reproducibilityandaccuracyofgatedspect … · 2006....

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cently, electrocardiography-gated SPECT has been proposedas an approach for quantification of global and regional leftventricular function (3—12).Investigators have developedboth count-based and geometry-based approaches for assessment of regional thickening and motion (4,5) and fordetermination of volumes and left ventricular ejectionfraction (LVEF) (6—10).The addition of functional information to perfusion data with a minimum of added time, cost,or equipment is attractive.

To calculate LVEF and left ventricular volumes fromSPECT images, one must segment endocardial boundariesfrom the 3-dimensional image sets. An automated commercial software program, quantitative gated SPECT (QGS)(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA), has become widely used for computation of ventricular volumesand ejection fraction (6). This algorithm is based ongeometric analysis of the left ventricular endocardial surface. Analysis of electrocardiography-gated SPECT imageswith this software package has been reported to providereliable estimates of left ventricular volumes and LVEF(6—10).However, rigorous validation of this approachremains incomplete.

Estimation of the endocardial surface with SPECT can beaffected by changes in image resolution, extracardiac background activity, count statistics, and reconstruction parameters (10). The confounding effects of some of thesevariables were highlighted by Achtert et al. (10) in aphantom study evaluating QGS. In addition, the estimate ofleft ventricular volumes and LVEF from electrocardiographygated SPECT may be confounded by the presence of aSPECT perfusion defect. The potential confounding effectsof a perfusion defect were raised in a study by Johnson et al.(11) and discussed in an editorial by Bonow (12). The effectsof these potentially confounding variables on the quantitative analysis of function and volumes with gated SPECTremain undefined.

Electrocardiography-gated cine 3-dimensional MRI of

Quantitativegated SPECT (QGS) has been used for computationof leftventricularvolumesandejectionfraction.Thisstudyevaluated,first, the effect of injecteddose, time of imaging,andbackgroundactivityonthereproducibilityofQGSand,second,the accuracy of QGS, comparedwith cine MRI, for determiningleft ventricular volumes and ejection fractions in dogs with andwithout perfusion defects. Methods: Sixteen dogs were subjected to either chronic occlusion ofthe circumflex artery (group I,no perfusion defect) or acute occlusion of the anterior descending coronary artery (group II, perfusion defect). Both groupsunderwent serial MRI and SPECT. Results: QGS was veryreproducibleusingtheautomatedprogram(r = 0.99997).Correlation between left ventricularejection fraction (LVEF)at 15 and45 mmwas poorafter the low-doseinjection(r = 0.54; SE = 9%)and only fair after the high-dose injection (r = 0.77; SE = 5%).Correlationwaspoorinthepresenceofsignificantbackgroundactivity (r = 0.36; SE = 12%). Correlation between QGS leftventricular volumes and MRIwas good for group I (end-diastolicvolume, r = 0.86; end-systolicvolume, r = 0.81)and only fair forgroupII (end-diastolicvolume,r= 0.66;end-systolicvolume,r=0.69). The overall LVEFcorrelationbetweenQGS and MRI waspoor (r = 0.51). QGS LVEF (mean ±SD, 42% ±3%) overestimated MRI LVEF (29% ±2%). ConclusIon: QOS provides ahighly reproducible estimate of LVEF. However, QGS is affectedby changes in backgroundactivity,time of imaging,and injecteddose. In the presenceof perfusiondefects, QGS overestimatedvolume relative to MRI. The correlation between QGS- andMRI-derivedLVEFwas poor in this caninemodel.

KeyWords:MRI;leftventricularejectionfraction;electrocardiography-gatedSPECTJ NucIMed2000;41:874-882

maging with SPECT has been widely accepted forquantification of relative myocardial perfusion (1,2). Re

Received Feb. 15, 1999; revIsion acceptedAug. 9, 1999.Forcorrespondenceor reprintscontact:AlbertJ. Sinusas,MD,Department

ofNuclearCardiology,YaleUniversitySchoolofMedicine,333CedarSt.,P.O.Box 208042, New Haven, CT 06520-8042.

