proclaim liberty throughout unto all the inhabitants...

Post on 21-May-2020






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Corrum . .mist






Vice Chairmen








Lillian Abrahams



Barney Finkel. M.D.

Frank Friedman

Georgia Gabor


Leonard Goldstein

Charles Hartman

Joseph Katz. M.D.

Jack Ross

Loren Smith

Alan Stang





Georgia Gabor

Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.


So, what have you b0en doing for your future latel

You can buy insuro.nce, advance your career, plan your future, and d:-ceaffi, but it 9 S all for nothing. You will have no future in the kind of world now forming out of the mistakes of the past and the lethargy of the present.

Examine the situation.

VIe are fighting a gt§.i2L..!:i.0!. in Vietnam in which the enemy receives vital sanct"J.ary and direct and in­direct aid from the U.S. ou­ food and foreign aid programs 't'J'ith the bloc}>:. Why?

Our cities are prisons in which a minority of a minority use time-proven Co munist revolutionary methods to hold law-abiding citizens captive in their Olln1. homes.

If ten years ago someone had told you that over two hundred American men per 'Neel{ would die in a war the U.S. did not intend to win, would you have believed it? If you had been told that our major cities would be terrorized by Communi81-; Icc. and or8::mlzed "race rlots'l, would you h8.'Te belio7c:d it? Were you told? And did you perhaps snicke::'? 'rhe tine for snickering is over. Project present trends 2-3-5 years into the future, and donOt say it canOt happen here. It?s been happenintj.

The Jewish SOCiety of Americanists is actively battlintj the forces that would. reduce you., your family, your friends to tortured, terrorised. slaves, zombies -or corpses.

Please read the li terature we h[".v"3 encloscd9 o.nd when you decide to do something for your futurs 9 "TO c,m S 10W you how.

Annual I'iembership: E.egular Ivlember • • • • • • • • :fl>1 2000 Supporting (Non-Jewish) • • • 6.oo St dent - Reg lar • • • • • • 6.00 Student - Supporting • • • • • • I).OO

Subscription to Newsletter • • • • $4 • •

Sincerely yours,

Georgia Gabor West Coast Director


David E isenberg






l y

Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.

Honorary Chairman




Vice Chairmen







Lillian Abrahams

Morton Diamond

Barney Finkel, M.D.

Frank Georgia Gabor Leonard Glick

Leonard Goldstein

Marilyn Goldstcin Charles Hart an

Joseph Katz. M.D. Jack Ross Loren Alan Stang




Georgia Gabor



Since February , uhen \1e began full scale activity on the Coast, our membership has more than quadrupled. He

nOlI have 8 active Lodges and Dlany mor e in the formative stage, fro Oregon to Arizona.

I lIould like you to accept chairmanship and start a Lodge in your area. i.onthly Lodge meetings are the primary means '\ITe have to motivate our members to promote JSA ideals, and further JSA goals. ; Te .£!!! stop the increasing socialization of our lives. To do this us must make Americanists of Ameri­cans - Americanists, uho are fully aware of the threat to their lives and ideals c ontained in the preachments and activiti(· of the political Liberals. egular monthly meetings, headed by a chairlilan such as yourself' , are the best technique for carrying on that required education.

You can start a Lodge lTith as feH as three members. The meeting[ can be held in a hOLle. They consist of a brief business session, follol-Ted by an educational session. Education consists of tapes, f St fDWl strips, lectures , or discussions of important topics relevant to our activities.

I can send you further operational sugge stions and material for recruiting or Lodge education.

Fe need you. The JSA is not a club. Te are a voluntary asso­ciation of individuals uho realize ue rmst all 't'1orlc hard to pre­serve the freedoms our religion and our Constitution beston on us

I have your reply as soon as possible7

Sincerely yours,

... l

GE01GIA G.A.JO_l 1 Test Coast Director, J. S. A.





Honorary Chairman




Vice Chairmen








Lillian Abrahams

Morton Diamond

David Eisenberg

Barney Finkel, M. D.

Frank Friedman

Georgia Gabor

Leonard Glick

Leonard Goldstein

Charles Hartman

Joseph Katz, M.D.

Jack Ross


Alan Stang






Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof. LEVITICUS 25: 10

Dear Friond,

Your name has been roferod to us as someone who has shown concorn over tho stato of affairs in our country and in tho world, or has expressed an interost in our organization .

