ppa best practice - vouchers and coupons - sep 2013.docx

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  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    Best Practicefor Coupons & Vouchers

    September 2013

    Endorsed by:

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    Introduction 4

    Who has endorsed the Best Practice? 5

    Who Should Read It? 5

    Now read on!! 5

    Setting the Scene - Coupon Actiit" Basic #acts $

    !#E V$%E C$SE 'O( VOC#E(S ) !#E E*S!($+E

    %he &alue Case 'or &ouchers in the Newstrade (

    %he &oucher Sche)e *perations Process +

    %he &oucher Rede)ption Process ,

    Ris.s ,/

    %he 0ierarch o' Ris.s ,1

    %he Call to Action 2 Strengthening the &oucher Case ,4

    Industr Choices 3 *pportunities ,5

    !#E BES! P($C!)CE

    againe &ouchers %echnical 6uidance ,7 8,9:

    PPA Pu;lishers S)art 6uide to &oucher Sche)e Sa'et 14

    PPA %op %en %ips 'or againe &ouchers 1$

    PPA Retailer S)art 6uide to &ouchers 17

    2 Processing Alerts 1(

    =eeloping a #eed;ac. oop with &oucher Processers 1+

    )'O(,$!)O SO(CES- CO!$C!S- %).S 4

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    Pro)otional coupons 3 ouchers are alua;le )ar.eting tools 'or )againe pu;lishers@ %here has;een stead growth in their usage in the period /$ 2 /,@ atest 'igures 'or /, indicate thatso)e 517)illion ouchers were redee)ed@ %here has ;een a large increase in coupons useda)ong 55-$4 ear olds which is a clear signal to adapt pro)otions to appeal to the )atureconsu)er@ %he total alue o' coupons redee)ed was ust under 5 )illion 84++):" a dra)aticrise o' /5 on the preious ear@ In recent ears a nu);er o' challenges hae also ;eco)eeident and these need to ;e 'ull understood and addressed to ensure that added alue 'or all

    sta.eholders continues to ;e deliered against pu;lishers inest)ent@Coupon and oucher downloads continue to grow in popularit with // stating that thehae used a oucherDcoupon 'ound on the internet oer the last ,/ )onths@

    %he &oucher Best Practice is presented in two parts@ !he Va/ue Case for Vouchersdescri;es theprocesses and ris.s associated with running success'ul ca)paigns@ It also states the case 'orstrengthening the oucher cause and o''ers practical suggestions to )aintain the position 'or the'uture !he Best Practicesu))arises eEisting guidance to all )e);ers o' the oucher alue chainspeci'icall indicating the target audience o' readers@ 6uidelines hae ;een prepared to assistpu;lishers" distri;utors" wholesalers" retailers and processing houses> understanding o' runningsuccess'ul pro)otional sche)es@

    oo.ing to the 'uture the newstrade is 'aced with a nu);er o' challenging decisions to ensure thatcoupons and ouchers retain their i)portance in the pro)otional ar)our and there'ore continue todrie sales 'or the ;ene'it o' all@ %he choices and strategic opportunities which need to ;e addressedare su))arised on page ,5@ %hese will 'or) the ;asis o' 'uture actiit" generating a range o' wor.strea)s to address the issues head-on@

    P+$!E+: oember 2011

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    *#O #$S E+O(SE+ !#E BES! P($C!)CE

    %he Voucher Best Practicehas ;een co)piled ; a cross-industr wor.ing group co)prising)e);ers o' the Pro'essional Pu;lishers Association 8PPA:" wholesaler and retailer representatiesand eEecutie )e);ers o' the Institute o' Pro)otional ar.eting 8IP:" whose technical.nowledge and support has ;een inalua;le@ Consultation has also ta.en place with couponrede)ption houses@ All organisations hae gien their 'ull endorse)ent and 'urther support iscurrentl ;eing sought 'ro) retail trade associations@

    *#O S#O%+ (E$+ )!

    It is intended that this docu)ent ;e read and used ;F

    circulation" operations and cop design tea)s o' ma"aine pub/ishers and distributors

    operational directors and )anagers o' 4ho/esa/ers- independent and mu/tip/e retai/ers

    .e )anagers at oucher processin" houses

    =irectors and adisor sta'' at trade associationssupporting all Newstrade interests@

    It is also anticipated that a range o' users who access in'or)ation 'ro) the National %itle #ile will ;ene'it'ro) understanding the principles inoled@

    O* (E$+ O55

    %he 'ollowing pages are designed to gie a co)prehensie oer-iew o'FGe industr trends in couponDoucher actiit%he alue case 'or pro)otional ouchers in the NewstradeSche)e operational 3 rede)ption processesRis.s 3 danger signs and how to deal with the)*pportunities 'or the 'uture%he Best Practice 'or all those inoled in Newstrade &oucher sche)esIn'or)ation Sources" Contacts and Internet in.s

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    Settin" the Scene 6 Coupon $ctiity- Basic 'acts

    !he /atest data reported in 2011

    738 mi//ionouchers redee)ed in the HG in /,@ %he total alue o' ouchersredee)ed a)ounted to 5 )illion 84++):" a dra)atic rise o'

    /5 on the preious ear@

    39o' all ouchers issued are distri;uted in Newspapers 3 againesB 'ar the largest distri;ution )ethod

    12o' all redee)ed ouchers are 'ro) newspapers 3 )againesB 'ar the largest single rede)ption categor

    ;1 o' consu)ers use coupons 8up 'ro) 5/ in une /,:" /4 stated that the usecoupons )ore 'reJuentl@

    22 o' consu)er>s state that the hae used a oucher 'ound on the internet oer the last,/ )onths showing the internet continues to grown in popularit@

    29o' the $5K age group stated the were loo.ing out )ore 'or pro)otional o''ers than aear ago 8,$ in une /,:@

    Source: Va/assis

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    !#E V$%E C$SE 'O( VOC#E(S ) !#E E*S!($+E

    Coupons and ouchers sere as eEcellent strategic tools 'or )againe sales pro)otion@ %he cano''er opportunities 'or pro)otional discounts" incentiising custo)ers to sa)ple new title launches"reisit old 'aourites or eEtend reading horions@ %he can ;e an e''ectie wa o' ;uildingcirculation loalt and supporting titles at ti)es o' product @

