report on regional network for stem cell therapies and...

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Report on Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and

Regenerative Medicine

- RegMed

Grant agreement number: FP7–REGPOT–2012–CT2012–316120

Project acronym: Glowbrain

Project title: Combining Stem Cells and Biomaterials for Brain Repair

– Unlocking the Potential of the Existing Brain Research

through Innovative In Vivo Molecular Imaging

Funding scheme: SP4-Capacities – Coordination and support actions

Start date of project: 01.10.2012.

Duration: 42 months

Name of beneficiary: University of Zagreb, School of Medicine

Šalata 3, HR-10000 Zagreb

Project Coordinator: Srećko Gajović

Deliverable report: Task 6.4. Reports about Regional Network for Stem Cell

Therapies meetings

Contractual delivery date: Month 39 (31.12.2015.)

Extract from Description of Work:

Task 6.4. Creation of a think-tank Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies. It should include selected group of

representatives of the interest groups: basic scientists, clinical researchers, representatives from SME and

industry related to future stem cell applications, research activities and translational research and potential

partners and sources of finance for commercialization

D6.4) Reports aboutRegional Network for stem Cell Therapies meetings: Collection of the reports with agenda,

conclusions and list of participants of the Regional Network for Stem Cells therapies meetings. [month 36]

Report authors: Mirta Boban, Olja Ulični, Natalia Radovčić


Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3

Events organized ........................................................................................................................ 3

1. Founding of RegMed 3

2. Talk by Miguel Oliveira 4

3. Talk by Lenart Girandon 4

4. Talk by Lisa Cowey 5

5. Talk by Zsombor Lacza 6

6. Talk by Clemens Löwik 7

7. Talk by Dinko Mitrečić 8

8. Talk by Lars Klimaschewski 8

9. Talk by Amy Lam 8

10. Talk by Bettina Bock von Wülfingen 9

11. Talks on the subject “Knowledge landscapes” 9

12. Foundation of Croatian Association for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy 10

Annex I

Statute of the Croatian Association for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy (in Croatian)

Annex II

RegMed minutes of the meeting



RegMed is a Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine, founded

in November 2013 as a part of GlowBrain project. The aim of RegMed is to facilitate the

development of stem cell therapies in preclinical experiments and to open the possibilities for

their potential future use in clinics. We anticipate that RegMed will connect Croatian experts

in basic research and clinical medicine, as well as the representatives from the industry,

including small and medium enterprises that develop relevant technologies. Furthermore,

Regmed invited experts in legal and ethical matters regarding the potential future use of stem

cell therapies and potential future partners from the financial sector. RegMed organizes

meetings where invited speakers give lectures, followed by a discussion and informal


The list of RegMed meetings is presented below. Detailed information about the meetings can

be found in the Annex.

Events organized

1. Founding of RegMed

6 November 2013

The founding meeting started with the introduction from the GlowBrain organizers and

presentation of GlowBrain project. Participants presented themselves after which the network

was officially founded. The objectives and tools of the network were presented, as well as the

activity plan. There was discussion on the role of the network as an intermediary in finding

partners. Finally, public relations and promotional activities of the Network were discussed.


Figure 1. Founding of RegMed

2. Talk by Miguel Oliveira

15 January 2014: Miguel Oliveira, PhD, Minho University, Portugal

Title of the talk: “Current Activity and Support for Tissue Engineering, Regenerative

Medicine, and Stem Cell Research in Portugal”

About the speaker: Miguel Oliveira PhD is a member of a very successful research group 3B's

at the Minho University in Portugal. His main research interest lies in the field of

biomaterials, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. More information about the

research group 3B's can be found at the website:


Figure 2. Talk by Miguel Oliveira

3. Talk by Lenart Girandon

26 March 2014: Lenart Girandon, PhD, company Educell, Slovenia

Title of the talk: "Who can help to enable (disable) entering of a new product to the medical


About the speaker: Lenart Girandon graduated microbiology at the Lund University in

Sweden. He did his PhD thesis in Slovenia, at the University of Ljubljana, School of

Medicine. The subject of his thesis was stem cells in the adult organism and their application

in regenerative medicine, as well as characterization of new sources of growth factors and

hormones from the tissue. Since 2008 he works as a young researcher in the company Educell


Ltd, where he develops systems for testing active substances and biomaterials for clinical use

on primary stem cell culture.

4. Talk by Lisa Cowey

21 May 2014: Lisa Cowey, PhD, expert in intellectual property and technology transfer in

the field of biotechnology and biomedicine

Title of the talk: "Patenting and Stem Cell Research"

About the speaker: Dr Lisa Cowey MBA PGCert IP. Dr Cowey has over 20 years of

professional experience, the first 10 years with high tech companies ranging from early stage

spinouts to large multi-national corporations. She started her career with Oxford Instruments,

a successful spinout from the University of Oxford. She has since held R&D and management

positions in the UK, USA and Germany where helped to realize the commercial value of

Intellectual Property originating from Public Research Organizations (PROs). For the last 10

years she has worked with Universities and Research Groups in old and new Europe to help

them commercialize technology and knowledge from the R&D sector through collaboration,

licensing and spinout including Oxford University, Warwick Ventures and Oxford Brookes

University. Lisa Cowey was the Team Leader for the EU Funded Project “Capacity building

in Croatian technology transfer institutions in order to enhance research commercialisation

activities”, and the Key Expert for R&D for preparation of the draft the Croatia Smart

Specialization Strategy. Lisa has a PhD from the University of Oxford, Department of

Physics, MBA from Oxford Brookes University Business School where she specialised in the

area of University – Industry Technology Transfer and a Masters level Diploma in Intellectual

Property Law and Practice from the University of Bournemouth Business School.


Figure 3. Talk by Lisa Cowey

5. Talk by Zsombor Lacza

17 July 2014: Zsombor Lacza, PhD, Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary)

Title of the talk: "Research commercialisation: what can I do as a scientist?"

About the speaker: Dr. Lacza is a leader of a research group at the Semmelweis University in

Budapest, Hungary. His main research interest is tissue engineering. He is the founder of the

start-up company Lacerta Technologies that develops new solutions for bone regeneration.


6. Talk by Clemens Löwik

15 October 2014: Prof. Clemens Löwik, Leiden University Medical Center, The


Title of the talk: "Valorisation of research: Clinical translation of pre-clinical research results,

collaboration with industry and setting up a spin-off company."

About the speaker: Clemens Löwik is a full Professor in Experimental Molecular Imaging at

the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. The early studies of Prof. Löwik

and his colleagues have led to the clinical development of new generation bisphosphonates

which are now widely used and are the choice of treatment in metabolic bone diseases like

osteoporosis and metastatic bone disease to stop bone loss. He was also involved in the

discovery and unraveling of the mechanism of action of Sclerostin, a natural inhibitor of bone

formation, which has led to the development of a new antibody based drug that can restore the

bone that have been lost. His current research involves 4 major research lines: 1. Molecular

mechanisms involved in mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into bone, cartilage, fat and

neuronal cells. 2. Mechanisms involved in bone metastasis of breast cancer. 3. Intra-operative

optical imaging guided surgery. 4. Imaging and targeting necrosis. In these research lines,

new in vitro and in vivo imaging based models have been developed. Within his research, he

is implementing non-invasive molecular imaging technologies in mice and rats based on

bioluminescence and fluorescence, CT and MRI. He is one of the pioneers and expert on

whole body optical imaging technologies based on bioluminescence and fluorescence.


Figure 4. Talk by Clemens Löwik

7. Talk by Dinko Mitrečić

16 December 2014: Dinko Mitrečić, Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb School

of Medicine and group leader at the Croatian Institute for Brain Research

Title of the talk: "How to facilitate translational research in medicine? Experience from

European Joint Programs”

8. Talk by Lars Klimaschewski

28 January 2015: Prof. Lars Klimaschewski, Innsbruck Medical University (Austria)

Title of the talk: "Industry funding and contract research at the Medical University Innsbruck"


Figure 5. Talk by Lars Klimaschewski

9. Talk by Amy Lam

25 March 2015: Amy Lam, PhD, Head of the Business Development team at the Edinburgh

University BioQuarter

Title of the talk: “Translational regenerative medicine and neuroscience research at


About the speaker: Amy Lam joined Edinburgh BioQuarter in November 2011 as part of the

Business Development team, with the objective of facilitating commercial engagement of the

research base with pharma and biotech and supporting the commercialization of technologies

arising from the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh

and NHS Lothian. The Business Development team work with academic scientists, clinical

practitioners and health professionals to develop deeper links with industry, to collaborate and

accelerate the development of new drugs, diagnostic tools and medical devices to diagnose

and treat diseases. Prior to her role at BioQuarter, Amy has held a number of positions

specializing in the commercialization of technologies in the life sciences sector since 2001.


Amy has worked in academia and in industry (AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly) both in the UK and

the USA. Originally a pharmacologist by training Amy subsequently studied for a PhD in

Neuroscience where her research focused on understanding the role of certain glutamate

receptors in stroke. She also has a Master degree in IP Law. Amy currently heads up the

Business Development team at Edinburgh BioQuarter.

10. Talk by Bettina Bock von Wülfingen

8 June 2015: Bettina Bock von Wülfingen, PhD

Title of the talk: "Mapping neuro-regeneration under the perspective of cultural history"

About the speaker:

11. Talks on the subject “Knowledge landscapes”

On 29 September 2015, the talks were given by:

Anna Lydia Svalastog (Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics, Uppsala University,

Uppsala, Sweden),

Harald Holone (Ostfold University College),

Joachim Allgaier (Independent Scholar, Aachen, Germany),

Lucia Martinelli (MUSE – Science museum, Trento, Italy),

Information on this topic is available in the format of articles on PubMed (PMID 26321023

and 24577828).