The Jovnsh Socioty of America is an organization with a and patriotic approach to tho problems of our t�uos. Memborship is open to persons of the Jewish faith as ro­gular membors and to thoso not of the Jewish faith as supporting members. Enclosod you will find literature which oxplains our outlook on national and l.,orld probloms. \ve hope that you will take the time to read this and if you 1rnsh further information concorning our prograr.l or activities, contact us at JSA vest Coast Headquarters at tho address abovo.

He foel that the Jewish Society of America has a far­reachu1g potential to mobilizo the influence of American Jewry to preserve our Constitution and the froedoms it guaranteos this land's inhabitants, and thus play an nnportant role in turn­ing tho tide of history against tho sinister forces of collectiv­ism. In order to realizo this potential, we need your support and the support of overy concernod citizen.

Thanking you again fro your interest, .. 10 remain

Patriotically yours,

Cha irmen

awaken to

Honorary Chairman












Lillian Abrahams

Morton Diamond

David Eisenberg

Barney Finkel, M. D.

Frank Friedman

Georgia Gabor

Leonard Glick

Leonard Goldstein

Charles Hartman

Joseph Katz, M. D.

Jack Ross

Loren Smith

Alan Stang





Georgia Gabor

Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.



A few vwoks ago we sent you somo litoraturo introducing to you our organization, the Jowish Society of Amorica. As l-Te have not heard from yeu as yet, 'trw wero wendering v1hat your re­action was.

The hour is late and 'tore Amoricans cannet afford procrasti­nation at such a perilous time. The poworful forco of Inter­national Socialism docs not 'trrait for you to take action. As you read these linos, American seldiers arc being killed by the thousands in Vietnam in an undeclarod war, while tho Amorican government is trading l-1ith and sending aid to sovoral of those countries that directly suppert our enomies. Hhile you aro thinking about yeur SULlIilor vacation, tho C0Ii1_1runists are shipping arD ents daily by tho tons te Arab nations to guarantee their victory ovor the tiny, froedOl'l-loving nation of Israel.

This is a tino when all mon v,ho lJ1ish to free must unite er perish. No in tho JSA beliove we have an effective program to tho AnoricD.n people and ospecially American Jev y this poril. We call upen the traditional Je. sh ideals of liberty to galvanize all Jowish poople and their friends in II liughty effort to defeat the totalitarian forces which threaten us, llnd to lead our nation to a re-birth of freedom with law and order, l:lorality, prosperity, and the dignity of rum.

1!Jon It you join us7

Patriotically yours,

GEORGIA GABOR 'lest Coast Director

\ \

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E i senberg







Honorary Chairman




Vice Chairmen








Lillian A rahams

Morton Diamond


Barney Finkel, M. D •

Frank Friedman


Leonard Glick

Leonard Goldstein

Charles Hartman

Joseph Katz 1M. D.

Jack Ross

Loren Smith

Alan Stang


Chairman BARNEY FINKEL / M. D.


Georgia Gabor

Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the thereof. LEVITICUS 25: 10

Dear :emb()r.

At the Chica go Convention of the JSlI., I was asked to serve as our llTational Program Chairman. I accepted the position with great hmnility fully realizing the e,dsting need for an organ­ization like ours , tho potontial of the JSA, tho attacks and op­position from left-uing groups "Te had to anticipate, the need to make a quick impact on our naive J01'Tish brethren, and the necessity to become the representative voice of the Ihl1erican Jewry in short, grave responsibility to develop an efficient and affective program.

Our IlUljer handicap 1-ras the total lack of funds. 1'..s you all realize, membership duos donlt oven covor tho cost of printing and mailing our National NevTslottor. Donations havo boon far too few and small. Since "TO have no paid employoes, all activities must be carried out by the volunta J efforts of members and sup­porters.

To mako my job evon more difficult, about a year and a half ago, our original Coast Director resigned and I 't-ras askod to assumo this duty, giving it primo priority. Thus, about a year ago, a JSA program "tTaS launched on tho I'lest Coast. the help of G_d, it had boon effective and loW are nO"T ready to expand it on a National scale. I am v iting you this lotter, bocauso we need your participation and I feol I can cotmt on you.

Hero is tho outlino of tho JSJ\. program that had provod to be successful on tho i/lost Coast3 1. Tho JSA is to havo Lodgos ranging in size from 5 to 50. 2. Lodges arc hoadod by a Lodgo Chairman lorho is a regular mem­

ber. Hest Coast Chairl<1en were selected on the voluntary basis, appointments confirmod by tho Regional Director. Each Chair­l an is assistod by a Troasurer-Secrotary of his/her choice .

