richmond hug meet-up 12/2/2015: enhancing social media publishing

Post on 19-Feb-2017






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Enhancing Social Media Publishing


#RVAHUG Updates

• Welcome! Thanks for coming!

• Our next HUG will be March 2nd at Whittington Consulting from 4:30-6:30

• Feel free to live tweet about this meet-up using the hashtag #RVAHUG (and

follow us at @HUGRichmond!)

• Have you seen our new and improved website? – It’s

Define S.M.A.R.T Goals1

Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,

and timely.

2Record goals

Recording Goals

• Write down your social media

publishing goals so you are held

more accountable for them

• Share your goals with the rest of

your team

• Align your goals with the rest of

the company

Social media goals should be aligned with larger company goals.

Links to

Grow customer base by attaining more qualified leads

Links toConsideration

stage Facebook Post

“Ways to Cure a Headache” blog


eBook about medical

solutions for headaches

Company: “Jeff’s

Headache Remover”


Consider the Buyer’s Journey3

Content for Each Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

• Awareness: Infographic on 5 Reasons You Get Headaches

Throughout the Day.

• Consideration: eBook on How Hydrating Yourself

Consistently Prevents Headaches.

• Decision: White paper on The Reasons why Sally’s Super

Water Hydrates you Better Than Other Water.

Set your publishing times 4

Timing is Based on Your Audience

• Don’t forget that every business

is different and the timing of

your posts is based on your


• Don’t be afraid to test different

times of day to see what works


5 Think Outside the Box

Repurpose Content with Different Messaging

• Awareness: “Wonder why you get headaches in the

afternoon? Find out more here: (link to blog post)”

• Consideration: “Dehydration is an overlooked but

common reason for headaches. Learn the benefits of

drinking more water: (link to blog post).”

• Decision: “Find out why Sally’s Super Water hydrates the

body more effectively than any other water on the market:

(link to Landing Page with eBook)”

Tips for Executing Your Plan

• Research hashtags using websites like to make

sure you’re reaching as many people as possible

• Connect the LinkedIn accounts of your sales team to HubSpot to

share content through their channel

• Schedule through HubSpot (or another social scheduling tool) to

help optimize the times of publishing and make sure to fill in any

holes in your schedule

• Attach campaign names to your content so you can measure

which topics are performing best on social media

• When you have new content to publish, schedule 3-4 posts per

channel using different variations of phrasing (i.e. post title,

quote from the post, a question that the post answers)

Analyze Results6

Did you reach your goals? If so, how do you set the bar higher next time? If not,

what steps can you improve on?

Refine, Rinse, and Repeat 7

Analyze piece by piece your social media efforts –

conversion rates, content traffic, engagement. When social media and company

goals are aligned, each piece relies on the success

of the other.

Q&A - Group Discussion

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