processing and characterization of aluminum …mechanical properties through compo-casting...

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79Processing and characterization of aluminum metal matrix composites: an overview

© 2018 Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd.

Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 56 (2018) 79-90

Corresponding author: M. Pasha B.A., e-mail:


Mudasar Pasha B.A.1 and Mohammed Kaleemulla2

1Department of Mechanical Engineering GMIT Davanagere, Karnataka, India2Department of Mechanical Engineering UBDTCE Davanagere, Karnataka, India

Received: January 12, 2018

Abstract. An increased interest is observed in recent years in the processing of aluminum metalmatrix composites (AMMCs) due to their remarkable properties such as light in weight, very highstrength, environmental resistance, corrosion resistance, and low thermal coefficient of expansioncompared to conventional metal and alloys. This leads to superior compressive strength, for fuelcell applications, low density and low cost for automotive and small engine applications.Homogeneous distribution of the reinforcement phase in turns improves hardness and ultimatetensile strength for lightweight applications, especially aeronautical and high-speed trainindustries. Uniform distribution of reinforcement directly influences properties and quality of thecomposite material. And develop a conventional low-cost method of producing metal matrixcomposites to obtain a homogenous dispersion of reinforcing materials. In this review article,processing and characterization of aluminum metal matrix composites have been reviewed. ThePoint of convergence is given to the new fabrication techniques, their physical and mechanicalcharacterization. Substantially this review article censoriously reviews the present and past stateof understanding of the processing of aluminum metal matrix composites with differentreinforcement. The resulting failure mechanisms are discussed. Instructions are given to clarifyopen questions related to the fabrications of aluminum metal matrix composites.


A significant increase in the development of lightmetal matrix composites has been achieved in re-cent years, so that they could be introduced intothe most important applications. AMMCs are attrac-tive in various applications because of their improvedphysical and mechanical properties. Generally,physical and mechanical properties are more oftendetermined by the fabrication technique. Types ofthe fabrication process and particle size are the ef-fective factors influencing the physical and mechani-cal properties of the composites [1]. Continuous fiberreinforced MMCs are expensive and their applica-tions are therefore limited to some extent. But dis-continuously reinforced MMCs results in improvedproperties such as both mechanical and physical

that cannot be achieved using conventional engi-neering alloys [2].These enhanced material proper-ties are because of the interaction between themetallic matrix and the reinforcement. Less interfa-cial attraction between the matrix and reinforcementcauses the damage to the matrix material. Improvedprocessing and coating techniques can be used tocontrol destructive matrices and the reinforcementinteractions. The application of pressure can be usedto impel close contact between fiber and matrix andthus promote wetting; squeeze casting is one suchexample for this. Commonly used processing meth-ods for the processing of AMMC are, Solid-stateprocesses, In situ processes, and Spray-forming ofparticulate AMMCs, etc. A wide variety of metalmatrices and control of fiber orientation and volume

80 M. Pasha B.A. and M. Kaleemulla

fraction can be very easily achieved using solid statetechnique. But the process is expensive becauseof long time, high processing temperatures and pres-sures, and a limitation on the complexity of shapesthat can be produced. Hülya Kaftelen et al. [3]stud-ied the structure properties of reinforced compos-ites. And they found no evidence of any interfacialreaction products between Al and TiC reinforce-ments. Peng et al. [4] claim that modified squeezecasting, provides an uniform distribution of reinforce-ment, and high elastic modulus compare to con-ventional method of composites. Tong et al. [5] foundthat spray-forming of particulate AMMCs is gener-ally automated and quite the fastest method of pro-ducing composite materials. And they suggestedthat, properties of the composite depend on the in-terface region, as the interface discontinuity is dueto one or more material parameters. The disadvan-tage of this process is quite expensive. The liquidmetallurgy technique is the most significant andeconomical of all the available techniques in pro-duction of AMMCs [6].The processing of materialsin liquid form is commonly known as casting. Theconventional method of casting MMCs experiencesvarious problems like mixing of reinforcement, po-rosity, voids which may leads to decrease in strengthand hardness of the composites. Recent develop-ments in the fabrication of AMMCs like stir casting,Squeeze casting, Spray deposition; ultrasonic as-sisted castings, and reactive are the various liquidstate processing methods. Stir casting is the mostsignificant and fastest method for the production ofAluminum matrix composites to fulfill the need ofmaterial requirements in various fields of applica-tions [7].The aim of this report is to critically reviewthe different processing techniques used to obtainaluminium metal matrix composites.


