
3. American Cancer Society. Cancer facts and figures. Atlanta: American Cancer Society; 1991. 4. Kalse MH, Barkin i, Maclntyre iM. Pancreatic cancer: assessment of prognosis by clinical presentation. Cancer I985:56:397—402. 5. Kelly DM, Benjamin IS. Pancreatic carcinoma. Ann Oncol 1995;6:19—28. 6. Van Dyke iA, Stanley Ri, Berland LL. Pancreaticimaging.Ann Intern Med 1985;102:212—2 17. 7. Balthazar Ei, Chako AC. Computed tomography of pancreatic masses. Am J Gastroenterol 1990;85:343—349. 8. Freeny PC, Marks WM, Ryan iA, Traverso LW. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: diagnosis and staging with dynamic CT. Radiology 1988;I66:125—33. 9. Steiner E, Stark DD, Hahn PF, et al. Imaging of pancreatic neoplasms: comparison of MR and CT. Am J Roentgenol l989;152:487—49l. 10. Sreedharan SP, Robichon A, Peterson KE, Goetzl Ei. Cloning and expression of the human vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor. Proc Nail Acad Sd USA 199l;88:4986— 4990. 11. Battari A, Martin J, Luis i, et al. Solubilization of the vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor from human colonic adenocarcinoma cells. J Biol Chem 1988;263:17685— 17689. 12. Reubi iC. In vitro identification of vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors on human tumors: implications for tumor imaging. J NucI Med l995;36:l846—1853. 13. Virgolini I, Raderer M, Angelberger P, et al. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptor imaging for the localization of intestinal adenocarcinomas and carcinoid tumors. NEnglJMed 1994;33l:lIl6—1l21. 14. Virgolini I, Kurtaran A, Raderer M, et al. Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor scintigraphy. J Nucl Med 1995:36:1732—1739. 15. RadererM, BechererA, KurtaranA, et al. Comparisonof @ 2@I-vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor scintigraphy and ‘ ‘ ‘In-CYT-l03 immunoscintigraphy. J NucI Med 1996;37: 1480—1487. 16. Haegerstrand A, ionzon B, Daalsgard Ci, et al. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide stimulates cell proliferation and adenylate cyclase activity of cultured human keratin ocytes. Proc NatI Acad Sci USA 1989:86:5993—5996. 17. Svoboda M, Neef de P. Tastenoy. et al. Molecular characteristics and evidence for intemalization of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptors in the turnoral rat pancreatic acinar cell line AR 4—2i.Eur J Biochem 1988;176:707—713. 18. Scatchard G. The attraction ofproteins for small molecules and ions. Ann NYAcadSci 1949;51 :660—672. 19. Silverman DI, Dunn iA, Hoover RN, et al. Cigarette smoking and pancreas cancer: a case-control study based on direct interviews. J Natl Cancer Inst I994:86: 15 10 -1516. 20. Virgolini I, Yang Q, Li S. et al. Cross-competition between vasoactive intestinal peptide and somatostatin for binding to tumor cell membrane receptors. Cancer Res 1994;54:690—700. 21 . Krenning EP, Kwekkeboom Di, Bakker WH, et aI. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with ‘ ‘ In-DTPA-D-Phel- and ‘ 23I-Tyr-octreotide: the Rotterdam experience with more than 1000 patients. E@jir J Nucl Med l993;20:716—73I. 22. Reubi JC. Neuropeptide receptors in health and disease: the molecular basis for in vivo imaging. J Nucl Med 1995:36:1825—1835. 23. Kato T, Fukatsu H, Ito K, et al. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in pancreatic cancer: an unsolved problem. Eur J NucI Med l995;22:32—39. 24. Inokuma T, Tamaki N, Torizuka T, et aI. Value of fluorine-18-tluorodeoxyglucose and thallium-201 in the detection of pancreatic cancer. J NucI Med I995;36:229—235. At presentation, VIP-secreting tumors (VlPomas) can be large and hypervascular (3). In approximately 20% of the well-documented cases, however, these tumors are small and cannot be localized by conventional techniques (3 ). These patients represent a serious challenge for clinicians since surgery is the only form of curative treatment. Recently, somatostatin receptor (SSTR) scintigraphy using radiolabeled octreotide has detected small neuroendocrine tu mors and has been used to detect VlPomas (4,5). Based on the high level expression of VIP receptors on various tumor cells, we have demonstrated that ‘23I-VIPscm tigraphy provided excellent visualization of small gastrointes tinal (GI) tumors expressing receptors for VIP (6, 7). We describe here a patient with Verner-Morrison syndrome (VMS) in whom the VIPoma could not be localized by radiolabeled octreotide, but it was identified in the pancreatic tail before surgical resection by VIP scintigraphy using ‘23I-labeledVIP. CASE REPORT In November 1994, a 38-yr-old man was referred because of a 4-yr history of therapy-refractory watery diarrhea, hypokale mia and dehydration. Since 1990, the patient had been having episodes of headache, diarrhea, hypotension and tachycardia associated with progressive malabsorption. In 1992 and I 993, he was hospitalized for hypokalemia (K+ = 1.6 mmol/liter) and acute renal failure. In January 1994, an elevated serum VIP level was measured (1 59 pmol/liter; normal value < 8 pmol/ liter), and the diagnosis of VMS was established. Normal serum values for parathyroid hormone, insulin, C-peptide, gastrin and A major problem in patients with small endocrine tumors is the difficultyin localizing the primary tumor site. Many endocrine tumors possess larger amounts of high affinityvasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) binding sites compared with normal tissue or blood cells. We used radiolabeled VIP to localize the tumor site in a patient with Verner-Morrison syndrome (VMS). Under octreotide therapy, the VIP levels had declined in this patient, but a tumor site could not be detected by conventional techniques or by radiolabeled octreotide. However, using 1231-VIP, the tumor was detectable in the pancreatic tail. Surgical resection of the tumor was followed by complete remission of the VMS. Expression of VIP binding sites in the tumor was confirmed by a radioreceptor assay and showed cross-com petition between VIP and octreotide. The identity of the VIP binding site in the tumor was analyzed by Northern blothng and revealed the expression of somatostatin receptor subtype 3, which binds both somatostatin-14 and VIP with higher affinity than octreotide. Iodine 123-VIPscintigraphywouldbe an effectivetracerto identitythe tumor site in VMS patients. Key Words: vasoactive intestinal peptide; Verner-Morrison syn drome; somatostatin; VIPoma; scintigraphy J NucI Med I998 39I575-I579 I @ 1958, Verner andMorrison described asyndrome ofwatery diarrhea and hypokalemia in a patient with an islet cell tumor (1 ). The substance responsible for this syndrome was identified in 1970 (2 ) and named vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). ReCeiVedAug. 5, 1997; accepted Dec. 24, 1997. For correspondence or reprints contact: Irene Virgolini, MD, Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Vienna, Währinger Gürtel18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. I0DINE-l23-VA50ACTIVE INTESTINALPEPTIDEIMAGINGOF A VIPOMA • Virgolini et al. 1575 Location of a VIPoma by Iodine— 123-Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Scintigraphy Irene Virgolini, Amir Kurtaran, Maria Leimer, Klaus Kaserer, Markus Peck-Radosavljevic, Peter Angelberger, Peter Hübsch, Milos Dvorak, Peter Valent and Bruno Niederle Departments ofNuclear Medicine, Internal Medicine, Clinical Pathology, Gastroenterology, General Surgery and Radiology, University of Vienna, Vienna; Department ofRadiochemistry, Research Center, Seibersdorf Austria; and Department of Internal Medicine, Charles University ofPrag, Czech Republic by on December 2, 2020. For personal use only. jnm.snmjournals.org Downloaded from