    %he alue case 'or ouchers in the newstrade is 'ounded on )an perceied ;ene'its" rein'orcingthe )assie alue o' 7@/) RS& spending which passes through the news trade each wee.@

    Coupons and ouchers 'ul'il a nu);er o' i)portant )ar.eting o;ectiesF

    %he proide custo)ers with perceied added alue

    =rie 'oot'all into stores

    Increase )ar.et penetration

    Attract new custo)ers

    Increase sales Introduce new products

    Lncourage ;rand loalt

    Re-actiate lapsed consu)ers

    Lnter new )ar.ets

    Support products at point o' sale

    =raw attention to the titleD;rand

    Counteract co)petitor actiit

    Lncourage repeat purchase 3 ;rand loalt

    Reduce eEcessie stoc. leels

    Lncourage to higher priced products

    Cushion the i)pact o' price increases custo)er ;ehaiour

    Collect alua;le personalised consu)er data

    In'luence the shopper at the shopping list stage

    Coupon 3 oucher sche)es areF

    Muic. 3 eas to arrange



    A good ;asis 'or data collection

    And 9 Customers /ior . promotiona/ too/

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    Scenario 1 = (edemption ia )ndependent (etai/er

    Consu)er redee)s oucher with retailer

    Retailer sends oucher to wholesaler and receies credit

    Wholesaler sends oucher to 0andling 0ouse and receies credit

    0andling 0ouse counts and charges either Pu;lisher or =istri;utor and proides rede)ption 'igures

    0andling 0ouse can return phsical ouchers to =istri;utor and Pu;lisher on reJuest

    Pu;lisher or =istri;utor credits 0andling 0ouse

    Scenario 2 = (edemption ia 'SO #and/in" #ouse to +istributor

    Consu)er redee)s oucher with retailer

    Retailer sends oucher to #ull Serice *ption 0andling 0ouse and receies credit

    0andling 0ouse counts and charges either Pu;lisher or =istri;utor and proides rede)ption 'igures

    0andling 0ouse can return phsical ouchers to =istri;utor and Pu;lisher on reJuest

    Pu;lisher or =istri;utor credits 0andling 0ouse

    Scenario 3 = (edemption ia (etai/ $ffidait

    ?!esco = non paid@

    Consu)er redee)s oucher with %esco

    %esco destros redee)ed ouchers

    %esco =ata Agent proide store leel rede)ption data to =istri;utor or Pu;lisher

    =istri;utor or Pu;lisher alidates rede)ption and credits %esco

    N; 2 I' optional oucher 'ee is paid ; pu;lisher" rede)ption alidation is proided ; %esco

    Scenario A = (edemption ia #and/in" #ouse to Pub/isher

    Consu)er redee)s oucher with retailer

    Retailer sends oucher to 0andling 0ouse and receies credit

    0andling 0ouse counts and charges either Pu;lisher or =istri;utor and proides rede)ption 'igures

    0andling 0ouse can return phsical ouchers to =istri;utor and Pu;lisher on reJuest

    Pu;lisher or =istri;utor credits 0andling 0ouse

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    =espite their alue as i)portant )eans o' sales pro)otion all oucher sche)es carr a degreeo' ris.@ Pu;lishers should ;e aware o' potential ris.s in order to i)proe their decisions on the)ost appropriate 'or) o' ouchering to achiee )aEi)u) i)pact at )ini)u) ris.@

    ,is6redemption2 Custo)ers redee) ouchers against so)ething other than the product

    stated on the oucher

    ,a/6redemption2 Atte)pts to 'raudulentl pro'it 'ro) )ultiple rede)ption o' ouchers

    when no purchase has ;een )ade@

    L@g@F ultiple high alue ouchers clipped 'ro) low alue )edia and su;)itted 'or ;ul.rede)ption@

    ,anipu/ation2Someonline downloada;le ouchers )a ;e )anipulated ;

    so'tware to change the ;ar code" )a.ing it scan 'or a higher alue than the pro)otional)essage suggests or direct rede)ption costs to another issuer@

    &oucher processing houses are ;rie'ed to ;e igilant 'or atte)pts at )al-rede)ption andre'er instances to ;rand owners 'or 'urther inestigation@ Pa)ent to clai)ants )a ;ewithheld pending 'urther inestigation@

    Coupons as Cash2 Certain we;sites o''er adice to users on how to use coupons as

    cash@ %he rede)ption policies o' the )aor super)ar.et groups hae recentl ;eenchanged to reJuire that pro)oted products )ust ;e purchased ;e'ore ouchers can ;eredee)ed@

    Coupons for Sa/e2 In co))on with )an other products" ;ul. Juantities o' newstrade

    ouchers are so)eti)es o''ered 'or sale to the highest ;idder on well .nown online auctionwe;sites@ %hese )a ;e out o' date or inalid ouchers@ Atte)pts to redee) the) throughretailers )a result in the) ;eing disadantaged i' ouchers are reected ; clearinghouses@

    L''orts ; the Institute o' Pro)otional ar.eting" PPA and so)e )edia owners hae achieedso)e i)portant progress@ Please see !he Ca// to $ction8page ,4:@

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    !he #ierarchy of (is

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    !#E C$%% !O $C!)O = S!(ED!#E)D !#E VOC#E( C$SE

    Coupons and ouchers are a power'ul )ar.eting tool@ 0oweer" their potential isco)pro)ised ; )is and )al-rede)ption which costs )ar.eters oer / annuall8source Institute o' Pro)otional ar.eting:@

    isrede)ption is a continuing threat and has )ore than dou;led in the last 'ie ears@

    %he 'ierce co)petition 'or custo)ers in the grocer retail sector has in the past resulted in)isrede)ption o' so)e tpes o' ouchers@ #or eEa)ple where one super)ar.et o''ers toredee) ouchers issued ; a co)petitor@

    *er the last ten ears the Institute o' Pro)otional ar.eting 8IP: has ;een as.edrepeatedl ; )an )e);ers to assist in eli)inating consu)er )isrede)ption@ IPrepresents the interests o' a wide range o' )aor )anu'acturers" retailers and )ediaowners@

    *n ;ehal' o' its // )e);ers the IP is o;liged to protect coupons and ouchers asalua;le )ar.eting tools@ %he re)ain the strongest independent price pro)otiontechniJue at )ar.etersQ discretion@

