prediction of species-specific volumes using single- … · using remotely sensed data including...

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Faculty of Science and Forestry



MASTER’S THESIS TransAtlantic Forestry Master


Li, Mengqi 2018. Prediction of species-specific volumes using single-sensor multispectral airborne laser scanning and nonparametric kMSN method. University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Science and Forestry, School of Forest Sciences. Master’s thesis in Forest Science, 30 p.


Airborne laser scanning (ALS) has been widely used in forest inventory. So far, ALS systems usually comprised of one wavelength (1064 nm or 1550 nm), known as monospectral ALS system. Teledyne Optech Inc. (Toronto, ON, Canada) introduced the first three-wavelength system, the Titan multispectral airborne lidar, which was equipped with 1550 nm, 1064 nm, and 532 nm lasers. The objective of this study was to assess the accuracy gains provided by the multispectral ALS data compared to monospectral ALS data in predicting species-specific volumes and classification of dominant species at plot-level. The study area was located in eastern Finland which covered about 428 km2. The species-specific volumes were imputed with kMSN method and area-based approach (ABA) using variables calculated from 1) each wavelength separately, 2) merged wavelength and 3) multispectral model containing all variables calculated from single wavelength and merged wavelength. The predicted species-specific volumes were used for classifying dominant species at plot-level. The best accuracy of species-specific volumes was achieved using multispectral model, resulting in relative root mean square errors (RMSEs) of 24.82%, 63.57%, 53.15%, and 102.42% for total volume, pine, spruce, and deciduous volumes respectively. The results on total volumes among five datasets were close. The accuracies on classifying dominant species were similar between multispectral model and merged wavelength, which were higher than using single wavelength. The improvements from the multispectral model might be due to the multispectral properties of ALS data or due to the higher merged ALS point density. To conclude, I suggest that the multispectral ALS system is further tested and assessed on its potential on providing species-specific volumes using ABA, especially on the effects of increased point density from single wavelength ALS data. Keywords: species-specific volume, multispectral lidar, airborne laser scanning, kMSN, area- based approach, forestry



There has been an increasing demand for accurate and timely information on sustainable forest

management around the world. In practices, forest management decisions are usually based on

multiple objectives, including timber production, wildlife habitat, biodiversity and carbon balance,

which requires information to support decision-making (Temesgen et al. 2007). In Nordic

countries, conventional forest inventories at various geographical scales have been enhanced by

using remotely sensed data including light detection and ranging (lidar) data, also known as

airborne laser scanning (ALS) data, and stereo aerial photography (Anttila 2002, Breidenbach et

al. 2010a).

The successful use of ALS data has been demonstrated for a variety of forestry applications. The

accurate three-dimensional measurements obtained by ALS data has made ALS technology

become one of the most valuable remote sensing methods for providing forest information. By

using ALS data, forest attributes such as volume, height, diameter at breast height (DBH), crown

area, and stem density can be measured or estimated with high accuracies (i.e. Næsset 2002). As

for the use of ALS data in forest inventory, many studies have indicated high accuracy and good

usability from an operational perspective (Næsset 1997, 2004, Maltamo et al. 2014).

Tree species information is another important arribute in forest management and planning. Hence,

it is necessary to distinguish tree species and obtain information on species-specific attributes (i.e.

volume). However, usually ALS data alone is not suitable for separating species and predicting

species-specific attributes (Packalén & Maltamo, 2006, 2007). Most commonly, digital aerial

photographs are combined with ALS data (e.g. Packalen & Maltamo 2007). Studies have

demonstrated that features of aerial photographs such as tone and texture can be used to

discriminate between certain tree species (Franklin, 2001). The near-infrared proportion of the

wavelength spectrum (tone) is proved to be especially useful for discriminating between deciduous

and coniferous tree species (Kalensky & Wilson, 1975).

ALS data is usually analyzed using two distinguished methods. First one is the individual tree

detection (ITD) approach. In this approach, individual tree crowns are segmented either from raster

images that derived from canopy height model (CHM) using ALS point clouds (Leckie et al. 2003,


Popescu et al. 2004) or from ALS raw point clouds (Li et al. 2012, Reitberger et al. 2009). In

addition, species can be classified at tree-level using shape, structure, and intensity features of tree

crowns (Zhang et al. 2015). Tree properties, such as height and biomass, can subsequently be

estimated using the segment properties (i.e. crown size) and ALS-derived height metrics as

predictor variables (Edson & Ming 2011, Kwak et al. 2007).

The other approach for predicting forest attributes using ALS data is based on height and density

variables calculated from ALS data over a certain area, known as the area-based approach (ABA)

(Næsset 2002). The ABA was tested experimentally in Finland since 2004 (Maltamo et al. 2006).

Research has shown that ABA can obtain higher accuracy for total stand volume when compared

to the previous field-based inventory method or other remote-sensing based inventory method

(Uuttera et al. 2006). Later in Finland ABA was modified by Packalén and Maltamo (2006, 2007)

to estimate species-specific stand attributes by combining ALS data with aerial imagery, which

fulfilled the requirements of stand level management inventory in Finland.

Depending on the properties of ALS data, the purposes of the final products, and stand complexity,

both ITD and ABA could be very useful for estimating forest stand attributes. ITD is more intuitive

than ABA because the response variables refer to the single tree, which is the smallest unit in forest

management. ITD approach is suitable for developing species-specific models, particularly for

mixed stands (Kandare et al 2017). In addition, the tree coordinates provided by ITD may be useful

in single tree harvesting operations and in growth predictions with distance-dependent growth

models (Edson & Wing 2011). However, compared to ABA, ITD usually requires higher density

of ALS point clouds data which may lead to higher operational costs. Besides, due to the

segmentation errors from ITD, the estimate of the response variable is likely to be biased if

aggregated to a larger geographical unit such as a forest stand (Maltamo et al. 2004).