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Page 1: LocationofaVIPomabyIodine—123-Vasoactive ...jnm.snmjournals.org/content/39/9/1575.full.pdf · A B I. i@@w4@ @ Ø@ ‘ @.pa .1@i, @ FIGURE1. Imagingof\ilPomabymeansof

3. American Cancer Society. Cancer facts and figures. Atlanta: American CancerSociety; 1991.

4. Kalse MH, Barkin i, Maclntyre iM. Pancreatic cancer: assessment of prognosis byclinical presentation. Cancer I985:56:397—402.

5. Kelly DM, Benjamin IS. Pancreatic carcinoma. Ann Oncol 1995;6:19—28.6. Van Dyke iA, Stanley Ri, Berland LL. Pancreaticimaging.Ann Intern Med

1985;102:212—217.7. Balthazar Ei, Chako AC. Computed tomography of pancreatic masses. Am J

Gastroenterol 1990;85:343—349.8. Freeny PC, Marks WM, Ryan iA, Traverso LW. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma:

diagnosis and staging with dynamic CT. Radiology 1988;I66:125—33.9. Steiner E, Stark DD, Hahn PF, et al. Imaging of pancreatic neoplasms: comparison of

MR and CT. Am J Roentgenol l989;152:487—49l.10. Sreedharan SP, Robichon A, Peterson KE, Goetzl Ei. Cloning and expression of the

human vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor. Proc Nail Acad Sd USA 199l;88:4986—4990.

11. Battari A, Martin J, Luis i, et al. Solubilization of the vasoactive intestinal peptidereceptor from human colonic adenocarcinoma cells. J Biol Chem 1988;263:17685—17689.