874 THEJoui@miOFNUCLEARMEDICINE•Vol. 41 •No. 5 •May 2000

Reproducibility and Accuracy of Gated SPECTfor Determination of Left Ventricular Volumesand Ejection Fraction: Experimental ValidationUsing MRIEnrique Vallejo, Donald P. Dione, Wendy L. Bruni, R. Todd Constable, Peter P. Borek, Jason P. Soares, John G. Carr,Spyros G. Condos, Frans J.Th. Wackers, and Albert J. Sinusas

Experimental Nuclear Cardiology Laboratory, Division ofCardiovascular Medicine, Department ofinternal Medicine; Department ofDiagnostic Radiology; and Department ofSurgery, School ofMedicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

fers much higher spatial resolution than either planarimaging or SPECT. MRI provides a truly 3-dimensionalassessment of all cardiac chambers and has become the goldstandard for estimating cardiac volumes and global ventricular function (13,14). MRI provides several advantages overradionuclide ventriculography. Left ventricular volumes canbe measured using MM without correcting for tissueattenuation or concern about overlap of adjacent structures,such as the left atrium or right ventricle (15—17). Estimationof left ventricular volume or global function with thefirst-pass technique is technically challenging. This approach requires a tight bolus, stable cardiac rhythm, andadequate mixing within the cardiac chambers. The MRIapproach provides a time-averaged assessment of the leftventricle similar to gated SPECT. Therefore, cine MRIoffers a more reliable approach for validation of electrocardiography-gated SPECT for analysis of global left ventricular function and volumes than does other equilibrium bloodpool imaging or first-pass imaging.

This study had 3 goals: to measure the intraobservervariability of a widely used QGS algorithm for the determination of LVEF; to ascertain the effect of injected dose andchanges in extracardiac background activity, which areassociated with delayed imaging time, on the reproducibilityof QGS for the quantification of LVEF; and to compareend-diastolic volumes, end-systolic volumes, and LVEFcalculated from QGS with those calculated from electrocardiography-gated MRI, in the presence and absence of aperfusion defect.


The experiments were performed on I6 fasting adult mongreldogs anesthetized with the approval of the Yale Animal Care andUse Committee, in compliance with the guiding principles of theAmerican Physiological Society on research animal use. All dogswere anesthetized with intravenous sodium thiamylal (20 mg/kg),intubated, and mechanically ventilated on a respirator (Boylemodel 50; Harris-Lake Inc., Cleveland, OH) with a mixture of0.5%—2%halothaneand3partsN2Oto1part02.Theelectrocardiogram was monitored continually with a limb lead. A foreleg veinwas cannulated for administration of fluids, @“Fc-sestamibi,andmedications.

The dogs were separated into 2 groups: group I (6 dogs) wassubjected to a chronic ameroid occlusion of the circumflexcoronary artery. These dogs had little or no resting or stressperfusion abnormality. They were used to assess intraobservervariability and the potential effects of the injected dose andextracardiac background activity on the reproducibility of QGS. Ingroup H (10 dogs), the proximal left anterior descending coronaryartery was acutely occluded with a snare ligature. This modelproduced a mild to severe perfusion defect. Groups I and II werecombined to analyze the effect of a perfusion defect on estimationof left ventricular volumes and LVEF with QGS. This analysisinvolved a direct comparison with MR images.

SurgicalPreparationGroup I. Under aseptic conditions, a left thoracotomy was

performed in the fifth intercostal space. The proximal circumflex

coronary artery was dissected free from the surrounding tissue, andan ameroid occluder was placed around the vessel. The chest wasclosed in layers, and the animal was allowed to recover. Theameroid produced a subtotal or total occlusion over 3 wk, resultingin a highly collateralized perfusion territory. Thus, group I dogs hadlittle or no resting perfusion abnormality.

Group II. Under aseptic conditions, a left thoracotomy wasperformed in the fifth intercostal space, and the heart was suspended in a pericardial cradle. The proximal left anterior descending coronary artery was isolated after the first major diagonalbranch for placement of a snare ligature. For imaging, gauze wasplaced between the liver and the diaphragm to displace the liveraway from the heart. The pericardial cradle was released, and thechest was loosely closed after externalization of the snare occluder.Arterial pH, partial pressure ofcarbon dioxide, and partial pressureof oxygen were measured serially, and the ventilator was adjustedto maintain these parameters within the physiologic range. Afemoral vein and both femoral arteries were isolated and cannulated for administering fluids and drugs, monitoring pressure, andsampling arterial blood.