Processing of aluminium metal matrix can be clas-sified as solid state and liquid state. Processing ofAMMCs by Melting metallurgical processes suchas the compo-casting or melt stirring, gas pressureinfiltration, and squeeze casting or pressure cast-ing being of greater importance than any other proc-esses [8]. Mitsuaki Matsumuro and Tadashi Kitsudo[9,10]found that hydrogen degassing helped to pro-duce good distribution of SiCp within the aluminum

matrix and decrease porosity. They also claim that,casting temperature at 953.15K (680 °C) in the liq-uid state plays a key role in improving density andhardness properties. Redstern and Hamouda [11,12]found that the size of the Al

3Ni decreased with the

decreasing processing temperature and stirring time,stirring speed and stirring time, low pressure andtemperature, grain size, and weight percentages ofreinforcement, fabrication methods, exert significanteffect on the mechanical properties of compositematerial thereby influencing the micro structuralevolution of material. In this section, a few majorfactors affecting the fabrication process of aluminiummetal matrix composites, fabrication methods, grainsize and weight percentage of reinforcement, stir-ring speed and stirring time, low pressure and tem-perature are discussed.

2.1. Fabrication methods

The processing technique is one of the most impor-tant key parameter in the development of AMMCs.An improved property of the composite and its costis determined by the suitable fabrication method.The focus on the selection of the suitable fabrica-tion method is the desired type, composition andweight percentage distribution of the reinforcementcomponents, and the matrix alloy and the applica-tion. The major drawback of conventional method offabrication of AMMC are lesser wettability of rein-forcement particle with the matrix material, increasein the level of micro porosity, non uniform distribu-tion of fine particles and processing cost, etc. Table1 presents an overview of published work dealingwith different manufacturing methods, their charac-teristic features, and drawback of the manufactur-ing methods. At the end of this section, discussionand suggest the most significant and economicalmethod of manufacturing process. AMMCs can befabricated from different methods as shown in Table1. Compocasting is one of the liquid state proc-esses, in which the reinforcement particles are addedto a solidifying melt within its liquid-solid zone whilebeing vigorously agitated. This will minimizes thesegregation and almost uniform distribution of rein-forcement particles. Accordingly, to fabricate highquality particulate reinforced AMMCs with desirablemechanical properties through compo-casting tech-nique, Amirkhanlou and Niroumand [13] found anincrease in mechanical strength, and wear resist-ance of the composites than stir casting method.Karantzalis et al. [14] reported that, the significantstrengthening of the composite using flux castingtechnique is, due to strong interfacial bonding by

81Processing and characterization of aluminum metal matrix composites: an overview

Table 1. Overview of previous research work of processing of AMMC using different techniques and theircharacteristics.









Matrix material +reinforcement

99.7% Al + 10mTiC

7075 Al + A348 +Sic + Alpha Al




6061 Al + Sic 60-90m, Al


3 30-50

m, red mud 103-150 mA384A + Sic 60 m

7005 Al + Al2O

3 10 -

21 mMolten commercial- purity Aluminum(cp-Al) and 7075 Alalloy + CrystallineMullite (3Al


3 -

2SiO2) and 55 vol. %

Amorphous Silica(SiO

2), 15 - 75 m

A356 +AluminaPowder with size of50 mand 20 m


F l u x - c a s t i n gTechnique

Powder metallur-gy & liquid castmetal technol-ogyStir Casting

Stir Casting

Ingot MetallurgyProcessLiquid metal infil-tration



Appreciable strength be-tween matrix and reinforce-ment, higher modulus andlower ductilityImproved strength and duc-tility up to 10% increase inAl



Improve micro hardnessand wear resistant

Better Hardness of thecomposites

Increased Elastic Moduli

Improved maximumstrength

Improvement inyieldstrength,ultimate tensilestrength,compression

Drawback(Achieving uni-form distribution of rein-forcement)

Not up to the mark: Be-cause of conventionalmethod, Gravity isolation ofdispersed phase.Not up to the mark: Be-cause of conventionalmethod, Gravity isolation ofdispersed phase.Fairly uniform distribution ofreinforcement

Maximum stirring speedand time responsible forfairly uniform distribution ofreinforcementFairly uniform distribution ofReinforcementFairly uniform distribution of

