review of literature on diseases of the colon and rectum

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Review of Literature on Diseases of the Colon and Rectum

March-April, 1972- Compiled by Robert J. Rowe, M.D., M.S.

and Elinor C. Reinmiller, B.A., B.S. in L.S., M.A.

Dallas, Texas


Eisenhammer, S. Total skin conser~'ation approach to the surgery of the anorectal cryptoglandular intermuscular fistulous abscess and fistula with special reference to the "plastic saucerisation (marsupialisation) operation of the ischiorectal fossa". South African J. Surgery, 10: 5-19, 1972.

Stuart, M. Prolonged catheter drainage of anorectal abscesses as a prel iminary to elective anal fistuIo- tomy. M. J. Australia, 1: 817-818, 1972.

Adenomas (Polyps) and Adenomatosis (Polyposis)

Buntain, W. L., ReMine, W. H. and Yarrow, G. M. Premalignancy of polyps o.f the colon. Surg., Gynec. S: Obstet., 134: 499-508, 1972.

Bussey, H. J. R. Extracolonic lesions associated with polyposis coll. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 65: 294, 1972.

Chini, V. Megalogastria a pliche gigante proteino- disperdente tipo M&~dtrier e aspetto poliposo dif- fuso del colon di tipo linfomatoso. Policlinico, Sez. Prat., 79: 315-331, 1972.

Doberauer, B. Case of desmoid tumor associated with familial polyposis of the colon. Wien. Kiln. Wochenschr. , 84: 32-34, 1972. (GEL)

Gruenberg, J. and Mackman, S. Multiple lymphoid polyps in familial polyposis. Ann. Surf., 175: 552- 554, 1972.

Hasik, J., G6ral, R. and Hryniewiecki, L. Case of familial colonic polyposis treated surgically. Pol. Tyg. Lek., 27: 183-185, 1972. (Pol.)

Leffall, L. D., Jr. T rends in the diagnosis and management of polyps and cancer of the colon and rectum. Am. Surgeon, 38: 130-135, 1972.

Louw, J. H., Raynham, 'W. H. and Birkenstock, }g. Peritonitis complicating mesenteric fibromatosis in familial polyposis of the colon. South African M. J., 46: 15-16, 1972.

Takahata , J., Okubo, K., Komeda, T., Kono, T. and Yukui, I. Generalized gastrointestinal polyposis associated with ectodermal changes and protein- losing enteropathy with a dramatic response to prednisolone. Digestion, 5: 153-161, 1972.

Bacteriology and Immunology

BentIey, D. W., Nichols, R. L. and Condon, R. E. T h e microflora of the h u m a n ileum and intra-ab- dominal colon: results of direct needle aspiration

Dis. Col. & Reef. Sept.-Oct. 1973

at surgery and evaluation of tile technique. J. Lab. Ciin. Med.. 79: 421-429, 1972.

Goldenberg. D. M. and Hansen, H. J. Carcinoem- bryonic antigen present in human colonic neo- plasms seriall~ propagated in hamsters. Science, 175: 1117-ll18, 1972.

Griffen, W. O., Jr.. Jewell, W. R., Meeker, W. R. and Humphrey, L. J. Newer concepts of cancer of the colon and rectum: immunotherapy for patients with cancer of the large intestine. Dis. Colon g: Rectum. 15: l16-11q, 1972.

Hall, M. G., Jr., Chung, E. B. and Lefall, L. D., Jr. T h e probable immunological role of regional lymph nodes in simulated colon carcinoma in the rabbit. J. National hi. A., 64: 102-105, 1972.

Hellstr6m. I. and Hellstr6m, K . E . Newer concepts of cancer of the colon and rectum: cellular im- munity to human colonic carcinomas. Dis. Colon g: Rectum, 15: 100-105, 1972.

Kronman, B. S., Shapiro, H. M. and Localio, S. A. Newer concepts of cancer of the coIon and rectum: ddayed hypersensitivity responses of patients with carcinoma of the colon and other solid tumors. Dis. Colon g: Rectum, 15: 106-110, 1972.

Le Bel, J. S., Deodhar, S. D. and Brown, C. H. Newer concepts of cancer of the colon and rectum: clinical evaluation of a radioimmunoassay for CEA. Dis. Colon & Rectum, 15: 111-115, 1972.

Mach, J. P., Celottini, J. c . and Isliker, H. T h e carcinoembryonic m~tigen of the human digestive tract. Its importance in the diagnosis of certain cancers. Schweiz. Med. Wochenschr. , 102: 309-312, 1972. (Fre.)

Marcussen, H. Colon antibodies and liver disease in ulcerative colitis. Lancet, 1: 632, 1972.

Nichols, R. L., Condon, R. E. and Gorbach, S. L. Alteration of the intestinal microt-tora fotIowing antimicrobial therapy. Rev. Surg., 29: 53-54, 1972.

Reynoso, G., Chu, T. M., Holyoke, D., Cohen, E., Nemoto, T., Wang, J.-J., Chuang, J., Guinan, P. and Murphy, G. P. Carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with different cancers. J.A.M.A., 220: 361-365, 1972.

Benign Tumors

Black, H. C., Gardner, W. A., Jr. and Weidner , M. G., Jr. Localized colitis cystica profunda, a benign lesion simulating malignancy. Am. Sur- geon, 38: 237-239, 1972.

421 Volume 16 Number 5

422 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Dis. CoL &Rect. Sept.-Oct. 1973

Doberauer, B. Case of desmoid tumor associated with familial polyposis of the colon. ~Vien. Klin. Wochenschr., 84: 32-34, 1972. (Ger.)

Hatheway, W. E. Diagnosis and treatment of a bleeding diathesis causing hematoma of sigmoid. Pediatrics, 49: 316, 1972.

Jenkins, D. H. R. and Gill, W. A case of carcinoma of the co!on in associatio~l with neurofibromatosis. Brit. J. Surg., 59: 322-323, 1972.

Poley, J. R. and Smith, E. I. Benign lymphatic hyperplasia of the rectnm. Southern M. J., 65: 420-422, I972.

Rose, T. F. True fibroma of the caecum. M. J. Australia, 1: 532-533, 1972.


Cie~Iicki, J. and Dryjas, A. Carcinoid of the cecum. PoI. Przcgl. Chir., 44: 301-303, 1972. (Pol.)

Evreux, M. Les carciuoides digestifs. Rev. Med,, 8: 977-982, 1972.

Tiedemann, R. N., McDivitt. R. M. and Thorb- jarnarson, B. Carcinoid tumor of rectnm. New York State J. Med., 72: 559-563, 1972.

