project planning & management

Post on 17-Feb-2017



Leadership & Management



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Fundamentals of

Project Planning & ManagementPresenters : Umar Farooq L1f12bsme0002 Muhammad Manzar L1f12bsme0051 Muhammad Zaroon L1f2bsme0059

What is a Project ??It can Appears in different types

Can be a Personal Assignment Student’s University task

Can be a New Product Development Honda CIVIC 2016 or introducing new medicine

can be a Mega Constructions Lahore Orange Line Metro or Sydney Opera House

Organizing Event / Festival T20 Cricket World Cup 2016

What are not Projects !!

• Daily on Going Process / Daily Routine Process ‘Manufacturing Process’ are not projects

Manufacturing Process in Automotive Industry

Manufacturing Process in textile industry

Similarities / Common Traits1. Temporary Organization

2. Specific Start & Finish

3. Constrained by Time , cost and Resources.

4. Multi Disciplinary coordinates require.

Burj Khalifa a Mega Construction ProjectStarted September 2004- finished January 210

Orange Line Lahore a Mega Construction ProjectStarted October 2015- expected October 2017

Objectives of Projects1. Scope - cost - Time are the 3 objectives .2. These 3 dimensions are interlink k with each other

A project is temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service .

(Project Management Institute)

Defining the Project

Example : A weeding Ceremony

Why Projects fail ?

Project FailureHeathrow airport Terminal 5 failure

Project life Cycle

Mega Construction Projects require more time for execution.

Project Initiation Phase

Organization & Stakeholder

Project Planning Phase

Planning Phase1-SCOPING: We use a tool which is WBS work break Down Structure

Creative SalesFunds Marketing HRFinanceStrategy IT



By Dependencies Matrix By Dependencies Table

Planning Phase3-Sheduling (Network Diagrams)

Critical PathProject CrashingResults of CrashingHigh Risk

Planning PhaseDuring the execution of project we come up with different uncertainties

Project Risk Management

Project Execution Phase

Execution Phase

Why Projects Fails !!!We Have Project Planning

Technical Factors

1. External Complexities2. Internal Complexities

Human Factors

1. Multitasking

Agile Methodology

Agile Methodology (Modern Development Technique)

Variations in Agile

1. Kanban (看板  ?)

2. Scrum

Steps for Kanban

Benefits of Kanban

Reduce Multitasking

Enhance Teamwork

Agile MethodologyScrum

Advantage : Reduce Work In Progress


2 Project Management MethodologiesCritical Path Agile (Kanban ,Scrum)

A project Manager No Manager (Self Guided Teams)

Pre PlannedComplete picture of Project

Post Planning after every checkpoint

Used in less uncertainly Use in high uncertain Projects

Thank you for the


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