ReinforcementNearly uni-form distributiondue to nanosize reinforcement bycompo - casting than stircasting

nucleation of solid Al on the TiC particle surface.They also reported that, little effect on the modulusof composites. This is in agreement with Redsternet al. [11] worked out on powder metallurgy tech-nique, they found that improvement in mechanicalproperties of oxide-dispersion-strengthenedaluminum composites, and obtained as predictedyoung’s modulus. Yuyong Chem and Lchung [15]reported, that better thermal expansion coefficient,compressive strength, tensile strength and hardnessof the composites by Liquid metal infiltrationmethod. Dobrzañski et al. [16] proved that devel-oped technology ensures expected structure and

can be used in practice. In continuation to the pre-vious work, Dobrzañski et al. [17]proved that devel-oped technology of manufacturing of compositematerials based on the porous ceramic Al


3 pre-

forms infiltrated by liquid aluminium alloy, ensuresexpected structure and twice the increase instrength, which can be used in practice. Muratoglet al. [18] concluded that, it is possible to obtainnew composite material with the required structurefor automotive applications using pressure infiltra-tion method. This is in agreement with Wodarczyk-Fligier et al. [19] they concluded that, it is possibleto manufacture composite materials with good sur-

82 M. Pasha B.A. and M. Kaleemulla

face quality, but it is more energy consuming thanpowder metallurgy and this is the main restrictionof its application. A more recent work by Dobrzañskiet al. [20] show that, the new composite materialsobtained by the method of porous sintered frame-work pressure infiltration with desired microstruc-ture and properties, being a cheaper alternative forceramic fibers. A similar result has been reportedby Chawla et al. [21] but the microstructure of thecomposites revealed that alignment and interparticlebond strength was not as high as that observed forthe extruded composite. Anodizing and accumula-tive roll bonding processes by Roohollah Jamaatiand Mohammad Reza Toroghinejad [22] claim that,uniform distribution of reinforcement, pores free, andhigher tensile strength compared to the base mate-rial. This shows a good sign of advancement in thefield of AMMCs. Magneto chemistry reaction ZhaoYu-Tao et al. [23] pointed out that, the interfacesbetween the in situ particles and the aluminummatrix are net and no interfacial outgrowth is ob-served, due to the strong vibration induced by theapplied magnetic field in the aluminum melt. Ad-vanced Shear Technology Barekar et al. [24] withthe aim to fabricate aluminium metal matrix com-posites has also been investigated. However, re-search in these areas will not be reviewed here; thiswork focuses on the use of stir casting method ofthe fabrication of AMMCs. In the above discussionpart, various researchers worked out on various fab-rication techniques, they found excellent improvedproperties of the composites, but at higher cost andcomplexity of the process. Compared with othertechniques described above conventional methodhas several advantages such as simplicity, low costof processing, manufacturing of intricate compo-nents, and near-net shape components. The degreeof being easily fabricated AMMCs by stir castingmethod with various grain size reinforcement is sum-marized in Table 1. Muhammad hayat jokhio et al.[25] synthesized aluminium 7000 series compos-ites by the addition of mainly Al


3found the good

responses to the strength and ductility up to 10%Al


3particles. In situ process produces compos-

ite material in one step, thus avoiding the difficul-ties inherent in combining the separate componentsas doing in a typical composite processing. Therelative size and distribution of the reinforcementphase can be controlled by simply controlling thesolidification rate. But the solidification rate is lim-ited to some extent to the need to maintain a stablegrowth front which requires a high temperature gra-dient [26]. Different methods have been used, al-though stir casting is preferred due to environmen-