Colitis, Nonspeeifie

Adson, M. A., Cooperman, A. M. and Farrow, G. M. Ileorectostomy for ulcerative disease of the colon. Arch. Surg.. 104: 424-428, 1972.

Dollinger, H. Rectoscopic findings in ulcerative colitis. A synopsis of morphology, cytology, and histology'. Med. Welt, 23: 116-120, 1972. (Ger.)

Farmer, R. G. and Brown, C. H. Emerging concepts of proctosigmoiditis. Dis. Colon & Rectum, 15: 142-146, 1972.

Franklin, J. L. and Kirsner, J. B. Ulcerative colitis. Selected clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic as- pects. Illhmis M. J., 141:355-360; passim, 1972.

Frey, C. F. and Weaver, D. K. Colectomy in chil- dren with ulcerative and granulomatous colitis: operative indications and results. Arch. Surg., 104: -t16-423, 1972.

Fung, W. P., Monteiro, E. H., Ang, H. B., Kho, K. M. and Lee, S. K. Ulcerative postdysenteric colitis. Am. J. GastroenteroI., 57: 341-348, 1972.

Hryniewiechi, L., Hasik, J. and Grala, T. Use of net dietary protein-calorie (NDpCal percent) in- dex for assessment of minimum protein require- ments in patients with liver cirrhosis and uIcer- ative colitis. PoI. Arch. Med. Wewn., 48: 137-147, 1972. (Pol.)

Jarnerot, G. Thyrotoxicosis in ulcerative colitis? A laboratory diagnostic dilemma. Lakartidningen, 69: 570-573, 1972. (Swe.)

Jewell, D. P. and Truelove, S. C. Azathioprine in ulcerative colitis: an interim report on a con- trolled therapeutic trial. Brit. M. J., 1: 709-712, 1972.

Karlish, A. J., Cox, E. V. and Hampson, F. The Kveim test in Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and coeliac disease. Lancet, 1: 438-439, 1972.

Keating, J. P., Ternberg, J. L. and Khodadoust, K. Onset of chronic ulcerative colitis during vari- cella. J. Pediatrics, 80: 684-685, 1972.

McEwan, H. P. Ulcerative colitis in pregnancy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 65: 279-281, 1972.

Marcussen, H. Colon antibodies and liver disease in ulcerative colitis. Lancet, 1: 632, 1972.

MOrl, F. K. Zur chirurgischen Therapie der Colitis ulcerosa. Med. Welt, 23: 336-338, 1972.

Pardo-Gilbert, A., Pdrez-Alvarado, N. and Zavala, B. Differential diagnosis of nonspecific and amebic ulcerative colitis: survey of 100 patients. Dis. Colon g: Rectum, 15: 147-149, 1972.

Polcak, J. and Sk,'ilov,'i, M. Etiology of ulcerative colitis. Vnitr. Lek., 18: 300-302, Mar. 1972.

Waye, J. I)., Pitman, E. R. and Kruger, K. F. Esophageal web and colitis. Am. J. GastroenteroL, 57: 248-254, 1972.

Granulomatous [ ( l l eocol i t i s ) (Crohn's Disease)]

Adson, M. A., Cooperman, A. M. and Farrow, G. M. Ileorectostomy for ulcerative disease of the colon. Arch. Surg., 104: 424-428, 1972.

Brenner, S. M. and Delany, H. M. Erythema muhiforme for Crohn's disease of the large in- testine. Gastroenterol., 62: 479-482, 1972.

Bury, K. D., Turnier, E. and Randall, H. T. Nutritional management of granulomatous colitis with perineal ulceration. Canadian J. Surg, 15: 108-113, 1972.

Clemmensen, T. and Johansen, A. A case of Crohn's disease of the colon associated with adeno- carciuoma extending from cardia to the anus. Acta Path. Microbiol. Scand., 80A: 5-8, 1972.

Dano, P. and Obel, E. B. Crohn's disease and cancer of the colon. A differential diagnostic problem. Ugeskr. Laeger, 134: 559-562, 1972. (Dan.)

Eade, M. N., Cooke, W. T. and Williams, J. A. Clinical and hematologic features of Crohn's disease. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., 134: 643-646, 1972.

Epidemiology of Crohn's disease. Lancet, 1: 942, 1972.

Fielding, J. F., Cooke, W. T. and }gilliams, J. A. The incidence of recurrence in Crohn's disease. Surg., Gynec. & Obstet., 134: 467-469, 1972.

Fielding, J. F., Prior, P., Waterhouse, J. A. and Cooke, W. T. Malignancy in Crohn's disease. Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 7: 3-7, 1972.

Fielding, J. F. Perianal lesions in Crohn's disease. J. R. Coll. Surg. Edinb., 17: 32-37, 1972.

Frey, C. F. and Weaver, D. K. Colectomy in chil- dren with ulcerative and granulomatous colitis: operative indications and results. Arch. Surg., 104: 416-423, 1972.

Geffroy, Y., Colin, R., Hemet, J. and Guillard, J. Maladie de Crohn iI6o-colique. Sem. Hop. Paris, 48: 1281-1283, 197--2.

Goligher, J. C. Ileal recurrence after ileostomy and excision of the large bowel for Crohn's disease. Brit. J. Surg., 59: 253-259, 1972.

Haeberle, M. G. and Griffen, W. O., Jr. Eosino- philia and regional enteritis: a possible diagnostic aid. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 17: 200-204, 1972.

Kartish, A. J., Cox, E. V. and Hampson, F. The Kveim test in Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and coeliac disease. Lancet, 1:438-439, 1972.

Volume 16 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 423 Number 5

Lennard-Jones, J. E. and Williams, C. B. Azathio- prine in the treatment of Crohn's disease. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 65: 291-293, 1972.

Lindstr6m, C., Wramsby, H. and Ostberg, G. Gran- ulomatous arthritis in Crohn's disease. Gut, 13: 257-259, 1972.

Pastershank, S. P. and Tchang, S. P. K. Re~onal enteritis and hypertrophic osteroarthropathy. J. Canadian Assoc. Radiologists, 23: 35-37, 1972.

Ribet, M. and Proesmans, J.-A. Maladie de Crohn il6o-coliqne et recto-colite gauche. Sem. Hop. Paris, 48: 1284-1285, 1972.

Ruoff, M., Lindner, A. E. and Marshak, R. H. The radiology corner: cecal sig-moid fistula in gran- ulomatous colitis. Am. J. Gastroenterol., 57: 266- 270, 1972.

