proper use of medicines

Post on 04-Feb-2022






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Module for VAHWs

Medicines are used

to preserve the health of the animals: to treat sick animals or prevent disease in herds or flocks of animals.

to improve animal production: better reproduction, more meat, more milk

Medicines are active drugs, it means that they have an effect on animals

Efficacy and safety are the main concerns when using veterinary drugs

that are crucial to maintain good health, to ensure growth and to smooth reproduction

Vitamins and minerals 1

Antibiotics 2 necessary to fight infection caused by bacteria

are active against parasites of the skin, in digestive and respiratory tract

Anti-parasites 3

Anti-inflammatory these medicines can fight inflammation, fever and pain


are active on genitals and reproduction Hormones 5





to prevent diseases especially caused by virus

can control and destroy bacteria, virus, fungi in environment

A. Different types of medicines

1. Vitamins and Minerals

Roles of vitamins

Vitamins are nutrients that regulate use of energy and protein for health, growth and reproduction.

Without vitamins nutrients in the feed will not be properly utilized

is essential for healthy eyes, hair and skin and have impact on reproduction

Vitamin A

It makes a group of many vitamins, B1, B6, B12…

Some vitamins B help animals to absorb proteins; deficiency of vitamins of group B cause low growth

The Vitamin B12 has a role to help animals to recover after bleeding.

It is a general stimulant and it minimizes effects of stress like hot temperature, chronic disease

1 g of Vitamin C every day in the feed of boar, increase

quality of sperm when it is hot

Vitamin C

Vitamins B

Roles of vitamins

It is necessary for the

growth and maintenance of bones and teeth because it stimulate use calcium and phosphorus.

Increase of vitamin E give better resistance to disease: good level of Vitamin E in the feed protect well animals

It is important also

for muscle development, it increase vigor at birth

deficiency causes rickets: deformation of knees

Vitamin D

Vitamin E

Roles of vitamins

Sources of vitamins

Vitamin A: grass, cassava leaves, fish meal and fish oil

Vitamin B: whole grains, soybean

Vitamin C: fruits, water grasses

Vitamin D: fish meal and fish oil

Vitamin E: whole grains, oil

Bad conservation of raw materials, long storage and light destroy vitamins quickly.

In general animals request regular supply of additional vitamins and minerals to improve growth and reproduction.

Role of Minerals

Minerals have 3 major roles in animals:

Provide structural material to bones

Functioning of the nerves: allow electrical impulses to be transmitted across nerves

Responsible of chemical reactions in the body; digestion, contraction of muscle, immune function...

structure of strong bone

not enough minerals

Role of Minerals

99% of calcium are stored in the skeleton.

Calcium is essential for animals to produce good bones,

eggs and to have good growth

Deficiency causes

rickets: fragile and deformed

bones, swollen joints

thin eggshell and

decreased egg production

weakness to paralysis

in milking sow or cattle


soft shell due to deficiency of calcium

80% of Phosphorus is stored in the bones

It acts along with calcium for growth, bones and muscle development. Phosphorus is critical for re[production

It is necessary to provide supplementary Phosphorus for animal with rapid growth or to improve reproduction

DCP (for animal feed) is a good source of phosphorus and calcium.

Phosphorus Role of Minerals

DCP is a white powder that is mixed in the

animal feed to provide necessary Ca and P

Do not use DCP for agriculture it contains chemical

toxic for animals

It has roles equivalent to phosphorus. It acts along calcium as well.

• Magnesium has important role in many chemical reactions in the body.

• Deficiencies affect muscle contraction, and nerve impulse: it causes tremor, muscular weakness, nervousness...

• Cereals and molasses are good sources of Magnesium.

Premix provide Magnesium

Magnesium Role of Minerals

It is a trace element; it is in small quantity but necessary to prevent anemia and ensure good growth

Iron like other trace elements (iodine, cobalt, copper...) are provided by premix or basemix

But crossbred piglets with fast growth need additional Iron to prevent anemia because the milk does not contain

all piglets must receive one dose of Iron 2 days after birth

Iron Role of Minerals

Do my animals need Vitamins/Minerals?