Traditionally, ALS data is monospectral data which is captured using single beam, and the most

commonly used wavelength is near-infrared. In December 2014, Teledyne Optech Inc. (Toronto,

ON, Canada) introduced the Titan multispectral airborne LiDAR, which was the first commercial

three-wavelength system that equipped with scanners emitting three laser beams: 1550nm (middle-

infrared), 1064nm (near-infrared) and 532nm (green). The system is a discrete return ALS (up to

four discrete XYZ returns per pulse), but each channel can be equipped with a wavelength digitizer

to generate full-waveform data. Studies done by Fenandez-Diaz et al. (2016) indicated that its


multispectral capability enabled new applications, including the production of false color active

imagery derived from the lidar return intensities and the automated classification of target and land

covers. In addition, three wavelengths and three-look angle design provided redundancy and

diversity, which were beneficial technically and financially (Fenandez-Diaz et al. 2016). In forestry

applications, the commercial multispectral lidar offers the potential to separate woody and leafy

canopy elements from non-foliage by utilizing the differences on both structural and reflectance

properties (Morsdorf et al. 2009). Furthermore, it has been proposed that multispectral ALS could

provide more information on stand vertical structure and species separation than monospectral ALS

data (Budei et al. 2017). However, there is one limitation that this scanner has to be operated at a

lower flight height than the one just using near-infrared channels because green channel has poorer

reflectance from vegetation.

There are several advantages of using ALS multispectral intensities over spectral signatures derived

from passive sensors. The measurements of ALS intensity have the advantage of being independent

from external illumination conditions. Compared with aerial imaging cases, there would be less

variations in intensities caused by variables shadowing (Woodhouse et al. 2011). In addition, tree

and ground signals cannot be separated in passive sensors’ measurements of reflectance, whereas

the ALS data allows the discrimination by imposing a height threshold.

Nearest neighbour (NN) imputation approaches have been developed and widely used in forestry

applications to estimate forest characteristics (LeMay & Temesgan 2005). NN imputation methods

are nonparametric in that they do not rely on any underlying probability distribution for estimation

(Everitt 1998), and they provide an alternative to traditional parametric regression models (Altman

1992). In NN imputation, the only assumption is that the X-variables have a strong relationship to

the Y-variables, and therefore it can be used to impute missing Y-variables (Eskelson et al. 2009).

Sometimes, NN imputation can use X-variables even without a complete knowledge of the

complicated relationships between X- and Y-variables (Fehrmann et al. 2008). In NN, the

observations with both response (Y) and predictor (X) variables available are references, whereas

the observations with only predictor variables available are referred as targets. To improve the

prediction accuracy, several close neighbours can be considered instead of using only the closest

neighbour. The prediction is then calculated by the weighted mean of the k nearest neighbours



The prediction is based on imputing response values of a target to a reference. Usually, the distance

measure in NN approaches refer to a thematic distance with respect to observed predictor variables,

rather than the geographical distances between units (Everitt 1998). The distance reflects the

statistical relationships between the response and predictor variables in the reference dataset (i.e.

the distance is described by the NN model). There are several mathematical methods to determine

the proximity between targets and references based on the predictor variables. Two most popular

ones are random forests (RF) (Breimann 2001) and most similar neighbour inference (MSN)

(Moeur & Stage 1995). In RF, an ensemble of regression trees is grown and the distance between

neighbours depends on how often they share the same final node. Examples of using RF include

Hudak et al. (2008) who used RF to estimate total basal area and tree density. In MSN, the distance

is derived using canonical correlation analysis (Moeur & Stage 1995). Several studies used MSN

to predict species-specific volume (Breidenbach et al. 2010b, Kandare et al. 2017, Packalén &

Maltamo 2007).

The first studies using the kNN approach in a remote sensing-based forest inventory context were

presented by Kilkki and Paivinen (1987) and Moeur (1987). Since then, kNN methods using remote

sensing data have been widely used for forest inventory applications, including the Finnish national

forest inventory (Tomppo 1991). Interests have been focused on the prediction of single features

such as the basal area, or multivariate attributes, which means predicting several stand

characteristics simultaneously (i.e. volume for different species) (Moeur & Stage 1995).

The objective of this study is to evaluate the magnitude of the accuracy gains in the prediction of

species-specific volumes provided by the three wavelengths ALS compared to single wavelength

ALS. Moreover, the ability of using ALS data alone to classify dominant species at plot-level was

examined. So far, the employments of multispectral ALS technologies in forestry applications are

quite new. Most of studies that tested the multispectral ALS system have been focused on land

cover classification (Hopkinson et al. 2016) and species identification at individual tree level

(Budei et al. 2017, Yu et al. 2017), whereas the studies on predicting species-specific volumes

using ABA are still missing. To the best of my knowledge, this is among the first attempts to use

multispectral ALS data to predict species-specific volumes using the ABA and kMSN method. This

study focused on total stand volume, pine, spruce, and deciduous volumes. The general hypothesis

is that the combination of ALS data produced in three wavelengths will improve the accuracy on

estimating species-specific volumes.


2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Study area and field data

The experimental forest area was located in the municipality of Liperi (62°32ʹN 29°23ʹE, UTM

zone 35V), which is in the province of Eastern Finland and is part of the North Karelia region (Fig.

