research results on key green-fu ingredients

Post on 19-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Based on internal research by Green-Fu and backed by findings from Australian Healthy Food Magazine, Green-Fu's two key ingredients, Moringa and Chlorogenic Acid (from Green Coffee Bean Extract), when combined in special ratios with our other natural Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids contain a stronger but much safer fat reduction and antioxidant effect. This is particularly so, when compared to established antioxidants for instance green tea, garcinia cambogia, grape seed or raspberry extracts.


Research Results on Key Green-Fu Ingredients

Based on internal research by Green-Fu and backed by findings from Australian Healthy Food Magazine, Green-Fu's two key ingredients, Moringa and Chlorogenic Acid (from Green Coffee Bean Extract), when combined in special ratios with our other natural Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids contain a stronger but much safer fat reduction and antioxidant effect. This is particularly so, when compared to established antioxidants for instance green tea, garcinia cambogia, grape seed or raspberry extracts!

One of the main compounds accounting for Green-Fu's many health advantages is a compound called Chlorogenic Acid. It neutralizes free radicals and addresses the problem of hydroxyl radicals, both of which may result in cellular degeneration if left unchecked.

Chlorogenic acid can also help regulate metabolism. In comparison to synthetic fat loss products, green tea based weight reduction and other marketed weight management compounds, Green-Fu's natural ingredients are two times more effective in absorbing oxygen free radicals.

The advantage of consuming a natural weight loss product like Green-Fu, is that negative effects to ingesting synthetic or Hydroxycitric products is totally avoided.

The Chlorogenic Acid as found in non-roasted coffee, has been found to boost metabolism by changing the way in which glucose is absorbed in the bloodstream by the body.

Green-Fu contains beneficial organic caffeic acids. These give an improvement to vitality, mental clarity and an energy boost just like regular boiled coffee does, but unlike boiled coffee, Green-Fu's Green Coffee Bean Extract contains no cafestol. Cafestol often is also a source of harmful diterpenes. Green-Fu's absence of this harmful diterpene, or its relative, kahweol, is great news to our customers!

Regular intake of Green-Fu assists you to decrease concentrations of the 'bad' cholesterol, LDL, to levels that over a lifetime might decrease the likelihood of heart disease by up to 20%.

Additionally, whenever your liver enzyme levels are elevated, this is an indicator of stress on the liver. Since harmful diterpenes have a direct effect on the measured levels of liver enzymes, intake of Green-Fu with its natural compounds assists you to regulate harmful diterpenes and therefore reduce stress on your liver.

Other great things about Green-Fu include:

Intake of Chlorogenic Acids causes a marked improvement in the potency of pain killers, particularly for migraine medications.

Green-Fu's Green Coffee Bean Extracts and Moringa, enables the body to shed a higher proportion of lipids (fats) and carbohydrates, compared to other weight reduction Chlorogenic Acid products.

Green-Fu's natural plant protein prevents rampant muscle fatigue in athletes and bodybuilders.

Green-Fu may actually support liver health for some people. Those at high risk of developing liver disease caused by drinking an excessive amount of alcohol may be less likely to suffer liver damage if they supplement their diet with a daily dose of Green-Fu. Researchers are presently attributing this benefit to the caffeic acids in Green Coffee Bean Extracts and Chlorogenic Acid that are a component of Green-Fu's natural ingredients.

Unlike boiled coffee or other coffee products which contain dangerous levels of Caffeine (and that is claimed to leach calcium from the bones), Green-Fu contains generous concentrations of Moringa. Moringa is certainly a great source of calcium for both youngsters and adults. Any person who ingests Green-Fu is therefore protected from calcium leach that regular Chlorogenic Acid based weight loss products may expose you to.

When it comes to the old axiom that caffeine can stunt a child's growth, Green-Fu shines yet again! In the developing world, the Moringa in Green-Fu is a highly prescribed solution for combating child malnutrition and general mineral deficiency in people of all ages.

The Moringa in Green-Fu is a wonderful source of natural plant based proteins, minerals, amino acids. Green-Fu contains vital nutrients (and calcium), required in muscle as well as bone development!

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