3. Lodges moot monthly. leotings consist of a brief businoss ses­sion, follewed by an oducatienal program, in tho nature of a

speak r, fi�n ShOt 1g, panel discussion, etc. Tho oducational portion of tho meeting is open to tho public or at least te in­vited gu ests . Poople presont ara to distribute our literature, for which donations may be collected.

4. JSA literature may be reprinted by individual lodgos , but mo­difiod versions or now material must be approved by the Region­al Director and/or our National Office.

mor al whatever

5. Lodgos run occasional fundraising activitios to bo self-supporting and contri­btlto to Regional operating costs. Regional Headquarters, in turn, supply lodgos with stationery, othor rogional literature, and assist in recruiting members and organizing new lodges.

Tho follovnng members are presently our Rogional officers8 1. East Ben Baena 2. Southeast Dr, H. Sindall 3. I Iidwest South Dr. B. Finkel 4. Nidwost North L. Glick 5. Itlest Georgia Gabor

l11ithin tho next fem days you should be contacted by your Rogional Director. If for some reason you aro not, and you would be willing to bocomo a lodge chairman, socretary-treasurer, or wish to take an activo part in some other way, ploase drop me a line. Everyone1s effort is badly noeded. Each of us must take the responsibil­ity to contribute in some way to the proservation of our freodoms, law and order, a

socioty, and a more hlli;�ne world. In capacity you can sorve tho cause I however much or little tilue you can devote, you are vTanted and needed to carry the light.

Atheistic, totalitarian Conmunism is a malignant tissue that is spreading ra­pidly. America is tho last bastion in the world which can arrest it. If yeu arc of the Jewish faith, and if you beliove that we are a selected people, thon you must realizo that G_d selected us te fight athoism, to spread His teaching of freo­dom of choice, a moral oxistenco, and tho dignity of the individual. Ue were ordainvr to propagate tho ve J samo principles that tho US Constitution upho lds . Let us not fail tho All Mighty in those trying times] Do all you can, no,,!, while you still can.

Hoping that each of you villI in some way contribute to a rapid growth of tho JSA, I wish you all drs blossin&s and ra for His assistance in all our under­'7 r"..! -"'-

Patriotically yours,

"[ost Coast Director

regim e







In the early summer of 1967, the entire world was amazed by the swift and decisive victory of the forces of Israel over the Commun ist led and equipped hordes of the Arab League. This victory , without precedent in all of mili­tary history, dealt a severe blow to the plans of the Soviet Union to seize con­trol of the strategic Middle East and to involve the United States in another Vietnam type conflict. For this, all the peoples of the Free World, and particu­larly the people of the United States, owe a deep debt of gratitude to the gal­lant armed forces and the people of Israel.

The Communist Conspiracy, however, while thwarted in its immediate aim, has by no means given up the battle for conquest of the Middle East. It has hastened to re-arm its clionts in the U.A.R., Iraq, and Algeria. It has prompted its terrorist arm, El Fatah, to wage a Viet Cong type guerrilla war­fare against the Israelis. Its agents in the U,N. havo secured passage of re­solution after resolution to compel tho Israelis to withdrm .. from the territor­ies taken during the Juno 1.ATar and currently oc cupied as a guarantee against fu­ture Communist aggression. Its client, De Gaulle of Franco, has rofusod to de­liver to Israel jet fighters which the Israelis had already paid for and instead has delivered those very same warplane s to Iraq. All of this Co ist planning is designed to bring about a I1fourth round" against Israel, which will wipe Is­rael from tho face of the oarth .

And what has the United States gov rnmcnt been doing? In sharp contrast to its haste to do business on a long term credit basis with the Soviet Union, the Johnson has refused to permit the oxport to Israel of arms which she desparately needs to defond herself against tho impending aggrossion of tho Com­munist-backed f. ab Leaguo. Instead, Johnson's State Department has roc entlyannounced that it will resume its supply of arms to Jordan.

The Jcrvrish Society of Arrloricanists urges that the Admi istration end im­modiately the arms embargo against Israel and permit the export to Israel of whatever arms she noeds to def end hersolf in a "fourth round" or any future round of Communist aggression. It is time that tho U.S. government stopped giving aid and trade to our enemios and started treating our friends fairly. Israel proved in June 1967 that she doser ves tho support of all free peoples. Let us be courageous onough to provide that support.

