qt for beginners part 3 - qml and qt quick

Qt For Beginners - Part 3 QML and Qt Quick Eric Magnuson, Qt Consultant Integrated Computer Solutions Visit us at http://www.ics.com Watch the video: http://bit.ly/qt-beginners-qml-quick Copyright 2016, Integrated Computers Solutions, Inc. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. 1

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Qt For Beginners - Part 3QML and Qt Quick

Eric Magnuson, Qt ConsultantIntegrated Computer SolutionsVisit us at http://www.ics.com

Watch the video: http://bit.ly/qt-beginners-qml-quick

Copyright 2016, Integrated Computers Solutions, Inc.

This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of

Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc.


● Introduction● Qt Quick Hello World● QML Concepts● Composing User Interfaces● Nested Elements● Graphical Types● Text Items



● Anchor Layout● QML Components● Qt Quick Controls● Mouse Input● Touch Input● Keyboard Input● Q&A

Agenda (continued)


● Introduction● Qt Quick Hello World● QML Concepts● Composing User Interfaces● Nested Elements● Graphical Types● Text Items



What is QML?Declarative language for User Interface structure● Describes the user interface

○ What items look like○ How items behave

● UI specified as tree of QML structures with properties○ Elements and identities○ Properties and property binding


● Introduction● Qt Quick Hello World● QML Concepts● Composing User Interfaces● Nested Elements● Graphical Types● Text Items



// Simple QML exampleimport QtQuick 2.6

Rectangle { width: 200 height: 200 Text { anchors.centerIn: parent font.pixelSize: 18 text: "Hello, world!" } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { Qt.quit() } }}

Qt Quick Hello World


● Introduction● Qt Quick Hello World● QML Concepts● Composing User Interfaces● Nested Elements● Graphical Types● Text Items



PropertiesObjects are described by properties● Simple name-value definitions

○ width, height, color, ...○ With default values○ Each has a well-defined type○ Separated by semicolons or line breaks

● Used for○ Customizing their appearance○ Changing their behavior


Types of Properties● Standard properties can be given values:

Text {text: "Hello world"height: 50


● Grouped properties keep related properties togetherText {

font.family: "Helvetica"font.pixelSize: 24

}● Attached properties are applied to QML structures

TextInput {text: "Hello world"KeyNavigation.tab: nextInput


○ KeyNavigation.tab is not a standard property of TextInput○ Is a standard property that is attached to Items

● Custom properties can be added to any QML typeRectangle {

property real mass: 100.0



Binding Propertiesimport QtQuick 2.0

Item {

width: 400; height: 200

Rectangle {

x: 100; y: 50width: height * 2; height: 100

color: "lightblue"



● Properties can contain expressions○ See above: width is twice the height

● Not just initial assignments● Expressions are re-evaluated when needed


Identifying QML Structures

The id defines an identity of a QML structure● Lets other QML structures refer to it

○ For relative alignment and positioning○ To access or modify an Item's properties○ To re-use common structures (e.g., gradients, images)

● Used to create relationships between structures● id is not a property

○ Not stored in the QObject with other properties○ More like a "label"○ A single Item can have different identities in other

files/scopes.● parent is a special id referring to the relative

parent structure


Using Identities

Text {

id: title

x: 50; y: 25text: "Qt Quick"

font.family: "Helvetica"

font.pixelSize: 50


Rectangle {x: 50; y: 95; height: 5

width: title.width

color: "green"


● Text item has the identity, title● width of Rectangle bound to width of title● Try using TextInput instead of Text



● Most features are accessed via properties● Methods are also used, to perform actions

○ TextInput has a selectAll() method○ Timer has start(), stop() and restart() methods○ Particles has a burst() method

● All methods are public in QML● Other methods are used to convert values between

types:○ Qt.formatDateTime(datetime, format)○ Qt.md5(data)○ Qt.tint(baseColor, tintColor)


Property values can have different types:● Numbers (int and real): 400 and 1.5● Boolean values: true and false● Strings: "Hello Qt"● Constants: AlignLeft● Lists: [ ... ]

○ Lists with one item can be written as just the item itself● Scripts:

○ Included directly in property definitions● Other types:

○ colors, dates, times, rects, points, sizes, 3D vectors, ...○ Usually created using constructors

Basic Types


● Introduction● Qt Quick Hello World● QML Concepts● Composing User Interfaces● Nested Elements● Graphical Types● Text Items



Why use nested items, anchors and components?

