resumen wisdom

Post on 07-Nov-2015






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Resumen Wisdom practice english


Chapter Tour the Seed of Wisdom


Chapter Four the Seed of WisdomWHAT IT MEANS TO LIVE WHITOUT WAX

In ancient Roma, being a sculptor was a profitable occupation, but many sculptures were not made accurately, so that it was necessary to fix the chipped area of a sculpture filling it whit wax. However, if people wanted to buy a sculpture without wax, they just had to go to the booth sine cera of a market. It means that honestly was an appreciated value and an inherited virtue.

This chapter is devoted to wisdom, which is a combination of honesty and knowledge applied through experience. Since honesty is part of wisdom, there can not be success without it.

Like the wax in sculptures might be melted, some dishonest act in the past of a person can be shown.The Integrity Triangle

Trying to simplify the process of personal honesty we can use what it is called The integrity triangle Which consists of three basic questions.

1. - Is this true?

2. - Is this what I believe I should do?

3. - Is what I say consistent whit I do?

These questions make up the points of the triangle because they involve consistently what you believe to be true. The triangle has an additional question which might be asked after answered the three questions given above positively, it is: What is the effect of this decision going to be on the others involved?.Knowledge Makes the Difference

Study for most people is like paying taxes, however, people how have knowledge, have power, because they largely determine polices in such crucial areas like economy, or they are in charge of the most important companies.To Thine Own Self Be True

People, who want to do something, should do it, of course only if it respects the rights of others. When in Rome you do not have to do as the Romans do!. It means, do just you think is right.If I Could Live My Life Again

Many people make a career that they did not want; they choose that because of making their parents happy. There is no time for regrets, so that, people should do what they are really involved in, For instance, if someone is mechanically inclined he or she should fallow a career related with that.The fourth Best-Kept Secret of Total Success

The fourth Best-Kept Secret of Total Success is that a large vocabulary characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations. It must be known that wisdom depends not so much on the number of words we know, but how we use them to express ourselves to others.Ten action Steps toward Wisdom

1. Continue your education regardless of your age.

2. Keep a dictionary beside you when you read.

3. Get a good vocabulary primer.4. Consider taking a reputable aptitude test.

5. Ask yourself if something is the honest thing to do before make a decision.

6. Check the aptitudes of your children by their sophomore years in high school.

7. Think say and do what you believe is true.

8. Get a library card.

9. Dont overlook correspondence courses, continuing education seminars, etc.

10.Model yourself after people you most admire and respect.

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