---------I wish information about tho JSA I wish to apply for JSA membership in tho

Regular member (Jewish faith) Regular student member Supporting member (other faiths) Supporting student member I wish to recoive a year's subscription to the


category indicatod: $12.00 por year $ 6.00 per year $ 6.00 per year $ 3.00 por year

JSA Nowsloter (non-membership) $ 4.00 per year

Send check tOg Jewish Society of funericanists, Wost Coast Office, 11816 Goshen, Suito j lO, Los Angelos, California 90049


Movement , C ommittee ,



• • • • • •




brutality" , i u


Americans have been made vividly D.Vrare during tho past year or two of the rise of a nm" group of r acists who advocate something called ''black power " and consider white men to be sub-human beasts . These racists, operating in such groups as the Revolutionary Action the Student Non-Violent Coordinating

the Black Panthor Party, and many others, have boen doeply involved in the sevore riot ng "Thich swept the country in the summer of 1967. !!,That is not generally known about these "n()w racists" is that they are also the nOVI anti­Semites, for while they hato all white nen in genoral , they reserve their great­est hatred for the Jews •

. . . • • . In Cincinnat i , hit by violence and riotL g three t es during tho sum­mer of 1967, there were terrorist attacks launched against predominantly Jewish comnunitios adjacent to the riot area of Avondale , a Jewish synagogue was fire bonbed , and an arson crunpaign cOr.:L.ilonccd against Je>nsh small businessMen who had contributod money to various pro-Israel groups at the time of tho Juno lomr all establishing a pattern so obvious as to lead the Police Chief of C inc innati

"an anti-Semitic vendettall •to call the

At the NeH Politics National Convention in Chicago, dominate d by the "Black Caucus", a resolution was passed to condemn "the ir.lperialist Zionist Warll. Although there i..ras attached to this resolution an almost sarcastic disclaimor to the effoct that anti-Somitisul was not linpli()d, tho general tone of the entire con­vention indicated the opposite •

••••••Several anti-Semitic newspapors of the white supremacist vari()ty hav() gloated over destruction of Jewish owned businesses in recent rioting and one of thElm, "The Counsellor", published in Shreveport, Louisianna , has even hinted that whit() anti-Semites might have had a hand in this by pointing out to Negroes who their "rea.l onor.lY" was and suggesting that as long as riots were to occur, they should be dirocted against Je'is.

Thoso arc only a fow examples among many concerning the anti-Semitic tondencies of tho ''Black Poworfl movement . Thero is also evidonce that many of the Black Pm'TOr leadors havo connections highly placed in the capitals of t ho Arab L()ague. Since loftist Arab lQade s such as Nasser and Boumedienne have a stake L trying to stir up anti-Semitism in the United Stat()s and since been accused in the past of financing vlhite anti-Semitic groups , there is no reason to think that they would not giv overy assistanco possible to what is now tho most poworful anti-Jewish force on the American scen e .

He consider it a necessity to expose th() racist and Na.zi tendencies of the militants of the Black Power movement. Thore are still too many AL'nericans who havo beon beguiled by leftist pr opaganda into thinking that the riots are caused by

they have

poverty, by "polieo or by a reaction aga nst "cont rios of oppressionll• It might be noted in this connection that a similar series of riots swept Russia in tho docade or two preceding the Bolshevik Revolutton. There, they were called pogroms ]

Government , r for



p articipate most sllnilar

recent rave




Newslett er

---------------------------------Address. __________________________ __


Although anti-Semitism has long been part of the official policy f the Soviet Union and eradication of the Jews as a cultural and religious group one of the importa.nt of the Soviet the lot of Je,oJ"s vlithin the Com­munist empire has taken a distinct tu n the worse since the Middle Eastern l.Jar of June 1967. It appears that tho Bolshevik leaders were infuriated by the severe defeat inflicted on their clients by Isra el and, unable at least for the present to get revenge on Israel, they chose the nearest target available on which to take out their spite - the S01riet Jews.

