renewable energy grant funding available for farmers and land managers - jonathan king (seeda)

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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This presentation formed part of the Farming Futures workshop 'Profitable business in a changing climate: Renewables Masterclass' March 22nd 2010


Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE)2007 – 2013 and

Renewable Energy

Jonathan KingEuropean Project Manager


Overview of RDPE

RDPE 2007 to 2013

• Total budget £3.9 bn funded by – Defra £850m– EU £750m European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development– Voluntary Modulation £1.5bn + £800m from Defra

• £3.3bn via Natural England & Forestry Commission

• £554m via Regional Development Agencies

RDPE objectives

Axis 2• Improving the environment and the countryside

– Entry Level Scheme– Higher Level Scheme– England Forestry Grants.

• 80% of the budget• Delivered by Natural England and the Forestry


RDPE objectives

Axis 1• Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural,

horticultural and forestry sectors• Includes supporting, for example

– Training and technology transfer– Renewable energy projects– Adding-value– Improved water resources management– Making better use of forestry

• 10% of the budget• Delivered by Regional Development Agencies

RDPE objectivesAxis 3• Improving the quality of life in rural areas and

encouraging diversification• Includes supporting, for example

– Farm diversification– Rural tourism– Rural micro-businesses– Assisting rural communities

• 10% of the budget• Delivered by Regional Development Agencies

Funding 2007 to 2013Axis 1 Axis 3 Total

N East £15m £32m £47mN West £38m £36m £74mYorks & Humber £32m £34m £66mEast Mids £28m £32m £60mWest Mids £34m £32m £54mEast of England £24m £41m £65mSouth West £49m £52m £101m

South East £27m £37m £64m

RDPE Funding for Renewable Energy Projects

Funding available through two measures:

• Modernisation of agricultural holdings (axis 1)

• Diversification into non agricultural activities (axis 3)

Which measure is dependant on how the energy is used

Modernisation of agricultural holdings(Measure 121)

To be eligible under this measure the majority of the energy released for use must be used on farm within the farm business

Modernisation of agricultural holdings

• Who’s eligible under this measure?Farmers, land owners, groups of farmers

• What level of grant availableup to 40%

Budgetary constraints may limit amount

Diversification into non agricultural activities(Measure 311)

To be eligible under this measure the majority of the energy released for use will be sold

Diversification into non agricultural activities

• Who’s eligible under this measure?Farmers, Groups of Farmers

• What level of grant availableeither up to 50% to a maximum of 200,000 eurosor flat rate of 20%budgetary constraints may limit amount

What Type of Energy Projects are eligible:

• Any small scale on farm system producing renewable heat or electricity

E.G.: Biomass Hydro-electricSolar- thermal and photovoltaicAnaerobic DigestionWind Ground Source Heat Pumps

What costs are eligible?Building costs, Technical equipment, Consultancy fees

What costs are ineligibleGrid connections Statutory fees e.g. planning permission

RDPE, Feed in Tariffs & Renewable Heat Incentives

Complex so be cautious

Take independent professional advice

The application process• Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to SEEDA

• SEEDA respond to EOI

• Submit application to SEEDA

• Application appraised by SEEDA

• Application put to Regional Appraisal Panel (RAP)

• RAP make formal offer of grant

• Accept offer and commence construction

Do’s and Don’tsDo’s• Talk to us about your project before you submit an EOI• Obtain planning permission before you submit an application• Keep us informed as your project proceeds

Don’ts• Don’t start work or commit to capital expenditure or purchaseequipment before you receive a formal offer of grant.

Further informationFurther details on RDPE can be found at:

Or Telephone

Jonathan King on 07789171621

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