primary school mánesova, stříbro comenius – school partnership

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Primary School Mánesova, Stříbro Comenius – School Partnership. „ Creating green Europeans “. Valley of the River Mže. There is a beautiful valley of the River Mže near the town centre. And this is the area we have chosen for our project observation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Primary School Mánesova, Stříbro

Comenius–School Partnership

„Creating green Europeans“

Valley of the River Mže

There is a beautiful valley of the River Mže near the town centre.And this is the area we have chosen for our project observation.

This is the birch, we have chosen

Narture_Report_empty 9 - 3 A.pdf

Primary school Mánesova

Summary of monthly measuring - meteorology, hydrology – October 2009

Date Max. temper. Min. temper. Current temper. Cloudy coverage Type of cloud Rainfall River water

(°C) (°C) (°C) (%) (mm) (pH) temper.(°C) transparency pH

19.10. 19 3 14 10-25% cumulus

20.10. 15 -1 3 95% stratus 4,5 7

21.10. 12 -1 2 100% stratus

22.10. 12 -1 5 100% stratus

23.10. 13 -4 8 100% stratus

27.10. 21 0 11 95-100% nimbostratus 3 5,5 8 7,8

October 2009Temperature in October 2009









19.10. 20.10. 21.10. 22.10. 23.10. 27.10.

Max. temper. (°C)

Min. temper. (°C)

Current temper. (°C)

Primary school Mánesova

Summary of monthly measuring - meteorology, hydrology – November 2009

Date Max. temper. Min. temper. Current temper. Cloudy coverage Type of cloud Rainfall River water

(°C) (°C) (°C) (%) (mm) (pH) temper.(°C) transparency pH

2.11. 10 -3 0 95-100% stratus 8 5

3.11. 14 -1 0 90% nimbostratus 140 4,5 5 7

4.11. 15 -1 4 87% altostratus 20 4,5

5.11. 19 5 4 57% altostratus 5 4,5

6.11. 18 -3 3 100% stratus 0 5

9.11. 11 -5 2 100% stratus 7 5

10.11. 6 -4 1 91% stratocumulus 5 5,8 40cm 7

12.11. 15 3 4 60% altocumulus 0

13.11. 13 3 5 0 5,5

18.11. 11 -1 11 50% altocumulus 30 5,5

19.11. 19 5 7 0% 1 5,5

20.11. 9 -3 -2 10% stratocumulus 0 1 78cm 6

23.11. 19 -2 6 97% stratocumulus 1 5

24.11. 21 -4 9 50% altocumulus 10 5

25.11. 21 -5 9 5% altocumulus 3 5,5 7,5 78cm 6

26.11. 18 0 7 20% cumulus 0

27.11. 9 -2 -1 30% altocumulus 0

30.11. 19 -3 3 75% altocumulus 1 5,5

November 2009Temperature in November 2009









Max. temper. (°C)

Min. temper. (°C)

Current temper. (°C)

Primary school Mánesova

Summary of monthly measuring - meteorology, hydrology- December 2009

Date Max. temper. Min. temper. Current temper. Cloudy coverage Type of cloud Rainfall River water

(°C) (°C) (°C) (%) (mm) (pH) temper.(°C) transparency pH

3.12. 14 -15 -3 100% stratus 7 4,5 5 120 5,5

7.12. 12 -1 4 90% nimbostrarus 50 4,5

8.12. 5 -4 5 100% stratus 30 4,5

9.12. 10 -2 4 100% stratus 20 5 1 77 6

10.12. 14 -3 -1 100% stratus 30 5

14.12. 7 -7 -4 100% stratus 30 5

15.12. 8 -6 -3 95% nimbostrarus 50 4,5

16.12. 9 -7 -3 93% stratocumulus 1 4,5 1 52 5,5

17.12. -2 -7 -7 97% nimbostrarus 10 5

18.12. -3 -8 -6 100% nimbostrarus 30 4,5

21.12. 3 -19 -3 25% cirrostratus 80 1 84 6,5

December 2009Temperature in December 2009











3.12. 7.12. 8.12. 9.12. 10.12. 14.12. 15.12. 16.12. 17.12. 18.12. 21.12.Max. temper. (°C)

Min. temper. (°C)

Current temper. (°C)

Primary school Mánesova

Summary of monthly measuring - meteorology, hydrology- January 2010

Date Max. temper.