Figure 6. Knowledge landscapes

12. Foundation of Croatian Association for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell


Foundation Assembly was held on 15 December 2015

S. Gajović started the meeting explaining how RegMed network was formed as an initiative

of the GlowBrain project, in order to bring together professionals from different fields, such

as academic research, clinical medicine, technology transfer, intellectual property, big and

small industry, bioethics, legislation, etc, who have a common interest in regenerative

medicine or stem cell therapies.

Since GlowBrain project is moving towards its end it is necessary to assure the sustainability

of the network and therefore the best solution is to found the official association in order to

continue its activities after GlowBrain project ends.

The name of the association would be Croatian Association for Regenerative Medicine and

Stem Cell Therapy.


Name in Croatian would be Hrvatska udruga za regenerativnu medicinu i terapiju matičnim


Short name would be RegMedHR

All members present at the meeting would be founding members of the Association.

Association will be registered as legal entity within Croatian Register of Associations.

All representative bodies were elected on the Founding Assembly and Gajovic S. GlowBrain

project coordinator was elected President of the Association RegMedHr.

Association will continue to meet every two or three months and continue to bring together

professionals from different fields to exchange knowledge and experience and to promote

regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy. Annual Meeting including Annual Assembly

will be organized at the end of every year.

The web page of the Association is being under construction and should be soon available on

the following page:

Croatian Association for Regenerative Medicine and stem Cell Therapy has its graphic design

Figure 7. Foundation of Croatian Association RegMedHr



From the informal group Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative

Medicine was transferred in association RegMedHr.

Being an NGO enables the sustainability for the network. Moreover this is the first

professional association in Croatia which connects 3 new technologies: regenerative

medicine, tissue engineering and stem cell therapies.


Annex I

Statute of the Croatian Association for Regenerative Medicine and stem Cell






Na temelju članka 13. Zakona o udrugama (Narodne novine“ broj 74/14.), Skupština Hrvatske udruge

za regenerativnu medicinu i terapiju matičnim stanicama na sjednici održanoj dana 15.12. 2015.

godine, donijela je


Hrvatske udruge za regenerativnu medicinu i terapiju matičnim stanicama


Članak 1.

Ovim Statutom reguliraju se odredbe o nazivu, skraćenom nazivu, nazivu na engleskom jeziku,

skraćenom nazivu na engleskom jeziku, sjedištu i teritoriju djelovanja udruge, o zastupanju, izgledu

pečata, području djelovanja, o ciljevima, te djelatnostima kojima se ostvaruju ciljevi, o ostvarivanju

javnosti rada udruge, o članstvu i članarini, pravima, obvezama i stegovnoj odgovornosti članova, o

unutarnjem ustrojstvu, o tijelima udruge, njihovom sastavu, ovlastima, načinu odlučivanja, uvjetima i

načinu izbora i opoziva, trajanju mandata te odgovornosti članova, imovini i raspolaganju s mogućom

dobiti, načinu stjecanja imovine, prestanku postojanja, postupku likvidacije u slučaju prestanka

postojanja Udruge , načinu rješavanja sporova i sukoba interesa unutar udruge, izboru i opozivu

likvidatora, te postupku s imovinom u slučaju prestanka udruge.

Članak 2.

Naziv Udruge je Hrvatska udruga za regenerativnu medicinu i terapiju matičnim stanicama.

Skraćeni naziv Udruge je RegMedHr

Naziv Udruge na engleskom jeziku je Croatian Association for Regenerative Medicine and Stem

Cell Therapy

Skraćeni naziv na engleskom jeziku je RegMedHr.

Sjedište udruge je Šalata 3,10 000 Zagreb.

Udruga djeluje na području Republike Hrvatske

Članak 3.

Hrvatska udruga za regenerativnu medicinu i terapiju matičnim stanicama je neprofitabilna pravna

osoba, upisana u Registar udruga Republike Hrvatske.

Članak 4.

Znak Udruge sastoji se od skraćenog natpisa udruge RegMedHr u plavoj boji, u Arial fontu koji se

nalazi u sredini elipse crvene boje.

Članak 5.


Udruga ima pečat. Pečat Udruge je okruglog oblika promjera 3,5 cm u kojem je obodno upisan puni

naziv Udruge iz čl. 2 ovog Statuta, a u sredini je grafički znak Udruge.

Članak 6.

Udrugu zastupa predsjednik Udruge.

Upravni odbor može ovlastiti i druge osobe za zastupanje udruge, ukoliko za to postoji potreba.

Članak 7.

Osoba ovlaštena za zastupanje može biti samo punoljetna poslovno sposobna osoba ako joj poslovna

sposobnost nije oduzeta u dijelu sklapanja pravnih poslova.

Osoba ovlaštena za zastupanje:

– odgovara za zakonitost rada udruge;

– vodi poslove udruge sukladno odlukama skupštine;

– odgovorna je za podnošenje skupštini prijedloga godišnjeg financijskog izvješća;

– dostavlja zapisnik s redovne sjednice skupštine nadležnom uredu koji vodi registar


– sklapa ugovore i poduzima druge pravne radnje u ime i za račun udruge

– obavlja i druge poslove u skladu sa zakonom, statutom i aktima udruge.


Članak 8.

Područje djelovanja Udruge je regenerativna medicina i terapija matičnim stanicama.

Članak 9.

Ciljevi Udruge su promovirati regenerativnu medicinu i terapiju matičnim stanicama, poboljšati

liječenje regenerativnom medicinom i terapijom matičnim stanicama i unaprijediti kvalitetu života


Članak 10.

Djelatnosti Udruge su:

- okupljanje svih pravnih i fizičkih osoba koje se bave djelatnostima vezanim uz područje

regenerativne medicine i terapije matičnim stanicama;

- organiziranje savjetovanja, predavanja, seminara, kongresa, tribina i drugih stručnih skupova

iz područja vezanih uz regenerativnu medicinu i terapiju matičnim stanicama;

- strukovno povezivanje te stručno i profesionalno usavršavanje članova;


- poticanje studenata i mladih stručnjaka na usavršavanje svojih znanja i vještina u području

regenerativne medicine i terapije matičnim stanicama ;

- suradnja s drugim istovrsnim i sličnim udrugama i organizacijama u inozemstvu, te svim

organizacijama koje podupiru rad Udruge;

- suradnja i pomoć pri izradi planova i programa znanstvenih i razvojnih istraživanja iz

djelokruga svog rada;

- ostvarivanje stručne suradnje s domaćim i inozemnim strukovnim udrugama;

- nakladnička djelatnost za tiskovine vezane uz istraživanje i liječenje bolesti mozga;

- obavljanje drugih poslova koji doprinose ostvarivanju ciljeva osnivanja utvrđenim Statutom;

Članak 11.

Rad Udruge je javan. Javnost rada Udruge ostvaruje se na načine utvrđene ovim Statutom i to:

- pravodobnim izvješćivanjem članstva o radu Udruge i značajnim događajima,

- pisanim izvješćima,

- na posebnim skupovima ili na drugi prikladan način,

- mrežnom stranom Udruge,

- putem sredstava javnog priopćavanja.


Članak 12.

Članovi Udruge su:

Redovni članovi

Pridruženi članovi

Počasni članovi

Redovni članovi mogu biti svi državljani Republike Hrvatske koji su završili fakultet i djeluju u

području regenerativne medicine ili terapije matičnim stanicama te prihvate statut i opće akte


Pridruženi članovi su fizičke i pravne osobe koje su zainteresirane za djelovanje Udruge. Među

pridruženim članovima posebice su dobrodošli pojedinci, predstavnici javne vlasti, tvrtke i udruge s

djelatnošću vezanim za regenerativnu medicinu i terapiju matičnim stanicama;

Počasnim članom mogu postati državljani Republike Hrvatske i stranci koji su svojim djelovanjem

posebno doprinijeli razvoju Udruge i području regenerativne medicine i terapije matičnim stanicama

uopće. Počasne članove bira skupština Udruge na prijedlog Upravnog odbora.

Članak 13.

Odluku o prijemu u redovno i pridruženo članstvo donosi Upravni odbor Udruge.


Odluku o prijemu u počasno članstvo donosi Skupština na prijedlog Upravnog odbora Udruge ili

najmanje deset redovnih članova Udruge.

Članak 14.

Članom Udruge postaje se upisom u Registar članova koji vodi tajnik Udruge.

Udruga vodi popis članova koji sadrži podatke o osobnom imenu (nazivu), OIB-u, datumu rođenja,

datumu pristupanja udruzi, prestanku članstva u udruzi.

Članak 15.

Upravni odbor određuje iznos članarine za svaku tekuću godinu.

Članak 16.

Prava i obveze članova su:

- da donose odluke (samo redovni članovi);

- da biraju i budu birani u tijela Udruge;

- da budu obaviješteni o radu Udruge i njenih tijela te o materijalno financijskom


- da daju prijedloge, mišljenja i primjedbe na rad Udruge i njenih tijela;

- da aktivno sudjeluju u izvršenju ciljeva Udruge i doprinose ostvarivanju njenih aktivnosti;

- da se pridržavaju odredaba ovog Statuta i drugih općih akata Udruge;

- da čuvaju i podižu ugled Udruge;

- da uredno plaćaju članarinu izuzevši počasne članove.

Članak 17.

Članstvo u Udruzi prestaje:

- dragovoljnim istupom,

- neplaćanjem članarine,

- isključenjem.

