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5 Editorial 6 Cover

10 In the aim

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President Kamila Torres

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Kamila Torres

General editorKamila Torres

Writing bossKamila Torres

Production directorKamila Torres

Web Site

A battle field between the

health and the vanity

Kamila Angelica Torres Roncancio

We live in a society that every time gives to him but importance to the superficial thing, to the vanity, to the consumerism to that incites the means, while selling us a prototype of thin figure, making him see as perfect. The woman’s figure every time you come out but banalizada, used with the ends of the consumption for products that leave to the market, its body is now object of visual consumption and imponencia of a prototype of beauty, an aesthetic rehearsal that becomes an imponencia, “if you are thin that you are beautiful”, the being no longer taking the delicate and only value that has the feminine body. It is as if we didn’t want to accept that the reality is a mixture of beauty and ugliness, of suffering and happiness. One can think that the means force us to that enter in a bubble to ignore the unpleasant thing. For example, the age. Me not you in that moment the old men stopped to be synonymous of wisdom to become the invisible beings. As it is that now satanizamos the fact of not having a body like the one that paints us the society; the purpose of this magazine is to try to open the mind and to demonstrate to the readers that the manipulation of the means influences a lot in the self-esteem that one has; topics were approached like you disorder them nutritious, in those that was explained, they were spoken of certain cases of the real life, speaking of the risks, the beginnings of certain cases, other options, as we can compare ourselves, the fact of looking at cases of famous, for those that perhaps are influenced, people’s testimonies that have recovered and the conclusion.t is important if you know someone and think they may be bulimic or anorexic, that you notify someone immediately. Treatment and therapy are necessary. Being bulimic or anorexic is not something that will fix itself. It is a disorder that is most likely affecting your loved one physically, emotionally and mentally.

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Battlefield Health Vs Vanity

Is possible that at the moment the vanity is causing of so many deteriorations in the health?, are the vanity and the health at the moment in a battle field where what it cares is what sells, that that “does it stand out”, is it worth but what the society thinks of you that that that your you feel, is a clear example the aesthetic surgeries and do you disorder them nutritious caused by the desire of it turns well before the other ones; if we look behind some years, the body was conceived as a temple, for this reason it should not be “adorned” with something that affected its integrity, the body of the women it was a representation in if same of the beauty, the femenidad, the fineness, fragility, fondness, and so many sublime epithets that could be, but now the image of the woman’s body has become object of consumption of the publicity, it is used as a tool to attract the consumer, if in a product the image of a naked woman, the product appears it attracts but. There is you satanizado to such a point the concept of “volume” and “I weigh” that now is considered not very

aesthetic a body that has a level of volume and high weight, “if you are fat, you won’t be popu-lar”; every time but the means sell us the prototype of perfect body, women of high stature, blond, thin, full with plastic surgeries, and he/she makes us assimilate that they are the only ones able to triumph in the means, them those that

have p a p a r a z i s thousands behind and they are envied by hundred of women. The plastic surgeries are every time but in fashion, and we feel proud for the beauty of our wives, made to scalpel tip, en-dless hours of gym, diets and prohibitions (you don’t eat this

because you put on weight). the gangplanks of the big eli-tes of the fashion are another influence beginning, extre-mely thin women, with heels that make that they walk in the tip of the feet, the objecti-ve is to show to the I publish what is the “fashion” and what you have to make to be “up to date”, to stand out and to

be popular in the society, to stand out for what you wear and not for what you are. The fact of being fed has transformed for many

women into a mathemati-cal operation, calculating how

many calories has each food, controlling its weight and the quantity of exercise that you/

they make increasing.

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by fre-

quent episodes of bin-ge eating, followed by frantic efforts to avoid gaining weight.

When you’re struggling with bulimia, life is a constant battle between the desire to lose weight or stay thin and the overwhel-ming compulsion to binge eat.

You don’t want to binge—you know you’ll feel guilty and

ashamed afterwards—but time and again you give in. During an average binge, you may consume from 3,000 to 5,000 calories in one short hour.

After it ends, panic sets in and you turn to drastic measures to “undo” the binge, such as taking ex-lax, inducing vomiting, or going for a ten-mile run. And all the while, you feel increasingly out of control.