Experimental ProtocolsAn electrocardiography limb lead was monitored continuously

during MRI and used for gating. The heart rate was recorded beforeeach image acquisition for group I dogs. For group H dogs, an8-French pigtail was placed in the aortic arch for measurement ofcentral aortic pressure during MRI. Both groups underwent serialelectrocardiography-gated SPECF and MRI. All images wereacquired within a 3-h period under stable hemodynamic conditions.Five of the 6 group I dogs underwent sequential SPECT and MRIon 2 different days separated by at least I wk. The remaining groupI dog underwent sequential imaging during a single session. Thisprocedure resulted in 11 SPECT and MR image pairs for analysisamong group I dogs. The 10 group II dogs underwent SPECT andMRI on only I d. This procedure resulted in an additional 10SPECT and MR image pairs. All images were acquired with thedogs under anesthesia, permitting repeated serial SPECT withoutthe risk of confounding subject motion.

Group I. The experimental protocol for group I dogs issummarized in Figure 1. After cine 3-dimensional MRI, animalsreceived both low-dose (370 MBq) stress and high-dose (740MBq) rest @“Tc-sestamibiinjections. The stress injection wasperformed during a 6-mm adenosine infusion (300 pg/kg/mm).SPECT images were acquired 15 and 45 mm after each injection,allowing for the evaluation of the potentially confounding effectsof changing background activity in determination of LVEF usingQGS. A total of44 images were acquired. Ofthese, 38 images wereprocessed twice for determination of intraobserver variability. Toassess the potential confounding effects of background activity,each image was visually inspected and prospectively classified ashaving excessive or minimal adjacent extracardiac activity. Therest images acquired 45 mm after @“Tc-sestamibiinjection wereused to correlate LVEF derived from gated SPECT with thatderived from MRI.

Group II. After the dogs were prepared for surgery, they werepositioned in the scanner for cine 3-dimensional MRI. Imaging wasbegun 10 mmnafter the occiuder of the left anterior descendingcoronary artery was tightened. Immediately after imaging, @“Tcsestamibi (925 MBq) was injected intravenously at rest, andSPEC!'wasbegun45 mmnlater.

ACCURACY OF GATED SPECT •Vallejo et al. 875


(lOmCl) (2OmCI)

Time(minutes) 0 3 6 15 45 15 45

FIGURE1. Experimentalprotocol.MIBI= sestamibi.

MRImageAcquisitionandAnalysisMRJ. MRI was performed in both groups on a Signa l.5-T

magnet (General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI) withversion 4.7 or 4.8 software, using the head coil (26-cm diameter)for transmission and reception. Short-axis images through the leftventricle were obtained with the gradient-echo cine techniqueusing an echo time of 6 ms, a repetition time of 40 ms, and a flipangle of 30°.Sixteen phases were collected per cardiac cycle. Forgroup I, 16 slices were collected in 2 separate acquisitions of 8staggered 5-mm slices, with an overlap of 2 mm, a 256 X 256matrix, and a 36-cm field of view, resulting in an in-planeresolution of 1.25 X 1.25 mm. For group II, 16 slices werecollected in 4 sets of 4 nonoverlapping 5-mm slices, with a 256 X256 matrix and a 42-cm field of view, resulting in an in-plane

resolution of 1.64 X 1.64 mm.MR Image Analysis. After each study, image analysis was

performed off-line using Sparc 20 (Sun Microsystems, Inc.,Mountain View, CA) and Octane (Silicon Graphics, MountainView, CA) workstations. A previously reported semiautomatedtechnique for left ventricular endocardial boundary segmentationthat improves the reproducibility of surface contour generation wasused (18). Endocardial contours were extracted from a series ofcontiguous short-axis MRI slices using a deformable contour-basedsegmentation. After defining the contours in the initial slice, thealgorithm automatically propagated contours to adjacent slices.Defined contours were used as an initialization for the subsequentor preceding time frames; therefore, contours were also propagatedthrough each time frame. All contours were reviewed and superimposed on their corresponding images and, if necessary, correctedusing an image processing package developed in our laboratory ona Silicon Graphics workstation (19). The area enclosed by eachcontour was calculated and then multiplied by the effective slicethickness to give the volume of the slice. Finally, all the slicevolumes were summed to give the chamber volume at each frame(20). Five MR imageswere processedtwice to establishthereproducibility of our quantitative MRI analysis.

SPECT Image Acquisition and AnalysisSPECT All SPECT images were acquired on a triple-head@

camera system (Prism 3000XP; Picker International, Inc., BedfordHeights, OH)equipped with high-resolution collimators. Electrocardiography-gated images were acquired at 16 frames per cardiaccycle, a i@atethat was comparable with the MR image acquisition. Amatrix size of 64 X 64 pixels was used, resulting in a pixel size ofapproximately 5 mm in both the x and the y directions. All imageswere acquired with a 360°orbit and step-and-shoot protocol,

(60 s/image; 6°/stop).A 20% window was set symmetrically overthe 140-keV photopeak of @°“fc.All images were reconstructedwith standard filtered backprojection and a ramp filter.A postreconstruction low-pass (order, 4; cutoff, 0.25) 3-dimensional filter wasapplied. The reconstructed and processed short-axis images (5 mmthick) were transferred to a Sparc 20 workstation for off-linequantitative analysis.