Odluku o isključenju donosi Upravni odbor. Isključeni član ima pravo pismenog prigovora Skupštini u

roku od 30 dana od primitka odluke o isključenju. Odluka Skupštine o isključenju je konačna.

Članak 18.

Udruga se može udružiti u savez ili zajednicu udruga. Odluku o udruživanju donosi Skupština.


Članak 19.


Tijela udruge su:

- Skupština,

- Upravni odbor

- Predsjednik

- Nadzorni odbor.

Članak 20.

Skupština je najviše tijelo upravljanja Udrugom.

Skupštinu sačinjavaju svi redovni članovi Udruge.

Članak 21.

Skupština može biti redovita, izborna i izvanredna.

Skupština redovito zasjeda najmanje jednom u tijeku godine, dok se izborna sjednica Skupštine

održava svake četiri godine.

Sjednicu Skupštine saziva Upravni odbor Udruge na vlastitu inicijativu. U odluci o sazivanju Skupštine

Upravni odbor utvrđuje dnevni red sjednice, te dan i mjesto održavanja sjednice.

Upravni odbor je dužan sazvati sjednicu Skupštine i kad to zatraži najmanje jedna trećina članova

Udruge ili Nadzorni odbor Udruge.

U svom zahtjevu za sazivanje Skupštine predlagatelji su obvezni predložiti dnevni red sjednice. Ako

Upravni odbor ne sazove sjednicu Skupštine u roku od 15 dana od dana dostave zahtjeva iz stavka 4.

ovog članka, sazvati će je predlagatelj (odluka treba sadržavati prijedlog dnevnog reda, te mjesto i

dan održavanja sjednice).

Članak 22.

Skupštini predsjedava predsjednik Udruge, a u njegovoj odsutnosti dopredsjednik.

U slučaju odsutnosti predsjednika i dopredsjednika Udruge, Skupština će na početku sjednice javnim

glasovanjem odrediti osobu koja će predsjedavati sjednicom.

O radu sjednice vodi se zapisnik koji se trajno čuva u arhivu Udruge.

Članak 23.

Skupština odlučuje pravovaljano ako je nazočna natpolovična većina svih članova Skupštine, a odluke

donosi većinom glasova nazočnih članova ako Statutom nije određena posebna većina.

Članak 24.

Skupština Udruge:


- utvrđuje politiku razvitka Udruge,

- donosi i mijenja Statut Udruge,

- donosi financijski plan i zaključni račun,

- donosi i mijenja program rada,

- donosi druge akte i odluke važne za rad Udruge,

- bira i razrješuje dužnosti predsjednika Udruge,

- bira i razrješuje dužnosti dopredsjednika, tajnika i blagajnika Udruge,

- bira i razrješuje dužnosti članove Upravnog i Nadzornog odbora ,

- razmatra i usvaja izvješća o radu Udruge,

- daje smjernice za rad Udruge,

- osniva i imenuje odbore, komisije i slična tijela prema potrebi te im utvrđuje zadatke,

- odlučuje o žalbama članova protiv odluka Upravnog odbora,

- odlučuje o prestanku rada Udruge,

- obavlja i druge poslove određene zakonom ili Statutom.

Upravni odbor

Članak 25.

Izvršne funkcije i druge poslove utvrđene ovim Statutom obavlja Upravni odbor Udruge.

Članak 26.

Upravni odbor Udruge čini 9 (devet) članova.

Predsjednik, dopredsjednik, tajnik i blagajnik Udruge članovi su Upravnog odbora.

Upravni odbor je izvršno i operativno kolegijalno tijelo. Predsjednik Udruge ujedno je i predsjednik

Skupštine i predsjednik Upravnog odbora.

Članak 27.

Upravni odbor:

- saziva Skupštinu Udruge,

- utvrđuje prijedlog programa djelatnosti i planova rada,

- brine o izvršenju usvojenog programa rada i provodi odluke Skupštine Udruge,

- upravlja imovinom Udruge,

- podnosi izvješća o radu Skupštine Udruge,

- imenuje komisije i slična tijela prema potrebi te im određuje zadatke,

- obavlja i druge poslove određene Statutom i drugim općim aktima.

Članak 28.


Dopredsjednik pomaže predsjedniku Udruge u njegovu radu i obavljanju drugih poslova koje

dopredsjedniku povjeri predsjednik i Upravni odbor.

Članak 29.

Tajnik Udruge:

- priprema nacrte prijedloga općih akata koje donosi Skupština;

- stara se o urednom vođenju registra članova;

- vodi zapisnike sa sjednica Skupštine i Upravnog odbora;

- vodi i čuva arhivu Udruge;

- brine se za komunikaciju članova Udruge i vođenje mrežne strane Udruge;

- obavlja stručne i druge poslove za potrebe Upravnog odbora u skladu s općim aktima


Članak 30.

Blagajnik Udruge

- obavlja poslove u svezi s materijalnim i financijskim poslovanjem Udruge, a u skladu s

važećim propisima o vođenju financijskog poslovanja neprofitnih udruga;

- vodi propisane poslovne knjige i ostale financijske dokumente;

- podnosi odgovarajuća pisana i financijska izvješća Predsjedniku udruge i Upravnom


Članak 31.

Odlukom Upravnog odbora može se cjelokupno materijalno i financijsko poslovanje povjeriti fizičkoj

ili pravnoj osobi koja se profesionalno bavi pružanjem usluga vođenja materijalno – financijskog


Članak 32.

Odluke Upravnog odbora donose se većinom glasova svih članova Upravnog odbora.

Predsjednik Udruge saziva sjednice Upravnog odbora. Sjednice Upravnog odbora mogu biti i


Članak 33.

Za svoj rad Upravni odbor je odgovoran Skupštini.

Upravni odbor podnosi Skupštini godišnje izvješće o svom radu.

Mandat članova Upravnog odbora traje četiri godine.

Članak 34.


Upravni odbor i svaki njegov član mogu podnijeti ostavku ili biti opozvani odlukom Skupštine prije

isteka vremena na koje su birani.

Nadzorni odbor

Članak 35 .

Nadzorni odbor Udruge prati i nadzire rad tijela utvrđenih ovim Statutom.

O svom nalazu i mišljenju obavještava Skupštinu Udruge i organ čiji je rad nadzirao.

Nadzorni odbor utvrđuje da li je djelatnost Udruge u skladu sa zakonom, Statutom i drugim aktima


Nadzorni odbor posebno nadzire materijalno i financijsko poslovanje Udruge.

Članak 36.

Nadzorni odbor ima 3 (tri) člana.

Mandat članova Nadzornog odbora traje četiri godine.

Sjednice Nadzornog odbora održavaju se prema potrebi.

Nadzorni odbor donosi odluke većinom glasova članova Nadzornog odbora.

Predsjednik Udruge

Članak 37.

Predsjednika Udruge bira Skupština na mandat od četiri godine.

Predsjednik Udruge je po funkciji ujedno i predsjednik Upravnog odbora i predsjednik Skupštine.

Članak 38.


- zastupa Udrugu;

- pokreće rasprave o određenim pitanjima iz djelokruga Skupštine i Upravnog odbora


- brine se o upoznavanju javnosti s radom Skupštine i njezinih tijela;


- rukovodi radom Skupštine i Upravnog odbora;

- obavlja i druge poslove utvrđene ovim Statutom.

Predsjednik Udruge podnosi izvješće o svom radu Upravnom odboru i Skupštini Udruge.

U slučaju odsutnosti ili spriječenosti, predsjednika u svim poslovima zamjenjuje dopredsjednik


Članak 39.

Članovi Udruge stegovno odgovaraju za povredu svojih članskih dužnosti utvrđenih Statutom i

drugim aktima.

Zahtjev za pokretanje stegovnog postupka može podnijeti Upravni odbor, Nadzorni odbor ili

najmanje jedna desetina članova Skupštine.

Stegovni postupak provodi Upravni odbor Udruge. U stegovnom postupku mogu se izreći slijedeće

stegovne mjere:

- opomena;

- isključenje iz Udruge.

Članak 40.

Protiv odluke može se, u roku od 15 dana, računajući od dana dostave odluke, podnijeti žalba


Skupština je dužna riješiti žalbu u roku od 30 dana računajući od dana dostave žalbe.

Članak 41.

Za rad u pojedinim područjima djelovanja Udruge, Skupština ili Upravni odbor mogu osnovati stalne

ili povremene komisije i druga radna tijela. Odlukom o osnivanju komisija ili radnih tijela utvrđuje se

njihov sastav, zadaća, vrijeme za koje se osnivaju i odgovornost za obavljene poslove.

Izbor i opoziv likvidatora

Članak 42.

Likvidatora bira i opoziva Skupština.

Likvidator je ovlašten zastupati Udrugu tijekom likvidacijskog postupka.

Likvidator može biti fizička ili pravna osoba koja udovoljava zakonskim uvjetima za zastupanje Udruge

tijekom likvidacijskog postupka.

Likvidator se bira na mandat od 4 godine.


Likvidator ima pravo na naknadu troškova za svoj rad iz sredstava Udruge u visini koju određuje

Upravni odbor na prvoj sjednici nakon njegova imenovanja.


Članak 43.

Imovinu udruge čine:

- novčana sredstva koja je udruga stekla uplatom članarina, dobrovoljnim prilozima i


- novčana sredstva koja Udruga stekne obavljanjem djelatnosti Udruge;

- financiranjem programa i projekata udruge iz državnog proračuna i proračuna jedinica

lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave te fondova i/ili inozemnih izvora;

- druga novčana sredstva stečena u skladu sa zakonom, njezine nepokretne i pokretne stvari,

kao i druga imovinska prava.