tal and cost effective method.Table 1 reveals that,fabrication of AMMC by stir casting technique isthe most suitable method for nearly uniform distri-bution of reinforcement and having good character-istic features compared to other fabrication meth-ods. It is more economical and has the advantageof being able to use well proven casting process ofthe production of AMMCs. With increasing experi-ence and some improvement in understandingprocessing parameters the development of new tech-nologies has evolved significantly [28]. The authorsfound that by a novel method of reinforcement, TiBwhisker acquire a branched shape structure whichcould strongly link the adjacent Ti–6Al–4V particles,which in turn increases the tensile strength com-pared to unreinforced Ti–6Al–4V alloy. Chen Guo-Qin et al. [29] worked on size (micron) and shape(angular and spherical) of reinforcement particles,using squeeze casting technique. They reportedthat, subjecting to thermal cooling cycle treatmentof thermal expansion behaviour of particulate rein-forced aluminium metal matrix composites, com-posites are free of porosity and uniform distributionof particles can be achieved. Complex features havebeen added to alter the flow of molten metal, mixingand reduce processing time. Chi-Hoon Jeon et al.[30] pointed out that reinforcements are success-fully mixed into the aluminum matrix by friction stirprocessing. If maximum stirring speed and time ismaintained properly, it is suggested that the mostsignificant method of manufacturing process is stircasting process. Authors [31,32]reported that equalchannel angular pressing is a relatively new tech-nology in material fabrication which produces nearnet shape preforms. Presented herein are the pre-liminary results of the stir casting process which isa cost effective method compare to other methods.A similar result has been found by Sabirov et al.[33] by using equal channel angular pressingmethod. They found the uniform distribution of parti-cle by using quadrat method, and increase in frac-ture toughness of the composite material. Manyresearchers studied the mechanical properties ofthe composites fabricated by stir casting [34,35],ingot metallurgy process [36], and liquid metal infil-tration [37], in all the processes however they founduniform distribution of reinforcement.

2.2. Grain size and, weight percentageof reinforcement

Grain size and weight percentage of reinforcementis the most important aspect of process develop-ment. The Grain size and weight percentage plays

83Processing and characterization of aluminum metal matrix composites: an overview

a crucial role in improving physical and mechanicalproperties of the AMMCs which can be determinedby measuring the density, hardness and tensilestrength values. Varol and Canakci [38]reported that,density value decreases and hardness value in-creases with an increase in the weight fraction ofreinforcement. Similar results are reported by W.Zhou and Z. M. Xu [39]. This is in agreement withPramanik et al. [40]that deformation behaviour, es-pecially hardness value typically depends on thevolume percentage of reinforcement. Muthukrishnanand Paulo Davim [41] obtained a result in contrastto the result obtained by the above researchers. Theauthors investigated the effect of reinforcing percent-age on the tool wear mechanism, in machining themetal matrix composites fabricated by stir castingtechnique. They found that increase in the percent-age of reinforcement has no effect on improving themechanical properties but increases the tool wear.The reason for this may be due to the poor wettingaction between the reinforcement and matrix mate-

Micro/nano-composite Porosity Porosity  (%) (Stir casting) (%) (Compo casting)

A356 1.11 1.11A356–1 wt.% micro-Al


31.18 1.15

A356–3 wt.% micro-Al2O

32.05 2.05

A356–5 wt.% micro-Al2O

32.9 2.85

A356–7.5 wt.% micro- Al2O

35.6 5

A356–1 wt.% nano-Al2O

31.18 1.12

A356–2 wt.% nano-Al2O

31.62 1.5

A356–3 wt.% nano-Al2O

32.41 2.25

A356–4 wt.% nano-Al2O

3– 3.5

Table 2. The porosity percent of micro and nano-composite fabricated by compo and stir casting processdata from [45].

Micro/nano-composite Ductility Ductility  (%) (Stir casting) (%) (Compo casting)

A356 1.55 1.55A356–1 wt.% micro-Al


31.45 1.48

A356–3 wt.% micro-Al2O

30.94 1

A356–5 wt.% micro-Al2O

30.83 0.87

A356–7.5 wt.% micro-Al2O

30.65 0.7

A356–1 wt.% nano-Al2O

31.31 1.37

A356–2 wt.% nano-Al2O

31.21 1.29

A356–3 wt.% nano-Al2O

31.12 1.19

A356–4 wt.% nano-Al2O

3– 0.74

Table 3. The ductility of the micro and nano-composite fabricated by compo and stir casting process datafrom [45].

rial. In a very recent work carried out by Pramanik[42], wear behaviour of 6061 Al alloy matrix rein-forced with 10 % volume fraction of Al


3 was stud-

ied.Author found that significant improvement in thewear resistance of the specimen to the various pa-rameters. Muthukrishnan et al. [43] carried a de-tailed discussion on fabrication of Al/SiC/B

4C hy-

brid metal matrix composites fabricated by stir cast-ing technique. They reported that, weight percent-age of reinforcement play a significant role in im-proving the surface roughness of the cast compos-ites. Basavarajappa and Paulo Davim [44] have alsoinvestigated the influence of graphite particles onsurface roughness and chip formation of hybridmetal matrix composites fabricated by liquid metal-lurgy technique. They found that this method playsa significant role in increasing the surface rough-ness value of graphite reinforced Al 2219/15SiCpcomposite. Table 2 and Table 3 show the grain sizeand weight percentage variation of micro and nanocomposites for two different techniques viz stir cast-

84 M. Pasha B.A. and M. Kaleemulla

ing and compocasting. Table 2 clearly shows anincrease in porosity with increasing in micro andnano alumina and decrease in liquid metal flow, dueto poor nucleation at the Al


3 particulate surfaces.