SPECT Image Analysis. The SPECT perfusion images werequantified with computer software (Yale CQ) developed in ourlaboratory (21). Electrocardiography-gated images were summedbefore quantification. Standard circumferential count profiles weregenerated for each short-axis slice. Defect size was measured oneach of the short-axis slices by integrating the area under areference line at 80% of maximal counts. The defect nadir, definedas the point with the lowest counts on the circumferential profiles,was expressed as a percentage of maximal counts and provided ameasure of defect severity.

Reconstructed electrocardiography-gated SPECT images wereprocessed, and left ventricular volumes and LVEF were calculated,using the fully automated QGS software (6). The algorithmoperates in 3-dimensional space. The software segments the leftventricle, estimates and displays the 3-dimensional surface definedby the endocardium and the valve plane, and calculates the leftventricular cavity volume as the sum of the voxel columns insidethat surface without operator interactions. If the software failed,then manual or constrain analysis was performed. The manualmode allows the operator to define a region of interest around theepicardial borders. This region of interest excludes the extracardiacactivity and restricts the search volume of the algorithm. Furthermore, the algorithm can be forced to use an operator-specified leftventricular long axis of the heart instead of the automateddetermination. The left ventricular long axis is defined by selectingthe apex and base limits (constrain mode). These alternativeapproaches are operator dependent and therefore more subjective.

StatisticalAnalysisData are presented as the mean ±SEM. LVEF, end-diastolic,

and end-systolic volumes determined by gated SPECT using QGSwere compared with those derived from MRI in the same animalsusing linear regression analysis. Intraobserver agreement wasevaluated using a similar linear regression analysis. The tightnessof the fit was determined by evaluation of the SEE. A BlandAltman plot was also used to assess systematic differences betweenSPED'- andMRI-derivedparameters.PairedandunpairedStudent


t tests were used to compare values within groups and between

groups, respectively. P < 0.05 (2-tailed) was considered significant.


Hemodynamic parameters remained stable throughout theMRI and SPECT period. Group I dogs showed no differencein heart rate during MRI and SPECT. Group II dogs showedno significant change in either heart rate or blood pressure.

Determinationof PerfusionDefectSizePerfusion defect size was computed for summed SPECT

images. Group I dogs had little or no perfusion defect eitherat rest or during stress. The average defect nadir (±SD) was78% ±2% of the maximum for group I stress images. Theaverage defect nadir for the rest images was 75% ±2% ofthe maximum, which was not significantly different. Incontrast, the group H dogs had moderate rest defectsinvolving approximately 25% of the left ventricle, with adefect nadir of 22% of the maximum.

Quantificationof LVEFwithQGSAssessment oflntraobserver Variability. Thirty-eight im

ages from group I were processed twice to establish thereproducibility of QGS for determination of LVEF. Half theimages were acquired 15 mm after injection, and half wereacquired 45 mm after injection. In processing 30 of 38images, the automated program succeeded both times. Whenthe automated program succeeded (30 pairs), the reproducibility was high (r = 0.99997) (Fig. 2A). The automatedprogram failed 21% of the time, and the analysis needed tobe constrained. Generally, these failures could be attributedto adjacent extracardiac background activity. Although thereproducibility of the constrained method was also high (r =0.96) (Fig. 2B), the LVEF derived using the constrainedanalysis was consistently lower than the MRI-derived LVEF(MRI LVEF [n = 30], 43% ±10%; constrained LVEF [n =8], 30% ±12%; P = 0.007).

Effect of Injected Dose and Delay in Imaging Time. Theeffect of injected dose and delay in imaging time for group Iis illustrated in Figure 3. QGS was applied to images

acquired 15 and 45 mm after injection. The correlationbetween LVEF determined 15 and 45 mm after the low-dosestress images was poor (r = 0.54; SE = 9%) (Fig. 3A). Thecorrelation between LVEF determined 15 and 45 mm afterthe high-dose resting images was only fair (r = 0.77; SE =5%) (Fig. 3B). Therefore, determination of LVEF usingQGS on 2 images separated by only 30 mm was poorlyreproducible. The reproducibility of QGS for determinationof LVEF between early (15 mm) and delayed (45 mm)images was better for high-dose rest images.