Udruga može raspolagati svojom imovinom samo za ostvarivanje ciljeva i obavljanje djelatnosti

određenih statutom Udruge, u skladu sa zakonom.

Članak 44.

Izvješće o materijalno-financijskom poslovanju Upravni odbor podnosi Skupštini na razmatranje i


Udruga vodi poslovne knjige i sastavlja financijska izvješća prema propisima kojima se uređuje način

financijskog poslovanja i vođenja računovodstva neprofitnih organizacija.

Odgovornost za obveze

Članak 45.

Za svoje obveze udruga odgovara svojom cjelokupnom imovinom.

Članovi udruge i članovi njezinih tijela ne odgovaraju za obveze udruge.

Nad udrugom se može provesti stečaj, sukladno zakonu.

Odgovornost za štetu

Članak 46.

Udruga i osobe ovlaštene za zastupanje udruge za štetu učinjenu u udruzi ili udruge prema trećim

osobama odgovaraju sukladno općim propisima o odgovornosti za štetu.



Članak 47.

Udruga prestaje s radom u slučajevima predviđenim zakonom.

U slučaju prestanka postojanja temeljem odluke Skupštine, ista donosi odluku o prestanku postojanja

Udruge dvotrećinskom većinom glasova od ukupnog broja članova Skupštine Udruge.

U slučaju prestanka postojanja udruge imovina se, nakon namirenja vjerovnika i troškova

likvidacijskog, sudskog i drugih postupaka, predaje udruzi, ustanovi ili zakladi koje imaju iste ili slične

statutarne ciljeve, a na osnovi odluke skupštine.

Udruga nema pravo svoju imovinu dijeliti svojim osnivačima, članovima Udruge, osobama

ovlaštenima za zastupanje, zaposlenima ili s njima povezanim osobama.

Ako se u slučaju prestanka postojanja Udruge iz bilo kojih razloga ne može provesti postupak s

imovinom Udruge koji je Udruga odredila svojim statutom, preostalu imovinu stječe jedinica lokalne

samouprave na čijem je području sjedište Udruge.

Način rješavanja sporova i sukoba interesa unutar udruga

Članak 48.

Sve međusobne sporove iz članstva u udruzi i/ili aktivnostima u sklopu djelovanja Udruge, članovi se

obvezuju riješiti mirnim putem uz arbitražu Upravnog odbora.


Članak 49.

Statut Udruge donosi Skupština većinom glasova ukupnog broja članova u Skupštini nakon provedene


Statut Udruge je temeljni akt Udruge i svi drugi opći akti moraju biti u skladu s odredbama Statuta.

Prijedlog za izmjenu Statuta mogu dati članovi Upravnog odbora ili dvotrećinska većina redovitih

članova Udruge.

Članak 50.

Tumačenje odredbe ovog Statuta daje Skupština Udruge.

Tumačenje drugih akata daje Upravni odbor Udruge i predsjednik.


Ovaj Statut kao sve normativne akte Udruge potpisuje Predsjednik Udruge.

U slučaju likvidacije Udruge Upravni odbor ovlašćuje osobu za provedbu postupka likvidacije koja ne

mora biti član Udruge.

Članak 51.

Ovaj Statut stupa na snagu danom donošenja.

U Zagrebu, 15.prosinca 2015 g

Predsjednik Udruge:

Srećko Gajović


Annex II

RegMed minutes of the meeting

EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Founding Meeting

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Wednesday, November 06th

, 2013, from 15:00 till 17:00 at the

premises of Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb School of


Attendees (40, in alphabetical order): L. Andrijašević, T. Anić Milić, T. Banić, G. Bićanić, M.

Boban, I. Bohaček, I. Bojanić, F. Borovečki, V. Bradamante, I. Coc, S. Cvetojević, S. Čužić,

D. Delimar, D. Drmić, L. Frkanec, S. Gajović, B. Golubić-Ćepulić, D. Grčević, S. Hajnšek,

M. Heffer, A. Ivković, H. Jurić, D. Ježek, Z. Kejla, N. Kosi, M. Majstorović, I. Marijanović,

T. Matulić, D. Mitrečić, T. Not, V. Petrović, E. Plačko, T. Pospišil, M. Prenc, J. Raguž, M.

Renić, S. Škokić, Z. Tarle, A. Vrdoljak, A. Vukasović

Meeting Agenda:

1. Introductory note

2. Presentation of project GlowBrain

3. Presentation of participants

4. Founding of RegMed network

5. Definition of objectives and tools of the Network

6. Activity plan

7. Network as an intermediary in finding partners

8. Public relations and promotional activities of the Network

Ad 1. S. Gajović began the meeting by greeting the attendees. He explained the purpose of

the gathering and introduced GlowBrain’s Innovation Manager, M. Boban to the attendees.

After introducing herself, she presented the initiative to connect experts from different areas


with a long-term goal of setting up requirements for future stem cell therapies in Croatia. S.

Gajović stressed out the importance and necessity of adapting medicine to modern life

conditions (chronical diseases, aging of the population) where regenerative medicine will play

a critical role.

Ad 2. S. Gajović shortly presented the history of project GlowBrain, describing its SWOT

analyses, special conditions which GlowBrain had to satisfy in order to get funding

(competitiveness, new employments, growth and development) and the design of the project.

Among other goals, GlowBrain has to found a Network for Stem Cell Therapies and

Regenerative Medicine.

Ad 3. Attendees introduced themselves to other participants. Experts present at the meeting

included representatives from various areas: clinical researchers (orthopedics, dentistry,

neurosurgery, transfusion medicine), basic researchers (regenerative medicine, functional

genomics, molecular biology), bioethics, business sector and pharmaceutical industry,

translational medicine and technology transfer.

Ad 4. The participants voted and unanimously agreed to establish the RegMed Network and

act as its members. Mission statement was unanimously agreed to be:”Croatia should be

among the first to establish regenerative medicine technologies, especially application of stem

cells for the benefit of its citizens and economy.” Project GlowBrain will support RegMed as

an independent network of experts. RegMed will set the framework of activities and support

further collaborations in order to facilitate the development of regenerative medicine in

Croatia. The members commented positively on this initiative and suggested 11 other

potential interested members.

Ad 5. The objective of the Network is to enable connecting of experts engaged in research

and application of stem cells and regenerative medicine. Tools of RegMed Network were

agreed to be four Working Groups/Thematic Units: 1. Preclinical research, 2. Clinical

research, 3. Legal-ethical framework and 4. Application technologies and financing.

Ad 6. Members of the Network agreed to meet every two months. The meetings would

consist of thematic lectures and formal and informal discussions. Next meeting is to be held

on January 15th

, 2014. at 15:00 o’clock, seminar room ground floor of Croatian Institute for

Brain Research.


Ad 7. The Network will support and act as an intermediary for new activities. This will

include applications for scientific and infrastructural projects and organization of training

networks. It is expected that the Network could generate new economic activities therefore it

should gather the expertise to create new business models, contacts with industries and

partnership and generation of SMEs with interest in regenerative medicine.

Ad 8. Public relations and promotional activities should promote the Network and

professional contribution of individual members. It was agreed that an internal web page and

a closed web interface would be organized to facilitate communication between members.

Contact with other members can also be achieved through network’s coordinator M. Boban

and project GlowBrain (email address:

Next meeting is to be held on January 15th

, 2014. at 15:00 o’clock, seminar room ground

floor of Croatian Institute for Brain Research.

Meeting notes taken by: E. Plačko


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Founding Meeting

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Wednesday, January 15th

, 2014, from 16:00 till 17:30 at the

premises of Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb School of


Attendees (28, in alphabetical order): M. Boban, G. Borden, I. Bohaček, M. Ćurlin, M.

Dobrivojević, D. Drmić, L. Ferhatović, S. Gajović, M. Golemović, M. Golubić Ćepulić, D.

Gorup, E. Lazić Mosler, M. Lovrić, M. Majstorović, D. Mitrečić, D. Moslavac Forjan, E.

Plačko, D. Polšek, I. Pongrac, T. Pospišil, J. Raguž, A. Sinđić, T. Stipčević, M. Šalković-

Petrišić, G. Turkalj, S. Vikić-Topić, A. Vrdoljak, M. Vukmir

Meeting Agenda:

1. Lecture by Miguel Oliveira, PhD

2. Discussion on the lecture

3. Approval of the agenda and minutes from the 1st RegMed meeting

4. Introduction of new attendees

5. Activity plan

6. RegMed web page

7. Communication between RegMed members

Ad 1. S. Gajović started the meeting by presenting the lecturer Miguel Oliveira, PhD to the

attendees. M. Oliveira is a visiting scientist from one of partnering organizations of project

GlowBrain. He gave a lecture entitled “Current Activity and Support for Tissue Engineering,

Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research in Portugal” during which he explained the

organization, structure and strategies of its institution, 3B’s research group and University of

Minho, and presented a number of their current projects.

Ad 2. Following the lecture, a brief discussion was lead on the applicability of the described

business model. M. Oliveira particularly stressed the importance of the application to Horizon


2020 calls. He also underlined the utmost importance of collaboration and partnership with

small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Ad 3. The agenda and the minutes from the 1st RegMed meeting were approved by the


Ad 4. S. Gajvić asked the new attendees to introduce themselves. M. Vukmir (attorney at law

from Vukmir & Associates, intellectual property protection), G. Turkalj (Callidea, intellectual

property protection), M. Golemović (cell and tissue bank at Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb),

T. Stipčević (Ruđer Bošković Institute), M. Dobrivojević (senior research assistant at

Histology and Embryology Department, University of Zagreb School of Medicine) and S.