It’s important to note that bulimia doesn’t necessarily involve purging—physically eliminating the food from your body by throwing up or using laxatives, enemas, or diuretics. If you make up for your binges by fasting, exercising to excess, or going on crash diets, this also qualifies as bulimia.

Dieting triggers bulimia’s destructive cycle of binging and purging. The irony is that the more strict and rigid the diet, the more likely it is that you’ll become preoccupied, even obsessed, with food. When you starve yourself, your body responds with powerful cravings—its way of asking for needed nutrition.

As the tension, hunger, and feelings of deprivation build, the compulsion to eat becomes too powerful to resist: a “forbidden” food is eaten; a dietary rule is broken. With an all-or-nothing mindset, you feel any diet slip-up is a total failure. After having a bite of ice cream, you might

think, “I’ve already blown It, so I might as well go all out.”

Unfortunately, the relief that binging brings is extremely short-lived. Soon after, guilt and self-loathing set in. And so you purge to make up for binging and regain control.

Unfortunately, purging only reinforces binge eating. Though you may tell yourself, as you launch into a new diet, that this is the last time, in the back of your mind there’s a voice telling you that you can always throw up or use laxatives if you lose control again. What you may not realize is that purging doesn’t come close to wiping the slate clean after a binge.

Binge eating s i g n s and symptomsLack of control over eating – Inability to stop eating. Eating until the point of physical discomfort and pain.Secrecy surrounding eating – Going to the kitchen after everyone else has gone to bed. Going out alone on unexpected food runs. Wanting to eat in privacy.Eating unusually large

amounts of food with no obvious change in weight.

Disappearance of food, numerous empty wrappers or food containers in the garbage, or hidden stashes

of junk food.

Alternating between overeating and fasting – Rarely eats normal meals. It’s all-or-nothing when it comes to food.

Binge eating signs and symptomsLack of control over eating – Inability to stop eating. Eating until the point of physical discomfort and pain.S e c r e c y s u r r o u n d i n g eating – Going to the kitchen after everyone else has

gone to bed. Going out alone on unexpected food runs. Wanting to eat in privacy.Eating unusually large amounts of food with no obvious change in weight.Disappearance of food, numerous empty wrappers or food containers in the garbage, or hidden stashes of junk food.nothing when it comes to food.

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The anorexy in the gangplanks

Woman’s prototype imposed by the gangplanks, incites the women to be every time but thin, to shine as the models, what bears to you disorder nutritious.

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Factors that affect the environment

1. The contamination of the air, those

you dilute, the floor, the flora, the fauna

or other basic components of the atmosphere.

2. the erosion,

salinización, alkalinization, pestización,

flood, sedimentation and desertificación of

floors and lands.

3. the pruning or destruction

unjustified or indiscriminate

of trees or bushes; those forest fires; you touch

them to fire not practiced under the

it forms of you burn controlled;

and the extractive exploitation of

forests, prairies of algae or other vegetable formations. 4. the sobrecultivo, the one

monocultivo in areas inappropriate, the

sobrepastoreo, the irrigable one faulty of

those floors and, in general, any cultural practice of the one

that noxious effects can be

continued for the basic components

of the atmosphere. 5. the expansion desaprensiva

of the agricultural frontiers to


of floors with forest vocation.

6. The alteration of those condition natural of

sedimentation in courses, masses

or deposits of water. 7. the noxious alterations of

the one natural flow of the waters.

8. the noxious changes and the undue use of the channel or

bottom of the waters. 9. the sobreexplotación of the wild flora and their gathering

beyond the limits of its sustainable natural

regeneration. 10. The sobreexplotación of

the wild fauna, their slaughter and

its it captures beyond

the limits of their natural

regeneration sustainable.

11. The elimination, destruction or degradation of the habitat of the entities taxonómicas florísticas or faunísticas considered in

I am in danger, vulnerable,

strange or insufficiently well-known.

12. The massive application or indiscriminate of plaguicidas

or of fertilizers.

13. The introduction or distribution of varieties

vegetables or exotic animals. 14. The introduction or

propagation of illnesses or you plague vegetables or

animals. 15. The use of products

or substances of very slow biodegradation.

16. The accumulation or inadequate disposition of

residuals, garbages, waste or waste.