Stalder, G. A. and Kayasseh, L. Conservative ther- apy of Crohn's disease of the colon. Praxis, 6l: 20-22, 1972. (Ger.)

Tandon, H. D. and Prakash. A. Pathology os in- testinal tuberculosis and its distinction from Crohn's disease. Gut, 13: 260-269, 1972.

Colitis, Specific


Abd-Rabbo, H., Abaza, H. and Helal, G. Low dosage medication with metronidazole in amoebi- asis. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 75: 19-21, 1972.

Axton, J. H. M. Amoebic proctocolitis and liver abscess in a neonate. South African M. J., 46: 258-259, 1972.

Gossuin, A., Dereume, J. P., Malaisse, F. and Jacobs, E. A p r o p o s d'un cas de n&rose colique droite d'origine amibienne. Acta Gastroenterol. Belg., 35: 103-108, 1972.

Healy, G. R. and Draft, S. C. The indirect hemag- glutination test for amebiasis in patients with inflammatory' bowel disease. Am. J. Dig. Dis., 17: 97-104, 1972.

Juniper, K., Jr., Won'ell, C. L. and Minshew, M. C. Serologic diag-aosis of amebiasis. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 21: 157-168, 1972.

Pardo-Gilbert, A., P6rez-Alvarado, N. and Zavala, B. Differential diagnosis of nonspecific and amebic uIcerative colitis: sur~.ey of 100 patients. Dis. Colon g: Rectum, 15: 147-149, 1972.


Goldstein, M. and Duff, J. H. Reconsideration of colostomy in elective left colon resection. Surg., Gynec. g: Obst., t34: 593-594, 1972.

G6ral, R. Creation of an artificial antis following proctectomy. Pol. Przegl. Chir., 44: 107-109, 1972. (Pol.)

Schneider, H. and Kempf, F. K. Metastasierung im Bereich des Anus praternaturalis nach abdomino- perinealer Rectumamputation. Chirurg, 43: 179- 182, 1972.

Schuster, M. M. Open remarks on artificial open- ings. New England J. Med., 286: 89t-892, 1972.

Congenital Anomalies (See also Section on Megacolon)

Adloff, M., Forster, E., Nouzha, E., Lampert, M. and Cinqualbre, J. Megarectum tie l'adulte par aganglionose basse. Deux observations. Chirurgie, 98: 304-310, 1972.

Monges, A., Jean, E., Legrd, hi., Tronconi, J.-C. Granjon, B., Saint-Peirre, A. and Tavernier, R. Brides transluminales du c6lon. A p r o p o s de 2 observations. Arch. Franc. MaI. App. Digest., 61: 199-202, 1972.

Tank, E. S. Diagnosis and treatment of congenital anomalies of the anus and rectum. Dis. Colon & Rectum, 15: 135-141, 1972.

Wesselhoeft, C. W., Jr., Porter, A. and DeLuca, F. G. Treatlnent of omphalocele and gastroschisis. Am. J. Surg., 123: 369-373, 1972.

Constipation Waller. S. L. and Misiewicz, J. J. Colonic motility

in constipation or diarrhoea. Scand. J. Gastro- enterol., 7: 93-96, 1972.

Divertleular Disease Baum, S. Angiog-raphy: super sleuth. New England

J. Med. 286: 484-485, 1972. Carpenter, "W. S., Allaben, R. D. and Kambouris,

A. A. Fistulas complicating diverticulitis of the colon. Surg., Gynec. & Obst., 134: 625-628, 1972.

Casarella, W. J., Kanter, I. E. and Seaman, W. B. Right-sided colonic divertictda as a cause of acute rectal hemorrhage. New England J. Med., 286: 450-453, 1972.

Corman, M. L. and Crane, T. F. Gangrene of the abdominal wall as a complication of diverticuIitis: report of a case. Lahey Clin. Found. Bull., 21: 25-29, 1972.

Etala, E. Indicaciones quirfirgieas de la colopatia diverticular. Prensa Med. Argent., 59:411-415, 1972.

Filippini, L. Diagnosis of colonic diverticulosis. Minerva Mecl., 63: 850-852, 1972. (Ita.)

Koppenfels, R. V. and Brands. T. Komplette Bauch- deckenfistel bei Divertikulose des Colon sig- moideum. Med. Welt, 23: 379-381, 1972.

Fainter, N. S., Almeida, A. Z. and Colebourne, K. \g. Unprocessed bran in treatment of diverticular disease of the colon. Brit. M. J., 2: 137-140, 1972.

Peltokallio, P. Increased problems of colonic di- verticulosis. Duodecim, 88: 170-174, 1972. (Fin.)

Petrozzi, C. A. and Lange, W. G. Acute complica- tions of colonic diverticulitis. Am. J. ProctoI., 23: 49-54, 1972.

Raynham, W. H. and Helman, P. Massive haemor- rhage from diverticular disease of the colon. South African J. Surg., 10: 45-52, 1972.

Salomen, I. S. and Linden, L. W, Colonic diver- ticulosis. Duodecim, 88: 199-204, 1972. (Fin.)

Drugs and Chemicals Abd-Rabbo, H., Abaza, H. and Helal, G. Low

dosage medication with metronidazole in amoebi- asis. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 75: 19-21, 1972.

424 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Dis. Col. & Reet. Sept.-Oct. 1973

Berson, I. A new synthetic venotropic drug in proctology. Praxis, 61: 52-54, 1972.

Jewell, D. P. and Truelove, S. C. Azathioprine in ulcerative colitis: an interim report on a con- trolled therapeutic trial. Brit. M. J., 1:709-712, 1972.

Lennard-Jones, J. E. and WiIliams. C. B. Azathio- prine in the treatment of Crohn's disease. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 65: 291-293, 1972.

Moertel, C. G., Schutt, A. J., Reitemeier, R. J. and Hahn, R. G. Phase II study of 5-[3,3-bis (2-chloro-

ethyl)-1-triazeno] imidazole-4-carboxamide (NSC- 82196) in advanced gastrointestinal cancer. Cancer Chemother. Rep., 56: 267-269, 1972.

Ritchie, J. Mass peristalsis in the human colon after contact with oxyphenisatin. Gut, 13: 211- 219, 1972.

Takahata, J., Okubo, K., Komeda, T., Kono, T. and Eukui, I. Generalized gastrointestinal polypo- sis associated with ectodermal changes and pro- tein-losing enteropathy with a dramatic response to prednisolone. Digestion, 5: 153-161, 1972.


Jacol)scn, B. B. and Herting, S. E. Endometriosis of the si~noid colon. A review and report of 5 operated cases. Ugeskr. Laeger, 134: 541-545, 1972. (Dan.)