Investigators S.A. Sajjadi et al. [45] reported thatgood wettability of particles in compo-casing andlow porosity compared to stir casting process. Lowerthe porosity, better the wettability between the ma-trix and the reinforcement particles as well as thelower volume shrinkage of the composite 46.A morerealistic depiction has been given by Hansang Kwonet al. [47] based on advanced powder processingmethod. By combining hot extrusion and sparkplasma technique, they founded that the addition of5 vol.% carbon nanotube reinforced AMMC, in-creases the strength by three times that of pure Al.In general, a particle of different size produces dif-ferent amounts of strengthening, as the grain sizedecreases, increases the strength of the compos-ites and decreases porosity.

2.3 Stirring speed, stirring time, andtemperature

Processing temperature, stirring time and holdingtime, plays a key role for the uniform distribution ofparticles in improving the mechanical properties ofthe composites. Balasivanandha Prabu et al. [48]pointed out that particle clustering is more with lowerstirring speed and lower stirring time. Increase instirring speed to 400 rpm and stirring time for 10min resulted in better distribution of particles anduniform hardness values. And at higher tempera-

Fig. 1. Effect of stirring speed on hardness of Al–SiC MMC fabricated at 10 min stirring. Reprintedwith permission from Balasivanandha Prabu,L. Karunamoorthy, S. Kathiresan, B. Mohan // Jour-nal of Materials Processing Technology 171 (2006)268, © 2005 Elsevier.

Fig. 2. Effect of weight percentage of ZrB2 on micro

hardness and macro hardness of AA6061MMC.Reprinted with permission from I. Dinaharan,N. Murugan, Siva Parameswaran // Materials Sci-ence and Engineering A 528: 18 (2011) 5733, © 2011Elsevier.

ture, particle settling is noticeable. Furthermore, theyconcluded that beyond certain stir speed the prop-erties degraded again. A similar variation has beendocumented by A.A.N. Azim et al. [49] for a com-posite produced by stir casting method.Sozhamannan et al. [50] found that, higher the hold-ing time greater the formation of particle clusteringwith increase in temperature. Stirring speed shouldbe continued for a few minutes, but not too highbefore the material is poured into the mould. GuanLi-na et al. [51]reported that the uniform distributionof reinforcement and increase in tensile propertieswith decreasing the stirring temperature to 953.15K(640 °C) and increasing the stirring time to 30 mints.It is important to note that sole attention is neededfor fabrication of AMMCs by stir casting route, inorder to disperse the uniform distribution of reinforce-ment and to improve the mechanical properties.


3.1. Process modeling

Defects formed in the composites during the Stircasting process, will depreciate their properties.Different kinds of defects such as black inclusionsrelated to agglomeration of different reinforcements,porosity related to gas and SiC agglomeration arediscussed in this paper. This results in significantcharacterization of processing parameters such asstirring speed and stirring time, low pressure andtemperature, weight percentages of reinforcementand fabrication methods. And micro structural evo-

85Processing and characterization of aluminum metal matrix composites: an overview

Fig. 3. Effective stress vs. strain (ln-ln plots) for thevarious B4C-Al composites. Reprinted with permis-sion from Marianna Kouzel, Christopher San Marchi,Andreas Mortensen // Materials Science and Engi-neering A 337 (2002) 264, © 2002 Elsevier.

lution, including grain size, grain boundary charac-ter, redistribution of dispersoids. Based on theseinvestigations, a technique for improving the qualityof composites fabricated by a stir casting methodis proposed. In this section, the present state ofunderstanding of mechanical properties, wear prop-erties, micro structural properties, morphologicalproperties and technological fields of stir castingtechnique are reviewed here.