When feed is not enough, vitamins and minerals cannot be enough.

It is critical to supply more feed and better balanced diet multi-vitamins/mineral products to improve digestion, absorption of recover proper body condition

Thin animals showing rough or discolored hairs

Deficiency in Zn and Cu give discoloration

Because they are sick, they eat less resulting in not sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals

Functioning of immune system requires more vitamins (especially vitamin E) and minerals.

In case of internal parasites the need of vitamins is increased as well; Iron and vitamin B12 are necessary to fight anemia

Do my animals need Vitamins/Minerals?

Fasciola is a parasite that cause chronic diarrhea and anemia

Animals hit by chronic diseases

During the diseases animals do not eat or eat very little and they draw on once reserves. They need supplementary vitamins and minerals to recover quickly and to build up reserves again.

Vitamins C increases resistance, vitamin E stimulates immune system; both help for recovery

Animals recovering from acute disease

Do my animals need Vitamins/Minerals?

it is important to mix vitamins in drinking water in case of respiratory diseases

When animals are under stress easily can become sick

Stress is caused by:


hot temperature

change of premises

change of diet...

It is recommended to administrate supplementary vitamins in stress period

Do my animals need Vitamins/Minerals?

transportation, change of farm, no feed and no water for many hours,

hot temperature under the sun = high stress easy to be sick

Animals under Stress

to stimulate production,

to prevent exhaustion of reserves

to increase quality of eggs and milk

Calcium is a very important element to produce eggs ; a broiler needs about 0.1 g of calcium per day but a hen needs about 0.5 g of calcium per day

1 liter of milk of cow contains 1,15g of Ca / 0,85 g of P / 01,g of Mg

Do my animals need Vitamins/Minerals?

Animals producing milk and eggs

Commercial broilers can reach 2kg in 45 days, crossbred pigs can reach 90 kg in 160 days!

Raw materials that compose the feed cannot provide enough and well- balanced quantity of vitamins and minerals necessary to produce so much meat. It is necessary to mix the feed every day with vitamins and minerals, often called premixes.

Animals with fast growth

Do my animals need Vitamins/Minerals?

In cattle, deficiency in vitamin A is common and it results in delayed puberty, birth of weak calves, retained placenta...inject regularly vitamin ADE during pregnancy and before puberty

In sow, it has been proved that injection of Vitamin ADE at weaning, increase clearly survival of embryos during next gestation: more piglets born, bigger piglets and decrease of stillbirths

Better reproduction Do my animals need Vitamins/Minerals?

Vitamins/Minerals: Common products

It is important to inject Vitamin AD3E to improve reproduction performances: clear estrus, strong progeny

in cattle: at least twice per year, and 30 days prior to calving

in sows: at weaning

Vitamin AD3E injectable

used in sows. Injection once a week, 3 weeks before farrowing, improve vigor of piglets at birth and prevent splay-leg piglets

to be injected to all piglets

2 days after birth and a booster 10 days later to prevent anemia

Vitamins/Minerals: Common products

Vitamin E + Selenium Iron Dextran:

These products combine all essential vitamins : Group B and Vitamin C with vitamins ADE and K.

In general these multivitamins are injected once a week, to help recovery or on thin animals with multi-deficiencies or sick animals

Multivitamins products

Vitamins/Minerals: Common products

It is used to fight anemia, after bleeding, in stomach ulcers in swine or in case of liver fluke in cattle (Hematopan B12)

Often Vitamin B12 is associated with other products like phosphorus (Carasil) and become a strong stimulant, with Iron dextran to better fight anemia in piglets or with selenium and magnesium to tone up muscle (Biodyl)