12. Reubi iC. In vitro identification of vasoactive intestinal peptide receptors on humantumors: implications for tumor imaging. J NucI Med l995;36:l846—1853.

13. Virgolini I, Raderer M, Angelberger P, et al. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)receptor imaging for the localization of intestinal adenocarcinomas and carcinoidtumors. NEnglJMed 1994;33l:lIl6—1l21.

14. Virgolini I, Kurtaran A, Raderer M, et al. Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptorscintigraphy. J Nucl Med 1995:36:1732—1739.

15. RadererM, BechererA, KurtaranA, et al. Comparisonof@ 2@I-vasoactiveintestinalpeptide receptor scintigraphy and ‘‘‘In-CYT-l03immunoscintigraphy. J NucI Med1996;37:1480—1487.

16. Haegerstrand A, ionzon B, Daalsgard Ci, et al. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptidestimulates cell proliferation and adenylate cyclase activity of cultured human keratinocytes. Proc NatI Acad Sci USA 1989:86:5993—5996.

17. Svoboda M, Neef de P. Tastenoy. et al. Molecular characteristics and evidence forintemalization of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptors in the turnoral ratpancreatic acinar cell line AR 4—2i.Eur J Biochem 1988;176:707—713.

18. Scatchard G. The attraction ofproteins for small molecules and ions. Ann NYAcadSci1949;51:660—672.

19. Silverman DI, Dunn iA, Hoover RN, et al. Cigarette smoking and pancreas cancer: acase-control study based on direct interviews. J Natl Cancer Inst I994:86: 15 10 -1516.

20. Virgolini I, Yang Q, Li S. et al. Cross-competition between vasoactive intestinalpeptide and somatostatin for binding to tumor cell membrane receptors. Cancer Res1994;54:690—700.

21 . Krenning EP, Kwekkeboom Di, Bakker WH, et aI. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphywith ‘â€In-DTPA-D-Phel- and ‘23I-Tyr-octreotide: the Rotterdam experience withmore than 1000 patients. E@jirJ Nucl Med l993;20:716—73I.

22. Reubi JC. Neuropeptide receptors in health and disease: the molecular basis for in vivoimaging. J Nucl Med 1995:36:1825—1835.

23. Kato T, Fukatsu H, Ito K, et al. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography inpancreatic cancer: an unsolved problem. Eur J NucI Med l995;22:32—39.

24. Inokuma T, Tamaki N, Torizuka T, et aI. Value of fluorine-18-tluorodeoxyglucose andthallium-201 in the detection of pancreatic cancer. J NucI Med I995;36:229—235.

At presentation, VIP-secreting tumors (VlPomas) can belarge and hypervascular (3). In approximately 20% of thewell-documented cases, however, these tumors are small andcannot be localized by conventional techniques (3 ). Thesepatients represent a serious challenge for clinicians sincesurgery is the only form of curative treatment.

Recently, somatostatin receptor (SSTR) scintigraphy usingradiolabeled octreotide has detected small neuroendocrine tumors and has been used to detect VlPomas (4,5).

Based on the high level expression of VIP receptors onvarious tumor cells, we have demonstrated that ‘23I-VIPscmtigraphy provided excellent visualization of small gastrointestinal (GI) tumors expressing receptors for VIP (6, 7). Wedescribe here a patient with Verner-Morrison syndrome (VMS)in whom the VIPoma could not be localized by radiolabeledoctreotide, but it was identified in the pancreatic tail beforesurgical resection by VIP scintigraphy using ‘23I-labeledVIP.

CASE REPORTIn November 1994, a 38-yr-old man was referred because of

a 4-yr history of therapy-refractory watery diarrhea, hypokalemia and dehydration. Since 1990, the patient had been havingepisodes of headache, diarrhea, hypotension and tachycardiaassociated with progressive malabsorption. In 1992 and I993,he was hospitalized for hypokalemia (K+ = 1.6 mmol/liter)and acute renal failure. In January 1994, an elevated serum VIPlevel was measured (1 59 pmol/liter; normal value < 8 pmol/liter), and the diagnosis of VMS was established. Normal serumvalues for parathyroid hormone, insulin, C-peptide, gastrin and

A major problem in patients with small endocrine tumors is thedifficultyin localizing the primary tumor site. Many endocrine tumorspossess larger amounts of high affinityvasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP) binding sites compared with normal tissue or blood cells. Weused radiolabeled VIP to localize the tumor site in a patient withVerner-Morrison syndrome (VMS). Under octreotide therapy, theVIP levels had declined in this patient, but a tumor site could not bedetected by conventional techniques or by radiolabeled octreotide.However, using 1231-VIP,the tumor was detectable in the pancreatictail. Surgical resection of the tumor was followed by completeremission of the VMS. Expression of VIP binding sites in the tumorwas confirmed by a radioreceptor assay and showed cross-competition between VIP and octreotide. The identity of the VIP bindingsite in the tumor was analyzed by Northern blothng and revealed theexpression of somatostatin receptor subtype 3, which binds bothsomatostatin-14 and VIP with higher affinity than octreotide. Iodine123-VIPscintigraphywould be an effectivetracerto identitythetumor site in VMS patients.Key Words: vasoactive intestinal peptide; Verner-Morrison syndrome; somatostatin; VIPoma; scintigraphy