Examination and Diagnosis Dano, P. and Obel, E. B. Crohn's disease and

cancer of the colon. A differential diagnostic problem. Ugeskr. Eaeger, 134: 559-562, 1972. (Dan.)

Dollinger, H. Rectoscopic findings in ulcerative colitis. A synopsis of morphology, cytotog T, and histology. Med. Welt, 23: 116-120, 1972. (Ger.)

Drexier, J. Proctosigmoidoscopy: when and why? New England J. Mcd., 286: 668-669, 1972.

Frotz, H., Gheorghiu, T. and Philippen, R. Colos- copy with fiber optic instruments. Med. Welt, 23: 193-194, 19"72. (Ger.)

Gregg, J. A. lViberoptic colonoscope as a means for introduction of pressure recording catheters into proximal colon. Lahey Clin. Found. Bull., 21: 30- 34, 1972.

Hatheway, W. E. Diagnosis and treatment of a bleeding diathesis causing hematoma of sigmoid. Pediatrics, 49: 316, 1972.

Healy, G. R. and Draft, S. C. The indirect hemag- glutination test for amebiasis in patients with in- flammatory bowel disease. Am. J. Dig. Dis., 17: 97-104, 1972.

Hornbostel, H., Kaufmann, W. and Siegenthaler, W. Ambulante partielle Fiberkoloskopie (Fibersig- moidoskopie). Deutsch. Med. Wschr., 97: 734-735, 1972.

J~irnerot, G. Thyrotoxicosis in ulcerative colitis? A laboratory diagnostic dilemma. Lakartidningen, 69: 570-573, 1972. (Swe.)

Juniper, K., Jr., Won'ell, C. L. and Minshew, M. C. Serologic diagnosis of amehiasis. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 21: 157-168, 1972.

Karlish, A. J., Cox, E. V. and Hampson, Y. The Kveim test in Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and coeliac disease. Lancet, 1: 438-439, 1972.

Maratka, Z., Nedbal, J. and Kudnnann , J. New findings in the differential diagnosis and classifica- tion of lesions of the large intestine. Vnitr, Lek., 18: 239-245, 1972. (Cze.)

Shafie, M. E., Suzuki, H., Schnaufer, L., Haller, J. A., Jr. and White, J. J. A simplified method of anorectal manometry for wider clinical applica- tion. J. Pediatric Surg., 7: 230-235, 1972.

Tank, E. S. Diagnosis and treatment of congenital anomalies of the anus and rectum. Dis. Colon & Rectum, 15: 135-14l, 1972.

Fistulas Anorectal

Eisenhammer, S. Total skin conservation approach to the surgery of the anorectal cryptoglandular intermuscular fistulous abscess and fistula with special reference to the "plastic saucerisation (marsupialisation) operation of the ischiorectaI fossa". South African J. Surg., 10: 5-19, 1972.

Stuart, M. Prolonged catheter drainage of anorectal abscesses as a preliminary to elective anal fis- tulotomy. M. J. Australia, i: 817-818, 1972.


Carpenter, W. S., Allaben, R. D. and Kambouris, A. A. Fistulas complicating diverticulitis of the colon. Surg., Gynec. & Obst , 134: 625-628, 1972.

Cosio, F. G. and Onstad, G. R. Pancreatic pseudo- cyst communicating with both the duodenum and the colon. Am. J. Gastroenterol., 57: 353-358, 1972.

Geier, G. R., Jr., Ujiki, G. T. and Shields, T. W. Experiences with colovesical fistula. Proc. Inst. Med. Chicago, 29: 85, 1972.

Hureau, J. and Vayre, P. Tuberculose p~riton~o- intestinale aigue avec fistule duoddno-colique. Sere. Hop. Paris, 48: 1278-1280, 1972.

Koppenfels, R. V. and Brands, T. Komplette Bauchdeckenfistel bei Divertikulose des Colon sigmoideum. Med. Welt, 23: 379-381, 1972.

Lagadec, B., Timmermans, M. and Smadja, M. Cancer du sigmoi'de fistulisd clans le gr~le. Sem. Hop. Paris, 48: 1286-1288, 1972.

Ruoff, M., Lindner, A. E. and Marshak, R. H. The radiology corner: cecal sigmoid fistula in gran- ulomatous colitis. Am. J. Gastroenterol., 57: 266- 270, 1972.


Lawson, J. Rectovaginal fistulae following difficult labour. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 65: 283-286, 1972.

Foreign Bodies

Skvortsov, S. P. Extraction of a needle from the cecum. Khirurgiia, 48: 138, 1972. (Rus.)

Volume 16 Number 5


Functional Disease Eisner, M. Kritik des irritablen Colons. Deutsch.

Med. Wschr., 97: 616~617, 1972. Scott, J. The irritable bowel. Rocky Mountain

M. J., 69: 66-70, 1972. Sladen, G. E. Effects of chronic purgative abuse.

Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 65: 288-290, 1972. Smith, B. Patholog 7 of cathartic colon. Proc. Roy.

Soc. Med., 65: 288, 1972. Szalabowicz, J. W. Cyclophrenia with psychoso-

matic manifestations of the spastic colitis type prevailing in the clinical picture. Pol. Tyg. Lek., 27: 151-152, 1972. (Pol.)

Granulomatous Diseases Arnold, E., Lan~er, P., and Orusco, M. Primary

tuberculous inoctdation of unusual localization. Schweiz. Med. Wochenschr., 102: 116-117, 1972. (Fre.)

Hureau, J. and Vayre, P. Tuberculose p&iton~o- intestinale aigue avec fistule duoddno-colique. Sem. Hop. Paris, 48: 1278-I280, 1972,

Kapandji, M. and Parturier-Albot, M. Lympho- rectale chez l'homme. Technique et portant sur une maladie de Nicolas- treize cancers du rectum. Sem. Hop.

921-936, 1972. L. and Bernier, L. Cutaneous main- Union Med. Can., 101:471-473, 1972.

graphie rdsultats Favre et Paris, 48:

Leclerc, J. coplakia. (Fre.)

Marenco, E. R., Rozier, E. G. and De Crescenzo, S. Abdominal actinomycosis. Prensa Med. Argent., 59: 27-31, 1972. (Spa.)

Moretti, G., Broustet, A. and Amouretti, M. Anal tuberculosis (apropos of a case). Bord. Med., 5: 43-48, Jan. 1972. (Fre.)

Tandon, H. D. and Prakash, A. Pathology of in- testinal tuberculosis and its distinction from Crohn's disease. Gut, !3: 260-269, 1972.