17. The production of noises, vibrations or vibrations

annoying or noxious. 18. The modification of those

elements or factors that determine the climate. 19. The destruction or

alteration unnecessary or unsightly of

the one landscape.

20. The establishment of human establishments

and the realization of

activities industrial or mining in

wild areas placed under

official protection. 21. The use and abuse of

materials fissionable.

22. In general, any

act or omission that it alters

negatively the composition,

behavior or natural potentiality of those basic components of the one

set; threaten the viability genetics of the earth or I

attempted against the life, health,

integrity or I develop of the man or

of the vegetables or animals.

Laura Becerra - “Green in

action” Magazine

After evaluation of the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity consumption it can be stated that the business activities of the Group can be categorized as “low to medium carbon intensive”.

In spite of this favorable starting point, Recticel

perseveres in trying to eliminate any

e n v i r o n m e n t a l impact or keep it to an absolute m i n i m u m .

The Group thus focuses its search on production processes which manage natural

r e s o u r c e s a n d e n e r g y m o r e

efficiently. The reduction

of waste and carbon dioxide emissions is also

high up on the agenda.

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The 10 technologies “green” that can help to preserve the


For the year 2025 the world population is increased in 2.9 trillion people, for the year 2030 60% will be required but of energy that at the present time. These are the 10 technologies “green” that can help to preserve the environment..

8 using plants and microbes to clean the contamination New recovery technologies are developing with the objective of to remove pollutants of the atmosphere and to restore the quality of the ecosystems. These technologies include bio-remediación (using microbes for descontaminar places), fito-remediación (using plants for descontaminar places), and natural attenuation (allowing that the environment cleans to if same with the time).

7 planting in the roof It is astonishing that this concept attributed to the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the 7 marvels of the world, was not successful in the modern world. The legend says that the roofs, the balconies, and the terraces of the real palace of Babylon were transformed into orchards by the king’s order to give him spirits one of their wives. The roof gardens help to absorb the heat, they reduce the impact of dioxide of carbon absorbing the CO2 and converting it in I oxygenate, they absorb the storm water, they reduce in summer the use of conditioners of air. Finally, the technique could reduce the effect of “island of heat” that happens in urban centers.

6 implementing Waves and Tides The oceans cover more than 70 percent of the surface of the Earth. The waves are an abundant source of energy that could be directed to turbines that transform this mechanical energy in electric power. The main inconvenience is the implementation, due to the variability in the size and force of the waves. The key this in being able to store enough energy like to be able to replace these moments. In Portugal you this developing a new project that it will supply of energy to but of 1500 homes.

10 the digital press To imagine reading the tomorrow’s newspaper and then using the same leaf “of virtual paper” to read their favorite author’s last novel. This is one of the possibilities of the electronic newspaper, a flexible screen that resembles a newspaper a lot but it can be used to newspaper. The screen contains millions of microcapsulas that transport electric loads stuck by a fine steel metallic leaf. Each microcapsula has white and black particles that are associated with positive or negative loads. According to that loads it is applied, the white particles and quarter notes come out to the surface exhibiting different patterns. Alone in the United States more than

55 million newspapers are sold every working day.

9 eliminating the CO2 The dioxide of carbon is one of the gases that generates the effect hothouse and that it contributes to the global heating. Some experts say that it is impossible to repress the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere and that we have to find a solution to come undone of the gas. A proposed method is to inject it in the earth before this it can reach the atmosphere. After the CO2 is separated from other gases of the emission, it can be “buried” in abandoned wells of petroleum, stagnate saline or rocks.

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5 converting the thermal energy of the oceans The collector but big of solar energy that it is in the earth and it is the ocean. The oceans absorb every day enough energy of the sun comparable to the thermal energy contained in 250 trillion barrels of petroleum. The technologies OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) they convert the thermal energy contained in the oceans in electricity using the difference of temperature among the surface of the water, which is hot, and the cold of the bottom of the ocean. The inconvenience of this technology is that not yet it is the sufficiently efficient thing as to be used as main source of energy generation.

4 the New Ideas Lots The Energy of the sun that arrives to the earth in form of photons, can be transformed into energy

or heat. The two applications but acquaintances are the modules fotovoltáicos and the thermal collectors. The new investigations related with this technology, use mirrors and parabolic plates, to concentrate the power of the sun optimizing this way the energy absorption. It finishes it technological innovation associated to the solar energy it is the development of a Solar Painting to generate electricity.

