questionnaire for jo

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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1. Which magazine front cover attracts you the most out of the following; ( tick 1 )


Do you prefer more pictures or more text on the front cover on your magazine?

More Pictures More Text

3. What attracts you most to buying a magazine from the front cover: ( tick 1 ) Person/people on the front cover


4. What do you like to read/see inside magazines the most out of the following: ( tick 3 )

Interviews Latest Gossip

Pictures of people Latest Fashion Trends

Pictures of clothes Beauty Tips

5. What do you prefer on a contents page?

Detailed information about what is on each page

Brief Information with pictures next to most of them

6. Would you be more interested in buying magazine if it offered things such as: Competitions, Free Gifts, posters, etc.? ( tick 1 )

Yes No That doesn’t matter to me

7. Which Contents Page do you like best? ( tick 1 )

8. Would you be more interested in the magazine if the people on the front cover were the

same sex and age as you? Yes No Doesn’t Matter

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