Hemorrhage Casarella, W. J., Kanter, 1. E. and Seaman, W. B.

Right-sided colonic diverticula as a cause of acute rectal hemorrhage. New England J. Med., 286: 450-453, 1972.

Hatheway, W. E. Diagnosis and treatment of a bleeding diathesis causing hematoma of sigmoid. Pediatrics, 49: 316, 1972.

Lager, J. P., Bauters, F. and Gosselin, B. Hodgkin's disease and cecal ulcerations with hemorrhages. Lille Med., 17: 97-100, 1972. (Fre.)

Majumdar, P. Rectal bleeding. J. Indian M. A., 58: 207-209, 1972.

Morgan, S. K,, Grooms, A. M. and Seymour, E. Q. Bowel hemorrhage with " thumb printing". J. South Carolina M. A., 68: 143, 1972.

Raynham, W. H. and Helmau, P. Massive haemor- rhage from diverticular disease of the colon. South African J. Surg., 10: 45-52, 1972.

Sutherland, D., Frech, R. S. and Weil, R. The bleeding cecal ulcer: pathogenesis, angiographic


cliagnosis, and nonoperative control. Surgery, 71: 290-294, 1972.

Hemorrhoids Lewis, M. I. Cryosurgical hemorrhoidectomy: a

follow-up report. Dis. CoIon g: Rectum, 15: 128- 134, 1972.

Makino, K., Kimura, K. and Sagara, N. Radical hemorrhoidectomy. Shujutsu. 26: 72-75, 1972. (Jap.)

Otto, P. Das Hamorrhoidalleiden. Bemerkungen zur Diagnose und Therapie. Med. Klin., 67: 337- 340, 1972.

Turell, R. A modern look at the problem of hemorrhoids. Am. J. 8urg., 123: 245-246, 1972.

I l eos tomy Goligher, J. C. Ileal recurrence after ileostomy and

excision of the large bowel for Crohn's disease. Brit. J. Surg., 59: 253-259, 1972.

Hudson. C. N. Ileostomy in pregnancy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 65: 281-283, 1972.

Schuster, M. M. Open remarks on artifidal open- ings. New England J. Med., 286: 891-892, 1972.

Wright, H. K. and Tilson, M. D. A method for testing the functional significance of tight ileos- tomy stomas. Am. J. Surg., I23: 417-420, 1972.

Injuries Dencker, H., HolmdahI, K. H., Lunderquist, A.,

Olivecrona, H. and Tylen, U. Mesenteric an~- ography it~ patients with radiation injury of the bowel after pelvis irradiation. Am. J. Roentgenol., 114: 476-481, 1972.

Grosdidier, J., Richaume, B., Penin, F. and Boissel, P. Perforation du sigmoYde secondaire a u n lave- ment baryte: ulc&re du colon? Sem. Hop. Paris, 48: 1289-1291, 1972.

McGown, C., Khan, M. O. and Yousufuddin, M. Colon injuries itl civilian practice. Am. Surgeon, 28: 21&222, 1972.

Roswit, B., Malsky, S. J. and Reid, C. B, Severe radiation injuries of the stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum. Am. J. Roentgenol., 114: 460- 475, 1972.

Instruments and Apparatus Frotz, H., Gheorghiu, T. and Philippen, R. Colos-

copy with fiber optic instruments. Med. Welt, 23: 198-194, 1972 (Ger.)

Gregg, J. A. Fiberoptic colonoscope as a means for introduction of pressure recording catheters into proximal colon. Lahey Clin. Found. Bull., 21: 30-34, 1972.

Hayaski, M., Fukutake, K., and Sakai, Y. Con- tamination and disinfection of colonic fiberscope: evaluation of the disinfecting effect of ethylene oxide gas. Naika, 29: 324-329, 1972. (Jap.)

Hornbostel, H., Kaufmann, ~V, and Siegenthaler, W. AmbuIante partielle Fiberkotoskopie (Fiber- sigmoidoskopie). Deutsch. Med. Wschr., 97: 734- 735, 1972.

426 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Dis. CoL & Rect. Sept.-Oct. 1973

Malignancy Allen, C. V, and Fletcher, W. S. A pilot study on

preoperative irradiation of rectosigmoid carci- noma. Am. J. Roentgenol,, 114: 504-508, 1972.

Balsam, A., Bernstein, G., Goldman, J., Sachs, B. A. and Rifkin, H. Ectopic adrenocorticotropin syn- drome associated with carcinoma of the colon. Gastroenterol., 62: 636-641, 1972.

Buntain, ~,g. L., ReMine, W. H. and Forrow, G. M. Premalignancy of polyps of the colon. Surg., Gynecol. g: Obst., 134: 499-508, 1972.

Bures, Z. Tactics of 2-stage amputations in rectal cancer. Rozhl. Chir., 51: 56-59, 1972. (Cze.)

Clemmensen, T. and Johansen, A. A case of Crohn's disease of the colon associated with adenocarci- noma extending from cardia to the anus. Acta Path. Microbiol. Scand., 80A: 5-8, 1972.

Dano, P. and Obel, E. B. Crohn's disease and cancer of the colon. A differential diagnostic problem. Ugeskr. Laeger, 134: 559-562, 1972. (Dan.)

Fielding, J. F., Prior, P., Waterhouse, J. A. and Cooke, ~,V. T. Malignancy in Crohn's disease. Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 7: 3-7, 1972,

Goldenberg, D. M. and Hansen, H. J. Carcinoem- bryonic antigen present in human colonic neo- plasms serially propagated in hamsters. Science, 175: 1117-1118, 1972.

Griffen, W. O., Jr., Jewell, w . R., Meeker, W. R. and Humphrey, L. J. Newer concepts of cancer of the colon and rectum: immunotherapy for patients with cancer of the large intestine. Dis. Colon g: Rectum, 15: 116-119, 1972.

Hall, M. G., Jr., Chung, E. B. and Lefall, L. D., Jr. The probable immunological role of regional lymph nodes in simulated colon carcinoma in the rabbit. J. National M. A., 64: 102-105, 1972.

Hallstr6m, I. and Hellstrgm, K. E. Newer concepts of cancer of the colon and rectum: cellular im- munity to human colonic carcinomas. Dis. Colon 8: Rectum, 15: 100-105, 1972.

Henry', C., Benoliel, A. M. and Lnzzl, M. Com- parative study in man of acid phosphatase levels in the colonic mucosa and corresponding tumor tissue. Pathol. Biol., 20: 57-59, 1972. (Fre.)

