pre production techniques pro-forma

Post on 14-May-2015






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Pre-Production TechniquesLO1

Dan and Henry

FinanceGive a definition for each of the terms listed Self Financed Financing a product or idea with your own assets or resources. It’s the hardest type of

finance to acquire based on the fact that you have to acquire it yourself. Ideas come and go a lot more than the money behind you.

Employer/Client FinancedA proposed idea to an employer or client that is then financed and backed up by the

client themselves. The money may be reimbursed when the project is finished.

KickstarterIt’s a website that lends money based on the idea. You send your idea to them and

they chose whether or not its applicable for their funding.

FinanceWhich source of funding will be most likely for your production and why? The employer method of finance will be the one that we will use because we are an

outsource media company that do graphic design work. This is because, it is not our project. We did not set this our self. It is the recipe’s of the company that we are working for.

Advantages • There is no financial problems. We make their recipes and they give us the money.• We do not have to put much effort into being very creative. They give us the ideas

and we design them.Disadvantages• We cant use our own ideas, so if you get an idea into your head, it is quite hard to

get rid of it and get on with what they want.

FinanceList the aspects of your production that will require financeThe camera that we will use will be our own. If we were to rent one from an outside

source or lend one from college it would either cost precious time or money. Any printing will cost unless its done from home then it wont be a cost directly.Food ingredients.Equipment hire- A tripod would be needed but fortunately we have our own. Props may be involved depending on our finalised ideas.Location hire- It may not be a cost in terms of money but asking around and finding

the location may take time especially if your going through people you don’t know directly.

May need models in some of the photographs so this could cost if we have to pay them.

The software for actually designing the recipe cards.

TimeWhat methods could you employ to ensure you stick to your deadlines and why would this be beneficial to your project?You could put together your own schedule. This will then show you what you have to

do over the time you have, and how much every day you will need to do to get it finished to a high standard before the deadline.

Your schedule will show you when, where and how you are going to accomplish your project. A good graphic designer will always be ahead in time, for example, if cards for Christmas were needed to be made, a good graphic will have already started making them back in summer.

This schedule should also include a contingency plan. This would basically be your ‘plan B’. For example, if your first plan different go to plan, maybe because of the weather, or a random breakage in equipment, then you would need a plan B for all the worst case scenarios just to be on the safe side.

TimeWhat is contingency time and how might this be beneficial to your project?

Contingency time is time that you put into place if your initial plan falls through. Contingency time can be imperative to a successful plan. Its essentially a back up plan for any unforeseen miss haps or events. In this project it could be particularly important because we may have to rely on others throughout. We may try and get people to cook specific things to then photograph but it might fall through depending on our timing throughout the topic. We have a couple of ideas in place so if our first plan falls through it should be ok. We may have to book certain places to actually take the pictures. We will ask around to try and find someone who will let us photograph their food. We will ask more than one person or business just so we have more of a guarantee and if one backs out we have another option. We will make a schedule of all the timing and slightly over judge it so that if anything goes wrong we have more time rather than less.

PersonnelWhat size team will you use for your production (large or small)? How many people will you have in your team? Why?For our production, we would probably use a medium sized team, this would probably

consist of six people. A medium to large group would be better because things wouldn’t be as hectic. This means things are spread between people, so no one is overly busy.

We would need two photographers, two graphic designer, a project manager and a producer.

The two photographers would go out and take the pictures which are needed for the project.

The two graphic designers would do all the graphic work and actually create the work that is needed.

The project manager would make sure that the photographers and the graphic designers were doing the right thing and staying on task.

The producer would be the one to organise mostly paper work, but sometimes also organise different trips and events, for example, the photographer may have a photo shoot for the project and the producer would sort all this out.

PersonnelWhat job roles would you have in your production and what skills and experience would be required?We will need a camera man to take the photos and show the product in the best light this

will either be me or Dan. The experience that me and Dan have is from our previous photo based projects and we have learnt a few techniques using focus and light. We have enough photographic to knowledge to hopefully get some quality images.

We will also have a project manager which will help us organise everything through out the project. We will probably split the project manager job role down the middle so as that we get a shared level of creative in put. The skills that we have are the team working skills that we have acquired from the last 12 years worth of education. We may also need a model which should be alright in terms of getting one. We can just ask any of our friends or relatives.

We will need a chef to cook the food in our images. The chef will be someone we know either from my place of work or Dan's mother will be baking cakes. The level of quality and skill between our two options vary as they are two different specifics in the field of cooking. Both are skilled in their own areas so the quality of the food should be to a high standard.

