remowz - realtime water quality monitoring using zigbee based wsn (part ii)

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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REMOWZ is a water monitoring system designed to collect the water parameters from the water resource via sensors. The sending of these sensor data is accomplished by the use of a ZigBee mesh network. Get through this. Enjoy reading!



ZIGBEE BASED WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK ________________________________________________

1st May 2012


Group Members: Asish K Sahadevan (08103012) Densy David E (08103017) Faseeha C H (08103023) Munavar Fairooz C (08103040) Nitin Balakrishnan (08103046)

Guided by:

Ashly Thomas T,


Dept.of Computer Science & Engineering,




Overall Design

Experimental Results

Performance Evaluation


Contribution of the Project


System consists of a WSN, with a number of sensor nodes with networking capability for monitoring

Remote data acquisition

Parameters considered include – temperature, turbidity and pH

Reduces the overall cost, increases the flexibility

ZigBee-high transmission power with relatively low power consumption

Overall Design

Overall block diagram

Overall Design

The project comprises of three modules:

Embedded Module

Desktop Application

Web Application

Embedded Module

AT89S52 Development Board

Features :

• 8 bit microcontroller that supports 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory • 256 bytes of RAM • Operational Range - 4.0V to 5.5V • Used two ports( Port 0 and Port 3) as Output Ports and two ports(Port 1 and Port 2) as Input Ports • LCD feature provides on checking of values

XBee Pro S2

Features : • Low-cost, Low-power, Wireless mesh network standard • Supports range of 1500 m ( line of sight) • Operating Voltage – 3.0V to 3.4 V • Free Testing and configuration software (X-CTU Software ) • Contains three different device types : coordinator, router, and end device

Design Models

Schematic Design

Experimental Results

Created a fast response WSN for checking the quality of drinking water

Temperature, pH and Turbidity are found using ‘Real time data acquisition’

ZigBee mesh network makes ‘Real time data acquisition’ possible

Desktop App allows the local admin to administrate the respective local station

Web App allows the Central Admin to administrate all the local stations registered to it, from any remote location

Performance Evaluation Desktop App

• Compared to C/C++, Java is slower . But Java is high on security

• Memory leakage in Java is minimal

Web App

• Slow in the first run after compilation. Faster in the subsequent executions

• JSP allows Java code and certain predefined actions to be interleaved with static web markup content, with the resulting page being complied and executed on the server to deliver a document

Embedded Module

• 8KB space constraint in ROM

• Optimised code is embedded


IJET Article: ‘Water Quality Monitoring System Using Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network’

The ZigBee Alliance website [Online] Available:

Contribution of the Project

Social relevance – the project finds its application in examining the ‘water quality’, an important factor as far as, irrigation, domestic purposes etc… are concerned

More parameters can be taken into account, thereby further improving the process of examining the water resource

The idea of ‘remote data acquisition’ has a wide range of applicability. For example – in weather forecast in aero planes, traffic monitoring system etc…

Thank You…

"Thousands have lived without love, but not one has lived without water." — W.H. Auden

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