J NucI Med I998 39I575-I579

I@ 1958,VernerandMorrisondescribedasyndromeofwaterydiarrhea and hypokalemia in a patient with an islet cell tumor(1 ). The substance responsible for this syndrome was identifiedin 1970 (2 ) and named vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP).

ReCeiVedAug. 5, 1997; accepted Dec. 24, 1997.For correspondence or reprints contact: Irene Virgolini, MD, Department of Nuclear

Medicine, University of Vienna, Währinger Gürtel18-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria.


Location of a VIPoma by Iodine—123-VasoactiveIntestinal Peptide ScintigraphyIrene Virgolini, Amir Kurtaran, Maria Leimer, Klaus Kaserer, Markus Peck-Radosavljevic, Peter Angelberger, Peter Hübsch,Milos Dvorak, Peter Valent and Bruno NiederleDepartments ofNuclear Medicine, Internal Medicine, Clinical Pathology, Gastroenterology, General Surgery and Radiology,University of Vienna, Vienna; Department ofRadiochemistry, Research Center, Seibersdorf Austria; and Department ofInternal Medicine, Charles University ofPrag, Czech Republic

by on December 2, 2020. For personal use only. jnm.snmjournals.org Downloaded from

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. i@@w4@

@ Ø@

‘ @. pa .1@i,

FIGURE1.@ Imagingof \ilPoma by means of123l@j@PReconstructionofdataobtainedbySPECT3 hr after intravenousinjectionof 150 MBq1@l-V1P(300 pmol) depicts focal accumulation of tracer inpancreatic tail (coronal reconstruction,arrow). (B)CorrespondingCT.In lightof positiveViPscintigraphy, enlargementof pancreatic tail combined withtoss of lobulation was interpreted as indirect sign oftumorous infiltration.Putativetumor site is markedwithregionof interestcircle.Smallpancreaticcyst lsindicatedby 1.

prolactin, as well as serum calcium, were obtained. In June1994, treatment with octreotide was started (maximal dose 0.1mg/day), and this resulted in an improvement of the VMS andstable K+ values (3.4—3.7mmol/liter).

The patient was examined repeatedly for the presence of atumor. In 1994, ultrasound, contrast enhanced CT, a radiographof the small bowel (enteroclysis), upper GI endoscopy, angiography (coeliac trunk) and conventional scintigraphy of theliver and spleen were performed in addition to SSTR scintigraphy using II‘In-pentetic acid (DTPA)-D-Phe-l-octreotide(6). No tumor site was localized.

In November 1994, VIP scinti@raphy using ‘231-labeledVIPand SSTR scintigraphy using ‘2@I-Tyr-3-octreotidewere performed (after discontinuation of octreotide therapy). Iodine123-Tyr-3-octreotide scintigraphy failed to localize the tumor,but ‘2@I-VIPscintigraphy revealed a small focus in the pancreatic tail. Based on the positive VIP scintigraphy, the tumor sitewas confirmed by contrast enhanced CT (spiral technique) aswell as by endosonography. The tumor was resected in December 1994. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis ofa VIPoma. After surgical resection, the patient rapidly improved and treatment with octreotide was stopped. VIP serumlevels normalized within 2 days after surgery (54 pmol/liter, onthe day of surgery; 5 pmol/liter, 2 days later). Also, the K+values were in the normal range after surgery.

Postoperative VIP receptor scintigraphy was negative. At 2yr after resection of the VIPoma, the patient was still incomplete remission and had gained 14 kg. He was in goodhealth with a normal VIP serum level.

Scintigraphic Techniques and Imaging ResultsVIP scintigraphy was performed as described previously

(6, 7) using high-performanceliquid chromatography-purifiedI23I-VIP administered as a single intravenous bolus injection

[200 MBq; 300 pmol (1 ug)]. Planar sequential anteriorposterior images of the abdomen were recorded over 30 mm(matrix 128 x 128) with a large-field-of-view Toshiba gammacamera equipped with a low-energy, general-purpose collimator. As reported previously (7), the lungs are the primary organof VIP-uptake and, subsequently, the radioactivity (free 1231)was excreted from the urinary tract. During the initial imagingperiod, a small focus of increased activity could be visualized inthe left lateral part of the epigastrium. SPECT was performedwith a Picker 1000 Prism gamma camera that located the tumorin the pancreatic tail (Fig. 1A).