    IP intends to )ini)ise and ulti)atel eradicate the waste caused ; coupon)isrede)ption" and to restore this )ar.eting tool to its 'ull potential

    IP>s Strategies are toF Coordinate the iews and interests o' di''erent sta.eholders and ;ro.er progress in

    a co-operatie )anner #acilitate a practical approach to )ini)ising )isrede)ption in the short-ter)" whilst

    pro)oting progress towards sste)-;ased solutions in the )ediu) 3 long-ter)

    Lnsure adeJuate proect support and 'unding

    A nu);er o' tactics and )easure)ent approaches are currentl ;eing discussed to

    achiee and Juanti'F =eclines in the olu)e 3 alue o' )is and )al-rede)ption

    A)end)ent o' consu)er perceptions towards )is and )al-rede)ption

    Restored growth in the use o' coupons 3 ouchers ; )anu'acturers" retailers and

    )edia owners

    So)e i)portant progress has ;een achieed through the IP>s e''orts to date@

    In une /+ eBayintroduced a ,anufacturers Vouchers Po/icy@

    New rules state that electronicall scanned coupons will not ;e per)itted 'or sale@ All coupons andouchers sold through eBa )ust ;e phsicall deliered to the ;uer and not sent ; electronic)eans 'or ho)e printing@ eBa also as.s sellers not to place clear" unaltered scans o' couponsand ouchers in their listings that could ;e copied" printed and redee)ed@

    Bul. coupon and oucher sales are also disallowed@ Such listings are de'ined as those o''ering)ore than / coupons or ouchers 'or the sa)e ite) or )ore than , in total@ Coupon andoucher inserts ta.en 'ro) newspapers are li)ited to 'ie per listing@


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    pro)oted product has ;een purchased@ Actiit continues to persuade retailers operating a

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    se of retai/ers o4n bar codes on retai/er specific promotions

    Supp/yin" redemption processin" houses 4ith /ists of non6e/i"ib/e stoc

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    BES! P($C!)CE

    !hese sections 4ithin the Best Practice summarise eHistin" "uidance to a//members of the coupon and oucher a/ue chain

    !he intended audience for each section is c/ear/y si"nposted

    $ppropriate internet /in

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    pdated September 2013


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    ,@ Introduction" Best Practice *;ecties" Scope 1

    /@ &oucher Creation 2 Chec.list 4

    1@ Creating a &oucher? 51@, 6eneral 6uidance 51@/ Internet &ouchers $1@1 &oucher 0andling Costs $1@4 &oucher Sie and Shape $1@5 &oucher %eEt $1@$ Closing dates 71@7 Rede)ption Periods 71@( &alue 71@+ aterials 7

    4@ &oucher Bar Codes (4@, Positioning (4@/ Structure (4@1 PIN Codes +4@4 PIN Code Structure ,

    5@ Co))unication ,,

    AppendiE , Standard &oucher Speci'ication ,/

    AppendiE / &oucher Noti'ication docu)ent ,1

    AppendiE 1 againe Pu;lisher D WholesalerStandards and Best Practice Agree)ents ,4

    &oucher Processing - againe Pu;lishersWholesaler Best Practice

    Press =istri;ution Code -&oucher Processing

    AppendiE 4 &oucher Clearing 0ouses 2 contact list ,$

    AppendiE 5 Pu;lisher contact list ,7


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    1 )ntroduction%his docu)ent proides guidance 'or the application o' ;est practice in oucher design and processing@Adherence to these principles will proide a plat'or) 'or the s)ooth and e''icient processing o'ouchers throughout the suppl chain@

    %he guidelines are endorsed ;F

    %he National #ederation o' Retail Newsagents 8N#RN:"

    British Retail Consortiu) 8BRC:"

    Pro'essional Pu;lishers Association 8PPA: and the

    Association o' Newspaper and againe Wholesalers 8ANW:

    Association o' News Retailing 8ANR:

    Best Practice Ob>ecties

    8a: %o create a oucher ca)paign that is clear to understand 'or ;oth consu)ers and retailers

    8;: %o achiee )aEi)u) pu;lisher ca)paign e''ectieness@8c: %o ensure production and processing operates e''icientl throughout the suppl chain8d: %o achiee Industr Standard 8Press =istri;ution Code: reJuire)ents@8e: %o adhere to PPA D ANW ;est practice guidelines

    Poorl designed ouchers that do not 'ollow ;est practice create ;oth retailer and" )ore i)portantl"reader con'usion@ %his leads to reluctance to redee),adds considera;l to retailer and wholesalerprocessing costs and reduces the e''ectieness o' the pro)otion@

    Scope%hese guidance notes coer the )againe industr reJuire)ents 'or ouchers that gie )one o''O a

    no)inated )againe and hae ;een designed to ;e redee)ed through the retail D wholesale D clearinghouses@ %he also outline the reJuire)ents 'or all parties within the suppl chain@

    Since the introduction o' these guidelines in /4D5 the nu);er o' errors generated ; non-co)plianceto these standards has signi'icantl reduced@ our cooperation in ensuring all new ouchers put into thenews suppl chain ; our co)panies )eet these guidelines is greatl appreciated@

    *ne area I would li.e ou all to 'ocus on in /( is ensuring ouchers )eet the guidelines 'or sie Dshape

    I' ou hae an co))ents or Juestions please contact

    0oward Birch"%el@ ,7+1 5$1$+/L)ail howard@;irchTs)ithsnews@co@u.