Ho, L. and Rosenman, L. D. Metastasis to one lymph node from two colonic carcinomas. Cali- fornia Med., 116: 85-86, 1972.

Hsu, C. C. and LoGerfo, P. Correlation between serum alpha-globulin and plasma inhibitory effect on PHA-stlmulated lymphocytes in colon cancer patients. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. ~,fed., 139: 575-578, 1972.

Jenkins, D. H. R. and Gill, W. A case of carcinoma of the colon in assodation Mth neurofibroma- tosis. Brit. J. Surg., 59: 322-323, 1972.

Johnson, R. O. Newer concepts of cancer of the colon and rectum: cell kinetics, chemotherapy, and colonic cancer. Dis. Colon gr Rectum, 15: 120- 127, 1972.

Kapandjl, M. and Parturier-Albot, M. Lympho- graphic rectale chez l'homme. Technique et r6-

sultats portant sur une maladie de Nicholas-Favre et treize cancers du rectum. Sem. Hop. Paris, 48: 921-936, I972.

Kligerman, M. M., Urdaneta, N., Knowlton, A., Vidone, R., Hartman, P. V. and Vera, R. Pre- operative irradiation of rectosig'moid carcinoma including its regional lymph nodes. Am. J. Roentgenol., 114: 498-503, 1972.

Krain, L. S. Racial and socioeconomic factors in colonic cancer survival. Ann. Surg., 175: 601-606, 1972.

Kronman, B. S., Shapiro, H. M. and Localio, S. A. Newer concepts of cancer of the colon and rectum: delayed hypersensitivity response of patients with carcinoma of the colon and other solid tumors. Dis. Colon & Rectum, 15: 106- 110, 1972.

Lagadec, B., Timmernrans, M. and Smadja, M. Cancer du sigmo'/de fistulis6 clans le gr~le. Sem. Hop. Paris. 48: 1286-1288, 1972.

Le Bel, J. S., Deodhar, S. D. and Brown, C. H. Newer concepts of cancer of the colon and rectum: clinical evaluation o~ a radioimmunoassay for (IEA. Dis. Colon g: Rectum, 15: 111-115, 1972.

Leffall, L. D., Jr. Trends in the diag-nosis and management of polyps and cancer of the colon and rectum. Am. SLzrg'eon, 38: 130-135, 1972.

Mach, J. P., Cerottini, J. c. and Isliker, H, The carcinoembryonic antigen of the human digestive tract. Its importance in the diagnosis of certain cancers. Schweiz. Med. Wochenschr., 102: 309-312, 1972. (Fre.)

Moertel, C. G., Arena, P. J., Schutt, A. J. Reite- meier, R. J. and Hahn, R. G. Phase II study of bleomycin (NSC-125066) therapy for large bowel cancer. Cancer Chemother. Rep., 56: 207-210, 1972.

~IoerteI, C. G., Schutt, A. J., Reitemeier, R. J. and Hahn, R. G. Phase II study of 5-[3,3-bis(2-chloro- ethyl)-1-triazeno] imidazole-4-carboxam~de (NSC- 82196) in advanced gastrointestinaI cancer. Cancer Chemother. Rep., 56: 267-269, 1972.

Nixon, D. ~g. Multiple primary, cancers in separate tiss~_tes: case report and brief review. Southern M. J., 65: 305-308, 1972.

Noda, K. Preservation of ~'esical and rectal func- tions after radical operation of uterine cervical cancer. J. Jap. Obstet. Gvnecol. Soc., 24: 99-106, 1972. (Jap.)

Reynoso, G., Chu, T. M., Holyoke, D., Cohen, E., Nemoto, T., Wang, J.-J., Chuang, J., Guinan, P. and Murphy, G. P. Carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with different cancers. J.A,M.A., 220: 361-365, 1972.

Sanfelippo, P. M. and Beahrs, O. H. Factors in the prognosis of adenocarcinoma of the colon and rectum. Arch. Surg., 104: 401-406, 1972.

Savid, B., Schulz, D. and Raschke, E. Das Rectum- carcinom. Langenbecks Arch. Chir., 330: 220-237, 1972.

Schneider, H. and Kempf, F. K. Metastasierung im Bereich des Anus praeternaturalis nach abdomino- perinealer Rectumamputation. Chirurg, 43: 179- !82, 1972,

Volume 16 REVIED, r OF L I T E R A T U R E 4 9 ~ Number 5

Second cancer of colon. Brit. M. J., 1: 708, 1972. Spjut, H. J. Newer concepts of cancer of the colon

and rectum: similarities between h u m a n and ex- perimentalIy induced tumors of the large in- testine, Dis. Colon & Rectum, 15: 94-99, 1972.

Wolff, E,, Smith, E. J. and Wol f f E. Experimental study of a new human maligaaant tumor of the ascending colon in a long term organotypic cul- ture. C. R. Acad. Sci. [D], 274: 341-345, 1972. (Fre.)


Kheir, S., Hickey, R. C., Martin, R. G., MacKay, B. and Gallager, H. S. Cloacogenic carcinoma of the anal canal. Arch. Surg., 104: 407-415, 1972.

Sarcoma and Lymphoblas toma

h:ojcicki, K. and Redelbaeh, J. Sarcoma of the rectum. Pol. PrzegI. Chir., 44: 297-299, 1972. (Pol.)


Eariam, R. J. A vascular cause for aganglionic bowel: a new hypothesis. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 17: 255-261, 1972.

Satomura, K., Nagamine, S., Kisaka, Y,, Ueki, S., Masuda, M., Hara, K. and Kimura, C. A simpli- fied endorectal pul l - through operat ion for the t reatmeni of Hirschsprung's disease. Surgery, 71: 3:t5-351, 1972.

Soper, R. T. and Figueroa. P. R. Hirschsprung's disease: pitfalls in diagnosis and s u r r e a l man- agement. Arch. Surg., 104: 429-433, 1972.

Weitzman, J. J., Hanson, B. A. and Brennan, L. P. Management of Hirschsprung's disease with the Swenson procedure. J. Pediatric Surg., 7: 157-162, 1972.

Wilcox, M. W. and Bill, A. H. Experience with the Duhamel operation for the t reatment of congeni- tal megacolon. J. Pediatric Surg., 7: 168-174, 1972.


Berman, P. M. and Kirsner, J. B. T h e aging gut. II. Diseases of the colon, pancreas, liver and gallbladder, functional bowel disease, and iatro- genie disease. Geriatrics, 27:117-124, 1972.

Empey, D. \V. Rectal and colonic ulceration in Behcet's disease. Brit. J. Surg., 59: 173-175, 1972.