Vikić-Topić (head of Research and Technology Transfer Office, Center for Translational and

Clinical Research of University of Zagreb School of Medicine).

Ad 5. S. Gajović scheduled the next RegMed meeting for March 26th

, 2014 and announced

another lecturer from one of GlowBrain’s partnering institution - Zsombor Lacza, PhD from

Semmelweis University of Budapest, Hungary. Relevant Horizon 2020 calls for proposals

will be discussed, as well as calls from other granting agencies will be reviewed.

Ad 6. The preparations for the RegMed web site are almost over. It is expected that the new

web site will be fully functional soon.

Ad 7. Until the completion of RegMed web site, communication among members continues

through project GlowBrain and its Innovation Manager M. Boban.

Next meeting will take place on March 26th

, 2014. at 16:00 o’clock, seminar room first floor

of Croatian Institute for Brain Research.

Meeting notes taken by: E. Plačko


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Wednesday, March 26th

, 2014, from 16:00 till 17:30 at the premises

of Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb School of Medicine.

Attendees (18, in alphabetical order): M. Antica, M. Boban, M. Dobrivojević, M. Golemović,

B. Golubić Ćepulić, L. Ferhatović Hamzić, S. Gajović, L. Girandon, M. Lovrić, S. Mazić, D.

Mitrečić, E. Plačko, I. Pongrac, S. Škokić, O. Ulični, S. Vikić-Topić, A. Vrdoljak, M. Vukmir

Meeting Agenda:

1. Lecture by Lenart Girandon, PhD

2. Discussion on the lecture

3. Approval of the agenda and minutes from the 2nd

RegMed meeting

4. Introduction of new attendees

5. Discussion on project applications for Horizon 2020

6. Activity planning

7. AOB

Ad 1. D. Mitrečić started the meeting by presenting the lecturer Lenart Girandon, PhD to the

attendees. L. Girandon is a visiting scientist, representative of the Slovenian company

EduCell developing cell and medical products, and human allografts. He was very kind to

agree to give a lecture instead of Z. Lacza from Semmelweis University from Budapest, who

was not able to attend. L. Girandon gave a lecture entitled “Who can help to enable (or

disable) the enter of the new product to medical market?” during which he explained how a

new compound enters a medical market and named the obstacles it meets on that journey.

Ad 2. Following the lecture, a brief discussion was lead on the applicability of the described

business model. L. Girandon explained that most of the investment in this process comes from

business angels and venture capitalists. He also advised that founding a company is not

practical before first clinical trial in men, when he expects one should have no problems to get

further funding.


Ad 3. The agenda and the minutes from the 2nd

RegMed meeting were approved by the


Ad 4. S. Gajović asked the new attendees to introduce themselves. O. Ulični, a biology

engineer and a volunteer for project GlowBrain, introduced herself.

Ad 5. S. Gajović led the discussion on new projects and applications for the calls of Horizon

2020. For now, there are no applications, but some attendees are planning to apply to later


Ad 6. S. Gajović announced the new GlowBrain Workshop “Application of biomaterials and

in vivo imaging in stem cell research” that is going to take place at the Croatian Institute for

Brain Research from March 27-29, 2014. He also invited the attendees to the public lecture by

J. Križ (Quebec, Canada) and Z. Kokaia (Lund, Sweden) that will be held at the Cineplexx

cinema hall Kaptol Center Zagreb on March 27, 2014.

Ad 7. Next RegMed meeting is going to take place on May 21, 2014 at 4 pm, lecture room

of the Dermatology and Venereology Department (Šalata 4).

Meeting notes taken by: E. Plačko


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)


GlowBrain Board

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Tuesday, 21.5.2014., from 16:00 till 17:00 at the premises of

Department for Dermatovenereology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Hall No. 3.

Attendees (11, in alphabetical order): M. Boban, L. Cowey, D. Drmić, V. Eraković Haber, S.

Gajović, I. PongracR. Pochet, A. Sinđić, S. Škokić, O. Ulični and S. Vikić-Topić.

Meeting Agenda:

1. Introduction of RegMed

2. Lecture by Lisa Cowey, PhD

3. Discussion on the lecture

4. Introduction of GBoard

Ad 1. S. Gajović started the meeting by presenting Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies

and Regenerative Medicine.

Ad 2. S. Gajović also presented the lecturer Lisa Cowey, PhD, to the attendees. L. Cowley is

a visiting scientist, for the last 10 years she has worked with Universities and Research

Groups in old and new Europe to help them commercialise technology and knowledge from

the R&D sector through collaboration, licensing and spinout including Oxford University,

Warwick Ventures and Oxford Brookes University. L. Cowey gave a lecture entitled

"Patenting and Stem Cell Research" during which she explained and studied a ruling issued

by the European court of justice, in October 2011, saying that procedures that use embryonic

stem cells cannot be patented.


Ad 3. Following the lecture, a brief discussion was lead on the morality, ethic, funding and

public view in scientific research. It especially referred to difference in perception of stem cell

research and mouse facilities in Croatia and United Kingdom.

Ad 4. S. Gajović introduced GlowBrain Board to new attendees. Short discussion about

GlowBrain goals and it’s relation to intellectual property rights took place.

Meeting notes taken by: O. Ulični


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Thursday, 17.7.2014., from 16:00 till 17:30 at the premises of

Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb School of Medicine.

Attendees (25, in alphabetical order): Bago M., Boban M., Ćurlin M., Dobrivojević M.,

Drmić D., Eraković Haber V., Ferhatović Hamzić L., Gajović S., Gorup D., Ivković A.,

Ivković J., Lacza Z., Lovrić M., Makovac I., Marijanović I., Mitrović D., Ozana Prah I.,

Pochet R., Polšek D., Pongrac I., Raguž J., Stipčević T., Ulični O., Vikić-Topić S., and

Vukomir M.

Meeting Agenda:

1. Approval of the agenda and minutes from the 4th RegMed meeting

2. Lecture by Lacza Z.

3. Discussion on the lecture

4. AOB

Ad 1. The agenda and the minutes from the 4th RegMed meeting were approved by the


Ad 2. S. Gajović started the meeting by presenting the lecturer Zsombor Lacza, to the

attendees. Lacza Z. is a visiting scientist from one of GlowBrain partners from Semmelweis

University, Budapest, Hungary (SEMU), and CEO and founder of a company Lacerta

Technologies (technologies for bone repair). Lacza Z. gave a lecture entitled “Research

commercialization: what I can do as a scientist?“ during which he stressed the initiative from

the side of researchers needed in developing private research companies and outsourcing their

competences to other companies.

Ad 3. Following the lecture, a discussion was lead on number of topics, such as methods of

success of small research company, in which countries is best to register small company,

which patents are valid where, market entry, which specific clinical studies are needed,

research criteria’s demanded by pharmaceutical companies, ethical issues concerning transfer

from research to human clinical studies, stem cell research…


Ad 4. Next RegMed meeting is going to take place on 15.10.2014. at 4 pm, at the premises of

Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb School of Medicine.

Lecture will be given by C. Löwik.

Meeting notes taken by: O. Ulični


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Thursday, 15.10.2014., from 16:00 till 17:00 at the premises of

Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb School of Medicine.

Attendees: Alajbeg I., Antica M., Boban M., Ćurlin M., Drmić D., Ferhatović Hamzić L.,

Gajović S., Golemović M., Gorup D., Hovat Velić E., Klarić E., Lovrić M., Lowik C.,

Mitrečić D., Nikić I., Nikšić G., Pelajić S., Pernc E., Plavšić D., Pocrnić M., Prah I., Pušić M.,

Raguž J., Renić M., Šalković-Petrišić M., Šimić A., Škokić S., Turkalj L., Ulični O.,

Vukasović A. and Župančić K.

Meeting Agenda:

1. Approval of the agenda and minutes from the 5th

RegMed meeting

2. Lecture by Lowik C.

3. Discussion on the lecture

4. AOB

Ad 1. The agenda and the minutes from the 5th

RegMed meeting were approved by the


Ad 2. S. Gajović started the meeting by presenting the lecturer Lowik C. to the attendees. C.

Löwik is a full Professor in Experimental Molecular Imaging at the Leiden University

Medical Center in the Netherlands and one of the pioneers and experts on whole body optical

imaging technologies based on bioluminescence and fluorescence. He presented lecture on

topic of "Valorization of research: Clinical translation of pre-clinical research results,

collaboration with industry and setting up a spin-off company" during which he presented his

work on regenerative medicine in area of osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, myocardial infarct,

stroke, traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer disease. He also talked about image guided

surgeries, dual color BLI imaging, FLI, micro CT, optical imaging and whole body imaging.

Also he presented his patents, collaboration with industry and his experience with IP


Ad 3. Following the lecture, a discussion was lead on number of topics, such as IP patent

procedure, IP commercialization, spin-off companies, business angels, up-front payments,


milestone payments, patent royalties, valorization of research, valorization indicators and

Dutch IP laws, practices and university policies.

Ad 4. Date of the next RegMed meeting is still to be decided on.

Meeting notes taken by: O. Ulični


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Thursday, 16.12.2014., from 16:00 till 17:00 at the premises of

Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.

Attendees: Alić I., Boban M., Brkić L., Ćurlin M., Dobrivojević M., Drmić D., Gajović S.,

Kosi N., Lovrić M., Mitrečić D., Polšek D., Raguž J., Stipčević T., Šenoa Ž., Ulični O., Vikić-

Topić S. and Vuletić L.

