questionnaire mrp

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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online shopping questionnaire


Online Shopping Questionnaire

Name =

1. What is your Gender?



a) Male b) Fema

Your Age?

a) 18-25 b) 26-30 c) 31-35 d) 35 or more

3. What is your level of Education?

a) Matriculation b) Intermediate c) Bachelors d) Masters or Above

4. What is your Monthly Income?

a) > R s 15,000 b) Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 25,000 c) Rs. 25,000 or more

5. How frequently do you Shop Online?

a) Frequently (once a month) b) Once in six month c) Once a year

6. For how long have you been shopping online?

a) Less than a year b) 1 to 3 years c) More than 3 years

7. What products do you normally online? (You can select more than 1)

a) Books

b) Mobile / Computer / Camera (Electronics Products)

c) Clothes

d) Music, Softwares

e) Other (Please Specify)

8. Which Online Retailer do you prefer? (Rank according to preferences where 5 =Max & 1=Min)

a) Flipkart _

b) Snapdeal _

c) Myntra _

d) Homeshop18 _

e) Others __ __ __ _


9. How do you make online payment while Shopping?

a) Debit/Credit Card b) Cash On Delivery c) Net banking d) Others

10. Reasons for Internet shopping?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree StronglyAgree Disagree

Saves Time

Saves Money

Much Easier Shopping

More Efficient

Friend Referrals

Other (Please Specify):

11. Which features do you value when visiting an e-commerce website?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree StronglyAgree Disagree

Company profile & brand identity

Security certificated

Customer service

Detailed product information

Large selection of products

Cost of delivery

Speed of delivery

Simplicity of purchase process

Protection of privacy

information Ability to track your

shopping Website response


Website interface

Personalized offers/adverts

12. Do you think the following need to be improved for e-commerce websites?

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree StronglyAgree Disagree

After service

Website security

Delivery on time

Packing of products

13. Do you intend to continue purchasing products from the Internet in the near future?

a) Yes b) No

14. If no, what reasons may cause you not to use the internet for shopping? (You can select more than 1)

Low trustworthiness

_ Bad customer service

Product doesn't perform as expected _

Long delivery time

High Shipping Cost

_ Refund Policy

_ Warranty and claims


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