Gemsenjgtger, E. and Ohnacher , H. Die Sklerose des Sphincter ani internus. Schweiz. Med. %Vschr., 102: 336-339, 1972,

Kohler, J.-J., Blanchot, P. and Hollender, L.-F. M6ianose eolique: a propos d 'un cas. Nouvelle Presse Med., 1: 963-965, 1972.

Simmons, S. C. Anorectal disorders in pregnancy. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 65: 286, 1972.

Suteu, I., Vaideanu, C. and Constantinescu, u Anatomo-fnnct ional surgical method for the t reatment of ChiIaiditi 's syndrome. Bull. Soc. hat. Chir., 31: 46-50, 1972. (Ere.)

Nutrition Bury, K. D., Turnier , E. and Randall , H. T. Nutri-

tional management of granulomatous colitis with perineal ulceration. Canadian J. Surg., 15: 108- 113, 1972.

Hryniewiechi, L,, Hasik, J. and Grala, T. Use of net dietary protein-calorie (NDpCal percent) in- dex for assessment of m i n i m u m protein require- ments in pat ients with liver cirrhosis and ulcera- tive colitis, t 'ol. Arch. Med. ~gewn., 48: 137-I47, 1972. (Po!)

Johnston, I. D. A. T h e role of parenteral nut r i t ion in surgical care. Ann. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, Eng- land, 50: 196-206, 1972.

Obstruction Brown, C. Colonic obstruction due to a gallstone.

Brit. J. Clin. Practice, 26: 175-177, 1972.

Pathology (Only articles of a general nature are listed here.

See also Sections on various diseases) Maratka. Z., Nedbal, J. and Kudrmann, J. New

findings in the differential diagnosis and classi- fication of lesions of the large intestine. Vnitr. Led., 18: 239-245, 1972. (Cze.)

Perforation, Spontaneous Korfinyi, G. and Krausz, J. Kolonperforat ion und

Peritonitis nach Neugeboreuen. Eine sehene Kom- plikation der Austauschtransfusion. Mschr. Kin- derheilkunde, 120: 122-125, 1972.

Physiology and Pharmacology"

Eortoff, A. Digestion: motility. Annual Key. Physiol., 34: 261-290, I972.

Caprilli, R. and Onori, L. Origin, transmission and ionic dependence of colonic electrical slow waves. Scan& J. Gastroenterol., 7: 65-74, 1972.

Mackenna, B. R. aud McKirdy, H. C. Peristalsis in the rabbi t distal colon. J. Physiol., 220: 33-54, 1972.

pH profile of gut as measured b~ radiotelemetry capsule. Brit. M. J., 2: 104-106, I972.

Waller, S. L. and Misiewicz, J. J. Colonic motility in constipation or diarrhoea. Scand. J. Gastro- enterol., 7: 93-96, 1972.

Wienbeck, M., Christenseu, J. and Weisbrodt, N. W. Electromyography of the colon in the unanesthe- tized cat. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 17: 356-3(52, t972.

Pilonldal Cysts and Sinuses (See Section on Sacrococcgyeal Disease)

Postoperative Care and Complications Leger, L. LSchage de I 'anastomose apr~s rSsection

colo-rectale. Nou~elIe Presse Med., 1: 966, 1972. Robins, R. E. and Budder, M. K. Major abdominal

surgery in patients o~er 70 years of age: resuhs dur ing 1962 to 1966 compared with those during 1950 to 1959. Canadian J. Surg., 15: 73-78, 1972.

428 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Dis. CoL & Reet. Sept.-Oct. 1973

Preoperative Care

Alien, C. V. and Fletcher, ~,g. S. A pilot study on preoperative irradiation of rectosigmoid carci- noma. Am. J. Roentgenol., 114: 504, 1972.

Nichols, R. L., Condon, R. E. and Gorbach, S. L. Alteration of the intestinal microflora following antimicrobial therapy. Key. Surg., 29: 53-54, 1972.


Shuliak, L. P. and Panchenko, A. G. Comparative evaluation of surgical methods of treating chronic paraproctitis. Grndn. Khir., 14: 59-61, 1972. (Rus.)


Birnbaum, W. D. The sigraoidal curve. Dis. Colon g: Rectum, 15: 85-92, 1972.

Montague, J. F. The furore of proctolog7,. Clin. Med., 79: 30-31, 1972.

Pruritus Ani

Coperland, S. M. The etiology and therapy of pruri tus ani. J. Kentucky M. A., 70: 300-303, 1972.

Re~ona l Enteritis

(See Section on Colitis-Granulomatous ([Ileocolitis] [Crohn's Disease] )

Research and Experimental Studies

Hall, M. G., Jr., Cbung, E. B. and Lefall, L. D., Jr. The probable immunological role of r e , t r i a l lymph nodes in simulated colon carcinoma in the rabbit. J. National M. A., 64: 102-105, 1972.

Hsu, C. C. and LoGerfo, P. Correlation between serum alpha-globulin and plasma inhibitory effect on PHA-stimulated lymphocytes in colon cancer patients. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 139: 575-578, 1972.

Mackenna, B. R. and McKirdy, H. C. Peristalsis in the rabbit distal colon. J. Physiol., 220: 33-54, 1972.

Richardson, J. D. and Griffen, W. O., Jr. Ileocecal valve substitutes as bacteriologic barriers. Am. J. Surg., 123: 149-153, 1972.

Spjut, H. J. Newer concepts of cancer of the colon and rectum: similarities between human and ex- perimentally induced tumors of the large in- testine. Dis. CoIon& Rectum, 15: 94-99, 1972.

Touloukian, R. J., Posch, J. N. and Spencer, R. The pathogenesis of ischemic gastroentercolitis of the neonate: selective gut mucosaI ischemia in as- phyxiated neonatal piglets. J. Pediatric Surg., 7: 194-205, 1972.

Wienbeck, M., Christensen, J. and Weisbrodt, N. W. Electromyography of the colon in the unanesthe- tized cat. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 17: 356-362, 1972.

Wolff, E., Smith, E. J. and Wolff, E. Experimental study of a new human malignant tumor of the ascending colon in a long term organotypic culture. C. R. Acad. Sci. [D], 274: 341-345, 1972. (Fre.)

Roentgenology and Radiology

Allen, C. V. and Fletcher, ~V. S. A pilot study on preoperative irradiation of rectosigmoid carci- noma. Am. J. Roentgenol., 114: 504-508, 1972.

Baum, S. Angiography: super sleuth. New England J. Med., 286: 484-485, 1972.