Vitamins/Minerals: Common products

Vitamin B12

It can be injected to sows and cows just after delivery because a lo of milk arrive in the udder and the progeny suck a lot, the Calcium in the blood drop down very quickly:

the mother show rapid breathing

she cannot stand up

and can show nervous signs like anxiety

Calcium (gluconate form) must be injected immediately

Vitamins/Minerals: Common products

Calcium injectable

It is used in poultry:

to stimulate immunity of DOC the first days after delivery (often associated with antibiotic)

to decrease effect of heat during the last week of growing when animals are panting (3 g in 10 kg of feed)

It is commonly used for boars during the dry season to increase the quality of sperm (1 g per day/boar every day)

Vitamin C powder

Vitamins/Minerals: Common products

Powder products which provide vitamins and minerals to animals. These products are especially used in pigs and poultry when the farmer produces the feed himself with local raw materials. In general dosage is 250g in 100 kg of feed

These premixes are automatically mixed in commercial feed sold by companies (CP, Betagro, Higro...)

Premixes are specific for each species and for each production because requirements are different: premixes for pigs and poultry are different , premixes for layer and broiler are different as well

Vitamins/Minerals: Common products


Provide vitamins and minerals (premix) to animals essential amino-acids like Lysine, Methionine and Threonine to make sure that minimum requirements are met.

Basemix provide as well, products to neutralize mycotoxins, Choline to protect the liver...

Farmers mix 1kg of basemix with 100 kg of raw materials (need a formula) and they obtain a well balanced diet


Vitamins/Minerals: Common products

Soluble powder providing high level of all vitamins (higher level than in premixes) and can be mixed in the feed of pigs, poultry or mixed in the drinking water

These products are mainly used to help sick animals to recover after disease or when animals are weakened by vaccination or other stress

Multivitamins powder

Vitamins/Minerals: Common products

Calcium is especially recommended for layers because they need about 0.5g of calcium every day to produce eggshell. The good source is powder made from oysters.

Phosphorus must be provided at the same time than calcium to promote good growth of the bones; the good ratio is offered by DCP; 10 to 20g/day can cover needs of growing pigs and lactating sows.

Calcium and phosphorus

Vitamins/Minerals: Common products

This specification is important

DCP is a white powder without odor

Antibiotics are the most used medicines to treat animals, they are essential for health

Unfortunately antibiotics are often used to treat all disorders : antibiotics cannot be used systematically

when you treat diseased animals

Antibiotics are not active against parasites, pain...

2. Antibiotics

Antibiotic are not active against diseases caused by virus

Antibiotics must be used to treat or prevent diseases caused by bacteria


Antibiotics are medicines which destroy bacteria or inhibit the growth of bacteria.

When bacteria cannot develop, animals recover from disease

Antibiotics are used for external and internal infection

external infection of the skin

internal infection, from the respiratory tract

Action of antibiotics

Example of action

Bacteria in general are protected by a wall

Some antibiotics like Penicillin, Amoxicillin can stop formation of this wall ; the result is that the bacteria growth but cannot divide and the wall ruptures

Penicillin and Amoxicillin kill bacteria and prevent bacteria to multiply; the animal will recover

the bacteria grows but not the wall; the wall tears: the bacteria die

There is no antibiotic that can kill all bacteria: antibiotics are effective against some groups of bacteria.


Narrow-spectrum targets specific types of bacteria: ex, Penicillin

Broad-spectrum targets a wide range of bacteria: ex, Doxycycline

Spectrum of antibiotics

When we are not sure about the disease (what bacteria is the cause) and the disease is serious, we will use broad-spectrum antibiotics: Doxycycline, Enrofloxacine, TMP+Sulfa

The problem is that when we often use these antibiotics with broad spectrum for all diseases, rapidly they do not work so well, we face resistance: common example is using systematically Enrofloxacine

Enrofloxacine is the most used antibiotic in Cambodia!!

It is irrational because this family of antibiotic create resistance to treatment fast

Spectrum of antibiotics

some veterinarians think that

Enrofloxacine can treat all diseases!