Mechanical properties of AMMCs using stir cast-ing method, depends on its stirring speed and stir-ring time, low pressure and temperature, the weightpercentage of reinforcement. And consequently, themechanical properties can be controlled by a properadjustment of stirring speed and stirring time andthe weight percentage of reinforcement. Experimen-tal work by Balasivanandha Prabu et al. [48] indi-cated that increasing the speed, increases the en-trapment of reinforcement in the composite. Withfurther increase in the speed, leads to reduction inamount of incorporation of reinforcement. This maybe due to increasing in interparticle distance, whichreduces the hardness of the composites. A similarvariation has been presented by Tham et al. [52]fora composite produced by disintegrated melt depo-sition method. Therefore, the mechanical propertiesof the stir casting composites can be improvedby means of increasing the speed to some extent,Fig. 1.

Balasivanandha Prabu et al. [48]observed poornucleation at the SiC area and slow down of theliquid metal flow. And they concluded that at higherspeeds porosity is more. This is in agreement withKennedy et al. [53] they suggested that, vigorousstirring, enables oxide skins, gases and contami-nants to be entrained in the melt. Hsu et al. [54]suggested that specimens prepared from friction stircasting are fully dense, and pores free. Abbasipouret al. [55] investigated the method of fabrication ofaluminum alloys reinforced with carbon nanotube(CNTs) by special reinforcement method of stir cast-ing and Compo casting method. They pointed outthat, stirring action of stirrer at 500 RPM uniformlydistribute the CNTs and prevent gravity segregationand no CNT agglomerates in the composite coat-ing.

Dinaharan et al. [56] developed AA6061 rein-forced with zirconium boride (ZrB

2) particles by the

in situ reaction of K2ZrF

6 and KBF

4 salts with mol-

ten aluminium. They found that with the increase inweight percentages of ZrB

2 both micro hardness and

macro hardness of AMMCs increases Fig. 2. Fur-thermore ZrB

2 particles may increase the disloca-

tion density resulting in superior hardness. At theend they concluded that matrix alloy AA6061 pos-sesses good castability, weldability, reasonablestrength, corrosion and wear resistance. In contrastto the in situ process, Rajan and Pai et al. [57]using, ex-situ (centrifugal casting) process foundthat, Al-SiC functionally graded material has showngraded distribution of SiC towards the outer periph-ery and SiC and Graphite towards inner peripherydue to hindered settling phenomena. This processhas also resulted in improving the mechanical prop-erties of the composites. In order to achieve, betterperformance of the composites the homogeneousdistribution of reinforcement is an important factor[58].

Fig. 3 shows the effective stress vs. strain (ln-lnplots) for the various B

4C-Al composites. Recently

Marianna Kouzel et al. [59] found that damage inthe materials during tensile straining does not re-sult in a significant increase of their volume. Theyalso concluded that, tensile properties of infiltratingB

4C-/Al composites can be tailored by not only de-

creasing the size of the particles, but also increas-ing the reaction between the constituents, this re-sults in a higher composite flow stress but at theexpense of lower elongation to failure. A similar re-sult has been proposed by S. Kumar et al. [60] forthe composites fabricated by salt reaction routemethod. The authors reported that, the fine refine-

86 M. Pasha B.A. and M. Kaleemulla

ment of -Al SDAS and eutectic Si particle size inaddition to the presence of fine TiB

2 particles re-

sponsible for improvement in properties of Al–7Si/TiB

2 composites by increasing the mechanical prop-

erties such as hardness, tensile strength, andYoung’s modulus of the material. The effect of stircasting parameters for temperature was further ex-amined by Li Gui-Rong et al. [61]. They reportedthat in the presence of CaF

2 and LiCl which acts as

fluxes to accelerate the emulsion process of K2TiF


and decrease the in situ reaction temperature from1073.15K- 993.15K (800 °C to 720 °C). The nuclea-tion rate of Al3Ti particles is accelerated and thesizes of particles are refined. This bonding condi-tion is helpful to increase the mechanical proper-ties of composites. Conventional stir casting has amajor drawback, especially in liquid state conditionsuch as, mechanical stirring, mixing of particles intomelt to a certain extent, returning of particles to thesurface when stirring action is stopped.

More recently an attempt was made by AbhishekKumar et al. [62] to develop aluminum alloy MMCby using the electromagnetic stir casting method.They reported that, in electromagnetic stirring proc-ess the material rotates continuously by the elec-tromagnetic field till solidification and homogene-ous, uniform settling of reinforcement particles canbe obtained through electromagnetic stir castingprocess. Thus, from the above discussion, it is clearthat the stir casting method and various processingparameters not only increases the grain refinementof particles, but also has the tendency to modifythe properties of the composites.

