prelim exam in pol

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  • 7/29/2019 Prelim Exam in Pol


    Prelim Exam in Pol Gov

    __B___ 1. What is Politics?

    a. It is a systematic body of knowledge which for the most part is theoretical, that deals with the

    government and regulation, maintenance and development, and defense and augmentation of the


    b. It is the way in which we understand and order our social affairs, and acquire greater control over the


    c. It is the science of power and manipulation.

    d. It deals with the protection of the rights of its citizens; safeguarding and enhancement their

    immorality; and, harmony and peace in their relations.

    __B___ 2. What is Governance?

    a. It is the manner of stirring a group of people or a state.

    b. governance is the complex process whereby some sectors of the society wield power, and enact and

    promulgate public policies which directly affect human and institutional interactions, and economic and

    social development.

    c. It came from the Greek word gubernare which means to stir.

    d. All of the above

    ___D__ 3. What is meant by ideology in its contemporary usage?

    a. It refers to the very ideas themselves which are meant to give structure and meaning to the human


    b. It refers to the study of ideas, from the Greek words logos (study or science) and idea (knowledge or


    c. Coined by Destutt de Tracy, ideology means science of ideas.

    d. All of the above

    __D___ 4. What is a Constitution?

    a. Literally it means the putting in position of things, or simply composition.

    b. If understood then with respect to law, it means the fundamental, organic laws that govern the

    operation of a group of men or a state.
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    c. It is that body of rules and principles in accordance with which the powers of sovereignty are regularly


    d. All of the above

    __A/C___ 5. It is a belief where all citizens have equal rights and privileges.

    a. Egalitarianism b. Conservatism c. Liberalism d. Naturalism

    __A/C___ 6. Why did Aristotle say that man is a political animal?

    a. Because men naturally live in cities.

    b. Because men, like other animals, live in herds.

    c. Because it is part of mens instinct to live together.

    d. Because it is in cities that men actualize their animality.

    __B___ 7. What does Locke mean by a Limited Government?

    a. The government has the right to impose rules and confer rights to the people.

    b. The power of the government is constricted to its task of securing and nurturing the rights of

    the people.

    c. The judgment of the sovereign limits the action of the government.

    d. None of the above

    __A___ 8. What is the purpose of the social contract for Thomas Hobbes?

    a. To avoid the State of Nature and endeavor for peace.

    b. To preserve the inherent rights of men which are not guaranteed in the state of nature.

    c. To allow the alpha male to acquire legitimate authority over the rest of the human community.

    d. To destroy the absolute freedom of men.

    __A___ 9. For him, the intention of the subjects in mutually consenting to form a compact is the

    protection of their rights.

    a. John Locke b. Thomas Hobbes c. Edmund Burke d. Karl Marx

    __B___ 10. He said that the psychological foundations of prudence and civilization are fear of death and

    the need for security.

    a. Adam Smith b. Thomas Hobbes c. John Stuart Mill d. Karl Marx

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    __B___ 11. Which of the following expresses the conservative ideology?

    a. The reliance on the human ability to adapt and change

    b. The reliance on the wisdom of experience

    c. The egalitarian principle of human equality

    d. The belief on the inevitability of a classless society

    __A___ 12. Which of the following expresses the Communist ideology?

    a. The belief in the dialectical movement of history towards a classless society

    b. The necessity of a peaceful revolution to change the system of exploitation

    c. Respect on private ownership

    d. All of the above

    __B___ 13. Is our todays notion of politics similar to that of Aristotles?

    a. Yes, because like Aristotle, we believe that politics is a human endeavor that does not have anything

    to do with ethics.

    b. No, because while our notion of politics is detached from ethics, Aristotelian politics is intimately

    intertwined with ethics.

    c. Yes, because like in the classical Aristotelian political theory, our notion of politics today involves the

    mutual dependency of laborers or slaves and their masters.

    d. No, because unlike Aristotelian politics which supports the value of women, todays politics is almost

    always about men only.

    __A___ 14.Which of the following does not speak of Aristotelian political theory?

    a. Politics is a theoretical science.

    b. Politics deals primarily with the polis or city.

    c. Politics should manifest the hierarchy of human life.

    d. The end of politics is the same as that of ethics good life or happiness.

    __D___ 15. Why is it that for Aristotle, politics and ethics are intimately intertwined?

    a. Because a virtuous life is available only to those immersed in politics.

    b. Because ethics and politics have the same end happiness or the good life.