When you face diseases easily resistant to treatment; example diarrhea caused by E.Coli

When you are sure about diagnosis, it is better to use narrow-spectrum antibiotic: example Penicillin is enough to prevent Streptococcus suis, Oxytetracycline treat well Mycoplasma

Do not use systematically Enrofloxacine to treat diarrhea in new born piglets! Check the udder of the sow to detect mastitis, make sure that piglets are not cold during the night and use Colistine first

Spectrum of antibiotics

Antibiotic are classified in families. When antibiotics from the same family, they have the same chemical structure:

Penicillin, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin


Flumequine, Enrofloxacine

Gentamycine and Streptomycine

Sulfadimidine, Sulfamethoxine, Trimethoprim (TMP)

Florfenicol, Thiampnenicol Chloramfenicol

Oxytetracycline, Doxycycline

Tylosine, Spiramycine, Erythromycine (Lincomycine and Tiamuline are in very close family)









Families of Antibiotics

Combining two antibiotics can be done to obtain a wider spectrum: it is synergic

Example: Ampidexalone is a combination of Ampicillin with Colistine ; the combination of Ampicilline + Colistine is wider that the spectrum of Ampicilline alone or Colistine alone.

Other famous combination are Penicillin + Streptomycine (Penstrep), Sulfonamide + TMP (Septotryl)

Combination of antibiotics

Never combine more than 2 antibiotics because effect of numerous antibiotic mixed together is not predictable

If medicines contain 3 or 4 or more antibiotics,

do not buy, it cannot be produced

by reliable manufacturer

2 antibiotics, only with good synergy = good combination

3 antibiotics combined!

4 antibiotics combined !

Combination of antibiotics


Antibiotic antagonism occurs when the effect of combination of 2 antibiotics is less powerful than using only one antibiotic: Betalactamine+Macrolide or Betalactamine+Tetracycline are antagonist but sold in the market

if you find medicines which contain amoxicilline and oxytetracycline, do not buy, it cannot be produced by reliable manufacturer

Antibiotic banned

Some combination include antibiotics banned; they can harm Human Health when residue remain in the meat

Chloramphenicol is banned! Do not buy such medicines

Combination of antibiotics

Common antibiotics

• Group of Beta-lactamines



Penicilline + Streptomycine Penicilline +


• Group of Tetracyclines

Common antibiotics





• Group de la Colistine (polypeptides)

colistine + ampicillin

colistine + ampicillin

colistine + amoxicillin


Common antibiotics

• Group Sulfonamides


Sulfa + TMP Sulfa + TMP

Erythromycine + Sulfa + TMP

Common antibiotics

• Group of Macrolides

Tylosin Lincomycin Spiramycin Tiamulin

Common antibiotics

• Group of Quinolones

Common antibiotics

• Group of Phenicols



Thiamphenicol +OTC

Chloramphenicol is banned Florfenicol

Common antibiotics

Administration of antibiotics

Dosage: the dose is calculated according to indications of the label

The dose depends of the weight; it is important to estimate correctly the weight, in general the weight is under-estimated because:

the VAHW do not know to estimate the weight

it is more expensive to inject 30ml than only 15 ml

it is more difficult to inject big quantity

When the dose is not enough, the antibiotic is not effective

Dosage by oral route

For antibiotic mixed in the feed, the quantity of antibiotic absorbed depends of the quantity of feed intake


Increase the dosage when animals eat less than normal

Administration of antibiotics

Sick animals eat a little. Actually the label often mentions a “Preventive Dosage” to be used when animals are healthy and eat normally; the label mentions as well “Curative Dosage” that is often double because animals eat less and they need to absorb enough antibiotics

simple dose to prevent double dose to treat

Administration of antibiotics


it is important to maintain a minimum level of antibiotics in the blood along the day: antibiotic must be regularly administered.

When antibiotic are mixed in the feed, pig and chicken eat all the day and will get the dose step by step

When antibiotic are injected, it can vary (read the label) Ampidexalone must be injected morning and afternoon but Septotryl only once a day.

Some products like Longamox are called “Long Acting” and can be injected only every two or three days.