1). About 75% of the area was owned by private citizens, and the remainder by government and

other forest companies. The size of the study area was about 428 km2. It was a typical Finnish

managed boreal forest area, dominated by coniferous species scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and

Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Deciduous trees included downy birch (Betula pubescens

Ehrh.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.). The rotation age in Finland is about 80 years, and

most of the plantation stands were even-aged, mixed with other tree species.

Figure 1. Location of the study area and placement of field plots.


The field measurements were designed by the University of Eastern Finland (UEF). Plots were

placed using systematic cluster sampling (Figure 1). The clusters were placed systematically in the

study area and they were 1,200 meters apart from each other. Within each cluster, four field plots

were measured, and they were 300 meters apart. A total of 543 sample plots were measured in

summer 2016, about half of which were measured by students at UEF and the rest by a local forest

company. No stand stratification was used, however the plots placed on seedling stands (i.e. height

less than 7 meters) and other open areas were not measured. Among these 543 field plots, there

were 391 plots with a size of 254 m2, i.e. they were circular plots with a radius of 9 meters. If the

stem density was less than 800 stems per hectare, 12.6 m radius plot was measured with an area of

500 m2.

Scots pine was the main tree species on 52% of the plots and Norway spruce on 37% of the plots.

Deciduous trees, mainly downy birch and silver birch, were usually in the minority of the tree

stock. 82% of the plots were considered as one canopy layer and the rest of the plots were multiple

layered. The data included both naturally regenerated and plantation forests. The stand

development classes consisted of young (24%), mature (52%) and old-growth (24%), while the

proportions of the site fertility classes were very rich 2%, rich 15%, medium 48%, rather poor 15%,

and poor 1%.

Tree height, DBH, tree class and tree species were measured and recorded for each tree with a

DBH greater than 5 cm. Basal area (G) was calculated in each plot and converted to m2 ha-1. The

height (hgm) and diameter (dgm) of the basal area median tree for each species in each storey class

were calculated in each plot according to the measured tree list. The number of trees was counted

in each plot and then scaled up to hectare level to represent stand density (N). Tree volume was

calculated using the species-specific models presented by Laasasenaho (1982) using DBH and tree

height as independent variables. Finally, total tree volume (V) was scaled up to volume per hectare

and summarized for each plot, all by tree species (i.e. pine, spruce and deciduous trees). Some of

the key stand characteristics are presented in Table 1. The minimum and maximum total volume

at plot-level are 16.6 and 1012.6 m3 ha-1, respectively.

7Table 1. Means and standard deviations (in parentheses) of stand characteristics by tree species at plot level.

V, m3 ha-1 G, m2 ha-1 N, stem ha-1 dgm, cm hgm, m

Pine 74.5 (87.6) 8.4 (9.0) 332 (425) 14.2 (1.2) 11.7 (9.7) Spruce 86.8 (106.2) 9.8 (10.2) 526 (507) 15.8 (9.8) 13.4 (7.8) Deciduous 26.9 (42.7) 3.4 (4.9) 261(395) 11.9 (9.6) 12.0 (8.4) Total 188.2 (105.9) 21.6 (8.7) 1118 (640) - -

2.2 Airborne laser scanning data

The ALS data for the Liperi forest area were collected on 2nd, 3rd, and 10th July 2016, using the

Optech Titan multispectral laser scanning system mounted on a fixed wing airplane and operated

at an altitude of 900 m above ground level (a.g.l). The Titan system was comprised of lasers firing

at three different angles (Table 2). There were three laser beams used: 532 nm (green), 1064 nm

(near infrared) and 1550 nm (short-wave infrared). The flight speed was 77 m s-1 and a pulse

frequency was 250 kHz. The resulted strip width on average was 655 m. Altogether 82 laser strips

were acquired with an overlap of 55% with both first and last return data were recorded. The area

covered by the ALS data was approximately 428 km2.

Table 2. Titan system's laser characteristics.

Channel Wavelength Divergence (1/e) Forward tilt Pulse densitya Pulse width C1 1550 nm 0.35 mrad 3.5° 4.8 pulse/m2 3.0-3.5 ns C2 1064 nm 0.35 mrad 0.0° 4.8 pulse/m2 3.0-3.5 ns C3 532 nm 0.7 mrad 7.0° 3.7 pulse/m2 2.5-3.0 ns

a Dr Petteri Packalén, University of Eastern Finland, personal communication.

2.3 Pre-processing of ALS data

Recorded intensity is the amount of energy reflected back to the laser sensor, which is affected by

several factors, including target surface characteristics (reflectance, wetness and roughness),

environmental effects (atmospheric transmittance, moisture), and acquisition parameters and

instruments (Korpela et al., 2010). Therefore, intensity calibration is an important step to

compensate the impact of these factors and achieve better classification accuracy. In this study, the

ALS intensity values were calibrated for different scan ranges by using the equation described by

Korpela et al. (2010):

In = (R/Rref)αIraw,


where In is the calibrated intensity, Iraw is the raw intensity, R is the range from the sensor to targets,

Rref is the reference range or average flying height (in this study Rref = 830 m), and α is the

optimized power. The optimization was done so that the plot level mean intensities would be as

similar as possible when the plots were observed from several scan lines and have different

distances. In this study, the correction parameters α were optimized separately for each

wavelength. For 1550 nm, 1064 nm, and 532 nm, the α values were 1.1, 0.4, and 0.0, respectively

(P. Packalén, personal communication, February 16th, 2017).