● Concerns separation● Visual grouping● Pixel perfect items placing

and layout● Encapsulation● Reusability● Look and feel changes


● Introduction● Qt Quick Hello World● QML Concepts● Composing User Interfaces● Nested Elements● Graphical Types● Text Items



import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {

width: 400; height: 400color: "lightblue"

Rectangle {x: 50; y: 50; width: 300; height: 300color: "green"

Rectangle {x: 200; y: 150; width: 50; height: 50color: "white"




● Each Item is positioned relative to its parents

Nested Elements


● Introduction● Qt Quick Hello World● QML Concepts● Composing User Interfaces● Nested Elements● Graphical Types● Text Items



Colors● Specifying colors

○ Named colors (using SVG names): "red", "green", "blue", …○ HTML style color components: "#ff0000", "#008000", "#0000ff", …○ Built-in function: Qt.rgba(0,0.5,0,1)

● Changing items opacity:○ Set opacity property between 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)import QtQuick 2.0

Item {width: 300; height: 100Rectangle {

x: 0; y: 0; width: 100; height: 100; color: "#ff0000"


Rectangle {x: 100; y: 0; width: 100; height: 100color: Qt.rgba(0, 0.75, 0, 1)


Rectangle {

x: 200; y: 0; width: 100; height: 100; color: "blue"





● Represented by the Image class● Refer to image files with the source property

○ Using absolute URLs or relative to the QML fileimport QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {

width: 400; height: 400color: "black"Image {

x: 150; y: 150source: "../images/rocket.png"


○ width and height are obtained from the image file● Can be transformed

○ Scaled, rotated○ About an axis or central point


GradientsDefine a gradient using the gradient property:● As Gradient containing GradientStop values, each with

○ A position: a number between 0 (start point) and 1 (end point)○ A color

● The start and end points are on the top and bottom edges of the item● Gradients override color definitions

import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {

width: 400; height: 400

gradient: Gradient {

GradientStop {position: 0.0; color: "green"


GradientStop {

position: 1.0; color: "blue"




● Alternative to gradients: A simple background image.


● Create border using part of an image:○ Corners (regions 1, 3, 7, 9) are not scaled○ Horizontal borders (2 and 8) are scaled according to horizontalTileMode○ Vertical borders (4 and 6) are scaled according to verticalTileMode○ Middle (5) is scaled according to both modes

● There are 3 different scale modes○ Stretch: scale the image to fit to the available area.○ Repeat: tile the image until there is no more space.○ Round: like Repeat, but scales the images down to ensure that the last

image is not croppedBorderImage {

source: "content/colors.png"border { left: 30; top: 30; right: 30; bottom: 30; } horizontalMode: BorderImage.StretchverticalMode: BorderImage.Repeat


Border Images


● Introduction● Qt Quick Hello World● QML Concepts● Composing User Interfaces● Nested Elements● Graphical Types● Text Items



Text Itemsimport QtQuick 2.0 Rectangle {

width: 400; height: 400color: "lightblue"

Text {

x: 100; y: 100text: "Qt Quick"font.family: "Helvetica"font.pixelSize : 32



● Width and height determined by the font metrics and text● Can also use use HTML tags in the text:"<html><b>Qt Quick</b></html>"


import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {

width: 400; height: 400 color: "lightblue"

TextInput {x: 50; y: 100; width: 300

text: "Editable text"

font.family: "Helvetica"; font.pixelSize : 32



● No decoration (not a QLineEdit widget)● Gets the focus when clicked

○ Need something to click on● text property changes as the user types

Text Input


● Anchor Layout● QML Components● Qt Quick Controls● Mouse Input● Touch Input● Keyboard Input● Q&A

Agenda (continued)



● Used to position and align items● Line up edges or central lines of items● anchors, an attached property, can specify

○ A position in another item: (centerIn, fill)○ An AnchorLine of another item: (left, top)



import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {width: 400; height: 400

color: "lightblue"

id: rectangle1

Text {text: "Centered text" ; color: "green"

font.family: "Helvetica"; font.pixelSize : 32

anchors.centerIn : rectangle1



● anchors.centerIn centers the Text item in the Rectangle○ Refers to an Item, not an AnchorLine



import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {// The parent element

width: 400; height: 400

color: "lightblue"