Beware of the barium enema. Emergency Med., 4: 186-187, 1972.

Dencker, H., HolmdahI, K. R., Lunderquist, A., Olivecroma, H. and Tyl~n, U. Mesenteric an- giography in patients with radiation injury of the bowel after pelvis irradiation. Am. J. Roent- genol., 114: 476-481, 1972.

Dodds, ~V. J. Roentgenographic examination of the colon: relevant questions. Invest. Radiol., 7: 63, 1972.

Kapandji, M. and Parturier-Albot, M. Lympho- graphie rectale chez l'homme. Technique et r&ultats portant sur une maladie de Nicolas- Favre et treize cancers du rectum. Sem. Hop. Paris, 48: 921-936, 1972.

Kees, C. J. and Hester, C. L,, Jr. Portal vein gas following barium enema examination. Radiolog-y, 102: 525-526, 1972.

K/igerman, M. M., Urdaneta, N., Knowlton, A., Vidone, R., Hartman, P. V. and Vera, R. Pre- operative irradiation of rectosig'moid carcinoma including its regional lymph nodes. Am. J. Roent- genol., 114: 498-503, 1972.

Morgan, S. K., Grooms, A. M. and Seymour, E. Q. Bowel hemorrhage with " thumb print ing". J. South Carolina M. A., 68: 143, 1972.

Roswit, B., Malsky, S. J. and Reid, C. B. Severe radiation injuries of the stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum. Am. J. Roentgenol., 114: 460- 475, 1972.

Ruoff, M., Lindner, A. E. and Marshak, R. H. The radiology corner: cecal sigmoid fistula in gran- ulomatous colitis. Am. J. Gastroenterol., 57: 266-270, 1972.

Sacrococcygeal Disease

Deidier, C.-M. and Monatte, J. P. Kyste pilonidal. Cah. Med. Lyon, 48: 1743-1746, 1972.

Mandel, S. R. and Thomas, C. G., Jr. bfanagement of pilonidal sinus by excision and primary closure. Surg., Gynec. g: Obstet., 134: 448-450, 1972.

Vaez-Zadeh, K., Sieber, W. K., Sherman, F. E. and Kiesewetter, W. B. Sacrococcygeal teratomas in children. J. Pediatric Surg., 7: 152-156, 1972.

Stricture and Stenosis

Ishii, T., Tanimoto, H. and Amakawa, K. Defeca- tion function preserving surgery, a modified Soave's method for benign rectal stricture. Shu- jutsu, 26: 11-20, 1972. (Jap.)


Alekseev, A. V. Ileocoloplasty following extensive resection of the left colon. Vesm. Khir., 107: 112- 113, 1972. (Rus).

Volume 16 REVIE!A' OF LITERATURE 429 Number 5

Bures, Z. Tactics of 2-stage amputations in rectal cancer. Rozhl. Chir., 51: 56-59, 1972. (Cze.)

Eisenhammer, S. Total skin conservation approach to the surgery of the anorectal cryptoglandular intermuscular fistulous abscess and fistula with special reference to the "plastic saucerisation (mar- supialisation) operation of the ischiorectal fossa". South African J. Surg., 10:5-19, 1972.

Hata, Y. Vaginal reconstruction by the sigmoid colon. Shujutsu, 26: 76-81, 1972. (Jap.)

Ishii, T., Tanimoto, H. and Amakawa, K. Defeca- tion function preserving surgery, a modified Soave's method for benign rectal stricture. Shu- jutsu, 26: 11-20, 1972. (Jap.)

Lewis, M. I. Cryosurgical hemorrhoidectomy: a follow-up report. Dis. Colon & Rectum, 15: 128- 134, 1972.

Mamtel, S. R. and Thomas, C. G., Jr. Managemeut of pilonidal sinus by excision and primary closure. Surg.. Gynec. g: Obstet., 134: 448-450, 1972.

Noda, K. Preservation of vesical and rectal func- tions of uterine cervical cancer. J. Jap. Obstet. Gynecol. Soc., 24: 99-106, 1972. (Jap.)

Satomura, K., Nagamine, S., Kisaka, Y., Ueki, S., Masuda, M., Hara, K. and Kimura, C. A simpli- fied endorectal pull-through operation for the treatment of Hirschprung's disease. Surgery, 71: 345-351, 1972.

Selvaggi, F. P., Zaini, P. and Battenberg, J. D. Use of the canine ileocolic valve to prevent reflux. J. Uro/., 107: 372-376, 1972.

Shuliak, L. P. and Panchenko, A. G. Comparative evaluation of surgical methods of treating chronic paraproctitis. Grudn. Kfiir., 14: 59-6I, 1972. (Rus.)

Sicard, J.-L. and Chatelin, C.-L. Abaissement r4tro- rectal et transrectal du c61on dans la chirurgie du recto-sigmoide. (Operation de Duhamel). J. Chir., 103: 353-366, 1972.

Thompson, I. M., Deweese, M. S. and Landor, J. Rectal flap urethroplasty. J. Urol., 107: 667-669, 1972.

Weitzman, J. J., Hanson, B. A. and Brennan, L P. Management of Hirschsprung's disease with the Swenson procedure. J. Pediatric Surg., 7: 157-162, 1972.

Wilcox, M. W. and Bill, A. H. Experience with the Duhamel operation for the treatment of con- genital megacolon. J. Pediatric Surg., 7: 168-174, 1972.

Vascular Disease Cooperman, A. M., Kelly, K. A. and Bernatz, P. E.

Arteriovenous malformation of the intestine. An tmcommoa cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. Arch. Surg., 194: 284-287, 1972.

Gelfand, M. D. Ischemic colitis associated with a depot synthetic progestogen. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 17: 275-277, 1972.

Gossuin, A., Dereume, J. P., Malaisse, F. and Jacobs, E. A propos d'un cas de n4crose coIique droite d'origine amibienne. Acta Gastroenterol. Belg., 35: 103-108, 1972.

Le Capon, J., Galian, A. and Potet, F. Colites isch6miques (type Marston). Etude anatomo- pathologique, h propos de six cas. Sem. Hop. Paris, 48: 1039-1048, 1972.

Ross, S. T. Ischemic colitis. Postgrad. Med., 5I: 71- 74, 1972.

Volvulus Clot, J. P., Hay, J. M. and Guesnier, P. Volvulus of

the left colonic angle. Case report. Ann. Chir. 26: 187-191, 1972. (~Fre.)

Meyers, J. R., Heifetz, C. J. and Baue, A. E. Cecal volvulus: a lesion requiring resection. Arch. Surg. 104: 594-599, 1972.

top related