The digital terrain model (DTM) was constructed separately for each channel using the ALS points

only from that channel. However, since the green light (532 nm) would be absorbed strongly by

vegetation, the 532 nm ALS data was normalized using DTM extracted from 1064 nm ALS data.

The first step was to separate the ground laser points from non-ground hits, following the methods

explained by Axelsson (2000). Then, a raster DTM with a 1-m pixel size was created from the

ground returns by taking the average height of the ground returns within a grid. Canopy height

model (CHM) was calculated by subtracting the DTM at the corresponding point for each

wavelength. The ALS hits that were less than 2 meters were omitted from analysis to reduce the

random variation in heights and the effects of understory vegetations. Two datasets were prepared

for each wavelength: one includes only first and single returns and the second includes only last

and single returns. These two datasets were spatially registered to the field plots using software

package FUSION. Pulses that hit outside these field plots were excluded from further analysis.

2.4 ALS metrics

The ALS predictor variables used in the MSN imputation were derived from the ALS height

distributions. Calculations was undertaken using built-in function cloudmetrics provided by

FUSION software package. Point density was calculated for each wavelength separately (Table 3).

All the ALS metrics were calculated twice using only first and single returns and only last and

single returns (Table 4). The calculations were done for each wavelength and for the merged

wavelength which combined ALS point clouds from three wavelengths together. In addition, a

multispectral dataset was created which included all ALS-derived variables from three

monospectral ALS data and the merged ALS data. This resulted in five ALS-derived variable

datasets, named as Wavelength 1, Wavelength 2, Wavelength 3, Merged Wavelength, and

Multispectral Model. For the first four datasets, the variables were the same except that they were


calculated from different wavelength or merged wavelength, resulting in 62 variables for each

dataset. The last dataset included all variables from individual dataset, plus the intensity ratio

variables, resulting in 252 variables in total. The details of calculated variables are summarized in

Table 4.

Table 3. ALS point density statistics calculated from first returns data for each wavelength and the merged data.

ALS point density statistics (points m-2) 25th percentile Median 75th percentile Mean 1550nm 9.8 11.2 18.0 14.8 1064 nm 10.0 11.2 17.6 14.7 532 nm 5.9 7.7 10.4 7.7 Merged wavelength 26.5 30.2 45.8 38.3

Table 4. Stand features derived from normalized point data and spectral information.

ALS-derived variables Definition Point cloud variables Havg Arithmetic mean of normalized height of all points above 2 m threshold Hstd Standard deviation of normalized height of all points above 2 m threshold Hmax Maximum of the normalized heights of all points cc_2 Percentage of points above 2 meters indicating crown cover cc_avg Percentage of points above the average height indicating crown cover HP10 to HP99 10% to 90% percentiles of normalized height of all points with a 10%

increment Single-channels intensity variables Int_avg Mean of intensity Int_std Standard deviation of intensity Int_max Maximum of intensity Int_sk Skewness of intensity Int_kut Kurtosis of intensity Int10 to Int99 Percentiles of intensity from 10% to 90% with 10% increments Multi-channel intensity variablesa Int_b2b1 The ratio of average intensity between channel 2 and channel 1 Int_b3b1 The ratio of average intensity between channel 3 and channel 1 Int_b3b2 The ratio of average intensity between channel 3 and channel 2 Ratio_b2b1 The normalized difference (Int_b2 – Int_b1)/( Int_b2 + Int_b1)

a These variables were only available in the Multispectral Model dataset.

2.4 Estimation of stand characteristics 2.4.1 kMSN imputation

Stand attributes of interest at plot level included total volume (m3 ha-1) and volumes (m3 ha-1) by

main tree species: pine, spruce, and deciduous. The stand attributes were predicted simultaneously

by nonparametric k-nearest neighbor method utilizing k most similar neighbor (kMSN) imputation.


The kMSN method is a modification of the original MSN method proposed by Moeur and Stage

(1995). It uses canonical correlation analysis to produce a weighting matrix for selecting the k most

similar neighbours from the reference data. Canonical correlations are implemented to find the

linear transformations Ul and Vm for the set of dependent variables (Y) and predictor variables (X)

which maximize the correlation between them:

Ul = αlY, and Vm = γmX,

where αl represents the canonical coefficients of the dependent variables, γm represents the

canonical coefficients of the predictor variables, and l and m represent the number of Y and X

variables, respectively. Ul and Vm are ordered in such a way that the canonical correlation is largest

for l or m = 1, second for l or m = 2, etc. Thus, the predictive power is concentrated in the first few

canonical components.

The MSN distance metric derived from the canonical correlation analysis is as follows (Moeur &

Stage 1995):

where Xu is the vector of the predictor variables from the target observation, Xj is the vector of the

predictor variables from the reference observation, Γ is the matrix of canonical coefficients of the

predictor variables and Λ is the diagonal matrix of squared canonical correlations. The kMSN

method used here is the same as MSN except that estimates for the target observation are calculated

as weighted averages of the k nearest observations and the weighting is based on the inverse of the

MSN distance. The weighted Wuj of a reference plot u for the target plot j was calculated as follows

where k is the number of nearest observations:



Nearest neighbour search and imputation was done by using yaImpute R package developed by

Crookston and Finley (2008). Two key functions used in yaImpute package are impute and yai.

