worthley while he was travelling recentlyin North Queensland.Mark Thomas advised that this Sunday, he will bepreaching his last sermon at Clarence Gardens.Bit of a surprise to hear that Kevin Tumes is takingretirement soon as well.

  • 3With a circulation of over 39 000 (the number of Ro-tarians in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific),but realistically an unknown readership, our monthlymagazine Rotary Down Under is mailed to each andevery one of us.The idea of having to compulsorily subscribe to anapproved Rotary publication as part of our annualsubscription is an imposition to some members who

    receive but do not read their magazine.As an individual Rotarian, it is not in my power to at-tack or defend the compulsory nature of this sub-scription but I would like to say that there is somegood material in all issues of RDU.The style of RDU has changed in recent years and isnow much more reader friendly. The quality of ourmagazine is controlled largely by the quality of contri-butions from Rotarians and others, so if you havesomething worthwhile to say, use your magazine tosay it.Club membership has always been a major issuewith most clubs, both in recruiting new members andretaining current members.In the August 2015 edition of RDU on pages 10 and11, some contributions regarding bridging the gapbetween old and new, present thoughts on this verymatter.New members should be made to feel welcome andinvolved and to be allowed to use their particularskills as widely as possible.Mark Huddleston, RC Edwardstown and Chairman ofthe District 9520 Membership Committee is a regu-lar contributor to RDU and encourages all clubs to gobeyond just weekly meetings and to have ongoingservice and fundraising projects at which new andprospective members can see what we do and beable to interact with members which forges initialfriendships.Other articles in the August 2015 RDU such as onpages 36 and 37 put another perspective on mem-bership retention, in particular such as engaging newmembers in a less formal manner than used to bethe case. I dont think that the fireside chat ap-proach would work with many members of our club.Too much like back to school as one contributor putit.

    Rotary Club of Somerton Park Inc. | Chartered 7 April 1988Club Bulletin

    1 September and 8 September 2015

    Annual Subscription ReminderClub Treasurer Brenton advises that club subscrip-tions for the year ending 30 June 2016 is $200 permember. This amount can be paid by chewue, cashor direct credit in total now, or $100 now and $100in January 2016.Cheque and cash payments can be forwarded toBrenton, or, if paying directly into the clubs bankaccount, the following details will be required:Name of Account: Rotary Club of Somerton ParkService Account, BSB 085 333Account Number: 205083444Please use a notation of your name and that thepayment is for your subs. It would be helpful if youcould email Brenton at brenton.aird@gmail.comadvising that the direct credit has been made.

    Fellowship and Social Director Bronwyn is organizinga fellowship/drinks happy hour at the Glenelg Foot-ball Club on Friday 4 September commencing at6pm. Dinner afterwards is on the agenda so pleasethink about that and please let Bronwyn know soon ifyou are interested.

    Club Fellowship

    Rotary Down Under

  • 4The Four Way TestOf The Things We Think, Say or Do:

    Is it the TRUTH?Is it FAIR to all Concerned?

    Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

    The Four Way TestOf The Things We Think, Say or Do:

    The Four Way TestOf The Things We Think, Say or Do:

    Is it the TRUTH?Is it FAIR to all Concerned?

    Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

    Is it the TRUTH?Is it FAIR to all Concerned?

    President Michael GarlandSecretary Barb HumphriesTreasurer Brenton AirdPresident Elect Mark ThomasPast President Brenley MilsomCommunity Service Malcolm AxfordInternational Service Pam MaxwellMembership Jim StevensFellowship Bronwyn LambertFundraising Jim ParkinsYouth Programs Brenley MilsomSergeants Brenton Aird and

    Rosalien van Loon

    Board of Directors

    Date 1 September

    Speaker/Activity Member Profiles


    Chairman Brenley Milsom

    Door Ladies

    Setup Men

    8 September

    Club Assembly

    Mark Thomas



    Meeting 1385 Meeting 1386

    Meeting Program

    Club Meetingand Contact Details


    Adelaide International Motel521 Anzac Highway

    Glenelg NorthClub Contact Details:

    PO Box 134Glenelg SA 5045

    Secretary Barb HumphriesEmail:

    Club email:

    Speakers Coordinator:Peter Thompson 0438949544Bulletin Editor: Don Overall 8295 4658Website & Facebook Page Administrator:Brenley Milsom:

    Rotary Club of Somerton Park Inc. | Chartered 7 April 1988Club Bulletin

    1 September and 8 September 2015


    Is it FAIR to all concerned?Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIEND-

    SHIPS?Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

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