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    2 Voucher Creation = Chec

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    3 Creatin" a Voucher

    When a oucher is issued consu)ers" retailers" wholesalers and clearing houses each hae reJuire)ents tohandle it e''icientl@

    It )ust ;e )ade clear to consumerswhat the>re ;eing o''ered" where the o''er can ;e redee)edand the ti)e duration 'or the o''er@

    (etai/ersare relied upon to accept ouchers and gie consu)ers the correct saing and it is in the

    interest o' all pro)oters to ensure that their ouchers can ;e processed Juic.l and e''icientl ; allretailers" wholesalers and clearing houses@

    Anone responsi;le 'or the design andDor issue o' a oucher to ;e redee)ed through the retail or

    wholesale trade should re'er to these guidance notes to ensure that their ouchers adhere to thereJuire)ents o' good design@

    31 Denera/ Duidance

    In )ost instances ouchers are handed to retailers as part o' a cash pa)ent and it is" there'ore" ita/ thatthe cash a/ue is c/ear/y sho4n on each oucherto preent con'usion at rede)ption and possi;le delasat retailer chec.outs@ &ouchers are o'ten presented to newsagents at ;us periods and there'ore to ensureretailersQ co))it)ent to oucher rede)ption" the oucher rede)ption alue and alidit instructions should;e eas to read@

    %o aoid con'usion with per)anent and pro)otional coer price changes" it is reco))ended that thereduced retail price is not included on ouchers@

    Separate ouchers should ;e issued 'or each pro)otional alue@ ultiple choiceDalue ouchers should ;e

    aoided 'or the 'ollowing reasonsF-

    , %he create con'usion/ %here is a ris. o' inaccurate co)pletion

    Where )ultiple choiceDalue ouchers are used" a handling allowance surcharge )a;e incurred@

    &ouchers printed within pu;lications or lea'lets" should not hae Bar Codes or alidit dates too close to cutout lines to aoid da)age when cut or torn 'ro) the pu;lication@

    Where possi;le" ouchers should ;e issue speci'ic and onl show their U)one o''U cash alue on the 'ront o'the oucher@

    Whilst it is i)portant 'or the )ar.eting )essage to ;e coneed" it is i)portant that the oucher itsel' isuna);iguous@ %he narratie o' the pac. or surrounding teEt can e)plo e)otie and power'ul )essagingU'or ,U Uhal' priceU ;ut )ust ;e easil understood ; all leels o' sta''@ So the alue o' the oucher )ust ;epredo)inant on the oucher itsel'@

    With the eEception o' the reader rede)ption alidation date 8which should ;e shown clearl on the 'ront o'the oucher:" rede)ption instructions should ;e in s)all print@ Wholesaler rede)ption instructions are notreJuired on ouchers" as these )ust ;e agreed prior to the distri;ution o' the oucher@

    Pro)otional )essages should not ;e included on ouchers to ensure the alue and alidit )essage o' theoucher is eas to read ; ;oth the reader and retailer@A clear indication around the ;order o' the oucher itsel' should appear as dotted or UcutU lines@

    Also chec. that the oucher is not printed on the reerse o' another oucher" or on the reerse o' an other;ar code@


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    32 )nternet Vouchers

    Secure ouchering solutions should ;e considered to aoid the dangers o' 'raudulent coping and clai)s@#urther in'or)ation )a ;e o;tained 'ro) the .e pu;lisherDdistri;utor contacts shown in appendiE 5@

    33 Voucher #and/in" Costs

    Where a pro)otional sche)e ta.es the 'or) o' a oucher that is redee)a;le through the newstrade the

    'ollowing costs will ;e incurredF

    A handling allowance 'or the retailer@

    A handling charge 'ro) the wholesaler D oucher clearing house@

    %hese costs should ;e ;udgeted 'or when planning a oucher ca)paign@

    3A Voucher Sie and Shape

    &ouchers should all ;e o' a si)ilar sie to ease the handling process at retail" wholesale and clearinghouses@ &er large or er s)all ouchers should ;e aoided as these add to the handling ti)e and tooerall process costs@


    ini)u) sieF 4/)) height E 7)) width

    aEi)u) sieF +/)) height E ,/()) width

    &ouchers that are incorporated into lea'lets or other pro)otional )aterial should ;e eas to detach"pre'era;l per'orated@

    37 Voucher !eHt

    &ouchers should carr clear instructions to ;oth consu)er and retailer on usage and rede)ption@

    Consumer instructionsshould ;e worded along the 'ollowing linesF

    Hand this voucher to your newsagent to claim your copy of The Magazine. Only one voucher can be usedagainst each item purchased. lease do not attempt to redeem this voucher against any other product asrefusal to accept may cause embarrassment and delay at the chec!out.Or

    resent this voucher to your news retailer to receive ""p off the cover price of The """ on the dateindicated overleaf. This voucher may only be redeemed against a single copy of The """. #ot valid in

    con$unction with any other offer. %ouchers are not transferable and are not valid outside the &'.

    (etai/er instructionsshould ;e worded along the 'ollowing linesF

    The Magazine than!s you for accepting this voucher. lease return this voucher to your wholesaler toreceive your credit ( handling allowance within ) days from the consumer e"piry date printed on the front ofthis voucher, or specific date.Or

    The """ than!s you for accepting this voucher. lease return it within "" days of receipt *or specific date+ toyour wholesaler to receive the amount of ""p plus "p handling charge. #otice this voucher is nottransferable. -ccepting it in lieu of payment for any other article constitutes fraud.


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    3; C/osin" dates

    Where an o''er closing date is applied" this should ;e clearl and pro)inentl )ar.ed using the words &aliduntil9O

    38 (edemption Periods

    %he consu)er rede)ption eEpir date 'or againe issue speci'ic pro)otions should ;e a )ini)u) o' 4wee.s a'ter the end o' the on sale period@

    #or non-issue speci'ic pro)otions" the consu)er rede)ption eEpir date will ;e as adised ; the pu;lisheron the oucher noti'ication adice@ Wholesaler rede)ption to retailer will ;e deter)ined ; the wholesalers>'inal date 'or credit as adised ; pu;lishers on the oucher noti'ication adice@ %his should ;e a )ini)u) o'( wee.s a'ter the rede)ption eEpir date@

    in Consu)er rede)ption period 4 w.s" /( das

    in Retail rede)ption period @@@ additional / w.s" ,4 das

    in Wholesaler rede)ption period @@@ additional $ w.s" 4/ das

    %otal nu);er o' das a'ter o'' sale ,/ w.s" (4 das

    %o support reducing retailer shrin." Wholesalers will credit late Retailers &oucher ReturnsOproiding it is within the wholesaler>s rede)ption period@

    3J Va/ue

    %he sterling alue should appear once as a bo/d fi"ureon the 'ront 'ace@%he words KO''Kshould appear in one ;old tpe'ace@

    39 ,ateria/s

    &ouchers should ;e printed on dura;le )aterial o' a weight and teEture" which is eas to handle withoutouchers stic.ing together or ripping although special care will ;e needed to ensure that the ;ar code willscan@


  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    A Voucher Bar Codes

    A1 Positionin"

