rome through the ages

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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It is about how Rome changed over the years!


Rome Through the Ages

By: Karan Chawla and Adnan Syed


Rome is one of the most altering places ever. It changed a long time ago and it’s still changing now. It’s changed the people in the government, and they’ve changes they’re leaders many times. People also change the way they get to work everyday, one day they may take the bus and the next, their car. These are just some of the many changes that happen in Rome everyday.


Trade in Rome was a part of everyday life. Some very important people got chosen by the emperor to trade something very valuable if they succeeded, then the emperor would pay them handsomely! There were two different ways you can trade, by land or sea. If you go by sea then you most likely will go on the Mediterranean Sea or the Black Sea. If you go by land you would go on the Appian Way. Some common items that got traded are corn and olives.


Transportation in Rome was and is still like the modes of transportation we use today. In ancient times, the Roman army built highways and roads. They walked as their mode of transportation. Rich people in ancient times would ride on horses like they used to do in America. Emperors rode in carriages and on champion horses. Now, they have buses, cars, and trains like we do!

Hadrian’s Wall

Hadrian’s Wall was built by the Roman army on orders of emperor Hadrian. They built it to keep out the Picts. The Picts were ruthless in what they did and didn’t car for anyone or anything that got in their way. The wall was made in the year 122! It is one of the most remarkable pieces of engineering ever. It is 117 kilometers long, 3 meters wide, and 6 meters high. Two soldiers stood side by side as guards and lookouts. It could accommodate between 500 and 1,000 soldiers. It has a hospital, granary, barracks, workshop, and a washroom in it. The Picts destroyed it 3 times, but the Romans re-built every time better and better.


Most of the education Romans received, was associated with literature, or math. Education was very important to Romans. Only boys were allowed to go to school, while the girls stayed home and helped their moms. There were two types of school, for different ages. One was from when you started to the age 11 or 12, the other was 12 and up! Kids wrote with mixtures of various items, some include gum and soot. They wrote on a wax tablet with a stylus!

Wax Tablet


In the Ancient days of Rome, Rome was ruled by a king. A little while after that, it became a Communist government which meant that no one was better than the other. There were two people called Consuls which advised the Senate and made some of the rules. The Senate was made up of 600 seats. The Prime Minister of Italy heads the majority party. The Senate now has 315 now. The current President of Italy is Giorgio Napolitano. Italy has an upper-legislative Senate. 11 Senators are elected for life, the others are Senators for only 5 years. That is the same rule for Deputies!!!

Giorgio Napolitano


Ancient and modern technology relied a lot on engineering. Ancient technology was mainly building baths. Some important parts of the engineering included furnace/hypocaust system, and water pipes! Modern technology is a lot like the people’s in America. Some of these include: cell phones, subways, and trains!!! There are a lot more cell phones in Italy than telephone lines in Rome!!!


People in Ancient Rome worshipped a lot of gods! Jupiter was the ruler of all the gods and ruler of Rome. They made sacrifices/offerings to and for the gods. Also, they adopted other gods from other people and religions like the Egyptians! In modern Rome, most people are Roman-Catholic. People are finding different ways to worship gods. Some of these ways are: going to Catholic churches, Pilgrimages, informal gatherings, and praying at shrines! Most people don’t participate in religious ceremonies and use these alternate ways to worship.

A cow, a common sacrifice


Ancient Rome has had a lot of different leaders! Some of these early magnificent Roman leaders include Julius Octavius, Tiberius Claudius Nero, Gaius Caesar, and Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus! These leaders impacted Rome in a very powerful way. Each of them impacted Rome in their own different and unique way!!!

Gaius Julius Octavius

ConclusionsThe Romans had a very fair government, the Senate has a lot of seats, so they can make decisions that are the best for the country and city. They even had people to protect poor people’s rights!

Roman literature has advanced a lot, they used to give good education to rich families. Now, the education is fair and the Romans have more knowledge and more to teach!

Roman technology advanced a lot over time, and that is very good! It is good because if they were still writing on wax tablets or something like that, then they couldn’t really call other family members and would be isolated from society!!!


Global Awareness

• In most countries, rulers were selfish, which wasn't very fair to the people living there. It also wouldn't be very fair to everybody else in the world if there leader(s)/ruler(s) were all selfish or unfair.

• Rome relied on France and Spain to buy/trade their supplies/aid. Spain and France relied on Rome for food like; corn, beef, and olives, which is an example of how countries rely on each other to survive.


    Metha-Jones Shilpa. Life in Ancient Rome. New York: Crabtree Publishing Company. 2005.

        James, Simon. Ancient Rome. New York: D.K. Publishing. 2004. 

Images   Coune, Dr. Patricia. "Hadrian's Wall." 2005. May 5, 2009.


          TEFL International. "Rome Italy." May 5, 2009.

<>.          Paperless Undergrad. "Wax Tablet." May 5, 2009.


Bibliography Continued

 Images     "Tiberius Cladius Drusus Nero Germanicus." 10 B.C. May 5, 2009.>

      British Museum. "Tiberius Cladius Nero." May 2,

2009. <>             Boston Museum. "Gaius Julius Octavius." My 2,

2009. <> 

      British Museum. "Gaius Ceasar." May 2, 2009.


Bibliography ContinuedEncyclopedia

      White Kenneth, John. "Rome." World Book Q-R - 16. 2006.      

Websites“The Early Emperors.” March 21, 2009. <>.  “Gaius Julius Octavius Augustus.” March 21, 2009.


 "Italy." Culture Grams. 2008. Proquest. May 2, 2009. <


Bibliography Continued Websites

Trueman, Chris. "Ancient Rome and Trade." April 24, 2009.<>

 Trueman, Chris. "Roman Baths." April 25, 2009.<http://>  Trueman, Chris. "Roman Roads." April 23, 2009.<http://> Fisher, Grant-Harlan Beth, Cheri. "Roles of men, women, and children in Ancient

Rome." May 1, 2009. <>


Bibliography ContinuedWebsites

 Trueman, Chris. "How was Rome governed." April 25, 2009.< was_rome_governed.htm.>

  Trueman, Chris. "Roman Education." April 25, 2009.<http://>  Trueman, Chris. "Hadrian's Wall." April 27, 2009.<>

"Italy." Culture Grams. 2009. Proquest. April 28, 2009. <>


Bibliography Continued

Websites  "Italy." Culture Grams. 2009. Proquest. May 2, 2009. <>

 "Italy." Culture Grams. 2009. Proquest. May 2, 2009.

Special Thanks to Clip Art!!!

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