• Duration: 3 to 5 days is normal duration of treatment. Sometimes the treatment can last 7 days especially in respiratory diseases, but never less than 3 days

• If the time is too short, antibiotic start to kill bacteria but not enough. The animal seems to recover and after few days fall sick again because bacteria re-start to multiply and the disease is more severe

rhythm duration

Administration of antibiotics

Failure of treatment

Make sure that the quality of antibiotic is good. Some products are very cheap, produced by unknown manufacturers and do not reach the standard of quality

Check if the dosage is good; if the dose is not enough, the antibiotic will be not effective

Examine again the animal to confirm the diagnosis. Often after one or two days new symptoms can appear, and the diagnosis becomes clear

Do not change antibiotic after one day and again if the treatment is not successful. It can take 2-3 days to see effect of treatment

3. Anti-inflammatory medicines

These medicines are indicated for the treatment of inflammation

When the inflammation involves external organs, signs are:




Local heat inflammation of the udder

Role of anti-inflammatory medicines

Inflammation is a process, it is not a disease

However it may require a treatment if it continues to persist or if it is causing significant pain:

for example the piglet with arthritis cannot stand up to eat and drink

Anti-inflammatory medicines Anti-inflammatory medicines are

available in 2 categories:

Steroidal: like Cortisone, Prednisolone or Dexamethasone, these medicines have a strong anti-inflammatory response

Non-Steroidal: like Aspirin, Paracetamol, Analgin. These medicines have less powerful action on inflammation but they have clear effect to decrease pain and to decrease fever.

Only non-steroidal have effect on fever

Systemic infection (diarrhea, pneumonia, septicemia...),

Often Dexamethasone is combined with antibiotic especially in medicines to treat infection of respiratory tract because the infection cause inflammation of the bronchi and the lungs (animals cough) and antibiotic are more active and the animals recover better when inflammation is treated.

Dexamethasone Combination of 2 antibiotics to control coughing

+ Dexamethasone to decrease inflammation

+ Dexamethasone to decrease inflammation

Combination of 2 antibiotics to control diarrhea

Local inflammation (joint, udder...)

Dexamethasone is injected separately because the dose needed is higher.

In general the dose is 1to 2 mg of Dexamethasone for 50 kg for 3 days


Common allergy are seen on the skin, with redness and itch Pigs can become allergic to insect bites and can develop strong reaction

Cattle can eat plants that cause an allergy to the sunlight and develop lesions of the skin on large zone, like sunburn from moderate to very severe.


Allergy is treated with dexamethasone

Side effects of Dexamethasone

Stomach upset/ulcers: animals loose appetite and stomach bleed causing anemia

Abortion: it can provoke abortion when injected during pregnancy ; do not use Cortisone and Dexamethasone during gestation.

Weaken immune system: the body cannot fight well against infection. Do not vaccinate and inject Dexamethasone at the same time; effect of the vaccine will be low

Non-steroidal medicines

Analgin is very famous in Cambodia: good effect on pain and fever but limited on inflammation. Activity of this medicine is short and in general persists only 1 hour after injection.

Analgin cannot be injected near delivery because it stops contractions of the uterus

Paracetamol is a non steroidal medicine active on inflammation, pain and fever

Action last longer than Analgin

Paracetamol is often used mixed in the feed when climate is very hot (can be combined with VitC that is again stress) or for chronic respiratory diseases

paracetamol + Vitamine C




Non-steroidal medicines

Tofedine is a non steroidal medicine active on inflammation, pain and fever. Duration of action is 48 hours.

Ketofen is a non steroidal medicine active on inflammation, fever and especially pain. Ketoprofen is most-commonly used for musculoskeletal pain from soft-tissue injury, osteoarthritis or other bone and joint problems

Non-steroidal medicines

4. Anti-parasites medicines

Parasites are organisms that either live in the body, they are called Internal Parasites, or live on the body, they are called External Parasites

Parasites cause despoilment and poor growth, can transmit diseases and are source of discomfort.