    %he sie and de'inition o' printed ;ar codes should 'ollow international standards to ensure detection andUreadU ; electronic ;arcode reading eJuip)ent@

    Bar codes should ;e placed where the cannot ;e rendered Uunreada;leU as a result o' a newsagent>s sta)por reader handwriting@

    &oucher ;ar codes where possi;le )ust ;e uniJue 'or each pro)otion@

    LAN,1 to ;e at least ,+)) high 8including the nu);ers underneath: and /,)) across with the nu);erprinted ;eneath it@

    LAN,1 )ust hae a clear white space around it o' /)) on the le't and right and ,)) at the top and the;otto)@

    %he LAN,1 is to ;e printed ;lac. on a white ;ac.ground@

    %he alue encoded in the ;ar code should ;e the sa)e as the 'ace alue o' the oucher%his includes the light )argins that surround the ;ar code" and are sa'eguarded ; the leading digit + on thele't hand side and the light )argin cheron on the right hand side@ Ge lines should not ;e printed near the;ar code as the )a cause di''iculties when the ;ar code is scanned@ %he ;ar code" including itssurrounding light )argins" should ;e located at least 4)) 'ro) the ;ase and right hand edge o' the oucher@

    Please note that the )agni'ication range 'or LAN s);ols is 'ro) ( to /@ %he )ini)u) )agni'ication'actor that can ;e used depends on the printing )ethod and su;strate@ Hsing a )agni'ication 'actor s)allerthan the print Jualit can sustain" will i)pact on the a;ilit to scan@

    It is reco))ended that a scanning Jualit chec. should ;e )ade on all ;ar codes during production toensure the read correctl 'irst ti)e@

    A2 Structure

    %he use o' LAN ,1 ;ar codes is essentia/to ena;le pro)pt and e''icient processing o' ouchers through thesuppl chain@ &oucher Bar Codes hae a di''erent structure to pu;lication Bar Codes and reJuire a oucherissuer nu);er that can ;e o;tained 'ro) 6S, HG Staple Court" ,, Staple Inn Buildings" *N=*N" WC,&7M0@ %elF / 7+/ 15" L)ailFin'oTgs,u.@org@ N@B@ Nu);ers are onl issued to )e);er co)panies@:An issuer is allowed up to , ouchers ;e'ore another nu);er is reJuired@

    A new oucher ;arcode )ust ;e allocated 'or each new oucher alue andDor rede)ption period@ &oucher;arcodes and re'erence nu);ers )ust not ;e reused within a 1$ )onthsperiod@

    %he code 'or use in the HG is as 'ollowsF ++ NNN &&& C++ is the oucher issuer nu);er

    NNN is the oucher re'erence nu);er&&& is the rede)ption alueC is the chec. digit@


  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    &oucher re'erence nu);ers are used to identi' indiidual oucher pro)otions@ Ler di''erent oucherpro)otion" rede)ption and alidit period should ;e allocated a di''erent nu);er@&oucher re'erence nu);ers )a ;e re-used 1$ )onths a'ter the issue o' the oucher with that nu);er@

    %he rede)ption alue o' the oucher is directl represented 'ro) ,p 8&&& V ,: to +@+( 8&&& V ++(:@ #oralues greater than +@+( the code +++ is used and the rede)ption alue is .e-entered at the chec.out@

    =i''erent oucher re'erence nu);ers )ust ;e allocated when there is an change to theF

    #ace alue LEpir date or Pro)otion

    %he Issuer nu);er changes when the ;rand owner changes@ All 'uture ouchers issued should use the new;rand owner>s Issuer Nu);ers@ #ailure to do so could incur costs on ;oth parties@

    A3 P) Codes

    Additional ;ar codes can ;e added to the oucher to proide )ore in'or)ation 'or either the )anu'acturer"

    retailer or oucher clearing house or all parties@ %his in'or)ation is usuall encoded in a PIN ;ar code@%he additional ;ar code can ;e used to trac. the pro)otion" tie the oucher ;ac. to in'or)ation in adata;ase or to identi' speci'ic in'or)ation such as de)ographics etc@

    In addition to scanning the oucher ;arcode in order to pass credit to the retailer" the wholesaler D clearinghouse )a also scan the oucher PIN 8Personal Identi'ication Nu);er: ;arcode to proide )ar.eting data tothe pu;lisher@

    %he PIN Barcode )ustF

    0ae a clearance o' /)) on all sides@

    Be 45)) E ,/)) in sie

    %he nu);er )ust ;e displaed ;eneath each PIN ;arcode@

    %his ;ar code should ;e printed where possi;le horiontal to the )ain ;ar code and at least 5)) 'ro) theedge o' the )ain ;ar code 8including light )argins: so as to aoid )is-scans@I' the reerse o' the oucher is used" the )ain ;ar code should ;e on the 'ront o' the oucher and the PINcode on the reerse@

    %his additional ;ar code can ;e placed anwhere on the oucher" ensuring that its place)ent will not i)pactthe clarit o' the oucher" e@g@ along the top le't corner o' the oucher@

    AA P) Code Structure


  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    When a second ;ar code 8PIN: is used 'or )ail shot consu)er analsis" this )ust not;e in anLAN ,1 'or)at@

    %he conention 'or PIN ;ar codes is I%# / o' 5" which produces a ;arcode o' 'leEi;le length@

    It is reco))ended that PIN codes do not eEceed 1$ characters and these should incorporatethe 'ollowing


    Ch ,-4 supplierDpu;lisher identit 8issuer nu);er:Ch last chec. digit - calculated using )odulus , standard@

    PIN ;ar codes should ;e printed in line with industr standards 'or coer Bar Codes on )againes includingthe surrounding light )argins@

    #or eEa)ple" these can ;e printed using a Code 1+ or an Interleaed / o' 5 s);ols@

    Contact our clearing house 'or 'urther in'or)ation" s);ol content and adice@

    %he scanning Jualit o' these s);ols should also ;e chec.ed ;e'ore circulation@

    An dates )ust 'ollow 'or)at i' printed or i' lasered@

    An internall drien handling code nu);er can ;e inserted in this space 'or internal control" 'or eEa)ple)anu'acturer or handling house code@


  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    7 Communication

    Noti'ication o' the issue o' all new ouchers is reJuired 'ro) Pu;lishers to Wholesalers" Retail ultiplegroups and &oucher Clearing 0ouses@