They were used in searching for the best combinations of predictor variables and imputation


2.4.2 Predictor variable selection

The selection of predictor variables has been found to be laborious and time-consuming, and

therefore should be automated (Maltamo et al. 2006, Packalén & Maltamo 2006). Selection of

predictor variables is necessary for nonparametric approaches as it can reduce the computation time

and solve the collinearity. In this study, variable selection for the modelling was done using an

algorithm that implemented optimization based on simulated annealing in R. The R package

GENSA was used in the algorithm, to minimize RMSE% for the combination of four dependent

variables. The weights for four response variables were equal. During preliminary tests, different

numbers of predictor variables (x) and neighbours (k) were tested in order to get the optimal

combinations of x and k.

For all five datasets, different numbers of predictor variables (x) were chosen (i.e., x = 15, 20, 25)

using the automatic selection algorithm. Based on the preliminary tests and literatures, the number

of predictor variables was set to 20 for all five datasets. However, the slight differences on x (i.e.,

19 vs. 21) only affected the imputation accuracy slightly with respect to the response’s RMSE%

values. The transformation of the predictor variables was not applicable in this study as the main

purpose for this study was to compare the suitability of using multispectral ALS with monospectral

ALS data. Since the transformation only improved the model accuracy marginally and the number

of candidate variables was large, they were not included here.

During the preliminary tests and the literature reviews, it was noted that for all imputations, as k

(number of neighbours) increased, the RMSE% values decreased dramatically at the beginning

(i.e., k = 1 to 5), levelled out to a value of approximately 7, and started to increase again for large

k values (i.e., k > 30). In this study, k = 10 was chosen for all imputations and for further analysis.

Once the number of predictor variables and the number of neighbours were determined, the

predictor variables (Table 4) were selected separately for each wavelength using the automatic

selection algorithm, so that the lowest average RMSE% of response variables can be achieved.


2.5 Dominant species classification

In addition to the species-specific volumes, each plot was also classified according to its main tree

species to test the suitability of dominant species classification using multispectral ALS data. Once

the species-specific volume was predicted for each plot, the species with the highest volume was

identified and treated as the dominant tree species for that plot. The similar procedure was done for

the reference data using the original field measured volumes for each species. The results of species

classification at plot level were then compared between the predicted and reference records. The

same process was done using predicted volumes from each ALS dataset.

2.6 Accuracy assessment

Results were validated by means of leave-one-out cross-validation. Reliability characteristics were

calculated for each predicted variable by tree species and for the total volume. The accuracy of the

estimates is expressed in terms of the root mean square error (RMSE):

RMSE = !"#!" $%"&'

( ,

where n is the number of sample plots, yi is the observed value for plot i and 𝑦* is the predicted

value for plot i. Moreover, the relative RMSEs (RMSE%) were calculated by dividing the absolute

RMSE values by the true mean for the characteristic concerned. Additionally, the squared

correlation (r2) was computed as the Pearson’s correlation coefficient of observed and predicted

values. The biases were calculated as follows:

bias = (!"#!")%"&'

( .

To assess whether the bias was statistically significantly different from zero, the following

test statistic was used:

tbias = -*./// (



where s is the standard deviation of the differences between ground truth observations and their

corresponding estimates.

The accuracy of dominant species classification was evaluated by comparing the classified

dominant species with the reference stand calculated using data recorded in the field. The result of

the comparison can be represented by an error matrix. Four widely used measures, producer’s

accuracy, user’s accuracy, overall accuracy (OA), and Kappa coefficient, were computed to

evaluate the performance of the classification.

3 RESULTS 3.1 Variable and parameter selection

Table 5 shows that for the monospectral ALS datasets, the number of height-related predictor

variables was generally the same as the intensity-related features. For example, for wavelength 1,

wavelength 2, and wavelength 3, there were 8, 10, and 10 intensity-related variables, respectively.

For the multispectral model, only 6 height-related features were selected, and 14 features were


Table 5. Predictor variables from ALS derived metrics selected for each dataset.

Dataset Predictor selecteda 1550 nm (C1)

cc_f2, cc_favg, h_lavg, h_fstd, h_f30, h_l50, h_f60, h_l70, h_f90, Int_lmax, Int_fsk, Int_lavg, Int_fkurtosis, Int_f10, Int_l20, Int_l40, Int_f50, Int_l70, Int_f80, Int_f90, canopy_ratio_l

1064 nm (C2)

cc_f2, cc_l2, cc_lavg, cc_favg, h_fkurtosis, h_fstd, h_lstd, h_l20, h_l30, h_f80, h_f90, Int_lavg, Int_fmax, Int_lmax, Int_fsk, Int_lsk, Int_lkurtosis, Int_f20, Int_f50, canopy_ratio_l

532 nm (C3)

cc_lavg, h_lavg, h_fstd, h_lsk, h_fkurtosis, h_f20, h_f50, h_l80, Int_favg, Int_fmax, Int_lkurtosis, Int_f10, Int_l10, Int_f30, Int_l50, Int_f70, Int_l70, Int_l80, canopy_ratio_f, canopy_ratio_l

Merged data

cc_l2, cc_lavg, h_lmax, h_l10, h_l70, h_f80, h_f90, Int_lavg, Int_fstd, Int_lstd, Int_lkurtosis, Int_lsk, Int_lmax, Int_f10, Int_l10, Int_l30, Int_f60, Int_f70, Int_f90, canopy_ratio_l

Multispectral modelb

cc_favg1, h_lstd2, h_lmax1, f_h402, h_l90123, Int_fmax123, Int_fmax1, Int_fsk2, Int_fstd1, Int_fstd2, Int_f10123, Int_l402, Int_f60123, Int_f603, Int_l603, Int_f701, Int_f80123, Int_l902, canopy_ratio_l3, Int_b2b1

a f and l indicated if the predictor was calculated using first and single returns or last and single returns. b The subscript indicated which wavelength that the variable came from, where 1, 2, 3 and 123 denoted wavelength 1 (1550 nm), wavelength 2 (1064 nm), wavelength 3 (532 nm) and the merged data, respectively.