Meeting Agenda:

9. Approval of the agenda and minutes from the 6th

RegMed meeting

10. Lecture by Mitrečić D.

11. Discussion on the lecture

12. AOB

Ad 1. The agenda and the minutes from the 6th

RegMed meeting were approved by the


Ad 2. S. Gajović started the meeting by presenting the lecturer Mitrečić D. to the attendees.

Mitrečić D. is leader of Stem cells laboratory at Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR),

University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, and member of EU Joint Programme –

Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). He presented lecture on topic of "How to

accelerate translational research in medicine? The experience of European joint programs"

during which he talked about joint programs, national funds for Alzheimer disease and related

disorders, global collaborations and public funding for research.

Currently there is less than 8% chance for the new neurodrug to be clinically tested after

animal trials and there is big difference in approval of late phases of clinical trials comparing

to other drugs.

Ad 3. Following the lecture, a discussion was lead on number of topics, such as national

research strategies and investment, national funding bodies, JPND possibilities, translation

projects for acceleration of clinical research and open source approach.

As it’s from Croatian national interest that Croatian scientist are included in international

groups, RegMed supports that Republic of Croatia co-finances JPND. It should be one of


priorities on national level for Ministry of science, education and sports. They should also

make a strategy as Croatian parliament gave them a mandate to work on neuroscience and

regenerative medicine.

Gajović S. proposed 4 opinions concerning transfer of technologies in medicine:

1. Transfer of knowledge from universities to industry in not limited to technological


2. Researches working on universities do not have to make their results public good.

They can make partnership with industry and private sector.

3. We should use technology transfer for benefits of biomedical research for patient’s

welfare and make partnerships with industry for clinical trials.

4. Influence of university is measured by knowledge or ideas which have been created on

university and found ways into everyday life.

Ad 4. Date of the next RegMed meeting will be 28.1.2015.

Meeting notes taken by: O. Ulični


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Thursday, 18.1.2015., from 16:00 till 17:00 at the premises of

Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.

Attendees: Alajbeg I., Antica M. S., Boban M., Brkić L., Casarosa S., Couillard-Despres S.,

Drmić D., Gajović S., Klarić E., Klimachewski L., Kreutzer C., Kubinova S., Marschallinger

J., Mitrečić D., Pochet R., Polšek D., Pongrac I., Radmilović M., Škokić S., Ulični O., Unger

M. and Vikić-Topić S.

Meeting Agenda:

1. Approval of the agenda and minutes from the 8th

RegMed meeting

2. Lecture by Klimachewski L.

3. Discussion on the lecture

4. AOB

Ad 1. The agenda and the minutes from the 7th

RegMed meeting were approved by the


Ad 2. Gajović S. started the meeting by presenting the lecturer Klimachewski L. to the

attendees. Klimachewski L. is researcher at Division of Neuroanatomy at the Department of

Anatomy and Histology, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria. He presented lecture on topic

of "Industry funding and contract research at the Medical University Innsbruck" during which

he made introduction to administrative side of contract research funding with institute, faculty

or university and Center for academic spin-offs in Tyrol.

Currently his research is about cellular and molecular mechanisms of peripheral axon growth

and peripheral nerve regeneration.

Ad 3. Following the lecture, a discussion was lead on number of topics, such as spin-off

companies, patent usage, IP university policy advising, innovation policy before patenting,

tech office, difference in IP policy in Croatia and Austria, contracts with industry, benefits for

university, business plans for researches, benefits for scientific collaborations…


Ad 4. Date of the next RegMed meeting will be 25.3.2015.

Meeting notes taken by: O. Ulični


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Thursday, 25.3.2015., from 16:00 till 17:00 at the premises of

Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.

Attendees: Alić I., Bago M., Boban M., Brkić L., Ćurlin M., Drmić D., Gajović S., Gorup D.,

Habek N., Kafka A., Kapuralin K., Kičić D., Komcsak J., Lam A., Lovrić M., Pavičić J.,

Polešk D., Pongrac I., Radmilović M., Raguž J., Sinđić A., Šale S., Ulični O. and Vikić-Topić


Meeting Agenda:

1. Approval of the agenda and minutes from the 8th

RegMed meeting

2. Lecture by Lam A.

3. Discussion on the lecture

4. AOB

Ad 1. The agenda and the minutes from the 8th

RegMed meeting were approved by the


Ad 2. Gajović S. started the meeting by presenting the lecturer Lam A. to the attendees. Lam.

A is Head of Business Development BioQuarter the University of Edinburgh, UK. She

presented lecture on topic of "Translational regenerative medicine and neuroscience research

at Edinburgh” during which she made introduction to University of Edinburgh, UK, and their

achievements. They were founded in 1583, currently ranging as 17. university in the world, 4.

in UK and 3. in neurosciences in UK. University of Edinburgh has 22 schools over 3 college,

large research council, charitable funding, small funding from industry and spin off


BioQuarter is Scottish center similar to GlowBrain RegMed platform with neuroscience

incubator in one campus. Their success is 20 new industrial strategic partnerships, 500%

increase in translation funding in 4 years and >300% increase in industrial investment in 4

years. Also they are home of UK national supercomputer facility. They also had 10 spin off

companies in 4 years and now are targeting 18 new spin off companies in 7 years as they are

expecting 20 M£ investment in CMVM spin jobs. One of the grants they giving to students is

BioQuarter Annual Innovation Competition.


Another big investment is Anne Rowling Clinic which specializes in neurology clinic stroke

and hemorrhage diseases. They are creating strategic alliance between Center for Clinical

Brain Sciences and Biogen Idec.

EPAD is specializing in Alzheimer research (5 year study, 64 M£, 35 partners (private and

academic) and is trying to understand early symptoms of Alzheimer disease before dementia

develops. EU has wide register with 24000 cases.

DelBox is device for detection and monitoring of delirium and dementia in hospital patients.

They are doing highly discriminant test to differentiate between delirium and dementia in

acute care settings (reversible vs. irreversible) and having ongoing discussions with company

to develop device.

Scottish Center for Regenerative Medicine has on one site stem cells, neurodiseases, liver

diseases and cardiovascular diseases research. Six cell therapies for clinical trials are currently

manufactured. Also they are working on neural differentiation and tissue repair (brain and

spinal cord).

UK Regenerative Medicine Platform is 45 M£ worth stem cell niche and creation platform

applicable for spectrum of disease.

Some other important works are Cell Therapy for Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease,

industrial collaboration with Genzyme and in vitro production of red cells for clinical


Ad 3. Following the lecture, a discussion was lead on number of topics, such as spin-off

companies, patent usage, IP university policy advising, innovation policy before patenting,

tech office, difference in IP policy in Croatia and Scotland, contracts with industry, benefits

for university, business plans for researches, benefits for scientific collaborations…

Boban M. inquired how BioQuarter had such a big increase in collaborations, to which Lam

A. responded that they had huge support from the college top, directing research to IP/tech

transfer center so BioQuarter could approach researches.

Gajović S. asked about ranking and tangible output and how do they measure it? How do they

rank on IP/tech transfer list? Lam A. explained that there is no comparison, but they have lists

and aims set up by college top, providing information, budget and industry connections. They

will be independent soon and that will be best type of measure.

Drmić D. asked about their collaboration with pharmaceutical industry, but Lam A. stated

that they have only small percentage since it’s not so big goal for them.

Kičić D. questioned since excellence/focus in IT research is dropping, will all researches have

to start to collaborate more and more with industry? Lam A. agreed that researches do lose

little of their academic freedom, but some agree to it and others do not so they still have a


Raguž J. asked what is deciding factor for researches, and Lam A. explained that main factor

is more benefits for the patients and more approachable side of the lab. Raguž J. asked then

what model Lam A. would recommend for Zagreb and Croatia, and she stated that we first


need support from the top and government, specific local laws and regulations for IP and

people in major institutions who know situation on the field.

Kičić D. inquired how do they motivate projects and how do they finance their work, to which

Lam A. responded that they use different key points, presentation of their services,

workshops, personal approach and different specializations in tech transfer field. They finance

it mostly from University of Edinburgh, grants and lower costs. Gajović S. continued on the

topic by asking about financing from angel investors or some philanthropic organization, but

Lam A. stated that is not such a big case and that they receive more small donations. Vikić-

Topić S. asked if they plan to use royalties from spin off companies for financing and Lam A.

explained that they plan to use those more for evaluation of independent companies, not so

much to invest in other project yet.

Kičić D. was curious why they chose stem cells research and IP/tech transfer to focus on, and

Lam. A. said that that is just a field they started in and it’s a nice niche to work in.

Ad 4. Date of the next RegMed meeting will be in June 2015., approximately 8.6.2015.

Meeting notes taken by: O. Ulični


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on 8 June 2015, from 16:00 till 17:00 at the premises of Croatian

Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.

Attendees: Bago M., Boban M., Bock von Wülfingen B., Brkić L., Chase V., Drmić D.,

Gajović S., Komcsak J., Lovrić M., Polšek D., Raguž J. and Ulični O.

Meeting Agenda:

1. Approval of the agenda and minutes from the 9th

RegMed meeting

2. Lecture by Bock von Wülfingen B.

3. Discussion on the lecture

4. Lecture by Komcsak J.

5. Discussion on the lecture

6. AOB

Ad 1. The agenda and the minutes from the 9th

RegMed meeting were approved by the


Ad 2. Gajović S. started the meeting by presenting the lecturer Bock von Wülfingen B. to the

attendees. Bock von Wülfingen B. is a cultural historian of the life sciences with a

background in biology and public health. She was stand-in and guest professor at different

universities and published her second book on “Economies and the Cell. Conception and

heredity 1900 and 2000” in 2011. As a member of the Cluster of Excellence Image

Knowledge Gestaltung at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin her current focus is on the

transition from reproduction and production to (re-)generation in the life sciences on the basis

of a case study on neuro-regeneration and additionally on the cultural history of visual

evidence and image production in the life sciences in the long nineteenth century. She

collaborated before with Gajović S. on COST action.