    %his notice should ;e ia the standard in'or)ation adice as detailed in AppendiE /@

    %he ;arcode )ust ;e adised" as all 'uture co))unication will ;e re'erenced ; the oucher>s uniJue;arcode@

    All producers o' ouchers should ensure that the hae esta;lished co))unications with )ultipleretailers@

    No ouchers should ;e launched without prior adice@ Where practica;le" to ensure the inclusion o' anew oucher on sste)s prior to possi;le return ; retailers" it is reco))ended that ,4 das notice ;egien@

    New ail ShotO ouchers should ;e adised prior to the co))ence)ent o' the )ail shot as rede)ption)a co))ence i))ediatel 'or consu)erDreader ho)e delier or .eepO 'orward reJuire)ents@

    Where changes to the pu;lished price o' a pu;lication a''ect the alue o' ouchers in circulation"pu;lishers are reJuired to proide pro)pt adice o' the new alue 'or each oucher a''ected@ %o ena;lecredit to ;e correctl passed on to retailers" an change to oucher alue should;e adised prior to anpossi;le consu)er rede)ption@

    Pu;lishers should ;ear these points in )ind when setting the

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    $ppendiH 1Standard Voucher Specifications =iscount &alue )ust

    ;e in ;old tpe@

    Save 1.20 OFF

    O'')ust ;e writtenin capitals 3 in ;old

    in height,+))

    4 ))

    aE width ,/())" in width 7))

    in width //))

    !o the customer:%his coupon can ;e used in part pa)ent against A6AINL issue datedSeptember ?on sa/e 07I0JI12@ @ *ne coupon per ite) purchased@ Please do not atte)pt to redee) thiscoupon against an other product or issue as re'usal to accept )a cause e);arrass)ent@ &oucher eEpires/+D+D,/@ *''er su;ect to aaila;ilit@

    !o the retai/er:Please accept this ,@/ coupon as pa)ent towards a cop o' A6AINL issuedated September 2012 ?on sa/e 07I0JI12@ @ *ne coupon per ite) purchased@ %he issuer reseres the rightto re'use pa)ent against incorrectl redee)ed coupons@ Clai)s to our suppling wholesaler )ust ;e)ade by 13I10I12@ A /p handling allowance is credited 'or each coupon redee)ed@

    !o the 4ho/esa/er:Please credit the retailer 'or a nor)al sale" plus a handling charge o' /p

    *ho/esa/ers & or"aniations sendin" coupons direct to c/earin" houses: Please su;)it coupons toF&alassis td" =ept@ " 5" Alpha Court" Cor;" Northants" NN,7 5=P ; /4I11I12 Coupon alue @,p@O''E(S V$%)+ ) !#E . O%@C# O: LLLLLLLLL

    =* N*% state thediscounted coer price o' the)ag with the oucherdiscount@AWAS state *##@

    *''er &alid Hntil ,stSe te);er /,/

    Save 1.20 OFF

    %he coupon ,ust State: =iscount o'' the

    )againe Product


    &alid until date@

    %he ;arcode )ust ;e4)) awa 'ro)dotted lines to theright hand side or;elow@

    %he Barcode needsto hae a clear whitespace around it o'/)) on the le't andright 3 , )) at thetop 3 ;otto)@

    aE width ,/())" in width 7))




    %he onthl Wo)en>s againewhich is pu;lished99@@

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    $ppendiH 2

    $,* Voucher otification and Si"n off 'orm

    Please co)plete all sectionsF



    &oucher Na)eF


    #ace &alue o' &oucher e@g@ p o''F

    ReaderDConsu)er Rede)ption Start dateF

    ReaderDConsu)er Rede)ption Lnd dateF

    Retailer Clai) deadline

    Wholesaler Clai) deadlineF

    Retailer 0andling allowanceF

    Wholesaler 0andling allowanceF

    %otal 0andling allowanceF

    Action 'ollowing Wholesale processingF GLLP D =LS%R*

    Gept &ouchers to ;e 'orwarded toF

    =estination Na)eFPositionFAddressF

    Pin =ata capture reJuiredF LS D N*

    Pin Capture 0andling allowanceF

    Pin Code Character lengthF

    lease attach a voucher e"ample

    Sign o''F



  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    $ppendiH 3

    ,a"aine Pub/isher I *ho/esa/er = Standards andBest Practice $"reement

    Voucher Processin" 6 ,a"aine Pub/ishers


    Accurac o' clai)s ; wholesalers

    Preention ; wholesalers o' error D 'raud at retail leel

    %i)eliness o' data sent to pu;lishers

    ini)isation o' Jueries and ad)inistratie ;urden

    %i)eliness o' credits 'ro) pu;lishers to wholesalers

    Hni'or)it o' oucher 'or)at and wholesaler D pu;lisher procedures

    %he pu;lisher should ensure that each oucher will con'ir) to the 'ollowingF

    =ispla a ,1 digit LAN Appl to one pu;lication onl 8as long as it doesn>t li)it it to issues o' a pu;lication:

    ini)u) sieF 4/)) height E 7)) width

    aEi)u) sieF +/)) height E ,/()) width

    Clearl show the cash alue

    Accurate oucher details should ;e adised to wholesalers ;e'ore ;eing put into the )ar.et placeusing the agreed &oucher Noti'ication #or) or other agreed )ethod

    %he alue o' the oucher will stand in the eent o' product price reductions

    %he alue o' a oucher will ;e increased to incorporate the new retail price i' the pro)oted title issu;ect to an increase in price a'ter the oucher has ;een printed@

    Consu)er rede)ption eEpir will ;e a )ini)u) o' 4 wee.s a'ter the issue on sale period@

    Wholesaler rede)ption eEpir will ;e a )ini)u) o' ( wee.s a'ter the consu)er rede)ption date

    Pu;lishers will noti' wholesalers o' an ouchers or oucher clai)s that are ineligi;le 'or creditwith the reason 'or ineligi;ilit" within two das o' the clai)@

    &ouchers should ;e clearl identi'ied and credited on the neEt aaila;le pu;lisher D distri;utorsinoice

    Where a wholesaler proides additional serices 'or the pu;lisher" charges 'or which hae ;eenagreed ; the pu;lisher" pa)ent will ;e )ade within 1 das o' receipt o' the inoice@

