question 2 of evaluation

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?


*My magazines target audience are young girls. This is reflected in my magazine as I have used a female model to be displayed on the front cover. The front cover has various amounts of colours but an obvious pink is dominating. This is because stereotypically, society’s idea of a ‘girly’ colour is pink, however I wanted to move away from existing stereotypes such as this so I added more masculine colours such as blue. This not only makes the cover look aesthetically pleasing but promote equality amongst the younger generation.

Social Groups

*The genre of my magazine is pop and so the audience that I shall focus on is young girls/ teens who are females. They will have interests such as makeup, fashion and boys. On the other hand, I do not want the magazine to exclude other social groups and showed this through the use of images and various colours.


*The age range that this magazine is hoping to capture us between 7- 15. this is represented in my magazine in a very conventional way. For example, my model is wearing a bright pink summer dress which represents femininity and innocence. However, her hair is simple and straightened which is not stereotypical with this genre of magazine. *The articles appeal directly to the target audience as they are specific to the readers life. For instance, there is a story on a pop star who is not as confident as she looks and so the audience will relate to them. There is also a fashion box so that the readers can be up to date with latest trends and talk about it with friends.


The magazine is most likely to attract young teens from an ABC1 audience because they are more financially better off and so more able to regularly buy the magazine when it comes out for sale.

*The main model I have used relates directly to the social group of young teens. This is because she is also a young teenager who achieved her dream of being a singer. By having a female on the front cover it reaches out to a much wider audience of also male readers so they can become attracted to the model and this may persuade them to read on more of what it has to offer. I also included male artists in the front cover to appeal to again both genders. This is because for female, these male figures may be crushes of theirs and so they feel as if the magazine is personal to them. It appeals to males who may like this genre as so inspire them to pursue their dreams as a male pop star. I have made a positive

representation of youth by adding innocent sell lines on the front cover and inspiring stories. The magazine also represents people of different races throughout each practical piece so that it promotes equality.

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