3 the power of the Hydrogen The hydrogen is presented as the green alternative to the traditional fossil fuels, generating energy starting from an electrochemical reaction among I oxygenate and hydrogen. The main problem is that the hydrogen is not in pure state.

2 eliminating the Salt According to studies carried out by the United Nations the escaces of fresh water it will affect to people’s trillions by the middle of this century. The desalinizacion process extracts the salt and minerals of the seawater transforming it into drinkable water. The problem of this solution is its high cost, because other energy are needed to heat the water that by means of the evaporation and a later filtrate becomes drinkable water.

1 elaborating fuels of “almost any thing” Another new relatively simple technology has appeared, which can help in the transition of the use of fossil fuels. Any I waste that it contains carbon from a tire until waste of animals they can

become fuel if he/she undergoes them enough heat and pressure. This process is denominated Thermal Depolimerización and it is very similar to the one to the natural geologic process that generates fossil fuels as the petroleum. This process is characterized by its speed. Instead of requiring thousands of years and extreme conditions of heat and pressure, just as the he/she makes the production of fuel on the base of fossils, the PDT achieves the same results in hours, using a series of tanks, pipes, bombs and boilers, which can settle in the garage of the patio.

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Renewable energyThe first steps in the use of these energy were carried out toward ends of the XIX century, but the appearance of the petroleum braked that development. During the last years, due to the increment of the cost of the fossil fuels and the derived environmental problems of their exploitation, the interest has resurged in developing these energy.

The renewable energy are those whose sources are indispensable for the life and inexhaustible since they are in continuous renovation. The sources of renewable energy are the solar radiation, the wind, the movement of the waves and the tides, the difference of the water of the rivers, the heat of terrestrial underground and the energy accumulated by the alive beings (biomass).

Solar energy The solar energy is the one taken place by the solar radiation that arrives to the earth. Of her it can be obtained heat and electricity basically. It can be used in heating systems using thermal collectors and to produce electric power so

much for temperature, putting an I liquidate in boil that when generating vapor this it will put in movement the turbines that generate electricity in definitive or through photovoltaic modules that absorb the radiation a chemical reaction that generates electricity which can be stored in batteries for its later use taking place.

At the present time new technologies are developing to optimize the energy production generated by the radiation of the sun. The but recent and promising it is the nanotecnología use applied to solar cells. (to see articulates solar Painting to generate electricity) The Sun hurtles on the Earth four thousand times more energy than the one that we will consume in one year, and it influences of direct form or insinuation in the production of other energy, as the eolic one, hydraulics and biomass.

Environmental benefits - Decrease of the emissions of CO2 and in consequence reduction of the atmospheric contamination, of the effect hothouse taken place by the emissions of CO2 and of the climatic change caused by the effect hothouse.

Eolic energy It is produced indirectly by the solar energy, since the difference of temperature and atmospheric pressure that the solar radiation generates, it is what unchains the movement of the masses of air: THE WIND Environmental benefits: - “Mining doesn’t exist, that is to say there is not big movements of lands, neither haulage of silts, neither alteration of beds of water, neither contamination for particles, neither a c c u m u l a t i o n of sterile r a d i o a c t i v e . ” - “There are not metallurgy neither

transformation of fuels, or what is same, is not big energy consumptions, neither radioactive residuals, neither problems of transport, neither black tides, neither contamination of the air in the refineries, neither explosions of gas, neither aggressive chemical agents... “ - “Neither there are combustion neither coalition of fuels, what is equal to you don’t have an accident nuclear, no “poured controlled” of radioactive products, non emissions to the atmosphere of Co2 neither other gases provocative hothouses of the global climatic change, not sour pollutants, not toxic gases, absence of thermal pollution... “ - “Residuals are not generated, for what there is not escombreras that can burn also, neither radioactive residuals that will obsess until the generations that inside hundred and thousands of years will have to inhabit the planet that you/they inherit of us.” Social benefits: - “The Eolic Energy provides many but work positions for teravatio-hour taken place a year (TWh/año) that any other energy source: 542 the eolic one, have more than enough

100 of the nuclear one, 116 of the coal, etc.