    A''idait and 'ull electronic clai)s 'or ouchers will ;e accepted where wholesalers cande)onstrate accurac and proide an audit trail

    Where pu;lishers utilise an in-paper oucher" the actual eEchangea;le part o' the oucher should;e positioned in such a wa that its 'raudulent re)oal 'ro) retailer unsolds is highlighted ; suchre)oal also causing the part re)oal o' the ;arcode@

    $dditiona/ Standards

    Pu;lishers D =istri;utors or their handling agencies will credit returned ouchers or oucher clai)s"the releant handling allowance and an carriage charges inoled

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    *ho/esa/er Best Practice

    , scanning or counting o' all ouchers will ;e carried out" either ; the wholesaler or aneEternal agenc

    %he clai) issued to the pu;lisher will eJual the total scanned or counted oucher returns

    Clai)s will ;e su;)itted on a wee.l ;asis and within 7 das o' receipt o' retailer clai)

    Clai)s will ;e ;ro.en down ; tpe o' oucher and wholesaler location

    Supporting in'or)ation will ;e )ade aaila;le to pu;lishers" electronicall where possi;le" detailingclai)s ; oucher tpe

    Where the phsical returns o' ouchers is reJuested" these will ;e sent wee.l to the pu;lisher orno)inated agent no later than the date o' trans)ission o' the clai)" in line with contractualagree)ents with postage paid

    &ouchers not reJuested 'or return will ;e shredded or disposed o' securel

    #ull superised access will ;e allowed 'or the pu;lisher or agreed no)inated representatie toaudit all stages o' the process ; )utual agree)ent

    Press +istribution Charter 2010 Section 8 6 Voucher Processin"

    %he wholesaler will send the retailer a clai) 'or) each wee. to ;e returned to the wholesaler ordesignated oucher handling agenc

    &oucher Recall Notes will proide a 'acilit to )anuall insert ouchers 'or a return which are notpre-printed on the recall note

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    $ppendiH A = pdated September 2013

    Voucher C/earin" #ouse = ContactI$dice %ists

    Va/assis %imited. #eadGuarters $ddress

    Weldon 0ouseCor; 6ate Business Par.Priors 0aw RoadCor;"Northants@ NN,7 56

    %elF ,51$ 4,/1We;F www@alassis@co@u.

    !he )nstitute of Promotiona/ ,ar

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    $ppendiH 7 = pdated September 2013

    Pub/isher Contact name !e/ephone E6mai/

    Archant Richard Gir; /( 54 455 Richard@Gir;Tar.etin.@co@u.

    Archant Archant - Nic. ones ,$1 77///4 Nic.@onesTarchant@co@u.

    Co)ag ar Cosgrae ,(+5 411745 )ar@cosgraeTco)ag@co@u.

    Co)ag Susan Par.in ,(+5 41171 susan@par.inTco)ag@co@u.

    #rontlineDBBC Nicola 0owson ,711 ((/47+ Nicola@0owsonlT'lgroup@co@u.

    0@ Bauer See #rontlineDBBC 2 Nicola 0owson

    ar.et'orce Central Contact /1 ,4( 11,$ )'co))unicationsT)ar.et'orce@co@u

    iller #ree)an Angela artin ,77/ 557/14

    Se)our elin Lngland /7 1+$(,/ )elin@englandTse)our@co@u.

    Se)our oni.a Co;el oni.a@Co;elTse)our@co@u.

    %opps Saphia aEa)ed ,+( (,5/ Saphia@)aEa)edTtopps@co@u.

    &enue Pu;lishing A)ie 0)an ,,7+ 4/(4+, A@0)anTenue@co@u.

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    $udience6 Pub/ishersI+istributors

    The Smart Publishers Guide to Voucher Scheme Safety

    Please Be Clear Make sure voucher wordin is leal! unambiuous " clear for the

    consumer and retailer to understand#BeCertain

    The voucher must clearly state the cash valueand the $roduct. (eg: Save 50pOf MY Magazne! ssue dated """#. The ofer must $e clear and easilyunderstandableto the retaler to ensure acceptance at the tll.

    Be %nTime

    Show the consumer redemption dateclearl on the 'ront o' the oucher

    All rede)ption periods should )eet the )ini)u) industr reJuire)entsF

    ,in Consumer redemption period 2J days after off sa/e

    ,in (etai/ redemption period 6 additiona/ 1A days

    ,in *ho/esa/er redemption period 6 additiona/ A2 days

    !ota/ number of days after off sa/e JA days

    8%o support reducing retailer shrin." wholesalers will credit late retailers oucherreturns proiding the are within the wholesaler>s rede)ption period:@

    Be &lert %ertan retalers do not re&ure the product to $e present n order to redeem thevoucher. They may redeem vouchers aganst any product n the shoppng$as'et. or' )th retalers to dscourage ths practce.

    %onsder lmtng voucher campagns to retalers )ho dore&ure the product to$e present. See reverse side for advice on wordin#


    *ouchers are as good as cash. Ths +act has not escaped a num$er o+unscrupulous ndvduals )ho specalse n ac&urng large &uanttes o+ vouchers, attempt to turn them nto ready money through the redempton houses. -eepn touch )th your dstr$utor and redempton house to montor such actvty.


    eve) redempton patterns )th your dstr$utor and the redempton house. /+there s evdence o+ $latant malredempton1 you may choose notto pay out tosome clamants.But be sure to include wordin to this e)ect on the voucher#

    Chea$ MeansCheerful

    2gh value vouchers are attractve to readers 3 and also all the )rong 'nds o+people (see a$ove#. -eep the value o+ your vouchers a$$ro$riateto theproduct and the promotonal medum. 4s a general rule don!t put hgh valuevouchers n lo) prce meda.

    'atchthe *ews

    %onsder your promotonal meda care+ully. e)spapers gve )de coverage toyour voucher promoton $ut also put temptaton nto many more hands. 6ea)are o+ the rs's as )ell as the opportuntes.

    Mind the*et

    ecent technology advances have mproved the securty o+ nternet vouchers)hch can ofer a va$le soluton to pu$lshers. 7recautons should stll $eappled to ensure ade&uate protecton at the pont o+ redempton.