SSTR scintigraphy was performed as described using 11‘InDTPA-D-Phe-l-octreotide (5) as well as ‘23I-labeledTyr-3-octreotide (4,5). Multiple planar and SPECT studies wereperformed up to 48 hr postinjection (5).

CT of the pancreas was performed with a Tomoscan SR7000(Phillips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). The first CT examination used 10-mm slices without contrast enhancement. In thesecond and subsequent examination, the spiral CT techniquewith intravenous contrast medium injection (lOO-ml Omnipaque 300, flow I .5 mI/see, delay 40 sec; slice thickness 5mm; table speed 5 mm/see; reconstruction index 3 mm) wasused. In the third examination, a multiplanar reconstructionmode was used. In this technique, an area approximately 3 cmin diameter was detected in the pancreas in the same location asthe positive VIP scintigraphy (Fig. IB)

Surgery and Histological ExaminationA left pancreatic resection with splenectomy and a radical

lymphadenectomy were performed. Macroscopically, the tumorwas well-encapsulated. Unexpectedly, two more lesions (lessthan 1 cm in diameter) were found in close proximity to the3.5-cm (largest) in diameter nodule (1 and 2.5 cm apart from the3.5-cm nodule). Histological examination of the 3.5-cm nodulerevealed an epithelial tumor with tumor cells growing predominantly in ribbons and festoons separated by a delicate fibrovascular stroma resulting in a gyriform pattern. Tubular structures were seen occasionally. Of the two smaller nodules, onewas solid and composed of clear cells, whereas the other onewas characterized by extensive fibrosis. Immunohistochemistrywas performed on the paraffin-embedded sections. Indirectimmunoperoxidase staining technique was used.

Most of the tumor cells expressed VIP (Fig. 2; rabbitpolyclonal antibody against VIP, Biogenix, San Ramon, CA;dilution 1:20 goat serum) and glucagon (rabbit polyclonal






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1576 THE JOURNALOF NUCLEARMEDICINE•Vol. 39 •No. 9 •September 1998

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FIGURE Z Immunohistochemical detection of ViP in ViPoma tIssue usingindirectimmunoperoxidasetechnique.

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Kd(nM) SST-14 ViP1111n-DTPA-D-OCT 123l-Tyr-3-OCT Phe-1-OCT


TABLE IBinding of Labeled ViP and Octreotide Analogs to ViPoma

1.9 x10140.[2.5x10112.59.82.510.312.314.4]123l-Tyr-3-OCT


x 1014[2.3 x 19111.8 x 10142.0





x 10114.98.412.6np3.2np]

Theconcentrationof labeledligandusedforthedeterminationoftheiC@(displacementstudy)wasidenticalwiththeK,@valueobtainedbythesaturationstudy.

Valuesin brackets [ ] are the results for peripheralmononuclearcellsKd dissociationconstant; lC@= concentrationof unlabeledligandcausing50% inhibitionof labeledligand binding; np = not performed.

antibody, Chemicon, Temecula, CA; dilution 1:2000 goatserum). A positive reaction with antibodies against the neuroendocrine markers neuron specific enolase, and chromogranin Awas found by immunohistochemistry, whereas negative reactions were found for serotonin, gastrin, pancreatic polypeptide,insulin, somatostatin (SST) and alpha-human chorionic gonadotropin. The lymph nodes (12 nodes available in total) and spleenwere free of tumor cells. Tissue specimens of the 3.5-cmVIPoma were used for the in vitro studies that we describe later.

In Vitro Receptor EvaluationVIPoma tissue obtained at surgery was subjected to in vitro

binding studies using ‘23I-VIP,‘@I-Tyr-3-octreotide and II‘InDTPA-D-Phe-l-octreotide as radioligands and unlabeled VIP,octreotide, Tyr-3-octreotide, DTPA-D-Phe-l-octreotide andSST-14 as competitors in in vitro displacement studies. At thesame time, peripheral mononuclear cells (PMNC) from thepatient were run in control studies. All binding studies wereperformed as described previously (8). The results ofour study(Table 1) indicate the presence of VIP as well as octreotidebinding sites in the VIPoma tissue. When compared withnormal cells, a higher level of VIP/octreotide receptors wasobserved. In line with data obtained previously with othertumors (6,8), cross-competition between VIP and octreotidebinding to VIPoma cells was demonstrable as indicated by IC50values (concentrations causing half-maximal inhibition) in thelower nanomolar range (Table 1).