3.2 Accuracy of stand attributes

The species-specific volumes and the total volume were imputed using selected predictor variables

(Table 5) and k = 10. Figure 2 to 6 show the observed versus predicted volume for each species

and the total volume. Table 6 summarizes the RMSE, RMSE%, r2, and bias for each predicted

volume. Using t-test and alpha level of 0.05, none of the bias was significant. In general, the

predicted total volume had the highest accuracy, followed by spruce volume, pine volume, and the

deciduous volume had the lowest accuracy. In terms of the absolute errors (RMSE), total volume,

pine and spruce volume had a similar level, whereas deciduous species had the lowest error level

because of its minority among other species.







Figure 6. Observed versus predicted total volume and species-specific volumes at the plot level using features from Multispectral Model.

17Table 6. Accuracy of the estimated species-specific volume and total volume using different ALS data.

RMSE (m3/ha) RMSE% r2 BIAS Total Volume Wavelength 1 47.01 24.98 0.81 2.19 Wavelength 2 50.21 26.68 0.78 2.94 Wavelength 3 49.14 26.11 0.78 1.82 Merged Wavelength 48.13 25.57 0.80 2.97 Multispectral Model 46.71 24.82 0.81 1.05 Pine Volume Wavelength 1 56.99 76.53 0.58 2.59 Wavelength 2 53.26 71.52 0.63 1.78 Wavelength 3 64.09 86.07 0.46 0.92 Merged Wavelength 55.13 74.03 0.61 2.90 Multispectral Model 47.34 63.57 0.71 1.94 Spruce Volume Wavelength 1 54.50 62.80 0.74 -0.98 Wavelength 2 50.84 58.58 0.77 0.77 Wavelength 3 64.75 74.62 0.63 1.01 Merged Wavelength 48.75 56.17 0.79 -0.07 Multispectral Model 46.14 53.15 0.81 -2.13 Deciduous Volume Wavelength 1 33.23 123.34 0.39 0.58 Wavelength 2 31.96 118.64 0.43 0.39 Wavelength 3 38.38 142.47 0.20 -0.12 Merged Wavelength 30.30 112.48 0.50 0.14 Multispectral Model 27.59 102.42 0.59 1.23

None of the biases was significant at the 95% confidence level (tbias<1.96).

Among three monospectral ALS data, Wavelength 2 had the lowest averaged RMSE% for species-

specific volumes and Wavelength 3 had the worst performance on predicting species-specific

volumes. For all five imputations, the RMSE% varied from 24.8% to 26.7% for the total volume,

63.6% to 86.1% for the pine volume, 53.2% to 74.6% for the spruce volume, and 102.4% to 142.5%

for the deciduous volume. It was noticed that using the multispectral dataset generated the lowest

RMSE% for total volume (24.8%), pine (63.6%), spruce (53.2%), and deciduous volume (102.4%).

The merged wavelength also did a better job on predicting spruce and deciduous volume than

monospectral ALS data.

3.3 Dominant species classification with different wavelengths

The confusion matrix of dominant species classification at plot-level are presented in Table 7-11

based on the kMSN imputations from different wavelengths, i.e. 1,550 nm (Table 7), 1,064 nm

(Table 8), 532 nm (Table 9), merged data (Table 10), and multispectral model (Table 11). The

highest level of accuracy (84.35%) was obtained with the multispectral model. Using features from

532 nm produced the lowest overall accuracy of 75.32%. It was also noted that the differences on


OA between 1550 nm (80.11%) and 1064 nm (81.77%) were marginal, and it was the same for

merged data (83.79%) and multispectral model (84.35%). When using features from three

wavelengths together, either using metrics from merged point clouds or all features combined, the

performance on stand classification was better than using monospectral ALS data.

Table 7. Confusion matrix and accuracy evaluation of stand classification using ALS metrics from Wavelength 1.

Predicted Producer (%) Pine Spruce Deciduous Reference Pine 212 33 6 84.46 Spruce 16 215 4 91.49 Deciduous 18 31 8 14.04 User (%) 86.18 77.06 44.44 OA = 80.11%, Kappa = 0.65

Table 8. Confusion matrix and accuracy evaluation of stand classification using ALS metrics from Wavelength 2.

Predicted Producer (%) Pine Spruce Deciduous Reference Pine 225 21 5 89.64 Spruce 17 210 8 89.36 Deciduous 21 27 9 15.79 User (%) 85.56 81.40 40.91 OA = 81.77%, Kappa = 0.68

Table 9. Confusion matrix and accuracy evaluation of stand classification using ALS metrics from Wavelength 3.

Predicted Producer (%) Pine Spruce Deciduous Reference Pine 210 39 2 83.67 Spruce 31 197 7 83.83 Deciduous 21 34 2 3.51 User (%) 80.15 72.96 18.18 OA = 75.32%, Kappa = 0.56

Table 10. Confusion matrix and accuracy evaluation of stand classification using ALS metrics from Merged Wavelength.

Predicted Producer (%) Pine Spruce Deciduous Reference Pine 222 23 6 88.45 Spruce 18 213 4 90.64 Deciduous 15 22 20 35.09 User (%) 87.06 82.56 66.67 OA = 83.79%, Kappa = 0.72

Table 11. Confusion matrix and accuracy evaluation of stand classification using ALS metrics from Multispectral Model.