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(data of the Worldwatch Institute, 1990). “ - “The impact of the Eolic Energy about the Public Health is a lot of minor that that of conventional energy sources as the nuclear one, the coal, or the petroleum whose noxious effects are well-known sobradamente.” - “The development of the Eolic Energy is compatible with other human activities due to its scarce real occupation of the land.” - “Once in operation the Power station, all possibility of alterations is excluded in the quality of the air, since polluting emissions don’t take place to the atmosphere. The only damages on this element of the natural means constitute it the mechanical and aerodynamic noises of the machine, and the generation of shades that varies annual and daily. Although it should be had it presents that the distances to that you/they are the next populated areas, and the grade of the population’s acceptance for this type of works are two important factors that minimize this class of impacts considerably.”

Hydraulic energyIt is based on taking advantage of the fall of the water from certain height, the tides and the waves. The energy caused by the movement of the water becomes kinetics when at great speed going the water by the turbines, causing a rotation movement that finally, he/she becomes electric power by means of the generators. Their potential is basically in its abundance, since fourth three parts of the surface of the Earth are covered for water, for what is a source with many resources. Benefits - Readiness: It is an inexhaustible resource, as long as as soon as the cycle of the water lasts. - “It doesn’t contaminate” (in the proportion to the traditional sources of energy). it doesn’t emit gases “hothouse” neither it causes sour rain, that is to say, it doesn’t contaminate the atmosphere, for what it is not necessary to use expensive

methods that clean the emissions of gases. - It produces work to the ambient temperature: It is not necessary to use refrigeration systems or boilers that consume energy and, in many cases, they contaminate, for what is more profitable in this aspect. - Storage of water for irrigable - He/she allows to carry out recess activities (I row, to take a bath, etc) - It Avoids floods to regulate the flow Geothermal To obtain the the energy the reservorio it is perforated as if was an oil well, and the vapor is sent by a pipe toward a generating turbine of electricity. Advantages - The geothermal reservations are enormous and they run much less risk of being drained that other energy sources. - The contamination is smaller and the production costs are smaller compared with other energy resources. Biomass It is the energy that is obtained direct or indirectly of biological resources Several types of biomass exist each one with different technology; this way, the solid biomass, like it is the wood, he/she burns or it gasifies, while the liquid biomass, like vegetable oils, it is used directly in motors or turbines, and the humid biomass can become combustion gas biologically. Advantages: - The balance of emitted CO2 is neuter. The combustion of biomass, if he/she is carried out under appropriate conditions, it produces water and CO2, but the emitted quantity of this last gas, main responsible for the effect hothouse, it was captured by the plants during their growth. That is to say, the CO2 of the alive biomass is part of a continuous circulation flow between the atmosphere and the vegetation, without it supposes increment of that gas in the

atmosphere provided that the vegetation is renewed to the same speed that demeans. - It doesn’t emit polluting sulforados or nitrogenados, neither you grieve solid particles. - A part of the biomass for energy ends comes from residual materials that it is necessary to eliminate. The energy use supposes to transform a residual into a resource. - The energy cultivations will substitute to cultivations excedentarios in the market of foods. That can offer a new opportunity to the agricultural sector. - The production of biomass is completely decentralized, based on a dispersed resource in the territory that can have great social and economic incidence in the rural world.

- It diminishes the external dependence of the supply of fuels. - The technology for its use has a good grade of technological development for many applications. - It is an important field of technological innovation. The technological answers in course are directed to optimize the energy yield of the resource, to minimize the environmental effects of the taken advantage of residuals and of the own applications, to increase the commercial competitiveness of the products and to facilitate new applications of great interest like the biocombustibles, among others.

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He observed several lines and dots tattooed on his body. The Mummy Asecond also found these same models, but also had her pubic region dotted lower. Evidence to date suggests that in ancient Egyptian art was restricted to priests.

The proof that the tattoo has always lived with the man found in 1991 in a glacier on the border between Austria and Italy. There appeared frozen Neolithic hunter was 5300 years, back and knees tattooed.

In the photo on the right you can see a second “ice man” found in Siberia, is believed dead for 2500!. It could see a tattoo on his shoulder. The latter can be visited at the museum in Moscow.