3.2. Morphology

Nai and Gupta et al. [63]studied the scanning elec-tron microscope (SEM) analysis of AMMCs and

Fig. 4. SEM micro graphs of a typical porosity cluster in MMC. Reprinted with permission fromBalasivanandha Prabu, L. Karunamoorthy, S. Kathiresan, B. Mohan // Journal of Materials ProcessingTechnology 171 (2006) 268, © 2005 Elsevier.

observed that, porosity regions are due to porosityassociated with individual particle, clustering of re-inforcement, micro porosity in the matrix metal, andgas porosity. Olusegun et al. [64] suggested thatthe porosity in the casting is generally due to: (1)solidification shrinkage (2) dissolved gas in the melt;(3) gas entrapment due to incomplete evacuation;(4) pre porosity due to incomplete infiltration.Abbasipour et al. [55] investigated the method offabrication of aluminum alloys reinforced with car-bon nanotubes (CNTs) by special reinforcementmethod of stir casting and Compocasting method.They pointed out that, stirring action of stirrer at500 RPM uniformly distribute the CNTs and preventgravity segregation and no CNT agglomerates in thecomposite coating.

Fig. 4 shows the SEM images of A356 aluminumalloys reinforced with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) pro-duced by Stir casting. The specimens were preparedusing stir casting method at a stirring speed of 500RPM. As stated above the work of BalasivanandhaPrabu et al. [48] porosity is due to, solidificationshrinkage, precipitation of dissolved gasses, gasentrapment, and incomplete infiltration. After exam-ining through the SEM analysis, they found thatporosity is also due to, surface roughness, inter-face wetting, reaction, and so on. They also ob-served pore nucleation at the reinforcement site, dueto particle clustering. They conclude the reason forall these defects is vigorous stirring enables oxideskins, gases and contaminants to be entrained inthe melt. This is in agreement with A.R. Kennedy etal. [53] reported that composites can have higherstiffnesses and ductilities due to improved interfa-cial bonding, caused principally by the increasedtendency for nucleation of solid on the particle sur-faces.

87Processing and characterization of aluminum metal matrix composites: an overview

Fig. 5. SEM images of aluminium particles: (a) before coating (b) after coating. Reprinted with permissionfrom B. Abbasipour, B. Niroumand, S. M. Monir Vaghefi // Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc China 20 (2010)1561, Copyright © 2010.

Fig. 6 SEM micrograph of AA6061 MMCs 5% ZrB2 and 10% ZrB

2. Reprinted with permission from I. Dinaharan,

N. Murugan, Siva Parameswaran // Materials Science and Engineering A 528: 18 (2011) 5733, © 2011Elsevier.

Fig. 5a Show the SEM images of Al2O

3 before

coating. The higher magnification image of the areamarked by the rectangle is shown in Fig. 5b. It alsoshows an increase in the size of the particle due tocoating. Figs. 5a and 5b Abbasipour et al. [55] in-vestigated the method of fabrication of aluminumalloys reinforced with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) byspecial reinforcement method of stir casting andCompocasting method. They pointed out that, stir-ring action of stirrer at 500 RPM uniformly distributethe CNTs and prevent gravity segregation and noCNT agglomerates in the composite coating. Theyalso suggested that the coating has increased theaverage size of the aluminum particles and the ad-dition of CNTs to A356 matrix can significantly re-fine both full liquid and semi-solid cast micro struc-tures. In addition to the stirring speed and weightpercentage of reinforcement with respect to the basematerial, another important process parameter isthe solidification time. Hanumanth and Irons [65]found that, when the rate of solidification is high,the suspended Al


3 particles in the molten Al have

not been pushed away, and they tend to be station-ary. Mortensen and Jin [66] reported that particlepushing could only take place under the condition

that the growth velocity of the solid phase is lowerthan that of the velocity of particle pushing.

Figs. 6a and 6b shows the SEM micrographs ofAA6061 MMCs containing 5% ZrB

2, and 10% ZrB


respectively. The micro graphs show a uniform dis-tribution of ZrB

2 particles. The variation in the amount

of reinforcement particles is seen with an increasedweight percentage of ZrB

2. Increasing the weight

percentage of ZrB2 they observed the, uniform dis-

tribution of ZrB2 particles [56]. Peng Yu et al. [67]

developed a new method of uniform distribution ofalumina particles in Al-based metal matrix compos-ite. Al


3 reinforced Al (Zn) -based MMC is fabri-

cated by a displacement reaction method, and ex-cessive amount of Zn is eliminated by high tem-perature sintering.