Effects of Extracardiac Background Activity. To betterunderstand the observed discrepancy in the calculation ofLVEF using QGS, we prospectively classified images on thebasis of background activity adjacent to the heart (Fig. 4).Each image pair was classified as having excessive extracardiac activity; minimal activity; or, if only 1 image of the pairhad excessive background activity, mixed activity. Sixteenimage pairs were prospectively judged to have excessiveextracardiac activity at both 15 and 45 mm. When extracardiac background activity was judged to be excessive on bothimages, the correlation was poor (r = 0.36; SE = 12%) (Fig.4A). Extracardiac activity was judged to be minimal on 15image pairs. When extracardiac activity was judged to beminimal, the reproducibility was good (r = 0.89; SE = 4%)(Fig. 4B). A Bland-Altman plot revealed no systematicdifference in error over the entire range of LVEFs evaluated.

Reproducibility of MRI AnalysisThe reproducibility of our MRI analysis for determination

of left ventricular end-systolic and end-diastolic volume andLVEF was evaluated for 5 MR images completely processedtwice. The correlation coefficients for MM-determinedend-diastolic and end-systolic volumes were high, at 0.997and 0.98, respectively. The average LVEF was identical forboth determinations (36.2% ±2.9% for end-diastolic volume and 36.4% ±1.5% for end-systolic volume).

CorrelationBetweenQGSandCine3-DimensionalMRICorrelation Between Gated SPECT and MM of End

Diastolic Volumes. The observed correlation between MMand QGS-determined left ventricular end-diastolic volume

FIGURE2. lntraobservervariabilityofQGS for determination of LVEF. Imageswereacquired15 (0) and45 (•)mmafterinjection.(A)Thirty imageswere processedboth times without having to apply constrainedalgorithm.Automatedprogramwashighlyreproducible.(B)Automatedprogramfailedinprocessing8 images,andanalysisneeded to be constrained. Program wasalso reproducible if constrained analysiswasrequired.

A B10


Non-ConstraIn Analysis Constrain Analysis






5C 0

0• ..



2C@.D 015Mm

..... r• 0.99, 50= 0.1% (n=15)

.... •4SMln

P......@@@@ @@‘:0.6%(nz 15) 0.96, 1.. 0.8% (n.4)

•45 Mmr= 0.96, s@ 2.1% (n4)

10 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 10

LVEF(%)Calculatlon #1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 10

LVEF(%)Calculatlon #1

ACCURACY OF GATED SPECT •Vallejo et al. 877


••• Low Dosa-Stresa: r= 0.54, 11= 9%

•—4 I I I I I








.••Back@. • Excassiva: r= 0.36, se@ 12%(n=16)

• I I I




II •.I 1@

60 60

5050 II @I





I •.•



•• IFIGURE3. Effectof doseanddelayinimagingonreproducibilityofQGS.Imageswere acquired15 (x-axis)and 45 (y-axis)mm after low-dose stress (A)and high-doserest (B) injection. Correlation for low-dosestressimageswas poor (r = 0.54),with highSE of 9%. Correlationfor high-doseimageswasonlyfair(r = 0.77).


• I 2020

10 10

•. • Hl@i DosaRsat r= 0.77, a@ 5%


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

15 MIN LVEF(%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

15 M1NLVEF (%)


over a wide range of ejection fractions (9%—48%). Thecorrelation was poor when both groups were analyzedseparately. The average QGS-derived LVEF (42% ±3 mL)significantly overestimated the MM-derived LVEF (29% ±2 mL) (P < 0.0001).


Electrocardiography-gated SPECT allows simultaneousassessment of both perfusion and function. Several approaches for analysis of left ventricular volume and LVEFusing electrocardiography-gated SPECT have been developed. QGS is a widely used commercial program for theestimation of LVEF and cardiac volumes from gated SPECTperfusion studies (6). Although this automated program hasbeen extensively evaluated (6—12),several conditions mayaffect the accuracy of the program (10—12).Bonow (12)suggested that a perfusion defect could result in misidentification of the endocardial surface and underestimation of leftventricular function after a stress injection. Achtert et al.(10), using phantom studies, showed the potentially confounding effects of extracardiac background activity andsignal-to-noise ratio on the accuracy of QGS. The automatedQGS program often failed in the presence of excessivebackground activity.

