praying and affirming for a job, by mary kretzmann

Post on 10-Apr-2015






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Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry; Includes Paramhansa Yogananda's "Affirmation for Material Success"


Praying and Affirming for a JobBy Mary Kretzmann, Director, Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry

We receive prayer requests for every type of human need, physical, mental and spiritual. Over the years, we have received a fair number or requests regarding the need for employment. While this need for “right livelihood” and prosperity and has been an ongoing human need throughout history, we can see patterns in the ebb and flow of the prayer requests regarding this topic over the last 20 years in the ministry. Since so many jobs have been lost recently, I offer this for those all looking for work now.

In prosperous times, we would get a few prayer requests for jobs because people wanted to realize a higher potential in their career or income. I would normally counsel them on how to apply their own energy and divine will power, using positive thinking, and the affirmations as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda. I then put them on the prayer list for general blessings in body, mind and, soul. I did not want to emphasize the material needs of those prayer requests in prosperous times, when we already had so many pressing needs on the list, such as severe illnesses.

I saw an increase in prayer requests for jobs once the baby boomers hit their 50’s, right when so many of the US jobs were being outsourced. Suddenly many people who were well educated were out of a job. They hadn’t planned on this. For some reason, most of them were men, and they were now dependant on their wives for financial support, should they be so lucky. Others moved in with Mom. This represented a true human need for material survival, as well as for marital and family harmony.

I realized these people needed extra support. There is a common thought that men in their 50’s, once out of work, are almost unemployable, and might not find work again, and certainly not a “good” job. Well, luckily, it’s not my job to fix the nation; my task is simply to do my best for those who ask for our help and prayers. Sometimes they come to me after they have been out of work for many months, or even well more than a year. So, my first question is always, “Are you serious about this? Do you really want a job?”

I need to know if they were done with the “plus side” of being unemployed. You know – the days off, and the thought/dream/fantasy that anything could happen, including a great new job offer that comes in from left field, like a total gift from above. People need that phase, really. They just don’t need it to go on forever, because being unemployed begins to take on it’s own reality, such as in more casual dressing, later breakfasts, no shoes, etc. This is death to the job search. So, what follows is my process of how I have guided people, while we also pray for them. Those who followed this whole plan with gusto usually had a job in about 2 weeks. Yes – 2 weeks! Apply your positive energy!

To learn more, see my free e-booklet: Opening to Divine Abundance.Next: See ‘Mary Kretzmann’s job search plan’ on the next page. Print it out, and use it!

1. Do you really want a job? And are you willing to follow through, and do my plan? It is important to get this agreement right from the start. This is partly to save my breath, but also to eliminate the ‘a la carte’ or “pick and choose” mentality. Since “their way” has not worked, I need to see if they are willing to apply full positive energy in new direction that is bound to bring them many benefits. My question assumes they trust me, which they do. (That is why they called.) If they say ‘yes,’ (which they all do) then we proceed to:

2. What kind of job? What are your best bets? If that field seems blocked, or glutted, we will still work and affirm for it, but I will also ask:

3. Is there any training or certification that you can acquire in a relatively short amount of time that will enhance your chances and value in your chosen field? And I will also ask:

4. What is your second best option, and how can we can we make it better? Sometimes, especially once a person is in his 50’s, we must cultivate the concept of practical flexibility. Paramhansa Yogananda said that most people, once they hit age 40, become “psychological antiques.” This negative quality is also death to the job search, so, be flexible and try to look at things in a fresh way.

5. What time did you normally get up, have breakfast, and leave for work? 6. Okay – that is your new schedule. Vacation is over. Be dressed and ready for

work. This helps gets your vibration in tune with employment. (Note, this can be adjusted, if necessary, to a generic Monday to Friday, 9-5 model. But that means – ready to be at work from 9-5 – dressed, fed and ready to go. It would also mean a commute time…Work with this idea. It is there to help YOU.

7. How would you dress each day for your preferred job? Suit? Khakis and shirt with tie, or no tie? What kind of shoes? (For women, I ask the same questions, but geared to female clothing). Once this has been discussed I say:

8. You will now dress for your preferred work each day…including shoes. If you normally pad around the house barefoot, too bad: You don’t now. You are “at work.” If you are barefoot indoors for spiritual or cultural reasons, then buy yourself a brand new pair of work shoes, and wear them indoors only, as “clean” shoes. Once you have a job, you can then use them as regular work shoes. Do not use slippers for this purpose, or any form of shoes you would not wear at your preferred job, because:

9. Studies have been done regarding shoes/no shoes. This involved telemarketers who worked from home. People could tell, simply from their voice, etc., whether or not they were wearing shoes. So, think what this does to your work vibe when you call for an interview, or even worse, do a phone interview for a job! The employer might not think –“Oh he’s not wearing shoes,” but, rather, “He seems dreamy or not very serious, or like he doesn’t really want this job.”