Official Soviet pUblications compared Zionism to the Mafia and called Zion­ists a powerful tool of American imperialism. was much shedding of croc­adils tear s over alleged ilZionist atrocities" against Arab civil ians accompanied of course by convenient silence concerning the very real atrocities committed against Yomeneso Arabs by the Soviet client, Nasser atrocities which would have been inflicted on Israel as well, if Nasser had won. Communist leaders in the predominantly areas of the Soviet Union around Tashkent have stirred up mobs to commit pogroms against tho Jewish population , to desecrate Synagogues, and to in the ritual murder of Rabbis. In the Ukraine, s cone of many of the horrible Nazi atrocitie s of Horld !;Jar II, violence and hatred is boi..1'lg stirred up by tho anti-Jmvish Communist propagandists who ref-or to all Jo"t-rs as "parasitosll•

Nor is the of Communist anti-Semitism beon confined merely to the Soviet Union itself. The East European satellite states, in spite of their alleged "independenccl1 from Soviet domination, were quick to follow the lead of their Bolshevik w stors in kicking off a new campaign against their Jewish sub­jects . In Poland and Hungary, tho virulence of thE) nm'J" waV0 of anti-Semitism is especially pronounced.

It's time United states citiz ens , whether Jevnsh or not, demand that our government disassociat0 itself from the Kremlin and demand that the Soviet government coase nodiatoly its persecution of tho Jewish people, At the pre­sent timo, tho Johnson administration is carrying on an ever L creasing amount of tr ade with tho Sovi0t Union and its satellites trade on a long term credit basis. We see no ronson why the U.S. should thus be underwriting a government which seems determin0d to imitate the atrocities of Hitler's Naziism. The only thing which might force tho olsheviks to modify their anti-Jewish policy is strong economic pressure. This is what America m.ust exert! It's about time we realize that mere verbal prot0st is not enough and that appease Gnt and col­laboration arc suicide.

I wish information about tho Jewish Society of JL ericani5ts I vTish to for JSA membership in the category indicated : Regular membor (Jewish faith) :J;12. 00 Regular student member 6.00 Supporting l:1ember (other faiths) $ 6.00 Supporting student member i J. 00 One:yoar1s subscription to the JSA (non-me illership) Name

per yoar per year per year por year


Send check to: Joy.Tish Socioty of 1ilnericanists, 140 Claromont Avo., New York, N.Y. 10027



Name ---:=-:'-"::"'i':-:::-'::': Address __ -=-=_-::': _:___ -::': =_------­

Send to : J SA, 140 C laremont Ave., N ew York , N . Y . 10027

T:fuy do terror and fear prevail throughout the country? r'lhy do

people distrust each other7 in1Y does man expend such great time and

energy to protect himse f from his fellows? It we all children

of the same God, subject to the same la"i-Ts, inheritors of the same li-

berty? \',Jho has brought us to this condition?

Has it been arrogant cliques of -minded hoodlums - determined ,

in the name of "free speech" to put others in fear of death and grave

injury? Has it been raving bloody-handed racists demanding power for

themselves 't-Thile threatening entire communities with genocide? Has it

been roving pyromaniacs and predatory killers? Or has it been hypo-

critical politicians proclaiming their love of country and desire for

law and order - the better to conceal their own treachery and foul

dealing in night and fog. \Jhat opinion must these men have of them..

selves to have subjected a once great country and its once free citizens

to the terror? How can lve put a stop to their deeds and end the terror?

The Jeuish Society of luneric anists has a constructive program to

restore liberty to the country - most importantly freedom from fear -

the freedom most conspicuously lacking in this time .

Cooperate uith the Jel'1ish Society of Americanists and end the


For further information on how you can help, see below: ----------------- -------......----,------,.-.- . --.-.....-.--- .--.- .-.-... _-_.._----------------

I 10rish information about the JSA category indicated: y ar. • Qi6. 00. pe year.

I wish to apply for JSA membership in the Regular member (Jewish faith). • • •

student member • • • • •

Supporting member (other faiths). •

$upporting Student member •

• .$ year. • .$3.00,pe year. subscription to the JSA nevIs::I wish to receive a year's non-membership

letter • • • • i4. 00 per year.