Bock von Wülfingen B. gave lecture entitled “Mapping neuroregeneration under the

perspective of cultural history", during which she presented concepts of cell and tissue living

outside of body, (im)mortality in vitro, new neurons in the adult, technodeterminism and

thinkability. She explained classical period of idea development, knowledge, style of thought,


mutation, paradigm and presented work of Munich school of neuropathology (psychiatry and

biological neurology) and dilemmas such as neuronists vs. reticularists.

Bock von Wülfingen B. presented neuroregeneration ideas that were controversial at their

time as cell division, cell division limited to 40 – 60 divisions, “longer animal cell duration

then animal life span” and myth of immortality of stem cells. She presented key researchers

from 1902. till present and their quotations on neuroregeneration idea development.

Ad 3. Following the lecture, a discussion was lead on topics such as brain being considered as

structurally flexible organ, new neutrons in adults, development of new neurons from stem

cells, scientific approach to new ideas and is our brain ability bound by our genome and if so

is it influenced by epigenetics.

Ad 4. Gajović S. presented second lecturer Komcsak J. from Corvinus University of

Budapest, Hungary. She did her Master thesis on topic of GlowBrain project with title

“Szervezeti kettős képesség a GlowBrain nemzetközi biotechnológiai innovációs projektben“.

Here she presented it in short by lecture „Researching dynamic organizational ambidexterity

in GlowBrain project“. Organizational ambidexterity aims for exploration and exploitation of

the projectto be at the optimal balance at the same time and it’s achieved by belief,

interactive, boundary and diagnostics systems.

To study GlowBrain project she used open innovation tunnel model with input such as

interviews with GB members, documentation and tech systems. Output of the methods

showed that GlowBrain project is doing good, but it needs more balance in itself and in

particular more focus on boundary and diagnostics systems. We are better at exploration then

in exploitation. There is still chance to work on it as development opportunities are given

through balancing control levels at each part of the project.

Ad 5. Following the lecture, a discussion was lead and Gajović S. asked how to organise

boundary system in research field? Komcsak J. still needs to collect more tools to judge that

as this model in usually more used for business companies. For boundary it’s possible to use

SOPs, IP guidelines and strategic planning systems, and for diagnostics task lists, outputs,

linking initiatives to goal achievements, measuring outputs and setting standards. Bock von

Wülfingen B. suggested to search boundary systems in EU directives, but diagnostic tools

should be more specific for each project stage with audit at the end of the project.

Ad 6. Date of the next RegMed meeting is to be determined.

Meeting notes taken by: O. Ulični



EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)

Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Thursday, 29.9.2015., from 16:00 till 17:00 at the premises of

Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.

Attendees: Alić I., Boban M., Brkić Ahmed L., Dobrivojević M., Drpić D., Ferhatović

Hamzić L.

Glasnović A., Gorup D., Kejla Z., Lovrić M., Pavičić J., Polšek D., Pongrac I., Radmilović

M., Renić M., Škokić S., Topalović D. and Ulični O.

The Knowledge Landscapes group attendees were:

Joachim Allgaier (Institute of Science, Technology and Society Studies, Alpen-

Adria-University, Klagenfurt, Austria),

Harald Holone (Faculty of Computer Sciences, Østfold University College, Halden,


Lucia Martinelli (MUSE – Science Museum, Trento, Italy), Lucia Martinelli

maggio 2014 English.pdf

Anna Lydia Svalastog (Psychosocial Work, Department for Health and Social

Studies, Østfold University College, Halden, Norway),

Srećko Gajović (host, GlowBrain coordinator, University of Zagreb School of



Meeting Agenda (closed sessions):

1. GlowBrain presentation and discussion with GlowBrain members

2. Definition of Knowledge Landscapes main aim and specific topics

3. Presentations of Navigating Knowledge Landscapes (NKL) international network

(NKLN) members

4. NKLN meetings

5. NKLN publications plan

6. NKLN public outreach - web page

7. NKLN grant applications

8. NKLN presentation to the RegMed members (open session)

8.1 Approval of the agenda and minutes from the 10th RegMed meeting

8.2 Lecture by NKLN members

8.3 Round table on Kn on the lecture

8.4 AOB

9. Meeting wrap up and conclusions

Ad 1. GlowBrain EU FP7 Project was introduced to the Knowledge Landscapes group by

Gajović S. The presentations was followed by the questions from the group and a discussion.

The group visited the laboratories of Croatian Institute for Brain Research, in particular the

Section of Neurogenetics, Cytogenetics, and Developmental Genetics, with the Laboratories

for Neurogenetics and Cytogenetics, Laboratory for Stem Cells, and Laboratory for Electron

Micorscopy, then they visited in the another building of Anatomy, the GlowLab, which was

established through GlowBrain project, with the official title Laboratory for Regenerative

Neuroscience. They visited and get informed about the imaging equipment acquired by

GlowBrain, preclinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI Bruker BioSpec USR 70/20 with

field strength of 7 Tesla), and preclinical optical imaging (Perkin Elmer IVIS Spectrum) for

bioluminescent and fluorescent imaging. The Knowledge Landscapes group had an

opportunity to meet GlowBrain employees, and the members of the GlowBrain team. The

sustainability of the GlowBrain platform was discussed in particular, and it was mentioned

that the interdisciplinarity could be the key. The Knowledge Landscapes group discussed the

dissemination activities of GlowBrain, and knowledge management to serve the use of the

acquired knowledge and instruments for wider group of the scientists. In addition to the

GlowBrain facilities, Knowledge Landscapes group visited Dpt. of Histology and

Embryology, and the Croatian Medical Journal offices. They discussed with the Croatian

Medical Journal team the workflow of the manuscripts. It was highlighted that Croatian

Medical Journal is published independently, i.e. without influences of the big publishers, and

it has the complete know-how to represent the publications to the scientific community. The

highest asset is the diamond open access, which means that neither authors nor readers are

charged for the processing fees related to the publishing.


Ad 2. The Knowledge Landscapes group agreed that to present the main ideas of the group

there should be clear statements, which will serve as an orientation to the current and the

future members of the group, for the professional community, and general public.

The results of the discussion were as follows:

The name was extended to Navigating Knowledge Landscapes (acronym NKL). This does not

influence ongoing activities e.g. column in Croatian Medical Journal, which would keep

Knowledge Landscapes name.

The intended organization type would be a network with the name Navigating Knowledge

Landscapes Network (acronym: NKLN)

The Navigating Knowledge Landscapes Network is an international and interdisciplinary

group with an explorative interest in the area of online and offline communication concerning

health and biomedical knowledge.

The aim of the Navigating Knowledge Landscapes Network is to explore and describe how

individuals navigate through landscapes of health-related knowledge in the digital society.

The reason for NKLN, i.e. to explore the navigation in an increasing amount of digital

information, is an urgent need to empower the patients and other stakeholders to make better

informed health-related decisions.

The expected results of NKLN are to develop innovative ways of approaching and

researching health and science communication issues in international contexts. In the work of

the NKLN empirical and conceptual research should be combined and interrelated.

NKLN is interested in:

the communication of and about biomedical and scientific knowledge,

challenges in information seeking behavior of concerned individuals,

the consequences of digital health information landscapes for well-being and the

quality of life.

The topics mentioned were (and the list is still open for suggestions):

Health information and health misinformation in social media, online video-sharing

platforms etc.

The role of mobile devices, smartphones and wearables for everyday health


Ad 3. It was agreed that NKLN is an inclusive network which would welcome new members.

It is expected that the network will grow and then develop subsequently. Currently and


temporarily, the new members will be approved and the major management activities of the

network will be performed by the Core Group of the NKLN. As soon the network will grow

the management structure will be updated and this would be discussed already at the

following meeting.

The Core Group members of NKLN are Allgaier J., Svalastog A. L. and Gajović S.

The members of the NKLN are

Holone H. (details above),

Martinelli L. (details above)…

Ad 4. It was agreed that NKLN meets twice a year. The preliminary date and place for the

next meeting was set as February 18-19, 2016, in Bilbao, where local organizer will be

Beriain I. M. The candidate for the organization of the following meeting is Webster A. in


Currently it is expected that the members of the network will finance themselves to attend the

meeting. This was as well the case for the Zagreb meeting. The hosts are welcomed to

contribute if such a possibility exists. The eventual successful common grant application can

change the situation. Indeed the already present common activities are important prerequisite

for the successful grant applications.

Ad 5. The Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ) already started publishing the column (series of

assays) with the title of Knowledge Landscapes. The first assay was accompanied with the

editorial. As the CMJ is open access the full text is available both in PubMed Central,, and CMJ web page, Similarly to

the result of the Bio-object networking the published papers could be at the end collected in a


The already published articles are:

Svalastog AL, Allgaier J, Gajović S. Navigating knowledge landscapes: on health,

science, communication, media, and society. Croat Med J. 2015 Aug 31;56(4):321-3.


Martinelli L, Busatta L, Galvagni L, Piciocchi C. Social egg freezing: a reproductive

chance or smoke and mirrors? Croat Med J. 2015 Aug 31;56(4):387-91. (Knowledge

Landscapes Column)

It is planned that for the every issue of CMJ, one manuscript will be ready. As the issues

appear every 2 months the deadlines are January 15, March 15, May 15, July 15, September

15, and November 15 for the respective year.