10. Positive thinking: memorize the Material Success Affirmation by Paramhansa Yogananda (enclosed). Memorize it line by line, if you have to. This embeds it into your subconscious where it can do battle with your negative and discouraged thought patterns. It is very powerful to do this right before bed, and right when you wake up. That really gets it into your thought patterns. But – while you are looking for work, please also do it during the day. Your “work” now is to memorize it. Write it out, many times. Get the job done!

11. Read Money Magnetism, by J. Donald Walters. This will enhance your understanding and inner growth regarding all of these related issues of your positive things and how you might either attract, or repel, the job opportunities you want and need right now. You need all of your inner forces to work together positively right NOW. (This step is extra – the plan will work without it. But I recommend it for added understanding. It may make the difference in increasing your magnetism to get your absolute BEST job.)

12. You are now ready for your job search. Approach your job search like a job in itself. Make a to-do list, work at it, and take specified breaks, and then get back to “work.” Network with people, etc.

13. Write a brief, positive statement about finding work. Keep the statement in present tense. Not “I will find” but I am finding work now… You can add in a few specifics, but don’t be too rigid. Say your statement right before each phone call or interview, etc. Keep this one brief. It can even be a line from the big affirmation: Material Success Affirmation

14. Review questions 3 and 4. The emphasis should be on things that can be accomplished in a relatively short, focused and decisive manner. “Short” can mean anything from a few weeks to a program that takes a couple of months, or even a year. Interestingly, it is normally the willingness to retrain, or certify, that increases the person’s magnetism. I frequently see them get a job before they have had a chance to complete the program. But this gets them out of a discouraged rut. However, you still have to follow through on this…get started!

15. Improve your skills as part of your “work day.” If you have decided on some plan of improvement, then be definite about it. Make it a scheduled part of your 8 hour “work day.” This action creates magnetism for getting the right job. You need to be moving forward. This gets you OUT of the pack of psychological antiques.

16. Go clean your room…You’ve probably heard of feng shui. I won’t tell you to hang doo-dads. But if your place is a mess, or if the closets are too cluttered, then that is blocking the energy, too. Really. Fix it, as a scheduled part of your workday. I’m by no means perfect about this…but I have a job! You don’t! So get busy. If you are really challenged in this area, see www. .

17. Finally, find some way to be of help to others. This is an important step, and it increases one’s spiritual magnetism and grace, or “good karma” if you like to use that term. You don’t want to do it to manipulate divine law, but rather to get in tune with divine law. Do something every day to be of help to others, without seeking payment. (Don’t refuse payment if it is offered, since you are looking for a job, after all.) But be willing to serve others “for free” as part of “Mary K’s plan” to help you get a job. If nothing else, it gives you something to do. Get off the couch and go help somebody! This generates a positive energy and magnetism, which helps you get that special job, if you add it to the rest of the plan, above.

Material Success AffirmationBy Paramhansa Yogananda, Scientific Healing Affirmations, 1924 edition

Thou art my FatherSuccess and joy.I am Thy childSuccess and joy.All the wealth of this earthAll the riches of the universeBelong to Thee, belong to Thee.I am Thy child.The wealth of earth and universeBelongs to me, belongs to meO belongs to me, belongs to me.I lived in thoughts of povertyAnd wrongly fancied I was poorSo I was poor.Now I am home and Thy consciousnessHas made me wealthy, made me rich.I am success, I am rich.Thou art my treasure, I am rich, I am rich.Thou art everything, Thou art everything.Thou art mine.I have everything, I have everything.I am wealthy, I am rich.I have everything, I have everything.I possess all and everythingEven as Thou dost, even as Thou dost.I possess everything, I possess everything.Thou art my wealth.I have everything.

More Prayers and Affirmations from Paramhansa Yogananda:

“I will find something each day for which to give thanks, and thus form the habit of gratitude for all the good gifts the Father has bestowed upon me.”

“Father Divine, I care not what I may permanently possess, but give me the power to acquire at will whatever I may daily need.”

Opening to Divine Abundance, By Mary Kretzmann

Money Magnetism, By J. Donald Walters. This book has the power to change your life. It contains techniques and keys for attracting to yourself the power and success in life…

“Healing With Divine Energy” Seminars, with Mary Kretzmann

Meditation Supplies: From our family to you, with love:

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