qt quick in depth

Post on 08-Jun-2015






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Qt quick in depth


Qt Quick in Depth

Lorenzo Mancini (lmancini@develer.com)

Qt Quick: a case study

Remake of Vodafone's TVConnect UI Developed to demonstrate QQ's:

Conciseness Performance Overall toolchain

Qt Creator configuration

New Qt Quick Application Integrate with Mercurial Test the Application Viewer Create a new run configuration

Projects->Run qmlviewer %{CurrentDocument:FilePath} We'll use this to test single pages

Qt Creator configuration

Enable QML debugging Projects->Build Build Steps->Link QML debugging library (Rebuild all)

You only have to do all this once This is all saved in .pro.user file

The Home menu

Background image No states Series of icons following a path

QML Views

List visualization for models Models provide homogeneous data Each data is represented by delegates Interesting properties:

model highlight delegate


Standard QML View Lays delegates in a list

A ListView in practice Place it on view Add a Model Define a Delegate

E.g. Component / Column / Image + Text


ListModel { id: path_model ListElement { name: "TV" icon: "res/main_menu/tv_selected.png" } ListElement { name: "Audio" icon: "res/main_menu/audio_selected.png" } // ... }


Component { id: path_delegate Column { id: wrapper Image { source: icon width: list_view1.width / 5 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } Text { text: name anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter font.pointSize: 24 color: "#77FFFFFF" } } }

Bind to view

ListView { // ...

orientation: ListView.Horizontal model: path_model delegate: path_delegate}


Standard QML View Defines a path that items follow

A PathView in practice Place it on view Add a Model Define a Delegate Define a Path

Path Definition

PathView { // ...

focus: true model: path_model delegate: path_delegate

Keys.onLeftPressed: decrementCurrentIndex() Keys.onRightPressed: incrementCurrentIndex()

path: Path { startX: 0 startY: path_view1.height / 2 PathLine { x: path_view1.width; y: path_view1.height / 2} } }

A more interesting path

Component { id: path_delegate

//... Column { opacity: PathView.iconOpacity } } path: Path { startX: 0 startY: path_view1.height / 2 PathAttribute { name: "iconOpacity"; value: 0.5 }

PathLine { x: path_view1.width / 2; y: path_view1.height / 2} PathAttribute { name: "iconOpacity"; value: 1.0 }

PathLine { x: path_view1.width; y: path_view1.height / 2} PathAttribute { name: "iconOpacity"; value: 0.5 } }


QML in C++ applications

Use QDeclarativeView to embed QML QGraphicsView subclass, QWidget's as well

Useful to add QML features on top of already existing applications

Keep an eye on startup time and memory usage


QML in C++ applications

QML functions can be called via QMetaObject::invokeMethod()

QML objects can emit signals that C++ code can QObject::connect()

→ you can define an interface for QML objects

C++ properties / signals / slots are exposed to QML via the Meta Object System


QML Models in C++

QML doesn't have direct access to hardware

What if we want to retrieve a list of channel from a TV tuner?

We can subclass QAbstractItemModel, implement the desired model in C++ and use it from QML.


The TV menu

Two states: TV only overlay on screen

A channel list (reusable component) A C++ model to retrieve channels


Putting it all together

Fast forward: we have several QML files, one for each page

We would like to “instantiate” and load a QML file on-the-fly


Dynamic Object Management

Dynamic object creation from Javascript Qt.createComponent(url) Component→ Component.createObject(parent) inst→ The QML file can be fetched over the

network Great for implementing live widgets! … but the fetch is asynchronous: how do I know

when it's finished?


Dynamic Object Management

function createObject() { component = Qt.createComponent("Sprite.qml"); if (component.status == Component.Ready) finishCreation(); else component.statusChanged.connect(finishCreation); }

function finishCreation() { if (component.status == Component.Ready) { sprite = component.createObject(appWindow); // … }}


A stack of pages

In most STBs, pages are in a stack Entering a page push→ Previous page pop→ Panic button (home menu) clear→

We need a persistent global state for this


Stack implementation// Stack.jsvar stack = []// Create a QML object from a given filename and push it on the stackfunction openPage(filename) { var page_c = Qt.createComponent(filename) var page = page_c.createObject(root_window) stack.push(page) return page}

// Page.qmlImport “stack.js” as Stack

Page { Keys.onReturnPressed: { Stack.openPage(“tvmenu.qml”) }}


Stack implementation

Sounds great! ...But alas, it doesn't work A new execution context is created for the use of

the importing Component only

QML JS can't modify global object members either

.pragma library Placed at the top of a JS module, tells QML that

this module is stateless, so it's instance can freely shared

Handle with care



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