room10 skool2

Post on 26-May-2015






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Welcome to Second Grade

from Room 10

You’ll get three recesses except on Wednesday. Meghan

You’ll get to go to Mount Pisgah with other second grade kids. You’ll have a classroom job. You’ll get a classroom pet named Sneakers in Ms. Paulish’s class. And you will get to bring webkinz in Ms. Paulish’s class. You’ll get to go on the computer in Ms. Paulish’s classroom. By Emily

We do jobs like calendar cleaner and we put up dots for each day in school. Adrianna

In second grade you will get to watch a 3rd grade play. Alex

We get to do the mystery box.Alec

You will get to do a lot of cursive and Miss Paulish is nice to you and you will get to go on field trips. And in the classroom you will get to have outside picnics if you earn it and you will get to go the creek. Sanjuanita

We get to go on the imacs. We have p.e. twice a week! We have a class pet! His name is Sneakers! We write about dinosaurs. (if you’re not in room 15) We have a t.v. You will be elated!!! Ryan

We have p.e twice a week. Kai

You’ll get to do reading Workshop games like Look-Alikes and Squiggles.


Second grade is fun because we get to play around the world and pig. We get three recesses and handwriting books. We have morning messages every morning. We have calendar and we have workshop. Jessica

You’ll get extra recess. Renee.

In second grade you get to see Dave the Mega Rockstar play his electric guitar. And you get to bring webkinz if your in Mrs.Paulish’s class!! By Noah

We get to do grandma letters and get grandma letters back. REBECCA

We get to go to mount pisgah and we got to see types of animals. And in a little bug in side.

You’ll get to play around the world. Maleah

We do grandma letters. Jake

Inside recess you get to do certain games and non certain games. By Haley.

You can bring webkinz to school. You get to use the labtops.


We do calendar at the rug. Dawson

Type your writing here

We get to make birds.Gehrig

This is my explode the code book 6. Jake. M

See You at the Start of School!

September, 2008

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