Predicted Producer (%) Pine Spruce Deciduous Reference Pine 223 22 6 88.84 Spruce 14 211 10 89.79 Deciduous 17 16 24 42.11 User (%) 87.80 84.74 60.00 OA = 84.35%, Kappa = 0.73

Classification accuracies also varied among species. The highest accuracies were obtained for pine

stand with an 89.64% producer’s accuracy using ALS metrics from 1,064 nm, and for spruce stand


with a 91.49% producer’s accuracy using ALS metrics from 1,550 nm, followed by deciduous

species with 42.11% producer’s accuracy using all features combined data (multispectral model).

When comparing among 1,550 nm, 1,064 nm, merged data, and all features combined data, it was

noted that the producer’s accuracies for classifying pine and spruce stands were quite similar (i.e.

ranges from 84.46% to 88.84% for pine stands and 89.36% to 91.49% for spruce stands), whereas

it was the deciduous stand classification which has the highest variation on producer’s accuracies

(ranged from 14.04% to 42.11%).


This study demonstrates the use of kMSN methods and multispectral ALS to separate dominant

species and estimate species-specific volumes and compare the results to that obtained from using

monospectral ALS data. Results suggested that the multispectral model, which used ALS metrics

from merged point clouds and monospectral ALS data, had the lowest RMSE% for total volume

and species-specific volumes. This improvement might due to the multispectral properties of the

data. For example, some of the features from merged data were helpful on separating species, and

when they were combined with features from monospectral ALS data, they increased the general

accuracies for all species as well as the total volume. However, the improved accuracy might be

due to the increased ALS point density from merged data instead of the multispectral properties.

In other studies, preliminary tests were done using density-normalized point data to assess the

effect of point density on predicting forest biomass using area-based approach, and they showed

that the differences on accuracies between full data and normalized data were minor (M. Maltamo

& L. Korhonen, personal communication, April 3rd 2018). Further studies should be carried out

using density-normalized monospectral and merged ALS data to reduce any potential effects of

point density on the model accuracy.

The dominant species classification has better accuracy on coniferous plots compared to deciduous

plots. However, it should be noted that this classification was done using the species with highest

volume, and it did not show the species composition if it was a mixed-species plot (the volume

proportions of three species groups were relatively close, i.e. 33%, 33%, and 34% for pine, spruce


and deciduous). In that case, the plot should be classified as mixed-species rather than single-

species dominant plot, and this would affect the overall classification accuracy of this study.

It can be problematic to compare the accuracies of this study directly to other studies using

multispectral ALS data because of the differences in the data used, the number and type of species

identified, and the complexity of stand structure. The relative RMSEs on species-specific volumes

achieved in this study were similar to the study done by Packalén and Maltamo (2007) who used

the combination of ALS data and aerial images and kMSN area-based approach. Both study areas

were located in southern Finland where the species composition and stand structure were similar.

In their best models, the RMSE% for total volume, pine, spruce, and deciduous at plot level were

20.51%, 51.55%, 55.72%, and 102.84%, respectively. In this study, the lowest RMSE% for these

four response variables were 24.82%, 63.57%, 53.15%, and 102.42%, respectively. One possible

reason for the lower RMSE% on total and pine volume in Packalén and Maltamo’s study might be

that they included metrics from aerial images in addition to ALS metrics. Moreover, the study area

in their study also has less variation in forest structures because the similar forest silviculture

practices were applied to the entire area.

Using different plot size could be a concern in area-based approach because it would lead to bias

on estimated volumes and affect the evaluation on the performance of monospectral and

multispectral ALS data. Larger plot size generally had better accuracy on estimating volumes,

although the exact effects on the results (i.e. how much bias) for this study were unknown. The

best way to reduce this unknown bias is to use the same plot size throughout the entire study area

in future studies.

In this study, deciduous species were grouped together as it was suggested that their separation by

remote sensing methods is challenging under Finnish forest conditions, where the forests are

dominated by coniferous species and the vast majority of the deciduous trees are birches (Packalén

& Maltamo 2007). In addition, deciduous trees often grow below the dominant coniferous tree

layer. The absolute errors caused by deciduous trees are quite small because of their small

quantities in Finnish forests. However, in other countries where the species composition is more

complex, or the separation of deciduous trees is important, the suitability of using multispectral

ALS and ABA is unknown and should be studied for more details.


Intensity information was important in separating species in this study. Not only the ratio between

averaged intensity from different wavelengths, but also different intensity percentiles from

different wavelengths were used in the multispectral imputation, and the total number of intensity-

related variables were 14 out of 20 variables, indicating that intensity variables may be more useful

on separating species than height variables. Korpela et al. (2010) classified Scots pine, Norway

spruce, and birch by using intensity variables at Hyytiälä in southern Finland and showed that

intensity features can contribute to a classification accuracy of 88% among these three species.

Although the quality of intensity values extracted from multispectral ALS data was not tested or

compared to those from fused ALS data, other studies showed that the use of single source ALS

data has advantages over the use of fused ALS data in terms of data processing (Puttonen et al.


Multispectral ALS data was the only remotely-sensed data source used in this study. However, it

may be worthwhile investigating whether multispectral ALS data should be combined with other

sources of remotely-sensed data (i.e. satellite images) in order to improve the accuracies on species-

specific estimates. In addition, only volumes were tested in this study, and the performance of

multispectral data on predicting other features (i.e. basal area) was unknown. ALS data alone may

not very well suited for the estimation of other species-specific forest characteristics at the plot

level. Different remotely sensed technologies sense different aspects of forest structure, so the

integration of data from different remote sensors may be worthwhile in providing useful and

relevant information (Hudak et al. 2002, LeMay et al. 2008, Törmä 2000). For example, features

of aerial photographs such as tone and texture can be used to discriminate between certain tree

species (Franklin 2001). Landsat imagery is useful for classifying the spatial extent and seasonal

phenology of forest stands across a landscape.