We postulated that the accuracy of electrocardiography

for group I and II dogs is shown in Figure 5. The correlationof end-diastolic volume was good (r = 0.86; SE = 7) forgroup I dogs. However, the correlation between MRI- andQGS-determined end-diastolic volume was only fair (r =0.66; SE = 8) for group II dogs. In both groups, the averageQGS end-diastolic volume was significantly greater than theMM end-diastolic volume (P < 0.01 and P < 0.00001,respectively). The overestimation was much worse for groupII dogs. In this group, the QGS end-diastolic volume was59 ±5 mL,whereastheMMvolumewasonly36 ±3 mL

Correlation Between Gated SPECT and MRJ of EndSystolic Volumes. The observed correlation between MM

and QGS-determined left ventricular end-systolic volumewas good for group I dogs (r = 0.81; SE = 6) and lessfavorable for group II dogs (r = 0.69; SE = 6) (Fig. 6).Although QGS tended to overestimate left ventricular enddiastolic volume in group I, the end-systolic volume was notsignificantly different in these dogs. In group II, end-systolicvolume derived using QGS was significantly larger thanMM-derived end-systolic volume (P < 0.01).

Correlation BetweenGatedSPECTand MRILVEFThe observed correlation between MRI and gated SPECT

for determination of LVEF is illustrated in Figure 7. Theoverall correlation between gated SPECT and MM fordetermination of LVEF was only fair (r = 0.51; SE = 8)

A10I ••

• I


I 1•. I



••I• I

60 60 I ••I%@

I...1I f'

I.• •••I

50 50





20..FIGURE4. Effectofbackgroundonrepro

ducibilityof OGSfor determinationof LVEF.Images were classified as having excessiveor minimal background activity. (A) Whenbackground was judged to be excessive,correlationwaspoor(r = 0.36).(B)Whenbackgroundwasminimal,reproducibilitywasgood (r = 0.89).

10 10 . • BackgroundMinimal: r@0.89, so = 4% (n15)

00 10 20 30 40 50 60 10

15 MINLVEF (%)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70



A $070





@ 20Groupi








0 @.








r=O.66 •11=8




U •..






•.@MRI=40±4m1 p<O.O110.• •.“MRI=36±3m1p<0.000010'

I I0 10 20



I I I 0@@50 60 70 80 o 10 20(ml)i


i I50 60 70


A50Group@.. .B50GroupII•-.....50r=0.81...50r=0.69•....@•°

.ti..40I U....030



0.@•D .@30IU




@ •@q@@

10 .•@ od@


o••i I I0 10 20 30



io ..•••..

I 0 I60 0 10•.



I40 50



I30 40 50


FIGURE5. CorrelationbetweenMRI andgated SPECT end-diastolic (ED) volumes(inmilliliters)forbothgroupI (A)andgroupII (B) dogs. Dashed line represents line ofidentity. Correlation for ED volume wasgood (r = 0.86) in absence of perfusiondefect (group I). In presence of perfusiondefect (group II), correlation was only fair(r = 0.66). In both groups, QGS overestimatedMRIvolume.

gated SPECT for determination of left ventricular volumesand LVEF would be affected by changes in backgroundactivity, the presence of a perfusion defect, the injected dose,and acquisition and reconstruction parameters. To evaluatethese issues, we performed serial gated SPECT in dogs withand without perfusion defects and compared the results fromQGS with quantitative 3-dimensional cine MR images. Thereproducibility and accuracy of QGS for estimation of leftventricular volume and LVEF were significantly affected bythe injected dose and a delay in imaging. The observedvariability was, in part, related to changes in extracardiacbackground activity and the presence of a perfusion defect.QGS tended to overestimate LVEF relative to MRIdetermined values, particularly in the presence of a perfusion defect.

Reproducibility of QGS and Background EffectsThis study confirms that automated determination of

LVEF from gated SPECT using QGS provides a highlyreproducible estimate of LVEF on the same image. Thisfinding was expected, because the program is fully automated and does not require manual edge delineation.However, a 30-mn delay in image acquisition after injectionsignificantly affected the determination of LVEF. The vanability in LVEF associated with a delayed imaging time canbe attributed to changes in extracardiac background activity.In clinical practice, SPECT is typically started 30—60mmafter a resting injection. These standard delays in imagingmay significantly affect the reproducibility of QGS fordetermination of LVEF.

When extracardiac uptake (liver or gut) was similar inintensity to cardiac uptake, the automated program wasunable to identify the left ventricle. The contour inappropriately included the adjacent organ and therefore incorrectlyestimated left ventricular volumes. Manual correction of thiserror led to systematic underestimation of LVEF.

