real media research - molly

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Media research


Super 8

Opening Sequence Conventions: The film opens with the Paramount and Amblin Entertainment Logo and titles which list the production company credits.

Opening Sequence Conventions: The title is shown before the action takes place to show that there is going to be a build up and it is going to get tense.

Genre Conventions: The font is bold and stands out which links to its genre conventions and signifies danger. The background is black which is a colour associated with death.

Opening Sequence Conventions: The first images we see show sparks of fire in the corner and the words ‘accident’, this creates suspense and makes the audience curious as to what has happened and leaves them intrigued to find out more. It fits with the convention ‘a mystery must be solved’.

Genre Conventions: The sparks in the corner represent danger and the dark colours used are associated with a thrillers genre conventions as they represent the theme of death.

Opening Sequence conventions: The character is being introduced rather than the narrative.

Genre Conventions: The scene is set in the winter which is a more mysterious time of year with bad weather which fits perfectly with the genre as it adds a depressing feel.

Opening Sequence Conventions: The first character that is introduced is the protagonist which is a thriller convention as they are mainly from the protagonists point of view.

Genre Conventions: The boy is wearing a black suit and he is looking at the floor to show that he is upset. The black suit is associated with a funeral and therefore links to the theme of death. The boy is also a realistic character which is another convention of Thriller films.

Genre Conventions: We then have an establishing shot of a funeral scene where everybody is dressed in dark clothing. Showing everybody as looking upset could link to the convention ‘theme of desire for justice’. The Dark clothing represents the theme of death.

The Room mate

Opening Sequence Conventions: The film opens with the Screen Gems Logo.

Genre Conventions: The writing is red on a black background which connotates blood and death. Placing the bold writing on a dark background also emphasises that there is going to be tension, suspense and danger in the film which is a genre convention of Thriller films.

Opening Sequence Conventions: An Establishing shot sets the scene.

Genre Conventions: The light shining behind the dark setting could represent the theme of ‘desire for justice’ as the light suggests that there is hope despite it being a dark, depressing and deathly setting.

Opening Sequence Conventions: There is a simple background of trees along a road as the opening credits are introduced. Introducing the credits is an Opening sequence convention of Thriller films.

Opening Sequence Conventions: The Point-of-view camera angle suggests the Convention that the film is from the Protagonists point of view.

Genre Conventions: The first Character introduced is a stereotypical good looking woman (The protagonist). She is a realistic character which is a Thriller Convention.

Genre Conventions: There is a tracking shot of the room in which the main character will be staying in. The room is colourless which connotates the theme of death and adds an eary, mysterious feel to the scene. It lets the audience know that this is a place where danger may occur.

House at the End of the Street

Opening Sequence Conventions: In the opening of the film, the 'Relativity media' logo is shown.

Opening Sequence Conventions: It does not give away anything, it simply draws in the audiences attention without using any narrative.

Genre Conventions: The screen goes black for a few seconds as the tense music builds up and then suddenly the screen turns white. This adds tension and represents the theme of danger which is a convention of Thriller films.

Genre Conventions: As the image of the House fades out, The image of a girls eye fades in. This adds suspense, danger and tension and keeps you on the edge of your seat as you are focused on the thrilling excitement of what is going to happen next.

Genre Conventions: Using a young girl as the Character who is first introduced represents the convention ‘innocence in a dangerous situation’. It builds suspense as a young girl is not somebody you would associate with being evil and therefore it creates mystery and tension.


Genre Conventions: The Mise En Scene of the handcuffs suggests a theme of Danger and Thrilling action which is a Convention of Thriller films.

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