mRNA Analysis of Peptide ReceptorsTo detect the peptide binding site responsible for VIP

binding, Northern blot analysis of mRNA obtained from theVIPoma was performed using eDNA probes. RNA ofthe tumortissue was extracted using the trizol-reagent (Gibco/BBL, Vienna, Austria) according to the instructions ofthe manufacturer.Northern transfer of 20 @tgof total RNA was performed asdescribed previously (9). After transfer to Schleicher & SchuellNytran membranes (Schleicher and Schuell, Vienna, Austria)by overnight capillary blotting, the RNA was fixed to themembrane by ultraviolet-crosslinking. After separation in anagarose-gel, probes were purified with a Qiaex gel purificationkit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and labeled using the Redivuerandom prime labeling kit (Amersham, Vienna, Austria) and32PdCTP (Amersham). Hybridization was performed as described previously (9). The VIPoma expressed large amounts ofSSTR subtype 3 mRNA (Fig. 3A) These cells were found toexpress low amounts of SSTR2, 4 and 5 and VIPR2, and theylacked SSTR1 and VIPRI . PMNCs expressed only very low

amounts of SSTR3 (Fig. 3B) and SSTR4 > SSTR5 = VIPR2,and they did not express SSTR1 and 2 and VIPR1.

Analysis of the Transfected SSTR3To further analyze whether SSTR3 would bind ‘23I-VIP,

receptor transfection studies were performed. Transient transfection of COS-7 cells (ATCC, Rockville, MD) with SSTR3-eDNA was performed using the N-[1-(2,3-dioleoyloxyl)

28 S -+185 -÷


@-ac@n--* 1111111

1234567.,@ ‘t@•‘@


f3-actin-* 11'IIlI I

FIGURE 3. ANAanalyals of ViPoma by Northern bkthng. Twenty@ of totalRNA @A)from @1Pornatissue or (B) PMNCSwere apd to each lane.Hybtidization was performed as follows (upper panel, A and B): Lane I,hSSTR1; Lane 2, hSSTR2; Lane 3, hSSTR3; Lane 4, hSSTR4; Lane 5,hSSTR5; Lane 6, rVlP-R2; Lane 7, hHlV-8c. Lower panel@ and B): controlhybrkJ@ationwas performedusing human beta-actin probe.



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iç(nM) SST-14 VIP OCT

Valuesare means ±s.d. of six independentexperiments.Theconcentrationof labeledligandused forthe determinationof the ICan(displacementstudy)was @enticalwiththe K@valueObtainedby the saturationstudy.

Kd dissociationconstant; IC@= concentrationof unlabeledligandcausing50% inhibitionof labeledbinding.

TABLE 2Binding of Labeled VIP and Octreotide Analogs to SSTR3 Subtype Receptors

[email protected] ±0.4 x [email protected] ±0.30.5 ±0.31 .2 ±0.517 ±[email protected]±0.4 x 10'1.5 ±0.64.2 ±1.91.5 ±0.812 ±6‘23I-Tyr-3-OCT1.2±0.7x10'32±834±1218±1327±111111n-DTPA-D-Phe-1-OCT1.1

±0.5 x 10@31 ±942 ±1721 ±1235 ±14

probylj-N,N,N,-trimethylammoniummethyl sulfate transfectionagent (DOTAP) transfection reagent (Boehringer Mannheim,Mannheim, Germany). Intact transfected COS-7 cells (5 X l0@cells per tube) were subjected to binding studies as described(8) using labeled and unlabeled ligands. Table 2 shows that thebinding of ‘251-Tyr-ll-SST-l4 (Amersham, Buckinghamshire,UK) to SSTR3 was displaced by unlabeled SST-l4 and VIP andless effectively also by unlabeled octreotide. Vice versa, thebinding of 123I-VIP to SSTR3 was displaced by SST-l4, butalso by octreotide, however, with lower potency. Iodine-123-Tyr-3-octreotide and ‘IIIn-DTPA-D-Phe-l-octreotide bound toSSTR3 with lower affinity when compared with the binding of‘231V1Pand ‘251-Tyr-ll-SST-14 to SSTR3;however,competition by unlabeled VIP for ‘231-Tyr-3-octreotide and ‘I‘InDTPA-D-Phe-l-octreotide binding to SSTR3 was observed aswell.

DISCUSSIONIn patients with VMS, it may be difficult to localize the

primary tumor site by conventional techniques (3). This articlepresents a patient with VMS with negative results in CT andSSTR scintigraphy using radiolabeled octreotide (5). Iodine123-VIP scintigraphy (6) was able to localize a tumor in thepancreatic tail; surgical resection confirmed the presence of aVIPoma and led to a complete remission of the VMS.