The tattoo was reintroduced into Western society

by the British expedition led by Captain Cook on his return from Tahiti in 1771. This explains the natural association that has prevailed to this day among marineros.A tattoos and tell an anecdote that Don Juan de Borbon (father of the present King of Spain) had tattooed his right forearm, a souvenir of their stay in the Navy England. And British royals returned tattooed his expeditions in the South Seas. Tattoos Papua

The association between tattoos Tattoos and crime also came here, sailors, people often shipped over long periods of time to avoid the law, was promoting this partnership.

Tattoos remained dormant until it resurfaced with the hippies in the 60 and 70, they adopted the tattoo and he was elevated to the status

of art, leaving the grounds crew and performing large very colorful designs, in keeping with the times. This brought out the tattoo of the ports and began popularizing a first tattoo.In our day these hippies are office workers, teachers and principals, but lingers on your skin of its youth brand, which has contributed the great popularization of tattooing, separating it entirely from sailors and criminals. This restructuring of the social acceptance of tattooing has now led to people increasingly feel more interest in decorating susu body.

Tattoos BorneoSe believes the tattoo process was much more elaborate than today, was a ritual for example in Egypt was carried out almost exclusively by women, a painful process that often is used to show courage or confirm the maturity in the same way that you can still observe the rituals of tribes of New Zealand. Borneo is one of the few places where it is currently practiced the traditional form of tribal tattoo. The tattoo and piercing recall the art of Bali and Java, and tattoo instruments are similar to those used in Polynesia. The Polynesian tattoo was the most artistic in the ancient world, was characterized by elaborate geometric designs, which were embellished and renewed during the lifetime of the individual to covering your entire body. According to Marco Polo in his “Travels” respect a person is measured by the number of tattoos he had.

Tattooing was also used as punishment, and individuals accused of sacrilege should be tattooed. Because of this, the Greek and Roman physicians started practicing tattoo removal. Slowly left the tattoo slaves and criminals to spread Christianity in the Roman Empire. The Emperor Constantine, first Christian emperor of Rome, issued a decree against this activity. It is believed that the negative attitude against the tattoo originated in this decree.

In North America, tattooing was associated with religious and magical practices, was a symbolic ritual and a unique brand that would allow the soul to overcome the obstacles in his way to death. The tattoo was a common practice among the natives of Central America, the natives in their bodies tattooed images of gods. Tattoo art was rediscovered by explorers. Banks, who sailed scientific artist with Captain Cook, in 1769 described the process of tattooing in Polynesia. Cook’s sailors began the tradition of tattooed sailors and this hobby quickly spread among


The art of tattooing goes back in time farther than most people think. The Egyptians already knew and practiced the art of tattooing 3000 years ago. It is known that since from the XI dynasty Egyptian practiced the art of tattooing.

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sthe sailors, who learned the art and practiced it to travel bordo.También Cook were those who described the art among the Maori Moko, a painful and elaborate process that lasted months and gave results in spiral patterns and black stripes.

Tattoos JapónAlrededor 1000 BC tattooing entry achieved through trade routes to India, China and Japan. Despite a glorious start in Japan, tattooing was reserved for those who had committed serious crimes, and tattooed individuals were ostracized by their families, and this was the worst punishment. Matsuhito Emperor, before the opening of Japan to the West decided to ban tattoos to avoid giving the impression of savagery to foreigners.

In America where it had existed for centuries, only massive echoed during the Civil War. One of the first professional tattooists was CHFellows. It is considered that the first tattoo studio was opened in 1870 in New York by Martin Hildebrandt, a German immigrant. His biggest competition was Samuel O ‘Reilly invented the tattoo machine in 1891, this machine was inspired by a machine invented by Thomas Edison. Around 1900 there were tattoo studios in most major cities. Today, is famous in the world of tattooing the name of Sailor Jerry Collins (1911-1973).

In Spain, you can start talking about tattoos and tattoo artists around the sixties and seventies.

This activity began in the port area, where tattooed sailors but also wealthy people who possessed vessel. In the late seventies and early eighties, the phenomenon spread even more, especially among the upper middle classes, with the birth of an alternative culture that considered this art as a form of extravagance.