Min. temper. Current temper. Cloudy coverage Type of cloud Snow cover River water

(°C) (°C) (°C) (%) (mm) (pH) temper.(°C) transparency pH

5.1. 3 -11 -7 100% stratus 40

7.1. -6 -9 -8 100% stratus 40

8.1. -6 -7 -6 100% stratus 45 4,5

11.1. 6 -19 -6 100% stratus 140 4,5

12.1. 6 -18 -7 100% stratus 150 4,5

13.1. 5 -9 -3 100% stratus 150 5

14.1. 6 -4 -1 100% stratus 130

15.1. -2 -6 -2 100% stratus 130 4,5 1 6

18.1. 3 -5 2 100% stratus 130

19.1. 2 -2 0 90% stratus 110 4,5

20.1. 2 -2 0 100% stratus 120

21.1. 3 -3 -2 100% stratus 140

22.1. -3 -8 -7 100% stratus 100

25.1. -5 -7 -6 100% stratus 120

26.1. -3 -7 -5 100% stratus 160

27.1. -6 -22 -15 50% cirrocumulus 150

28.1. -3 -15 -9 100% stratus 150

January 2010Temperature in January 2010









5.1. 7.1. 8.1. 11.1. 12.1. 13.1. 14.1. 15.1. 18.1. 19.1. 20.1. 21.1. 22.1. 25.1. 26.1. 27.1. 28.1.

Max. temper. (°C)

Min. temper. (°C)

Current temper. (°C)

Primary school Mánesova

Summary of monthly measuring - meteorology, hydrology – February 2010

Date Max. temper.

Min. temper. Current temper. Cloudy coverage Type of cloud Snow cover River water

(°C) (°C) (°C) (%) (mm) (pH) temper.(°C) transparency pH

2.2. -1 -8 -5 100% stratus 140 4,5

3.2. 0 -14 0 100% nimbostratus 110

4.2. 0 -19 -3 110

10.2. -1 -10 -6 100% stratus 100 4,5

11.2. -1 -7 -6 100% stratus 100 0

16.2. -1 -3 -1 100 4,5

17.2. 3 -12 -1 90% stratus 100

22.2. -2 -8 -5 100% stratus 90

23.2. -1 -5 -2 100% stratus 90 5

24.2. 5 -2 3 100% stratus 90

25.2. 9 2 7 90% stratus 80 5

26.2. 4 -1 1 90% stratus 70 0 6,5

February 2010Temperature in February 2010










2.2. 3.2. 4.2. 10.2. 11.2. 16.2. 17.2. 22.2. 23.2. 24.2. 25.2. 26.2.

Max. temper. (°C)

Min. temper. (°C)

Current temper. (°C)

Primary school Mánesova

Summary of monthly measuring - meteorology, hydrology – March 2010

Date Max. temper. Min. temper. Current temper. Cloudy coverage Type of cloud Rainfall River water

(°C) (°C) (°C) (%) (mm) (pH) temper.(°C) transparency pH

8.3. 6 -5 -2

9.3. 3 -8 -5

10.3. 5 -7 -2

11.3. 4 -4 0

12.3. 6 -4 2

15.3. 5 -2 3

16.3. 7 -1 4

17.3. 9 -3 5

18.3. 15 0 8

19.3. 12 -6 10 90% altocumulus 4 38 6

22.3. 12 -2 10 95% altocumulus

25.3. 22 -2 15 85% altocumulus

26.3. 22 0 20 0%

29.3. 21 -1 19 90% nimbostratus

30.3. 20 2 18 90% 6 30

March 2010Temperature in March 2010









8.3. 9.3. 10.3. 11.3. 12.3. 15.3. 16.3. 17.3. 18.3. 19.3. 22.3. 25.3. 26.3. 29.3. 30.3.

Max. temper. (°C)

Min. temper. (°C)

Current temper. (°C)













1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79


Max. temper. (°C)

Min. temper. (°C)

Current temper. (°C)

Thank you

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