Text {text: "Centered text" ; color: "green"

font.family: "Helvetica"; font.pixelSize : 32

anchors.centerIn : parent



● Each item can refer to its parent Item○ Using the parent ID

● Can refer to ancestors and named children of ancestors

Anchors and Parent


Connecting AnchorLines Togetherimport QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {

width: 300; height: 100

color: "lightblue"

Text {

y: 34text: "Right-aligned text" ; color: "green"

font.family: "Helvetica"; font.pixelSize : 32

anchors.right: parent.right



● AnchorLines must be parallel○ right to left but not bottom

● AnchorLines of other items are referred to directly:○ Use parent.right, not parent.anchors.right



● Used with anchors to add space● Specify distances

○ In pixels○ Between Items connected with anchors


● baseLine is another AnchorLineimport QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle { width: 400; height: 200 color: "lightblue"

Image {

id: book; source: "../images/book.svg"

anchors.left : parent.left

anchors.leftMargin : parent.width /16

anchors.verticalCenter : parent.verticalCenter


Text {

text: "Writing"; font.pixelSize : 32

anchors.left: book.right; anchors.leftMargin : 32

anchors.baseline : book.verticalCenter



Margins and baseLine


Hints and Tips – Anchors● Anchors can only be used with parent and sibling

items● Anchors work on constraints

○ Some items need to have well-defined positions and sizes○ Items without default sizes should be anchored to fixed or well-

defined items

● Anchors creates dependencies on geometries of other items○ Creates an order in which geometries are calculated○ Avoid creating circular dependencies

■ e.g., parent → child → parent

● Margins are only used if the corresponding anchors are used○ e.g., leftMargin needs left to be defined


Strategies for Use – Anchors

Identify Items with different roles in the user interface:

● Fixed items○ Make sure these have id defined○ Unless these items can easily be referenced as parent items

● Items that dominate the user interface○ Make sure these have id defined

● Items that react to size changes of the dominant items○ Give these anchors that refer to the dominant or fixed items


● Anchor Layout● QML Components● Qt Quick Controls● Mouse Input● Touch Input● Keyboard Input● Q&A

Agenda (continued)


QML Types

● Item is the base type for Visible QML objects○ Has a position, dimensions○ Usually used to group other visual Items○ Often used as the top-level Item○ Rectangle, Text, TextInput, ...

● Non-visual structures also exist:○ State, Transition, ...○ ListModel, ListElement, Path, ...○ Gradient, Timer, ...

● QQuickItem extends QObject and thus, has properties○ QML Objects can be extended with custom properties from C++

or QML


Agenda (continued)

● Anchor Layout● QML Components● Qt Quick Controls● Mouse Input● Touch Input● Keyboard Input● Q&A


Qt Quick Controls

● A set of controls to build entire user interfaces in Qt Quick

● Originally designed to provide a set of ready to use components for traditional desktop applications○ Application Windows, Navigation and Views, Controls,

Menus○ Layouts○ System and Theme integration

● Idea and design extensible to touchscreen applications


Qt Quick Controls

● Platforms supported include Windows, OS X, Android, Linux and iOS

● Qt Quick Controls 1 are designed for desktop platforms and look like native widgets

● Qt Quick Controls 2 (aka Qt Labs Controls) are designed for embedded platforms and are lighter weight

● Controls have similar APIs


● Anchor Layout● QML Components● Qt Quick Controls● Mouse Input● Touch Input● Keyboard Input● Q&A

Agenda (continued)


Mouse Areas

Mouse areas define parts of the screen where cursor input occurs

● Placed and resized like ordinary items○ Using anchors if necessary

● Two ways to monitor mouse input:○ Handle signals○ Dynamic property bindings


import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {

width: 400; height: 200; color: "lightblue"

Text {anchors.horizontalCenter : parent.horizontalCenter

anchors.verticalCenter : parent.verticalCenter

text: "Press me"; font.pixelSize : 48

MouseArea {

anchors.fill: parentonPressed: parent.color = "green"

onReleased: parent.color = "black"




Clickable Mouse Area


import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {

width: 400; height: 200; color: "lightblue"

Rectangle {

x: 150; y: 50; width: 100; height: 100

color: mouse_area.containsMouse ? "green" : "white"