Geographical variables may also be considered in further studies. It was found that topographical

parameters (i.e. aspect and elevation) (Hudak et al. 2008) and site characteristic data (i.e. site

fertility and ecological zone) can be very helpful to derive species specific information, although

other studies (Kotivuori et al. 2018) argued that geographical information may be more useful for

much larger areas (i.e. national scale). However, such parameters were not included in this study

for these reasons: 1) the study area was quite homogenous on these characteristics (i.e. aspect and

elevation), and there was not enough variability so that the contributions from these geographical

layers were limited. 2) There was only one class (i.e. ecozone) for the whole study area, so this


information was not useful. 3) Based on the preliminary tests, the relationships between some of

the geographical information (i.e. site fertility class) and species were not strong. To reduce the

model complexity, these variables were not included in the analysis. Besides, these variables are

not always available for the study area.

The use of models outside the range of the modeling data may result in unreasonable estimates.

This study only included the analysis of trees with DBH greater than 5 cm and did not include any

smaller trees. Thus, the imputation would not be suitable for predicting young stands or seedlings.

The accuracy of kMSN imputation would be dependent on the variability of reference data (Moeur

& Stage 1995), which means that it may not work well for extreme values (i.e. very high or low

volume) where there is not enough reference data to search for k nearest neighbours for the

imputation. For example, there was one plot with total volume greater than 1,000 m3 ha-1 which

had relatively poor estimation, because that was the only plot with high volume and there were no

neighbours available. The accuracy of the estimates improves with increasing k to an optimal

choice of k. However, it is found that the estimates may not be within the bounds of reality if more

than one neighbour is used (LeMay & Temesgen 2005), and the estimation precision for extreme

values of Y-variables decreases with an increase in k (McRoberts et al. 2002).

During preliminary tests, it was noticed that different predictor variables were identified during

different runs of the automated variable selection procedure, which was also reported by Packalén

et al. (2009). This is caused by the fact that many predictor variables are highly correlated, and the

same variable selection is consequently not possible based on the data alone (Faraway 2002). The

choice of X-variables depends on the information that is available and on the variables related to

the Y-variables (LeMay & Temesgen 2005). Increasing the number of X-variables does not

guarantee improvement in the estimation results (McRoberts et al. 2002). As the number of X-

variables increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to find relevant neighbours (Maltamo et al.

2006). The optimal value for k is a trade-off between the accuracy of the estimates and the variation

that is retained in the estimates (McRoberts et al. 2002), which complicates the use of

nonparametric methods. The choice of optimal value of k is also affected by the strength of the

relationship between the X- and Y-variable, meaning that with weaker relationships would result

in larger k values (McRoberts et al. 2002).


The weights for each response variable are assumed to be equal in the variable automatic search

algorithm. Another alternative could be giving different weights to each response variable. Usually,

the variable selection algorithm is designed to minimize the weighted average of the RMSEs, and

it makes sense to give more weight to those response variables which require most improvements,

whereas for other dependent variables, the accuracies are almost always at an acceptable level

(Packalén & Maltamo 2007). The selection of weights, however, is somewhat subjective. In this

study, the main purpose is to compare the accuracies of using different sets of ALS data, so as long

as the weight vectors for each response variable are the same, the results are comparable. The

optimal choice of k, the distance metric including weights, and X-variables is difficult to determine

(LeMay & Temesgen 2005). The best combination depends on the problem and the available data.

In this study, ALS data was collected in summer, which is also known as leaf-on data. As an

alternative to leaf-on data, there were some studies showing that leaf-off data may be helpful to

discriminate coniferous from deciduous species and improve the accuracy on species-specific

estimations, although it may depend on the characteristics of forest stands. (Villikka et al. 2012).

In the future, multispectral ALS data could be collected during leaf-off season to test how this

affect the accuracies on the species-specific estimates. However, there are also some issues with

leaf-off data according to previous studies with monospectral ALS data. First, leaf-off ALS data

tends to underestimate the tree height than leaf-on data, especially in the case of deciduous species

(Gaveau & Hill 2003), as under leaf-off conditions, the laser pulses penetrate deeper into deciduous

tree crowns than under leaf-on conditions before an echo is detected. Second, the timing of

gathering leaf-off data is critical in Finland, as the response is affected by snow cover on the

ground. Since the time of snow melting varies from year to year, it may be problematic to gather

data during short time window (Liang et al. 2007, Kim et al. 2009).


In this study, I examined the potential utility of single-sensor multispectral ALS data for estimating

species-specific volumes in a conifer-dominant stand in a boreal forest zone. The results suggest

that additional information, provided by multispectral laser scanning, may be a valuable source of

information for separating species and providing species-specific volumes on pine, spruce, and


deciduous trees, which are the main tree species (species group) found in boreal forest zones.

However, further studies are needed on the effects of ALS point densities from monospectral and

multispectral data on the accuracy of estimates. Currently, it is more expensive to acquire

multispectral ALS data than aerial images and single-channel ALS data. It is anticipated that the

price will drop as technology develops, and the market is growing. Before expanding the operation

of using multispectral ALS data as solution for estimating species-specific volumes, it requires

more detailed studies and tests on different study areas.


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