Name ______________________ ______________ __

---------- -------------------------------------------------


The Jewish Society of America is ono of tho few Jewish organizations which has taken a firm and unoquivocable stand against the prevailing forces of Godlessness, lawlossness, immorality, and socialism of overy variety which threaten to engulf our civilization. vlhile the so-called "Liberals" debato whethor to continue tho war in Vietnam or surrender to the Communists, the JSA has pointod out that tho war is the only solution acceptable to patriotic Americans. "-1horo an appeasel11ent­minded clique in tho Stato Dopartment has forced knorica into a policy of supplying arms and materials of 't·mr to Soviot dominatod Arab states and has then claimcd 'nou­trality" in the Biddle Eastern conflict, tho JSA stands for a complote arns embargo against the Communists and their allies, and tho salo of arms to Israel the only Middle Eastern country nth the ability and tho will to stop Red aggression in that aroa of the world. Where the overwhelming majority of our news media has engagod in an effort to ignore, apologize for, or explain away the brutal anti-Semitic prac­tices of the Soviet Union, the JSA insists that the United States must apply strong economic prossure against tho Soviets to forco tham to coaso anti-Srnnitic practicos and to pormit free Jewish omigration from the USSR.

'rfui1e many collego professors and self-appointod "gurus" advocate the use of drugs as a substitute for religious experience, we in the JSA say that l n needs God

that mankind noeds a return to genuino religion. IrJhilo SO[:1e groups advocato violonce, anarchy and hand-outs as a solution to "social probloms", we in the JSA re­alize that erica must return to the path of freo individual creativity and free en­terprise and that, once men again have the opportunity to achievo as nluch as their abilities will allow, the "social problems1l will take care of thomselves. Whilo somo "civil rights" loadors proach hatred betweon tho racos and thus sot one kind of Amer­ican against another for tho benefit of a Conmunist revolution, we in the JSA are attempting to unite all Amoricans against the cor:nnon enomy in the groat task of re­storing our onco envied Constitutional ordor.

If you are JOvush, you should join the Jru bocauso its endeavors reprosent the best of the Jewish tradition, for Jews, since the days of Mosos, havo always in tho strugglo to presorve and oxtend freedom. If you are not of the Jewish faith, support tho JSA becauso their fight is also your fight and you will thus bo able to chockmate tho efforts of those aiming to establish a one-world. international, to­talitarian socialistic ordor.

I would like information about the JSfI. program and I wish to apply for JSA manbership in the category

Rogu1ar cmbor (Jeti.Lsh faith) Regular student mmubor Supporting member (other faiths) Supporting student membor

I wish to subscribe to tho JSA publications Enclosed find my donation to sustain JSfI. activities


activiti€ls indicated:

$12.00 per year $ 6.00 per year $ 6.00 per yoar $ 3.00 per year $ 4.00 pOI' year

Send check to: Jevnsh Society of America Wost Coast Offico, 11816 Goshen Avenue, Suite #10, Los Angoles, California 90049





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We wish to express eur warm suppert for the state of Israel in her heroic struggle against aggression recently launched by forces instigated, armed, and en­couraged by tho COI:lr.1Unist ompire. In token of this suppert we have undertaken the purchase of an Israeli defense bond in the narJe of our organization.

We applaud tho stated intention of the state of Israel to maintain the terri­torial fruits of victory until such time as tho Arab states agree to diroct nego­tiations for tho purposo of extending diplomatic recognition to Israel and of arriv­ing at a just settlrnnent of Middlo Eastern differences.

1{heroas tho United Nations has once again in this crisis domonstrated its moral bankruptcy and political inoffectiveness, we strengly advise the state of Israol to rejoct any and all UN attompts to interfere in the Middle East or to impose false solutions hostile to the interests of Israel and the free '·Torld. In tlddition, "Te call upon our own goverl Jent to undertake a thoughtful re-ovaluation of our policy of support for the UN and to consider lvithdravral frolil this body which has in the past exerted an influonce dostructive of werld peace and hestile to our national in­terest.

1',[e extend full support to our gallant fighting men in Vietnam and we call upon our government to undertake a c lear and decisive policy aimed at early and total military victory over tho forces of Cm nist aggression.

the COl.ilIllllnist governments of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union havo extended eJdensivo aid to the aggressive forces now on gaged in killing funerican boys in Viotnam, we domand that our Presidont call a halt to the shameful policy of sum­mit l:lCOtings and diploIiUltic "bridgo building" with these nations sworn to our de­struction. tie further c1eliland an ond to all aid to and with the Com­munist ompire. This blind policy "Thich can only bo defined as giving aid and comfort to the onenuos of tho United States must be reversod at once if thoro is be any hopo at all of achioving victory over the intornational fore os of totalitarianism 't-thich threa our nation.