PersonnelHow could you find people to be in your production team?There are a few ways of finding people to be on your production. If you have been in a

production team before or know anyone who is capable of doing the things you need them to do, for example, you may know or have worked with a photographer in the past in previous production teams. These kind of people tend to be friends that you have got to know through working in this industry.

You can also advertise to find people that are able to do the stuff you need them to do. For example, you could have a mini advertising article published in a newspaper like The Guardian. The Guardian is usually a big newspaper that is known to have a lot of job advertisements in them. Advertising on advertisement websites such as can also help to find people that are willing to do the job, because instead of you finding them, they are finding you.

FacilitiesList the equipment, resources and facilities you need for your production and its source

Equipment/Facility/Resources needed for production

College Self Client

camera maybe yes

Tripod yes

Ingredients for food yes

Design software yes

studio yes


Contributor Type of Contributor

Team member Talent

Client Public

Tutor Expert

Photographer of Sourced Images Public

LocationsWhat method could you employ to identify locations needed for your production (production/ post production facilities) and how could this be useful?You should do a recce, a recce is were you find out everything about a location to see

whether or not it is suitable for what you require. A recce is useful to help you find out specific things about a location like-

How long does it take to travel to? Do you need permission to use it?Does it look appropriate for what you need?Is it safe to use?Does it cost any money to get to/use?This can be really useful because if you have your heart set on a location something could go wrong. You could really want to use somewhere but then find out that it will cost far too much or you could find out its too much of an unsafe environment to work in and depending on how far you are into the project it could really throw you off in terms of progress. Another thing is you may need a well lit area and you may only be able to achieve that in a studio so doing a recce is appropriate when deciding whether or not a place is applicable.

LocationsAre there any limitations or risks you would need to consider for your locations?

Location Limitation/RiskRestaurant

YorkCity Centre

• You maybe limited on the amount of equipment that you can carry. This would be the case if you were travelling by bus, bike or walking.

• You may get ran over.• Loss of equipment. • It cost to get the bus• There may be a limit on how long we have to get there and back.• Risk of being injured in the restaurant by cutlery.• May be a limit to lighting.

StudioYork College

• Hard to keep food warm.

Home • Limited on the way you would present your food.• May be bad lighting.• Risk of injury whilst making the food.• The food may not be to a professional looking standard.

Codes of Practice - ClearancesWhat is a model/location release form and why is it important to your production?A model/location release form is something to say that you can freely photograph in

your chosen area with your models and there can be no legal reprisal from the area.

You need a location release form because you don’t want any interruptions throughout the project. If we are photographing in a good area we don’t want to be kicked out by the law half way through a really promising shoot. If you don’t collect all the legal information needed you may be at the other end of a law suit depending on the owners discretion.

You also need a model release form so that you can re use the images of the model that you have taken on the day and they become completely yours from then on. You could get into some bad predicaments with models if you don’t get the legal provisions down to a tee. There have been a lot of incidents including model and what they think is their missed out money.

Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Which regulatory body’s guidelines would you need to follow when creating your production?To make sure you are abiding by the rules of what is right and wrong in advertising, we

could use the Advertising Standard Authority website to check out what we are able to do. For example, if I were to be using pictures of Superman on the cupcakes that I were taking pictures of, this would be classed as copyright and would not be able to be used. The only way you be able to use this is if you were to get in contact with the creators of Superman and ask for an agreement to make sure that what you are doing is ok. If you were to not ask them, and just go along with using the Superman cupcakes, you could easily get prosecuted, and lose a lot of money.

Codes of Practice - LegalWhat legal requirements will you have to consider in your project and what aspects do they relate to?

Aspect of Production Legal ConsiderationTaking photographs Make sure no minors are involved and if they are ask permission of their


Taking photographs Make sure that you have a location release form .

Distributing images Make sure you have the model release form so no one can be sued.

Sourcing images Make sure there's no copyright infringements if we use anyone else images. ( get permission)

Being paid Make sure you have a hard copy of the employers said amount of being paid so that you can get messed around or short changed.

Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Where can you source information from regarding these guidelines?You could get the information from going against these guidelines off a website called

ASA which is the Advertising Standards Authority. The ASA state all the different things that you should not put into your adverts, such as racist, sexist, or any details which may be a lie to try and get your product seen and known to be then bought.

CAP is the equivalent to ASA but only dedicated to advertisements on televisions and computers, whereas ASA is dedicated to advertisement on paper. The rules differ slightly but not much.

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