MouseArea {id: mouse_area

anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true




Mouse Hover and Properties


Mouse Area Hints and Tips

● A mouse area only responds to its acceptedButtons○ The handlers are not called for other buttons, but○ Any click involving an allowed button is reported○ The pressedButtons property contains all buttons○ Even non-allowed buttons, if an allowed button is also


● With hoverEnabled set to false○ containsMouse can be true if the mouse area is clicked


● Anchor Layout● QML Components● Qt Quick Controls● Mouse Input● Touch Input● Keyboard Input● Q&A

Agenda (continued)


Touch Events

QML types that already recognize Touch events:● Single-touch (MouseArea)● Multi-touch (MultiPointTouchArea)● Gestures:

○ Swipe (Flickable, ListView)○ Pinch (PinchArea)○ Tap and Hold (MouseArea onPressAndHold)


Multi-Touch Events

MultiPointTouchArea {

anchors.fill: parent

touchPoints: [

TouchPoint { id: point1 }, TouchPoint { id: point2 }, TouchPoint { id: point3 }



TouchPoint properties:● int x● int y● bool pressed● int pointId


MultiPointTouchArea Signals

● onPressed(list<TouchPoint> touchPoints) onReleased(…) touchPoints is list of changed points.

● onUpdated(…) Called when points is updated (moved) touchPoints is list of changed points.

● onTouchUpdated(…) Called on any change touchPoints is list of all points.


MultiPointTouchArea Signals

● onGestureStarted(GestureEvent gesture) Cancel the gesture using gesture.cancel()

● onCanceled(list<TouchPoint> touchPoints) Called when another Item takes over touch handling. Useful for undoing what was done on onPressed.


Swipe Gestures

● Built into Flickable, ListView

● snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItemThe view settles no more than one item away from the first visible item at the time the mouse button is released.

● orientation: ListView.Horizontal


Pinch Gesture

Automatic pinch setup using the target property:Image {

id: image

source: "qt-logo.jpg"

PinchArea {anchors.fill: parent

pinch.target: parent

pinch.minimumScale : 0.5

pinch.maximumScale : 2.0

pinch.minimumRotation : -3600

pinch.maximumRotation : 3600

pinch.dragAxis : Pinch.XAxis




Pinch Gestures

● Signals for manual pinch handling○ onPinchStarted(PinchEvent pinch)○ onPinchUpdated(PinchEvent pinch)○ onPinchFinished()

● PinchEvent properties:○ point1, point2, center○ rotation○ scale○ accepted

Set to false in the onPinchStarted handler if the gesture should not be handled


Agenda (continued)

● Anchor Layout● QML Components● Qt Quick Controls● Mouse Input● Touch Input● Keyboard Input● Q&A


Keyboard InputBasic keyboard input is handled in two different use cases:● Accepting text input

○ TextInput and TextEdit● Navigation between Items

○ Changing the focused Item○ Directional (arrow keys), tab and backtab


Raw Keyboard Input

● Raw key input can be handled by items○ With predefined handlers for commonly used keys○ Full key event information is also available

● The same focus mechanism is used as for ordinary text input○ Enabled by setting the focus property

● Key handling is not an inherited property of items○ Enabled using the Keys attached property

● Key events can be forwarded to other objects○ Enabled using the Keys.forwardTo attached property○ Accepts a list of objects


Raw Keyboard Inputimport QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {

width: 400; height: 400; color: "black"

Image {id: rocketx: 150; y: 150source: "../images/rocket.svg"transformOrigin: Item.Center

}//keyboard input detection goes here!focus: true


● Can use predefined handlers for arrow keys:Keys.onLeftPressed: rocket.rotation = (rocket.rotation - 10) % 360Keys.onRightPressed: rocket.rotation = (rocket.rotation + 10) % 360

● Or inspect events from all key presses:Keys.onPressed: {

event.accepted = true

if (event.key == Qt.Key_Left)rocket.rotation = (rocket.rotation - 10) % 360;

else if (event.key == Qt.Key_Right)rocket.rotation = (rocket.rotation + 10) % 360;



Agenda (continued)

● Anchor Layout● QML Components● Qt Quick Controls● Mouse Input● Touch Input● Keyboard Input● Q&A


Next Time on Qt for Beginners!

Join us as we explore doing more on June 9!