pxt study sample best ltd

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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This sample study shows exactly how we can build a profile of the best sales people and then compare it to less well performing sales people. Finally it goes on to show specific coaching activities for the poor-performers that will improve the performance of the whole team.


Profiles International

Predicting Superior Sales PerformanceA study of what drives sales success in Best LtdDeiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Table of Contents

Section 1: Purpose of this Study

Section 2: Performance Criteria

Section 3: Job Analysis and Job Match Pattern

Section 4: Top Performers Compared to the Job Match Pattern

Section 5: Lower Performers Compared to the Job Match Pattern Description

Section 6: Summary of Benefits

Section 7: Recommendations

Appendix I: CIBA Vision Testimonial


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Profiles International

Section 1Purpose of this studyDeiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Section 1: Purpose of this Study

BEST.com and Profiles International sponsored a study of your Sales Staff for the purpose of creating patterns to identify:

1. The characteristics of the Top Performers

2. The characteristics of the Lower Performers

3. The specific training and coaching needs of study participants

The goal of your company is to use this information to accomplish the following:

1. Build a foundation for a library of job descriptions.

2. Incorporate job-related data into the hiring process to insure that those who are hired or promoted to the positions fit the Job Match Pattern created from data.

3. Use training resources more effectively by selecting programs that meet the individual needs. This will produce more effective training, saving time and money through targeted training.

4. Recognize and understand the factors that lead to below average job performance so Lower Performers can be aided in ways that will improve their effectiveness.


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Profiles International

Section 2Performance Criteria Deiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Section 2: Performance Criteria

The criteria used to identify your top performers in this job class are based upon the following empirical, measurable data:

1. Sales Volume % to Quota

2. Tenure in Position with a minimum of 14 months

3. Percentage of Charge Backs

The participants in the study, compared to the above criteria, were grouped by your company as follows: the top performers (Group A), and those who’s performance would be at the other end of the scale, (Group B).

Group A Group B

Robert Diaz David Hill

Glenda Bellaire Ernest Zost

Roland Bostick Kathleen Smalley

Mark Lyons Bob Johnson

Arthur Richards Cedric James


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Profiles International

Section 3Job Analysis and Job Match Pattern Description Deiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Section 3: Job Analysis and Job Match Pattern Description

The following is a Job Analysis and Job Match Pattern created with Results from actual top performers and a comprehensive analysis of the functional requirements of the job

(Insert a copy of the graphical pattern here)


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Profiles International

Section 4 Top Performers Compared to the Job Match PatternDeiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Section 4: Top Performers Compared to the Job Match Pattern

The following compares each of the individual Top Producers to the Job Match Pattern :

1. Glenda Bellaire

2. Roland Bostick

3. Robert Diaz

4. Mark Lynus

5. Arthur Richards


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Profiles International

Section 5Lower Performers Compared to the Job Match Pattern DescriptionDeiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Section 5: Lower Performers Compared to the Job Match Pattern Description

The following compares each of the individual Lower Producers to the Job Match Pattern

1. David Hill

2. Cedric James

3. Bob Johnson

4. Kathleen Smalley

5. Earnest Zost


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Predicting Superior Sales Performance



Profiles International

Section 6Summary of Benefits Deiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Section 6: Summary of Benefits

Here are some ways that your company will benefit from an association with Profiles:

1. Greater Productivity

The study data has many applications that contribute to increased productivity. By applying this information, you should experience:

a. Fewer People Problemsb. Less Negative Turnoverc. Better Qualityd. Higher Profitabilitye. More Customer Satisfaction

2. Financially

There are several financial benefits would be obtained. They are as follows:

a. Turnover reduced by 10%………..£ 50,000b. Profit from Increased Sales………£150,000c. Reduction in Training Costs…..….£ 50,000

Total Financial Benefit… …………£250,000


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Profiles International

Section 7RecommendationsDeiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Section 7: RecommendationsWe recommend that you implement the following practices to maximize your return on investment in your people by forming a team with Profiles.

1. Conduct additional Job Analysis Studies on all positions to create the following:a. Job Descriptionsb. Job Match Patternsc. Coaching Reports

2. Incorporate the use of The Profile Assessment and Job Match system and fill all positions with top performers.

3. Provide key personnel with training on The Profiles systema. How to select top performersb. How to make promotion decisions that workc. How to reduce training costsd. How to be a great coach

4. We recommend the activation of your customized virtual assessment site and the installation of the ProfileXT with XX scoring units (meters). Your investment is £XXXX and is due at the time of the activation.

5. We also recommend that we meet within the next 30 days with all department heads of BEST.com to conducts a “Understanding The Profile” workshop.


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Profiles International

Appendix IProfiles InternationalDeiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Appendix I - Profiles International

Profiles International Inc. (www.profilesinternational.com) is a major global supplier of job profiling systems and consultancy.

Founded in 1990 Profiles now has offices in more than 100 countries worldwide, and delivers its products and services in all languages used in those countries through a network of more than 600 consultants.

With more than 45,000 clients worldwide having availed of Profiles International’s profiling services we have established an enviable reputation as the leader in driving corporate productivity through focus upon profiling top performance to drive superior recruitment, management and development of our client’s Human Capital – their people.

Our credibility is underwritten by the results we achieve for our clientele and these are outlined in many testimonials, some of which can be seen at http://www.profilesinternational.com/whatclientssay.aspx - and an example of which (from Novartis CibaVison) is included as an appendix to this document.

No other organisation has the tools, the expertise or the experience to undertake the sort of study proposed to BEST.com in this document– together BEST.com and Profiles International will produce a uniquely valuable resource that will be essential reading for anyone involved in this space.


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


Profiles International

Appendix IICIBA Vision TestimonialDeiric McCann

Predicting Superior Sales Performance

Appendix II: CIBA Vision Testimonial

Profiles International are fortunate to have a clientele who appreciate the results we achieve together sufficiently to allow share their credibility by providing us with testimonials. We have many such success stories that are exemplified by the example below from our valued client Novartis CIBA Vision.


Predicting Superior Sales Performance


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