Place in the skinThe word tattoo is said to has two major derivations- fromthe polynesian word ‘ta’ which means striking somethingand the tahitian word ‘tatau’ which means ‘to mark something’.the history of tattoo began over 5000 years ago and is asdiverse as the people who wear them.

Tattoos are created by inserting colored materials beneaththe skins surface. the first tattoos probably were createdby accident. someone had a small wound, and rubbed itwith a hand that was dirty with soot and ashes from the fire.once the wound had healed, they saw that a mark stayedpermanently.

Despite the social sciences’ growing fascination with tattooing,and the immense popularity of tattoos themselves,the practice has not left much of a historical record.

Bronze ageIn 1991, a five thousand year old tattooed man ‘ötzi the ice man’made the headlines of newspapers all over the world whenhis frozen body was discovered on a mountain betweenaustria and italy.this is the best preserved corpse of that period ever found.the skin bears 57 tattoos: a cross on the inside of the left

knee,six straight lines 15 centimeters long above the kidneys andnumerous parallel lines on the ankles.the position of the tattoo marks suggests that they were probablyapplied for therapeutic reasons (treatment of arthritis).

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Pazyryk culturein 1948, 120 miles north of the border between russia and china, russian archeologist sergei rudenko began excavating a group of tombs, or kurgans, in the high altai mountains of western and southern siberia. mummies were found that date from around 2400 years ago. The tattoos on their bodies represent a variety of animals. tThe griffins and monsters are thought to have a magical significance but some elements are believed to be purely decorative. altogether the tattoos are believed to reflect thestatus of the individual.

Egyptwritten records, physical remains, and works of art relevant to egyptian tattoo have virtually been ignored by earlier egyptologistsinfluenced by prevailing social attitudes toward the however, we know that there have been bodies recovereddating to as early XI dynasty exhibiting the art form of 1891, archaeologists discovered the mummified remainsof amunet, a priestess of the goddess hathor, at thebes wholived some time between 2160 BC and 1994 BC.this female mummy displayed several lines and dots tattooedabout her body - grouping dots and/or dashes were aligned intoabstract geometric patterns. this art form was restrictedto women only, and usually these women were

associatedwith ritualistic practice. the egyptians spread the practice of tattooing throughout the world.the pyramid-building third and fourth dynasties of egypt developed international nations with crete, greece, persia, and arabia. by 2,000 BC the art of tattooing had stretched out all the way to southeast asia .the ainu (western asian nomads) then brought it with themas they moved to japan.


explorers returned home with tattooed polynesians to exhibit at fairs, in lecture halls and in dime museums, to demonstrate the height of european civilization compared to the ‘primitive natives’. after captain cook returned from his voyage to polynesia tattooing became a tradition in the british navy. by the middle of the 18th century most british ports had at least one professional tattoo artist in 1862, the prince of wales, later to become king edward VII,received his first tattoo - a jerusalem cross - on his arm. he started a tattoo fad among the aristocracy when he was tattooed before ascending to the 1882, his sons, the duke of clarence and the duke of yorkwere tattooed by the japanese master tattooist, hori chiyo.

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Criminalityfor a long time, tattooing was the preserve of sailors and...criminals! in prison, the tattoo - professionally done and homemade- indelibly imprint on their bodies what these men desire in their souls: autonomy and identity. the ultimate symbol for gang members are their gang tattoos, getting a permanent mark is a sign of showing total commitment to the gang. these tattoos can reveal lots of things, like, who you are/what gang you're in/ what your beliefs are (racist etc..),what you have done, where you have been, how many yearsyou have been in jail (also referred to as ‘dead time’) and eventhings like how many you have killed.known symbols include teardrops under the eye as well as spider

webs on the elbows to symbolize people killed.