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    c. Because to be ethical and virtuous, one must engage in politics, and in being political, one must

    engender a virtuous character.

    d. All of the above.

    __A___ 16. What did John Locke say about human nature?

    a. Man is naturally good and reasonable in his dealings with other men.

    b. Man by nature is evil.

    c. Men become free, equal, and independent through a government.

    d. None of the above

    __A___ 17. What is possessed by the government if it can successfully assert its claim to rule?

    a. Legitimacy b. Order c. Sovereignty d. Authority

    __C___ 18. It is a distinct group of people who share a common background including any or all of the

    following: geographic location, history, racial or ethnic characteristics, religion, language, culture, and

    belief in common political ideas.

    a. State b. Citizens c. Nation d. Population

    __B___ 19. It is the complex process whereby some sectors of the society wield power, and enact and

    promulgate public policies which directly affect human and institutional interactions, and economic and

    social development.

    a. Government b. Governance c. Good Governance d. All of the above

    __B____20. What is social justice?

    a. Giving equal opportunity to all, rich and poor alike.

    b. Giving preferential attention to the less fortunate.

    c. Eradicating poverty through the abolition of private property

    d. Getting some from the rich and giving the same to the poor.

    21-40. Identify which of the political paradigms and ideologies embody the given belief.

    ___B___21. Natural rights of individuals and a limited government based on consent must be upheld,

    and that private ownership of the means of production and distribution must be patronized.

    a. Political Right b. Political Center c. Political Left d. Revolutionary Politics

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    ___B___22. Social conflict is recognized but the resolution of this malaise is not through revolution but

    through compromise and accommodation.

    a. Political Right b. Political Center c. Political Left d. Revolutionary Politics

    ___A___23. The society and its traditions, customs and authority are sacrosanct and inviolable.

    a. Political Right b. Political Center c. Political Left d. Revolutionary Politics

    ___B___24. Freedom of expression, religious worship and assembly are advocated so long as those

    political acts do not go beyond established laws.

    a. Political Right b. Political Center c. Political Left d. Revolutionary Politics

    ___C___25. Equalitarianism in the economic sense, for the elimination of the extremes of wealth and


    a. Political Right b. Political Center c. Political Left d. Revolutionary Politics

    ___B___26. The state is the supreme authority so that the party that controls it is the only vehivle

    through which the fascist program is implemented, oppositions suppressed, constitutional government

    dismantled, and dissident cultures and races eliminated.

    a. Conservatism b. Authoritarianism c. Dictatorship d. Liberalism

    ___C___27. Significant and rapid social and political change is necessary.

    a. Political Right b. Political Center c. Political Left d. Revolutionary Politics

    ___A___28. Society is a living organism.

    a. Political Right b. Political Center c. Political Left d. Revolutionary Politics

    ___B___29. Debates should be encouraged, dissent tolerated, but within the legal framework.

    a. Political Right b. Political Center c. Political Left d. Revolutionary Politics

    ___A___30. Repression of contrary ideology is justified, and violence is glorified, so long as these acts

    are for the exaltation of the state over the individuals.

    a. Political Right b. Political Center c. Political Left d. Revolutionary Politics

    ___A___31. Citizens must enjoy formal equality before the law.

    a. Liberal Democracy b. Non-liberal Democracy c. Nationalist Democracy d. All of the


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    ___C___32. Economic independence and right of self-determination must be asserted.

    a. Liberal Democracy b. Non-liberal Democracy c. Nationalist Democracy d. All of the


    ___D___33. The progress of history is but the progress of the mode of production. History is

    economically determined and that progress is leading to the eradication of private property and socialclasses.

    a. Socialism b. Fascism c. Conservatism d. Communism

    ___D___34. An individual by himself is powerless before the state apparatus, but with a group

    representing him and espousing his cause, he can stand firm politically, thereby neutralizing the power

    of government which tries to ride roughshod over his rights.

    a. Individualism b. Socialism c. Centrism d. Pluralism

    ___D___35. Society is an arena of contradiction between the owners and non-owners of the means of

    life, the latter being exploited and oppressed by the former.

    a. Democracy b. Fascism c. Conservatism d. Communism

    ___B___36. The government exercises unlimited power over virtually all aspects of social, economic,

    political, and cultural life all power is allocated to an elite group.