It is important to control parasites in animals for better health.

External parasites Carbaryl is used in poultry. They

have low toxicity and very short persistence.

Treatment is done twice 2 or weeks apart by dusting birds

500g of Carbaryl 5% can treat 100 birds.

Asuntol It is a white powder to be

diluted in water, 1g /liter of water and can be kept for 6 months.

It is generally used for hand spraying

It is highly toxic by inhalation and ingestion

External & Internal parasites

Ivermectin • Actually, now Ivermectin are

widely used because they can control worms and external parasites (mange, ticks...) in pig and cattle

• Ivermectin can be injected or mixed in the feed (for 7 days)

• Many types of Ivermectin are available, some are high quality products, and some are uncertain quality products

• Ivermectin 1%: 1ml /50 kg in cattle

1ml/30 kg in pig

Internal parasites

Albendazole It is a broad-spectrum de-wormer for cattle, active on

Stomach Worms

Intestinal Worms



Liver Fluke

Dosage: 10 ml/ 100 kg


It causes diarrhea with blood in chicks at 3 weeks and calf; in piglets 2 weeks old, it causes grey chronic diarrhea and animals arrive at weaning in terrible condition.

Treatment and especially prevention is made by Totrazuril, Amprolium of Sulfadimidine

5. Hormones

Estradiol: Especially used in gilts or heifer (it

means in animals that never deliver) to provoke estrus when they show no sign (red vulva, excited by the male...) after the normal age of puberty.

Estradiol is injected only one time and estrus appears within 1 day

These medicines are used to treat disorders of reproduction in cattle and in swine

Hormones Prostaglandins

Induce delivery; when delivery is late (>115 days) or the sow become very sick at the time of delivery

Provoke estrus in cattle that do not show estrus after weaning the calf (skinny cattle need feed and vitamins, not Prostaglandins!)

Stimulate drainage of uterus in case of discharge of pus, especially smelly discharge 3-4 days after delivery

Ocytocine Increase contraction of uterus during the delivery: inject 1 ml of ocytocin if no new piglet appear 30’ after the previous one

Facilitate expulsion of placenta: inject systematically 2ml of Ocytocin when delivery is finished to make sure that the sow expel all the placenta

Provoke milk ejection; in case of MMA (no milk) in sows just after delivery, it is crucial to inject 0.5 ml of Ocytocin intravenous to induce ejection of milk and especially of colostrum.


6. Vaccines

Vaccines are used to prevent diseases (never to treat diseases) because after injection of vaccine the animal will produce antibodies to protect against microbes attack.

It is impossible to protect animals against all diseases circulating in Cambodia. It is necessary to select useful vaccines according to the risk.

When vaccine are selected, it is important to follow a program of vaccination to make sure that the vaccine will be active

More common vaccines for backyard chickens are vaccines against ND and Fowl Pox

In semi-commercial farms it is necessary to prevent Gumboro and IB

Vaccines chickens

I2 vaccine do not need

strict cold chain

CSF: It is the most important vaccination that must be regularly done with a proper program of vaccination


The regular vaccination with a trivalent vaccine is highly recommended for sows, boars and gilts

Vaccines pigs

O+A+ Asia1 Trivalent vaccine

Monovalent vaccine

not enough

FMD: cattle must be vaccinated regularly against FMD with a Trivalent Vaccine.

Cattle vaccines, in general are in alum-solvent and can be injected once a year

When outbreaks occur cattle should be re-vaccinated in emergency.

Hemorrhagic Septicemia The vaccine must be given at 6-months intervals, especially must be injected before rainy season

Vaccines cattle

oily solvent

7. Disinfectants

Disinfectant for the skin are often combined with antibiotics

These disinfectants are applied directly on the skin after cleaning to removed soiled materials.

Disinfectants are chemicals that destroy microbes: viruses. bacteria and fungi

Gentian Violet + Oxytetracycline

Methylen Blue + Neomycin

Gentian Violet + Oxytetracycline

Methylen Blue + Chortetracycline


For premises

All disinfectants should be used after cleaning. Organic matter, dust, decreases a lot efficacy of disinfectant.