Figs. 7 and 8 shows the SEM micro graphs ofthe furnace-cooled sample and the oil-quenchedsample. Fig. 7 shows some segregation of the Al



particles in some local regions of the Al (Zn) matrix.This is due to redistribution of the Al


3 particles

during the solidification of the Al-rich molten phases.On the other hand, Fig. 8 shows Al


3 is closely

bonded with the Al (Zn) matrices resulted in nostructural defects, such as voids or cracks, in the

88 M. Pasha B.A. and M. Kaleemulla

Al (Zn) / Al2O

3 interface. And also Al


3 particles are

distributed more uniformly in the Al (Zn) matrices ofthe oil-quenched sample than those in the Al (Zn) ofthe furnace-cooled sample. This is in agreement withSeyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi et al. [68] at low pres-sure (400 MPa) and temperature 853.15K (580 °C)reduction in porosity level is less, and bonding be-tween the matrix and inter metallic particles are notstrong. They claimed that increasing sintering tem-perature and pressure increases the contacts be-tween the reinforcements and matrix material andenhance the reaction at the interface, which resultsin significant improvement in bonding.

Fig. 7 SEM micrograph of the furnace-cooled sam-ple after sintering at 1000 °C. The Al


3 particles

(bright) are segregated in some local regions in theAl (Zn) matrix (dark). Reprinted with permission fromPeng Yu, Cheng-Ji Deng, Nan-Gang Ma, H.L. DickonNg // Materials Letters 58 (2004) 679, Copyright ©2003.

Fig. 8. SEM micrograph of the oil-quenched whichshows that the average size of the Al


3 Particles

are about 10 µm. Structural defects such as cracksor voids have not been found in the Al/ Al



Reprinted with permission from Peng Yu, Cheng-JiDeng, Nan-Gang Ma, H.L. Dickon Ng // MaterialsLetters 58 (2004) 679 Copyright © 2003.


This review article gives a concise introduction tothe various processing techniques and their influ-encing parameters such as fabrication method,grain size and weight percentage of reinforcement,stirring speed, stirring time and temperature is dis-cussed first. Advanced technologies that have beenmade recently are also discussed. It is found fromthe various research works that processing param-eters are crucial to produce sound and defect freecasting.

The large bunch of improved mechanical proper-ties achieved at every processing parameter togetherwith the ease of production through simple proc-esses such as stir casting, sol–gel process, flux-casting technique, plasma spray forming, compo-casting combination of hot extrusion and sparkplasma sintering, directly applicable by variousmethods makes SiC, Al


3, facing sand etc. rein-

forced composites a very promising new class ofmaterials. The influence of various process param-eters at different operating conditions, size, shape,and morphology of reinforcement particles is dis-cussed in detail. Certainly, the outstanding combi-nation of their key properties and potentially lowerproduction costs gravel the way to the much broaderrange of applications. Furthermore, the increase instirring speed, the weight percentage of reinforce-ment, to a suitable range, and cost effective fabri-cation method required to display significant prop-erties enhancement makes them competitive withother materials. One of the most critical processingsteps that must be optimized, as reported by manyauthors, is the solidification time, result in porosity.Nevertheless, a lot of research remains to be car-ried out in order to fully understand factors such assolidification time, dissolved gas in the melt, gasentrapments due to incomplete evacuation, pre-po-rosity due to incomplete infiltration, yielding the dif-ferent AMMC structures. Furthermore, a much moreunderstanding of the actual structure/property rela-tionships has to be satisfied in some important areasuch as micro structure, physical and mechanicalproperties. Finally, it is important to pointing out thatnew methods of fabrication of AMMC have recentlybeen reported and their ability to form uniform distri-bution of reinforcement with enhanced properties hasbeen proposed. For example, Al


3 and A359 filled

Electromagnetic stir casting method has shown tobe capable of removing any moisture in the parti-cles and the matrix materials burns off so it reducesthe level of porosity thereby increases the perform-

89Processing and characterization of aluminum metal matrix composites: an overview

ance of the composites. Recent processing tech-niques in the development of aluminium metal ma-trix composites involve high cost and maintenance.However, no special attention, and care is neededin conventional method of fabrication. Because ofeasy of fabrication, stir casting is the most eco-nomical processing route. Cost reductions can beachieved by using cheaper reinforcements.Particulate reinforcements are relatively cheaper andeasily available such as, facing sand, SiC, Al



fly ash etc.


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