The effects of background activity on LVEF estimation bygated SPECT have been analyzed previously. Marcassa et al.(22) showed that an increase in the background activity

induced a false reduction in measured wall thickening.Achtert et al. (10) also showed the potential confoundingeffects of background activity, using phantom studies. Wehave shown that small changes in background activityassociated with a delay in imaging time can affect thecalculation ofleft ventricular volume and LVEF using QGS.The animal model we used allowed us to perform in vivoserial gated SPECT studies without the confounding effectsof motion.

Dose EffectsThe reproducibility of QGS for estimation of LVEF was

also affected by the dose of radioactivity injected. A weakercorrelation was observed for the low-dose images than forthe high-dose images. The injected dose influences thestatistical quality of the image. Presumably, a higher dosewould lead to more favorable count statistics within theheart and better image resolution. Achtert et al. (10)analyzed the effect of variation in count statistics on LVEFestimation and showed that the SD of LVEF values increasesas count levels decrease.In addition, lower countslead to

FIGURE6. CorrelationbetweenMRIandgatedSPECTend-systolic(ES)volumes(inmilliliters)for both group I (A) and group II(B) dogs. Correlation of ES volume wasgood (r = 0.81) in absence of perfusiondefect (group I). In presence of perfusiondefect (group II), correlation was only fair(r = 0.69) and QGS overestimated ESvolume.

ACCURACY OF GATED SPECT •Vallejo et al. 879

ventricle may be approximated by the ellipsoid model;however, in pathologic conditions the left ventricle may beasymmetrically deformed, and use of this geometric modelmay no longer be appropriate. Count-based distance methodsaresubjecttovariationsinbackgroundactivity,attenuation, and scatter. Count-based ratio methods also depend onaccurately finding the highest count pixel, which is influenced by the viewing angle of the left ventricle and noise inthe image (32).

The automated QGS approach defines the endocardial andepicardial surfaces on the basis of an asymmetric gaussiansystem fit of the midmyocardial count distribution profileand also assumes a geometric model (6). Although QGStakes advantage of the strengths of each of these approaches,the method also suffers from disadvantages associated witheach approach.

MRIasa GoldStandardforAssessmentof LeftVentricularVolumesandLVEF

Most of the earlier validation studies of QGS usedfirst-pass angiography (6) or equilibrium radionuclide yentniculography (9). In our study, the accuracy of QGS forestimation of left ventricular volumes and LVEF wasevaluated by a direct comparison with values derived fromMRI. MRI offers several advantages for estimation ofvolume, and the accuracy of cine MM volumes has beenvalidated in dogs. Cine MM also has been well validated forassessment of left ventricular function in both normal anddilated ventricles. MRI provides improved resolution and3-dimensional imaging with no geometric assumptions todetermine ventricular dimensions (5,33,34). In our comparisons of QGS with cine MM, we found only a fair correlationfor determination of end-diastolic volumes, end-systolicvolumes, and LVEF. These relationships were worse in dogswith a perfusion defect. A patient study of Iskandrian et al.(8) thatshoweda poorcorrelation(r = 0.58) betweenstrokevolume determined using QGS and stroke volume determined using thermodilution techniques supports ourobservations.

StudyLimitationsThis study has several limitations. The small size of the

canine hearts may have affected the results, secondary to apartial-volume effect associated with the low resolution ofSPECT. The partial-volume error could have led to anunderestimation of left ventricular volume, particularly atend-systole, when the left ventricular cavity was smallest.Interestingly, Kang et al. (35) recently reported the normalrange of end-systolic volumes in male and female patientswith a low likelihood of coronary artery disease using QGS.End-systolic volumes (male patients, 37.4 ± 13.7 mL;female patients, 21. 1 ± 11.0 mL) were comparable withthose determined in our canine model using both MRI andQGS.

We did not assess the accuracy of this approach withperfusion abnormalities in regions other than those suppliedby the left anterior descending coronary artery. An alterna


60. se=8@ 00 0

50 8 cf@ 0 0q•

,@ 0

;:30 I... °GROUPI

@ • •.... •GROUPII20

. U OGSLVEF=42±3%10 MRI LVEF= 29±2%

p < 0.0001

0 • I • I I I I0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


FIGURE7. CorrelationbetweenMRIandgatedSPECTLVEFfor group I (0) and group II (U) dogs. Overall, correlation waspoor (r = 0.51) between MRI- and QGS-determined LVEF for alldogs.QGSsignificantlyoverestimatedMRI-derivedLVEF.

increased image noise and may affect the accuracy of edgedefinition. Noise filtering has been shown to increase thecalculated LVEF in patients with small hearts (23). Pretoriuset al. (24) found that attenuation correction improved theaccuracy of edge definition. They attributed this improvement to regional alteration of counts and improved signal-tonoise ratio.

