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Post on 02-Dec-2014






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The Rape of the Lockby Alexander Pope

About Alexander Pope

※Born in a Catholic


Suffered from prejudices

Due to his appearance and his religion

About Alexander Pope

Self-taught: “did nothing but read and write”

Suffered from ill health: tuberculosis, asthma, and headaches, stunted growth, hunchbacked and very short

Alexander PopeIll-tempered and

very critical of most people and ideas

Humpbacked and deformed

Alexander Pope

※Published An Essay on Criticism in 1711 First striking success as a poet

Made friends with Jonathan Swift and John Gay

About Alexander Pope

Published an early version of “The Rape of the Lock” in 1712 (two cantos)

About a funny battle between the sexes and follies of a young lady

About Alexander Pope

※ Expanded “The Rape of the Lock” in 1714

(five cantos)

A quarrel between two families

◎ Characters: Lord Petre :BaronMiss Arabella Fermor: Belinda

About Alexander Pope

◎Background: Based on a true story told to him

by his friend

◎ Pope’s purpose (theme)

Do not worry about trivial things!

About Alexander Pope

※Translated Iliad and Odyssey into English

The first man to prove “Literature can raise writers.”

About Alexander Pope

Died on May 30, 1744

The “Age of Pope” ended


Canto 1

Belinda awakes from sleeping

The dream of Belinda

Belinda prepares for the day’s social activities

Canto 3

The game of cards—ombre(symbolic of epic battle)The rape of the lock (cutting of

f of a piece (curl) of Belinda’s hair

Canto 4

Belinda’s Ill-Natured mood and Affection after the loss of the lock

Umbriel, the earthy gnome, descends to the Cave of Spleen

Thalestris’ speech rouses the rage of Belinda

Sir Plume bids in vain the payment of the lock

Canto 5

Clarissa’s speech

The battle of belles and beaux

The lock rises to the heaven and becomes a star

Writing Style

A real Epic – long story with important ingredients -central hero, fantasy - creatures/monsters/great battle/female love interest/rape or lose of virtue of woman

Rape of the Lock is a Mock epic – have similar qualities but presented in humorous manner


Heroic couplet

Rhymed in every two lines.

Epic Conventions

The theme is usually the adventure of a hero and/or a war (great battle).

Invocate the Muse’s aid. (Calliope)

Ask epic question(s).

Gods’ interference in human affairs.

Standard Epic Characteristics

A long narrative poem

Elevated, grand style

Great heroes and heroines

The setting is vast in geographical range

Supernatural power (spirits/monsters/nymphs)

Mock Epic

A work designed to ridicule attitudes, style, or subject matter by handling either an elevated subject in a trivial manner or a low subject with mock dignity (Karl 30).

Renders a trivial subject ridiculous by treating it with the elaborate (Karl 31).

Compare small things with something great.

Traditional Epic comparison to Mock Epic

Traditional Epic

The Rape of the Lock

Invoke the aid of the muse: Calliope

“ Say what strange motive, Goddess! Could compel” (1. 7)

Gods are involved

Spirits (Sylphs, Gnomes, Nymphs…) are involved

Mock Epic

Journey to the underworld

The Cave of Spleen (ill nature of female hypochondriacs) (4. 1)

Sacrifice offering to gods before an important war or journey

Baron sacrifices his former love-token. (2.35)

Mock Epic

Battle Clichés, frowns and angry glances, snuff and bodkin. “So spoke the dame, “ (5. 35). The card game Ombre.

Rape of the female chastity

Rape of a lock of hair

“Among the gods, who brought this quarrel on?” (Iliad)

1 What dire offense from amorous causes springs,

What mighty contests rise from trivial things,

7 Say what strange motive, Goddess! Could compel

A well-bred lord to assault a gentle belle? Oh, say what stranger cause, yet

unexplored, Could make a gentle belle reject a lord? In tasks so bold can little men engage, And in soft bosoms dwells such mighty


The Epic Question

Homeric Similes From Epic of Homer

Similes suggests things are Like or as something else

“Achilles, fast in battle as a lion.”

“Hera, whose arms are white as ivory.”

“Quick as her eyes” (2. 10), “Bright as the sun” (2. 13),

“Shrink his thin essence like a rivaled flower” (2. 132),

“And falls like thunder on the prostrate Ace” (3. 98).

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