VlPomas usually are slow-growing, albeit malignant, tumors(3 ). Such tumors may not be detectable in an early stage of thedisease. It also may take time until clinicians consider thepossibility of VMS, as in this case. Although the majority ofpatients with VMS (68%) may have metastatic spread at thetime of surgery (10), surgery is the most effective and curativeform oftherapy for VlPomas (10). Alternative forms of therapyare chemotherapy and treatment with the SST analog octreotide.Such alternative treatments are used when the tumor siteremains undetectable or in cases of incurable disease. Sincemost (80%) of the VIP-producing adenomas are located in thedistal portion of the pancreas, partial pancreatectomy also maybe considered for patients in whom severe VMS is diagnosed,but no tumor is found preoperatively (3).

In this patient, typical VMS with elevated VIP levels wasdiagnosed. Although the diagnosis was established long afterthe onset of symptoms, no primary tumor site was found byconventional techniques including contrast enhanced CT andselective angiography. Following treatment with octreotide(11 ), the clinical situation improved and the VIP levels dedined. However, because of the considerable risk of tumorgrowth and metastases formation, as well as the uncertainlong-term consequences of octreotide therapy, there were further attempts to detect the tumor using radiolabeled octreotideand, subsequently, VIP scintigraphy. The use of radiolabeledVIP was based on the expression of VIP-receptors on the

VIPoma cell tissue (8). The VIP levels had declined to nearnormal so that it was expected that radiolabeled VIP would beable to bind to unoccupied VIP receptors in vivo. Indeed, the invivo uptake of ‘231-VIPby lung tissue in this patient wasindistinguishable from other tumor patients (5), and the tumorwas detectable by scintigraphy (Fig. lA). Binding of ‘23I-VIPtothe resected VIPoma tissue also could be demonstrated byradioreceptor analysis (Table 1).

The reason for the divergent scintigraphic results (VIPpositive, SRIF/octreotide-negative) remains unknown atpresent. One explanation could be a difference in the distributionof the two tracers in the tissues. Indeed, our previous datasuggested that ‘23I-VIPis more effective than ‘‘‘In-DTPA-D-Phel-octreotide in localizing tumor sites in the GI tract (6). Thismay be due to the relatively low abdominal background activityobtained after injection of ‘23I-VIPas opposed to the highnormal abdominal background activity obtained after injectionof ‘23I-Tyr-3-octreotide and ‘‘‘In-DTPA-D-Phe-l-octreotideThus, the detection limit (size of the tumor) for GI tumors for‘231V1Pscintigraphymay be lower when comparedwith theSSTR scintigraphy. Another possible explanation for the different scintigraphic results could be that the target peptidereceptors bound VIP more effectively in vivo than octreotide.However, this possibility seems unlikely since in our in vitrobinding studies the VIPoma bound both VIP and octreotide withalmost equally high affinity (Table 1) and with Kd values in thelow nanomolar. range.

Recent data suggest that several peptide receptors includingSRIF are involved in VIP binding to tumor cell membranes (8).The identity of the receptor-subtype involved in VIP binding oftumor cells in this patient remains unknown. Northern blotexperiments using eDNA probes (Fig. 3) revealed strongexpression of the SRIF subtype 3 in tumor cells, but not inPMNCs. Another receptor potentially involved in VIP binding,i.e., VIPR2, was also detected, however, the amount of expressed mRNA was rather low when compared with SSTR3. Insubsequent experiments with transfected COS-7 cells expressing SSTR3 (Table 2), specific binding of ‘251-Tyr-ll-SST-14,‘23I-VIP,‘23I-Tyr-3-octreotideas well as ‘‘‘In-DTPA-D-Phe1-octreotide was demonstrable, however, with different bindingaffinities. In particular, ‘231-VIPbound with similar affinity to‘25I55T14 to SSTR3, whereas radiolabeled octreotide hadlower affinity for SSTR3. The binding of ‘25I-Tyr-ll-SST-14 toSSTR3 was more effectively displaced by unlabeled VIP ascompared with octreotide. Despite the fact of lower bindingaffinities for the radioligands, cross-competition between theseligands for SSTR3 binding was demonstrable in a reasonableaffinity range of < 50 nmol/liter (Table 2). Since the VIPoma inthis study also showed binding of both ligands and a crosscompetition, possibly the SSTR3 was the in vivo target site of

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‘231V1Pbinding. Whetherthis maybethe casein all VlPomas,and whether all VlPomas can be detected by VIP scintigraphyremains unclear.

CONCLUSIONA small VIPoma was detected by ‘231-VIP scintigraphy

before its successful surgical removal. We recommend VIPscintigraphy in VMS patients with tumor sites that are undetectable by conventional imaging before surgical intervention.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe plasmids containing the receptor cDNAs for the human

SSTRs 1 through 4 (pCMV-hSSTR 1, 3—4;phSSTR2) wereprovided by Dr. G. Bell (Howard Hughes Institute, Chicago,IL). The plasmid carrying the hSSTR5 was donated by Dr.A.M. O'Carroll (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD).The clone phVIPR2 was providçdby Dr. M. Svoboda (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium) and the clonephIVR-8c (VIPR1) by Dr. A. Couvineau (Institute National deIa Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, Paris, France).