',Te note sadness tho continued persecution of our co-religionists in the Soviot Union and lim urgently call upon our govornment to apply sufficient diplomatic and economic pressure to force the government to open the gates of the So­viet Union to Jewish emigration to Israel and other free lands.

----­ Adopted by tho National Convention of the Je"rish Society of Amorica JlU18 25, 1967, Hotel Junbassador, Los Angelos, California


I .. rould like inforr.1ation about tho I to apply for JSA l110raborship

Regular monber (Jel·rish faith) Regular student m :lber

JSA progrru s and activities in the category indicatedg

Supporting lilonber (other faiths) Supporting student rn ber

I .. rish to subscribe to the JSA publications Enclosed fi d my donation to sustain JSA ac tivities



$12 • 00 per yoar $ 6.00 por year * 6.00 por year $ 3.00 por year $ 4.00 por year


Suite Los Angeles, California 90049


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In support of a petition to tho Congress of the United States against Soviot anti-Semitism and oppression of the Jaws, against Unitod states' of arms and strategic materials to pro-Soviet f ab countries, and in favor of our sale of arms to Israel for self-defense, tho Jewish Society of Americanists presonts tho follow­ing facts for your consideration.

I, CONCERNING SOVIEr ANTI-SElHTISlII "Soviet anti-Semitism is approaching the intonsity of initiated in 1948

under Stalin." Dr. Judd TEllIer, reportod in The JElwish feElk, 10-19-67 "For two, a limitEld tricklo of Je'llJS was Ill10wed by tho Soviet Union to

leave that sorry pris on state to emigrllte to Israel. This was revealed for tho first time by Prime Hinister Levi Eshkol last TtlOek. The trickle stopped when the S x Day"lar broko out. stopping of this immigration, said JVlr. Eshkol, was Ian in­human stop bereft of all moral , or practical justification. r Tho pro­gram was ono of family reunification." From Heritago, Southwest Jewish Pr ess , December 7, 1967.

USinco tho Soviot Union has only 5 rElmaining rabbis for over 2 million Jews, and since the averago age of thesEl is estimated at about 70, there has been world wide concern at the virtual closing in 1964 of the last sominary ro­maining in thEl Soviet Union. The reopening of this seminary has bElen promised to many visiting dologlltions, but as yet, no signs of reopening havEl beon in ev dence. On December 3, 1966 at Il press conferonce in Paris, Premier Kosygin rollde nc"TS by nn­nouncing Jews who so desired would henceforth be aided in omigrating froDI the Soviet Union. In the months followi g this press conference, Soviet policy has been watched cllrefully to see t-rhother nppliclltions -would be procossed more speedily and whether harsh treatment of Ilpplicnnts would be modified. HOl-TOVer those applying to leave the country still lose their housing Ilnd jobs Ilnd their childrEln aro usually subjected to officilll embarrassmont in school. Of grolltest concern, the number of JElWS to leave the USSR has actually bElon reduced." From Tho December 1967

The foll Ning are excerpts taken from the officilll Soviet press, which hns taken the load in trying to stir up hatred against the Je"TS

"Zionism serves as a motor force in the world policies of imperilllism and its strugglEl for world domination. The ideologists and leaders of Zionisl:J. arEl only lac­keys at tho beck and call of the rich master whose nationality is exploitation and whose God is the doll r." • • • "The martial ardour of the Israeli Ilggrossors is

by the support of the but huge and mighty empire finllnciElrs nd an empire not to be found on any map of the world, but that exists

and operates everYVlhere in the capitlllist camp, fJ • • • "The Zionist s do not merElly share the views of the & erican racists on tho superiority of the whites. The ideo­logists of Zionism claim that the jews arc allegedly I Il nation chosEln by God' and superior to all nations . II From the COl7rrtlunist youth Paper, Pravda, October L ,

liThe unprecedented punishment and attack upon the ill'llb population by the Israeli occupiers has taken on a mass, promediated and organized character. This is an ac­tion Ilimed at the greatest possible almihilation of the population. This is

genocide, one of the most terrible crimes, condemned by the civilized vlOrld and in-Im-T. U From Prllvda, June 18, 1967.