    a. Democracy b. Fascism c. Conservatism d. Communism

    ___C___37. Things must be kept the way they are otherwise what some people would want to

    perpetuate might be put in jeopardy.. status quo must be defended and radical change must be frowned


    a. Democracy b. Fascism c. Conservatism d. Communism

    ___C___38. Governance and decision-making should be given to the so-called natural leaders, that is,

    to men and women of talent, high birth, and property, for they have greater stake in the welfare and

    fortunes of the country rather than to the masses or propertyless class.

    a. Democracy b. Fascism c. Conservatism d. Communism

    ___B___39. Individualism and pluralism, and other liberal philosophies which granted so many rights

    and liberties only divided the nations.

    a. Democracy b. Fascism c. Conservatism d. Communism

    ___C___40. The moral core contains an affirmation of basic values and rights attributable to the nature

    of human being freedom, dignity, and lifesubordinating everything else to their implementation.

    a. Socialism b. Conservatism c. Liberalism d. Pluralism

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    41-50. Random questions

    ___D___41. Which of the following is not a pressing political issue?

    a. population explosion b. massive poverty and unemployment

    c. environmental degradation d. spiritual salvation

    ___A___42. Ideology is not predicated on what theoretical and philosophical assumptions?

    a. Political Theology b. Philosophy of man

    c. Theory of Society d. Philosophy of truth

    ___B___43. It is that component of ideology that provides the guide to action, or spells out what is to

    be done.

    a. Philosophy b. Program c. Propaganda d. Politics

    ___B___44. This is one of the functions of an ideology that refers to how the political regime and its

    authority are accepted by the community, to how its laws are complied with, and to how its policies are

    carried out.

    a. Mobilization b. Legitimation c. Recognition d. Manipulation

    ___C___45. Another function of ideology that means the conscious and deliberate formulation of

    proposition with which to incite people to struggle for ends which are perceived only by those in power

    or attempting to get political power.

    a. Legitimation b. Mobilization c. Manipulation d. Association

    ___B___46. According to some authors, mobilization implies three processes. Which of the following is

    not included?

    a. the recruitment of political militants who will spearhead the activities of a political party or social


    b. the invention of myths and superstitions, utopias and other illusions, for the success in engaging the


    c. the reawakening of some former members or groups that have become dormant

    d. the politicization of previously apolitical elements

    ___B___47. Of the proponents of the social contract theory, who said that the State was agreed upon to

    ensure mans natural rights to life, liberty and property, which are in constant jeopardy under the state

    of nature.

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    a. Thomas Hobbes b. John Locke c. Jean Jacques Rousseau d. Edmund Burke

    ___C___48. This theory holds that the state was formed through individuals who used cunning and

    military prowess in consolidating and governing vast domains.

    a. Divine Right Theory b. Social Contract Theory c. Force Theory d. Instinct Theory

    ___B___49. Who among the following philosophers would contradict the Instinct Theory?

    a. Aristotle b. Hobbes c. St. Thomas Aquinas d. None of the above

    ___B___50. Who among the following would go against the idea that the state is an instrument of

    coercion and repression?

    a. Vladimir Lenin b. Jean Jacques Rousseau c. Karl Marx d. Friedrich Engels

    51-60. Tell whether the following statements are true or false. If it is true, then write A; if false, write


    A51. The vision of peace entail waging war against economic, social and political structures that cause

    people to bear arms and which breed the suffering and oppression and deprivation of people.

    A52. Karl Marx said that social justice does not simply consists in implementing certain social programs

    such as housing, social services, etc., though by themselves these are laudable, but more fundamentally

    in addressing the specifically social aspect of the problem which has to do with structures and processes.

    B53. For purpose of ensuring the development and satisfaction of the peoples material and cultural

    needs, nation must establish relationship of dependence and cooperation with one another on the basis

    of mutual respect, peace and equality.

    B54. All governments are divided into three co-equal branches, each is supreme in their areas of


    B55. The legislative department is the law-implementing agency of the government.

    A56. Cabinet members are alter-egos of the Chief Executive.

    A57. Some instances of applying the principles of checks and balances are when the Chief Executive use

    his veto power to reject legislation measures and when the Judiciary render a legislation


    B58. The legislative body may be of three kinds: Unicameral, Bicameral or Tricameral.

    A59. By virtue of their being the law-makers of the land, the legislators are expected to be paragons of

    intellectual acumen, emotional maturity and moral integrity.

    A60. The general function of the judiciary is to apply the law with as much certainty and uniformity to

    certain specified cases.

  • 7/29/2019 Prelim Exam in Pol


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