Effect of Defect Size on Accuracy of QGSWe compared left ventricular volumes and LVEF derived

using QGS and cine 3-dimensional MM in dogs with andwithout perfusion defects. QGS overestimated the enddiastolic volumes in the presence and absence of a perfusiondefect. However, the overestimation was worse in thepresence of a perfusion defect. End-systolic volume wasalso overestimated by QGS in the presence of a perfusiondefect. QGS overestimated LVEF compared with quantitative MRI, particularly in the presence of a perfusion defect.This difference can be attributed to the absence of traceractivity in the myocardial wall, compromising the edgedetection component of the program and forcing the fittingof geometrically determined contours to the defect area. Thisgeometric assumption is based on normal left ventricularshapes, which cannot reliably be used in these distortedventricles. Previous studies using geometric approacheshave reported similar findings in patients with perfusiondefects (11,25,26).

Count-Based Versus Geometry-Based AnalysisSeveral radionuclide methods have been proposed to

determine cardiac volumes, including count-based distancemethods (27,28), count-based ratio methods (29,30), andgeometric methods (13,31). The disadvantages of geometricmethods include the limited resolution of SPECT and the useof a prolate ellipsoid model. The shape of the normal left


tive location for the perfusion defect might have impairedthe correlation. The program may more easily compensatefor smaller defects that do not include the apex. In contrast, aregional perfusion defect in a basal segment may impair theestimation of the valve plane and alter the estimation ofLVEF. Further studies are warranted to evaluate the accuracyof the program when perfusion abnormalities are in differentregions and are of different sizes and severities.

A transient period of myocardial stunning may haveoccurred in group I dogs during infusion of adenosine.Therefore, changes in LVEF over time may representrecovery from stress-induced left ventricular dysfunctionover time. This potential effect is unlikely, because significant perfusion defects were not observed in these animalseither at rest or during stress. If the dogs were stunned, weshould have observed a reversible perfusion defect causedby a partial-volume error in the dysfunctional area (36,37).

ClinicalImplicationsGlobal left ventricular function is a major predictor of

prognosis in patients with ischemic heart disease (38). Theincremental value of adding qualitative information aboutmyocardial contractile function to perfusion has been established (39,40). Although the accuracy of gated SPECTtechniques for estimation of left ventricular function hasbeen reasonable in several clinical studies, some issuesremain unresolved. Electrocardiography-gated SPECT analysis of function and volume may be affected by injected dose,timing of imaging, background activity, and presence of aperfusion defect. In this canine model, we showed that QGSoverestimated end-diastolic volume relative to end-systolicvolume; consequently, QGS overestimated LVEF comparedwith quantitative MRI. Investigators need to consider theseissues when reviewing the results of quantitative electrocardiography-gated SPECT analysis over time. In particular,the reliability of QGS should be considered with reference tothe presence of potentially confounding extracardiac background activity and large perfusion defects.


In this study we showed, at best, a fair correlation betweenQGS and MM for determining LVEF in this canine model.Compared with MM, QGS provided a reasonable estimateof left ventricular volumes in the absence of a perfusiondefect. However, QGS was less accurate in the presence of aperfusion defect. Although this automated method washighly reproducible when applied to the same image,considerable variability was seen in the estimation of LVEFon serial images. Estimation of left ventricular volume andLVEF using gated SPECT can be significantly affected bychanges in background activity, dose of radioactivity injected, and presence of a perfusion defect. Therefore, furtherclinical investigation of these potentially confounding vanables is warranted.

ACCURACY OF GATED SPECT •Vallejo et a!. 881


The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Paul Deman, Jennifer Hu, Yi-Hwa Liu, XenophonPapademetnis, and Pengcheng Shi and the support andguidance of James S. Duncan. This study was supported inpart by the U.S. Surgical Corporation and the NationalAmerican Heart Association (grant in aid 9401600 and NIHROI 244803—OlA3).The @“@Tc-sestamibiwas provided bythe DuPont Pharmaceuticals Company. The study was presentedin part at the 45th annual meeting of the Society of NuclearMedicine, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 7—11,1998.

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