ThEl preceding facts and exc:unples as WEll1 as many others aVllilable, convinc ed the members of thEl Jewish Society of J\moricllnists to pEltition Congress that , in the name of humanity, tho UnitEld States should put economic pressure on the Soviet Union to force tho Cmmrrunists to cease their mistreatment of the Jews and to permit thElm to leave the Soviet Union, That tho USSR could be'put under such pressure is clearly sho"m in an oditorial in The December 1967. "In the oconomic sphere, the Soviet Union has attempted to increase trade the West. The SoviElt Union hilS p1.lrC1U1Sed OnOl'm011S f}llant:ities of wheat from tho US and Canada to offset serious crop


j ab nO T

Report ,


L.A .



"Since'1955, Nass-er

Sl -Z Report, 1967


Report i destroying


failures. In a.ddition , the Soviet Union seeks to increase the purchase of 1'festern

manufactured goods to Lleet cons�mor domand at home. For all these the Soviet Union

needs dollars which it hopes to got through the sale of goods and raw materials to

tho '(,Test . II


"Ever since 1957, v1hen the United Statos ass l11od rosponsibility for tho budget

of Jordan , and resuraod economic aid to Egypt, economic assistance to the Arab states

has soared . At the SaLle time our grants to Israel have come to an end and U.S. aid to Israol consists largely of loans and surplus foods." • • • "In fiscal 1963, US aid

to Israel totaled $78 million (loans and surplus foods ) , while US aid to 11 Arab

statos totaled $504 million. US aid to all statos totals about $4 billion

since 1946. 11 • • • IIFinally the United States has supplied arms to eight Arab states.

th ere have boon grants, loans and military training . II - Near East August 67 "The United States Hednosday announced it will resurae arms shipments to Jordan,

ending an embargo liaposod at the time of the Arab-Israeli war last Juno. • • • Ne­

gotiations arc under way in Jordan concerning future arms shipments. 1I From the

Los Times February 15, 1968 The lifting of the arms 'ombargo and the promise of the US goverTh ent to supply

Jordan with arms led to mnediate Jordanian aggression against Israel culminating in a day long battle. (Note i'.P reports in the TlillOS on February 16, 1968.)

The Jewish .Society of iUiloricanists sces no reason 't.Jhy the US government should support the aggression of tho Arab Block Israel particularly wh n the nations involved are acting as clients of the USSR, a status well supported by the largo gifts of arms and munitions being sent into those nations by the Soviets. 'fo urge C ongress to re i1pose the arlllS ombargo aga nst the Arab Block, especially against the principal offender's in the iddle E"astg the Ul , Iraq, Jordan , Syria, Algeria.

III. IN SUPPORT OF jlRl.\:iS FOR ISRJI.EL has pa.ced the arL'S race'vrith tho help of the Soviet Union.

Egypt got tho IL-28 bomber in 1955. It was not until 1958 that France provided Is­rael with • • • comparable Sud Vautour t dn-jet tactical bODlbers. Egypt got tho iIG-17 in 1957. Israel received the comparable Supor t'S:ystore in 1959. Egypt had

submarines in 1957 Israel in 1959. After Egyptians obtainod the MIG-Zl, the Is­raelis orderod tho Dassau1t Hirago III • • • Egypt received • • • the - bro years before the Israelis obtained the Hmik missi1es II Near East August

The following are statements from prominent Arab leaders ''The Arab national aim is the elimination of Israel • • • 'we will liquidate her." President Nasser of Ufill. "Our army will be satisfied "1ith nothing less than the disappearancEl of Israelll Salah Jadid, Commander in Chief of the Syrian Army. "It is eithElr us or the Israelis. • • lmy of the old Palostinian Jewish population

who survivo :mn.y stay, but it is my impression that none of them will Ahmed Shukairy, Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. "The Re serve Battalion of the Brigade .. rill raid the Notza colony, vrill destroy it and kill all its inhabitants • • • II Operational Orders of the Imam AJ:y Bon Abi Taleb Brigade, captured by Israeli forces during the June Hal'.

The preceding statements were reprinted in the Noar East of August 1967. Thoy clearly show that tho ittab clionts of tho USSR have the ntention of Israel. l ll branches of the vmrld COll1Imlnist 1110vemont are sooing to it that their Arab allios will have enough arms to carry out those intentions. 1·fe feel that the US should permit sale of sufficient arms to Israel , to give the Israelis the ca­pability of dealing ,qith any future C ommunist aggression as decisively as they dealt with the aggrossion of Juno 1967. If you feel as HO do, support the Jewish Society of i ericanistsf petition to tho US Congress by signing a petition yourself and by circulatll1g ono among your friends.

Enc losoc.

Shee t s ,

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