red scare power point worksheet

Post on 30-Nov-2015






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power point notes


NAME___________________________________ The “Dot” Activity

1. How did you feel, when your received a blank piece of paper? A dot? 2. What methods did your use to determine who had a dot? 3. Given that there was no way to know for sure who was or was not a “dot,” why did you try so hard to

convince others that certain class members were “dots”? 4. What emotions fueled this activity? Can you think of anytime in history when something like this


HUAC & the Hollywood Ten:

� HUAC- House Un-American Activities Committee� Congressional Committee whose original purpose was to

investigate ALL radical groups in the U.S., including fascist and socialist, but over time it came to focus only on the communist threat.

� Hollywood Ten was a group of screenwriters who were accused of being Communist during the McCarthy Era

� They did not cooperate with the House Un-American Activities Committee's investigation,� They refused to admit to being in the Communist Party

� They wouldn’t provide any names of others who might be Communists

� Punished!� The ten were fined and sentenced to a year in jail.

� They were also blacklisted from working in the film industry in Hollywood, until the 1960's when the ban was lifted.


What was the artist trying to

communicate about HUAC

in this cartoon?

What does the car represent?

What is happening to the

people who are in the car’s


HUAC was part of what part of the U.S.__ government?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What was the Hollywood Ten’s crime? ___ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What does “Blacklisted mean? _________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do you think was the artist opinion about HUAC based on this cartoon? ___ __________________________________________________________________ Do you think people should be fired, ___ blacklisted or otherwise punished for___ their political beliefs in the U.S.?______ Explain your answer.________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Who is Joseph McCarthy?

� Republican Senator

� Famous anti-Communist activists

� Why did he do this?

�He wanted to be reelected, so he needed a good issue

�He claimed that Communist were taking over the government

�Claimed he had a list of 205 known Communist working in the U.S. Department of State.

� His tactics:




�The practice of publicizing accusations of

political disloyalty with little to no



�What happen then?

�People got sick of it!

�They didn’t like the way he treated people in

the courts.


�What should our country’s leaders be

more focused on protecting – security

of the nation or freedom of the

nation’s people? Should this change?

Should it remain the same? Why?

What evidence did McCarthy produce to___ support his claims?_____________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Why do you think he chose the people he___ accused?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What does sensationalism mean? _________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Why do you think some people were not willing to stand up against Senator_____ McCarthy and his for Communist?_____ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How did television hurt or help Senator_ McCarthy?________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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