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delivery to ovarian, endometrial and other human tumorsknown to overexpress folate-binding protein (FBP). The folatereceptor is known to be overexpressed by a variety of neoplastictissues, including breast, cervical, ovarian, colorectal, renal andnasopharyngeal tumors, while being highly restricted in mostnormal tissues (1—10).Previously, it has been shown that thisreceptor system can be targeted in vitro and in vivo with lowmolecular weight folate-chelate conjugates such as 67Ga-deferoxamine-folate and ‘‘‘In-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid(DTPA)-folate (11—15). This study was undertaken to bettercharacterize the ability of ‘‘‘In-DTPA-folate to target tumorfolate receptors in vivo using an athymic mouse tumor model.



A Capintec CRC 12R radionuclide dose calibrator (Capintec,Inc., Ramsey, NJ) was used for assays of ‘‘@ In radioactivity in theMCi-mCi range, whereas low-level (<0.01 MCi) samples of ‘‘‘Inwere counted in a Packard 5500 automatic gamma scintillationcounter with a 3-in. large-bore NaI(Tl) crystal. Folate-deficientrodent chow was obtained from ICN Biomedicals (Costa Mesa,CA) and UV-irradiated before use. The DTPA-folate conjugate(Fig. 1) was prepared as described previously (15)

Preparation of Indium-Ill RadiotracersThe ‘‘‘In-DTPA-folateconjugate, ‘‘‘In-DTPAand ‘‘‘In-citrate

were prepared from no-carrier-added ‘‘‘In-indium(III)-chloride(Mallinckrodt, Inc., St. Louis, MO). Briefly, to prepare ‘‘‘InDTPA-folate, the dilute HC1 solution of ‘‘‘In3@was buffered byaddition of sodium citrate, followed by addition of an aqueoussolution ofthe DTPA-folate ligand. Labeling was always complete

Indium-i i i -labeled diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-folate was evaluated as a radiopharmaceutical for targeting tumorassociated folate receptors. Methods: Athymic mice were subcutaneously inoculated with —1.8 x 106 folate receptor-positive KB(human nasopharyngeal carcinoma) cells, yielding 0.2- to 0.6itumors in i 5 days, at which time@@ 11n-DTPA-folate,@@ 1ln-DTPAor1 111n-citrate was administered by intravenous injection. Results:

The ‘@ 11n-DTPA-folate conjugate afforded marked tumor-specific11 11n deposition in vivo using this mouse model. The involvement of

the folate receptor in mediating tumor uptake of@@ 1ln-DTPA-folatewas demonstrated by the blocking of tumor uptake by coadministration of free folic acid (intravenous). The@@ 11n-DTPA-folate alsoshows folate receptor-mediated uptake and retention in the kidneys,presumably reflecting radiotracer binding to folate receptors of theproximal tubules. In control experiments,@@ 11n-citrateradiopharmaceutical precursor was also shown to afford significanttumoruptake of@@ 11n,but with much poorer tumor-to-background tissuecontrast than that obtained with ‘@ 11n-DTPA-folate.Unconjugated1 1 11n-DTPA showed no tumor affinity. Conclusion: Indium-i i i -

DTPA-folate appears suitable as a radiopharmaceutical for targetingtumor-associated folate receptors.Key Words: indium-i i i -diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid folate;folate receptor; tumor targeting

J Nuci Med 199@ 39'.1579-1585

Thetumorcellmembrane-associatedfolatereceptorisapotential molecular target for selective radiopharmaceutical

Received Jul. 11, 1997; revision accepted Dec. 19, 1997.For correspondence or reprints contact: Mark ,@ Green, PhD, Professor of Medicinal

Chem@try,Purdue University,1333 Pharmacy Building,West Lafayette,IN47907-1333.


Indium- 111-DTPA-Fo!ate as a Potential FolateReceptor-Targeted RadiopharmaceuticalCarla J. Mathias, Susan Wang, David J. Waters, John J. Turek, Philip S. Low and Mark A. GreenDepartments ofMedicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Chemistry, Veterinary Clinical Sciences and VeterinaryPhysiology and Pharmacology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

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1998;39:1575-1579.J Nucl Med.   Hübsch, Milos Dvorak, Peter Valent and Bruno NiederleIrene Virgolini, Amir Kurtaran, Maria Leimer, Klaus Kaserer, Markus Peck-Radosavljevic, Peter Angelberger, Peter  Location of a VIPoma by Iodine-123-Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Scintigraphy

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