Ad 6. It was agreed that the web page will be hosted at the server in Zagreb, Croatian Institute

for Brain Research.

Web page is .

The webmaster is currently Gajović S., but it is expected that under his supervision the

webmaster could be Rieder G. from IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark,

Ad 7. One of the main aims of the networking is to develop a research supported by the

funding agencies. The source of current funding is the every member finances her/his own

activities. The grant applications are welcomed in the future.

The first grant to be applied is the COST Action ( The deadline is February 9,

2016. The preliminary title of the Action was suggested to be

Challenges in knowledge communication for personalized health-related decision making in

the digital society.

Ad 8. NKL was presented by short oral presentations by all 5 NKL group members to

RegMed members attending the meeting.

Ad 8.1 The agenda and the minutes from the 10th RegMed meeting were approved by the


Ad 8.2 Gajović S. started the meeting by presenting the NKL lecturers to RegMed members.

NKL is 15 member group interested in information transfer. Group is still growing in

numbers. NKL lecturers also individually presented their topics of interests to the audience.

Svalastog A. L. argued on importance of psychosocial work, ethics and bioethics. At her

institution she teaches how to communicate and how communication works. And that mostly

on internet with users, professionals, social networks, Google, YouTube, Yahoo… For

example how algorithms make different Google search for different user based on that user’s

previous searches and how that affects a user. Also she teaches issues of protection on the

field and on the web where there are different contents based on who is presenting the story.


Allgaier J. is investigating questions of science communication and media translation of

science communication – professional scientific journals vs. FaceBook, Twitter (twitted

information)… There is lot of examples on miscommunication between those two media on

topics of creationism, climate change, system information… In case of Ebola epidemics there

was issue of bad stories and communicators such as conspiracy theories about Wester

organizations... In such cases there was problem of controversies on the field as NGOs and

private reporters took over.

Martinelli L. has experience with hot topics as scientist working with GMO. She is now

presenter at Museum of Science in Trento. The topic that interests her is medical innovation,

e.g. social freezing of ovules by companies for their employees so they could have longer

working span and delay parenting.

Holone H. is computer scientist working in the area where users directly create and shape

technology themselves. Also he is interested in studying personalized Google’s search as that

is not objective approach, but tailored web.

Gajović S. is interested in perception of innovative knowledge by medical doctors. Current

health system puts patient in the center and patient refers to specialist MD. Health related data

is confidential and patient is responsible that data is authentic and accurate.

Ad 8.2 The round table afterwards raised different aspects, e.g. the governance of

personalized health care, knowledge management and patients’ rights.

Mitrečić D. presented example of a clinic in the Southeast Asia which claimed on social and

public media that it can cure ALS diseases. People donated money for ALS patients from

Croatia to go there for treatment without single MD advice or opinion. There is question here

how trustworthy are social media, public media and peer reviewed journals. Gajović S.

responded that patients often don’t listen to MD or medical professionals as that is their

individual right, to make top down decisions. Also there is similar situation with anti-

vaccination movement where even some MDs are participating. It is obligatory by law to get

vaccinated, but it also should be knowledge success case where information is understood by

the public. Kejla L. stated that NKL members have idea that everybody should understand

everything, but we have informatory and informative persons. Also it is people choice to

make wrong decision.

For Svalastog A. L it is important to understand mechanism of information transfer is cases

such as these. Gajović S. thinks that by fine tuning of information between professionals and

public we can achieve public consensus.

Regarding her field of study, Maritnelli L. stated that it is possible to be mother at 50-ies and

that is told to the public, but very small percentage of women is able to realize that.

Holone H. pointed out that society is not limited to geography anymore and there is access to

world wide data. Glasnović A. asked how do we distinguish between such vast number of


information and opinions? Kajla L. stated that even if we give information there is question is

it understandable and true. It’s hard to distinguish border when you can be wrong or right.

Svalastog A. L. said that we first need to define what is wrong or right, but borders itself are

totalitarian scheme. Holone H. stated that you are entitled to have an opinion, but you are not

entitled to have that as a fact. Pongrac I. stated that there is difference between responsibility

problem and education problem. Still Drpić D. thinks that there is professional club that will

decide official policy before public opinion has time to manifest itself.

Ad 9. The NKL group concluded that the meeting format as it was in Zagreb, was appropriate

to allow for discussions and constructive work. The interactions with the host environment

were judged as a very constructive and necessary. The regional activities in promoting the

interdisciplinary approaches as RegMed was presented an example, was judged as a highly

important in particular for the further development and sustainability of the research


EU FP7 Project GlowBrain

Regional Network for Stem Cell Therapies and Regenerative Medicine

(RegMed Network)



Meeting Notes

The meeting was held on Tuesday, December 15th

, 2015, from 16:00 till 17:00 at the premises

of Croatian Institute for Brain Research (CIBR), University of Zagreb School of Medicine.

Attendees: I. Alajbeg, D. Bauman, K. Brajša, I. Bohaček, G. Ćurić, M. Ćurlin, D. Drmić, D.

Ezgeta Karačić, S. Gajović, A. Glasnović, D. Gorup, M. Heffer, A. Ivković, A. Katušić

Bojanac, Z. Kejla, T. Lauc, I. Marijanović, D. Mitrečić, T. Not, I. Pongrac, M. Pušić, N.

Radovčić, J. Raguž, F. Sedlić, O. Ulični Nikšić, A. Vukasović,

Meeting Agenda:

1. Explanation of the reasons for founding the Association

2. Passing the resolution of founding the Association


3. Passing the resolution of accepting Association’s Statute

4. Election of the representatives in the governing bodies of the Associations

5. Election of the legal representative

6. Election of the liquidator

7. Passing the resolution for registration of Association in Register of Associations

8. Passing the resolution of accepting the Working Plan and Financial Plan of the

Association for 2016

9. AOB

Ad 1. S. Gajović started the meeting explaining how RegMed network was formed as an

initiative of the GlowBrain project, in order to bring together professionals from different

fields, such as academic research, clinical medicine, technology transfer, intellectual property,

big and small industry, bioethics, legislation, etc, who have a common interest

in regenerative medicine or stem cell therapies. Since GlowBrain project is moving towards

its end it is necessary to assure the sustainability of the network and therefore the best solution

is to found the official association in order to continue its activities after GlowBrain project


The name of the association would be Croatian Association for Regenerative Medicine and

Stem Cell Therapy. Name in Croatian would be Hrvatska udruga za regenerativnu medicinu i

terapiju matičnim stanicama Short name would be RegMedHR

All members present at the meeting would be founding members of the Association.

S.Gajović was elected for the chair of the meeting and N.Radovcic to take notes and prepare

the minutes, D. Bauman to verify the minutes.

Ad 2. S.Gajović introduced a discussion for founding the association and the Assembly

unanimously passed the resolution for founding Croatian Association for Regenerative

Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy, RegMedHr.

Ad 3. S.Gajović explained the Proposed Statute and introduced a discussion.

Z.Kejla suggested that the description of the members in Statute is changed in way that

category sympathizer is removed from the Statute and only category of associate members


It was agreed that honorary members of the Association would be exempt from paying annual

membership fee.

It was agreed that the expelled member has a right of written appeal to the Assembly within

the 30 days.

After the discussion Assembly unanimously passed the resolution of accepting Association’s



Ad 4. S. Gajović introduced the discussion for the election of the representatives in the

governing bodies of the Association and the Assembly unanimously passed following


RESOLVED, Members of the Steering Committee are:

S.Gajović, D.Mitrečić, I.Alajbeg, A. Ivković, M.Ćurlin, F.Sedlić, I.Bohaček, M Heffer,


RESOLVED, President of the Association is S.Gajović

RESOLVED, Vice-President of the Association is D.Mitrečić

RESOLVED, Secretary of the Association is F.Sedlić

RESOLVED, Treasurer of the association is I.Bohaček

RESOLVED, Members of the Supervisory Board are:

Andreja Vukasović, Draženka Ezgeta Karačić, T. Not

Ad 5. S. Gajović introduced the discussion for the election of the legal representative of the

Association and the Assembly unanimously passed the following resolution:

RESOLVED, Legal representative of the Association is S. Gajović, as President

Ad 6. S. Gajović introduced the discussion for the election of the liquidator of the Association

and the Assembly unanimously passed the following resolution:

RESOLVED, Liquidator of the Association is S. Gajović

Ad 7. In order for Association to gain status of legal entity it must be registered in the

Register of Associations.

S. Gajović introduced the discussion for registration of the Association in the Register of

Associations and the Assembly unanimously passed the resolution for registration of the

Association in the Register of Associations.

Ad.8. S.Gajović presented Working Plan and Financial Plan for 2016.

Association will continue to meet every two or three months and continue to bring together

professionals from different fields to exchange knowledge and experience and to promote

regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy. Annual Meeting including Annual Assembly

will be organized at the end of the year. Web page of the Association will be made.


Association at the moment has no funds. It was agreed that the annual membership fee would

be 100,00 HRK. All the funds would be used for covering the expenses of the future meetings

(lecture room, catering) and for covering the bank fees of keeping the bank account.

Ad.9. S. Gajović presented several options for graphic design of the Association. It was

agreed that the logo would consist of short name of the Association RegMedHr in Arial font,

located in the ellipse. Color of the ellipse is red and color of the Association’s name is blue

symbolizing the colors of Croatian flag. Ellipse symbolizes the cell.

Annex I: Statute of Croatian Associations for Regeneartive medicine and Stem Cell

Therapy (Croatian version)

Meeting notes taken by: N. Radovčić


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