These products must be diluted in water. It is important to follow recommendations of the manufacturer. Disinfectants are highly concentrated and must be handled with precaution.


For water The water is the most important nutrient in term of quantity. In majority drinking water is polluted by microbes especially coming from animals feces and chemicals (bags of pesticides... or residues) Systematic treatment of drinking water with Chloramine to destroy microbes is a good practice


B. Administration of medicines

Efficacy of medicine is very closely linked with proper administration of medicine.

VAHW must strictly follow indications provided by medicine producer; these indications are clearly explained on the label

Dosage: quantity of product to be administered

Route of administration: way to administer the product

Rhythm of administration: when to administer the product and how many times

Rules of administration

Read the label

All indications are clearly written on the label but label are in general in English, in French, in Vietnamese…


English French Vietnamese

Composition/Formula Composition Thành Phàn

It is important to check the

composition because it indicates what is inside the bottle or the bag; the commercial name is not systematically linked with the composition

Read the label

Some manufacturers do not fit with standards of formulation; make sure that not too many types of components are combined.

Some products can have the same name and components but the dosage can be very different.

Read the label

do not buy medicines combining 3 antibiotics,

especially with enrofloxacine

Indications : the list often not very helpful because the manufacturer wants to show that the product can treat all diseases and indications are extensive and not precise

Some products give specific usages of medicines; it is easier to administer properly

Read the label

Proper dosage is critical:

Not enough = ineffectiveness

Too much = loss of money

The quantity to be injected in general depends of the weight and is mentioned in ml (of medicine)/kg (of animal)

Or the quantity to be mixed in the feed or the water, it is mentioned in g (of medicine)/kg (of feed) or g (of medicine)/liter (of water)

Read the label

Estimation of the weight or estimation of feed intake

must be correct to calculate the good dose

Homogenize the product

Before injecting a medicine, it is necessary to shake vigorously the bottle to make sure that the active substance is well mixed with the solvent.

Rhythm of administration

After injection some products are active in the body of animal for few minutes to several days.

Few minutes: Ocytocine…it means that a second injection can be done about 30 minutes after the previous one

1 hour: Calmagine, Analgine…

12 hours: Ampidexalone, Amci-coli must be injected morning and evening

1 day: Septotryl, this case the medicine will be injected only the day after.

2-3 days: Tolfedine, Longamox, Remacycline…in this case the second injection is made 2-3 days after the first one

> 7 days: Iron Dextran…

C. Conservation of medicines

• The quality of medicines can be guaranteed only if the storage is made in good condition; many factors

can impair the conservation of medicines:

Vaccines are the most sensitive

medicine to heat, especially live vaccines. ` The cold chain is crucial: the temperature of vaccine from manufacturer to the farm must always be maintained between 2oC and 8oC.

All medicines are damaged by high temperature, more or less when temperature is above 25-27oC

Do not buy medicines exposed to the sun in the dealer shop

or to seller keeping medicines in the car many days

Medicines must be stored in dark environment, often they are packaged in boxes and bottles are in tainted glass.

Vitamins are easily damaged by light.

The best packaging is tainted glass + box

For vitamins, manufacturers use a very tainted glass

This antibiotic should be kept

in dark environment

Oxidation of medicines is caused by oxygen of the air

Vials of medicines have a rubber cap that can be punctured several times. However each puncture allow air to enter the bottle

For example tetracycline turns from light yellow to dark brown in vial already pierced

When you start to use a vial of medicine try to finish it in few days

• In some case the powder becomes very hard like stone and can be administered after grinding

• Sometimes mould develops and medicines get a green color or a bad smell: do not use it

Normally medicine must be used before expiring date

Medicine like vitamins, vaccines cannot be kept a long time; it is important to respect expiry date

However some medicines like antibiotic can be used many months after expiry date if the conservation is good

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