Tattoo flashas with other artistic mediums and cultural developments, vocabulary continually evolves, reflecting the depth and potential of body marking and of the contemporary recent years tattooing has emerged to the forefront of popular consciousness. today a tattoo ‘flash’, is a folder of tattoo-artwork bytattoo artists. styles range from the traditional and vernacular to the sacred and innovative.


the popularity of tattooing during the latter part of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century owed much tothe circus. when circuses prospered, tattooing prospered. for over 70 years every major circus employed several completely tattooed people. some were exhibited in sideshows; others performed traditional circus acts such as juggling andsword swallowing.


the earliest evidence of tattooing in japan is found in the form of clay figurines which have faces painted or engraved torepresent tattoo marks. the oldest figurines of this kind have been recovered from tombs dated 3,000 BC or older, and many other such figurines have been found in tombs dating from the second and third millennia BC.these figurines served as stand-ins for living individuals who symbolically accompanied the dead on their journey into the unknown, and it is believed that the tattoo marks had religious or magical significance. the first written record of japanese tattooing is found in achinese dynastic history compiled in 297 AD.the japanese were interested in the art mostly for its decorativeattributes, as opposed to magical ones. the horis - the japanesetattoo artists - were the undisputed masters. their use of colors, perspective, and imaginative designs gave the practice a wholenew angle. the classic japanese tattoo, is a full body suit.

Chinafrom southern china the practice spread along the silk route.

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North america

early jesuit accounts testify to the widespread practice oftattooing among native americans.among the chickasaw, outstanding warriors were recognisedby their tattoos. among the ontario iroquoians, elaboratetattoos reflected high status. in north-west america,inuit women's chins were tattooed to indicate marital statusand group identity.the first permanent tattoo shop in new york city was settled upin 1846 and began a tradition by tattooing military servicemenfrom both sides of the civil war. samuel o'reilly invented the electrictattooing machine in 1891.

Vikingsit is very likely that the vikings were around year 1100 the arab ibn fadlan described ameeting with some vikings. he thought them very rude, dirty- and covered with pictures.

Polynesiain pacific cultures tattooing has a huge historic significance. polynesian tattooing is considered the most intricate and skillful tattooing of the ancient world.polynesian peoples, believe that a person's mana, their spiritual power or life force, is displayed through their tattoo.the vast majority of what we know today about these ancient arts has been passed down through legends, songs, and ritual ceremonies. elaborate geometrical designs which were often added to, renewed, and embellished throughout the life of the individual until they covered the entire body.

in samoa, the tradition of applying tattoo, or ‘tatau’, by hand, has long been defined by rank and title, with chiefs and their assistants, descending from notable families in the proper birth order.the tattooing ceremonies for young chiefs, typically conducted at the onset of puberty, were elaborate affairs and were a key part of their ascendance to a leadership role.the permanent marks left by the tattoo artists would forever celebrate their endurance and dedication to cultural traditions.the first europeans who set foot on samoan soil were members of a 1787 french expedition. they got a closer look at the natives and reported that ‘the men have their thighs painted or tattooedin such a way that one would think them clothed,although they are almost naked’. the mythological origins of samoan tattooing and the extraordinary cross-cultural history of tatau has been transported to the migrant communities of new zealand, and later disseminated into various international

subcultures from auckland to the netherlands.

the hawaiian people had their traditional tattoo art, known as ‘kakau’. it served them not only for ornamentation and distinction, but to guard their health and spiritual well-being.intricate patterns, mimicking woven reeds or other natural forms,graced men's arms, legs, torso and face.women were generally tattooed on the hand, fingers, wristsand sometimes on their tongue.

the arrival of western missionaries forced this unique art form

into decline as tattooing has been discouraged or forbidden bymost christian churches throughout history.

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Africain africa, where people have dark skin, it is difficult to makecoloured tattoos as we know them.but they want to be tattooed anyway, so they have developedanother technique - they make scarifications (this is not really

tattooing, but it is related to tattooing). made by lifting the skin a little,and making a cut with a knife or some other sharp thingspecial sands or ashes were rubbed in to make raised scarsin patterns on the body, it can be felt like braille lettering...these patterns often follow local traditions.

Greece and romethe greeks learnt tattooing from the persians.their woman were fascinated by the idea of tattoos asexotic beauty marks.the romans adopted tattooing from the greeks.roman writers such as virgil, seneca, and galenus reported thatmany slaves and criminals were tattooed.a legal inscription from ephesus indicates that during the earlyroman empire all slaves exported to asia were tattooed with thewords ‘tax paid’.greeks and romans also used tattooing as a punishment.early in the fourth century, when constantine became roman emperorand rescinded the prohibition on christianity, he also banned tattooingon face, which was common for convicts, soldiers, and gladiators.constantine believed that the human face was a representation of theimage of god and should not be disfigured or defiled.

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