    774 recommends avodance o+ multple ssue vouchers. etalers may redeemmore than one voucher smultaneously and not necessarly aganst the ntendedttle or ssue.

    and Please Be Su$$ortive of the e)orts of PP&! the &*M'! %nstitute ofPromotional Marketin and many others who invest time! money " e)ort

    into $reservin the interity of vouchers as an im$ortant $romotionalo$$ortunity#


  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    +or further information $lease contact, &my Scott at PP& - ./. 01.. 02/3


  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    Standard Voucher Specifications=iscount &alue )ust;e inbo/d type

    Save 1.20 OFF

    )ust ;e written in

    capitals 3 in ;oldtpe

    4 ))

    aE width ,/())" in width 7))

    in width //))

    !o the customer:%his coupon can ;e used in part pa)ent against A6AINL issue dated

    September ?on sa/e 07I0JI12@ @ *ne coupon per ite) purchased@ Please do not atte)pt to redee) thiscoupon against an other product or issue as re'usal to accept )a cause e);arrass)ent@ &oucher eEpires/+@+@,/@ *''er su;ect to aaila;ilit@

    !o the retai/er:Please accept this ,@/ coupon as pa)ent towards a cop o' A6AINL issuedated September 2012 ?on sa/e 07I0JI12@ @ *ne coupon per ite) purchased@ %he issuer reseres the rightto re'use pa)ent against incorrectl redee)ed coupons@ Clai)s to our suppling wholesaler )ust ;e)ade by 13I10I12@ A /p handling allowance is credited 'or each coupon redee)ed@

    !o the 4ho/esa/er:Please credit the retailer 'or a nor)al sale" plus a handling charge o' /p

    *ho/esa/ers & or"aniations sendin" coupons direct to c/earin" houses: Please su;)it coupons toF&alassis td" =ept@ " 5" Alpha Court" Cor;" Northants" NN,7 5=P ; /4D,,D,/ Coupon alue @,p@O''E(S V$%)+ ) !#E . O%@C# O: LLLLLLLLL

    =* N*% state thediscounted coer price o' the)ag with the oucherdiscount@AWAS state

    %he coupon ,ust State: =iscount o'' the

    )againe Product


    &alid until date

    *''er &alid Hntil ,stSepte);er /,/

    Save 1.20 OFF

    in height,+))

    %he ;arcode )ust ;e4)) awa 'ro)dotted lines to theright hand side or;elow@

    %he Barcode needsto hae a clear whitespace around it o'/)) on the le't andright 3 , )) at thetop 3 ;otto)@




    %he onthl Wo)en>s againewhich is pu;lished99@@

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    $udience6 Pub/ishersI+istributors

    !op !en !ips for ,a"aine Vouchers

    Chec< that:, %he oucher wording is /e"a/- unambi"uous and c/ear'or the consu)er and retailer to


    / %he oucher clearl identi'ies the cash a/ueand the product@ %he o''er )ust ;e c/earand easi/y understandab/eto the retailer to ensure acceptance at the till@

    1 %he consumer redemption dateis clearl shown on the 'ront o' the oucher

    4 All rede)ption periods )eet the )ini)u) industr reJuire)entsF

    ,in Consumer redemption period 2J days

    ,in (etai/ redemption period 6 additiona/ 1A days

    ,in *ho/esa/er redemption period 6 additiona/ A2 days

    !ota/ number of days after off sa/e JA days

    8%o support reducing retailer shrin." wholesalers will credit late retailers oucher returnsproiding the are within the wholesaler>s rede)ption period:@

    5 %he oucher )eets the )ini)u) and )aEi)u) sie reJuire)ents@$ %he sie of the bar code symbo/- ;oth the )agni'ication and the ;ar height - are correct@

    7 %here are no

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    &udience4 5etailers

    Make Cou$ons 'ork for (ou - The Smart 5etailers Guide

    Publishers have worked closely with wholesalers and retailers

    oranisations and the %nstitute of Promotional Marketin to im$rovesafeuards in redeemin cou$ons in store

    Please kee$ these uidelines in mind 6and dis$layed $rominently7 atall times to ensure that maa8ine cou$ons work $ro9tably for you

    +or more details on newstrade cou$ons $lease refer to,Best Practice Guidance on the :esin! Production " Processin of

    Vouchers within the *ews %ndustry

    $udience 6 Pub/ishersI+istributorsI*ho/esa/ersIProcessin" #ousesI(etai/ers

    Make cou$onsmake moneyfor you

    &cce$tin maa8ine cou$ons in store $romotessales and increases till recei$ts and turnover#Maa8ine $ublishers su$$ort the %nstitute ofPromotional Marketin in aimin to $romote theuse of cou$ons in eneratin e;tra sales andsafeuardin redem$tion value to the retailer#

    Ma'e sure t!s therght ttle , ssue

    %ustomers may try to redeem coupons aganst the )rongttle or ssue1 )hch may lead to re8ecton $y your)holesaler and loss o+ revenue to you. 4l)ays chec' thatcoupons are $eng presented )th the rght ttle and ssue.

    Make surecou$on datesare valid

    'hen acce$tin vouchers make sure that they havenot $assed their redem$tion date# (our wholesalermay re5&B?>@ they cannot beused aainst anythin other than the intended$roduct# (our wholesaler will check cou$onsaainst your maa8ine su$$ly " will not acce$t

    cou$ons aainst $roducts you do not stock#Ma'e sure yourcustomer s $enghonest )th you

    9on!t get rpped of %hec' care+ully all hgh valuecoupons. 4ccept only vouchers you +eel sure a$out.

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    SPO! !#E +$DE( S)DSVoucher Processin" #ouses- *ho/esa/ers- (etai/ers

    &igilance is reJuired at all stages o' oucher sche)e operations to identi' suspicious indicators 3

    danger signs in ;atches o' ouchers returned 'or rede)ption@

    All scanning operators should ;e alerted speci'icall to .eep a sharp loo. out and report allsuspicious indicators to )anagers 'or i))ediate 'ollow-up@

    Voucher processin" houses- 4ho/esa/ers and retai/ers shou/d report a// si"nificantoccurrences to the appropriate pub/ishers and distributors- so that circumstances can beeHamined and appropriate action

    Suspicious '/a"sISi"ns for Processin" $/erts

    Batches o' or ouches

    Batches o' ouches with no custo)er details 'illed in

    0igh nu);er o' rede)ptions 'ro) s)all outlets 8*er ,:

    0igh nu);er o' rede)ptions 'ro) larger outlets 8*er /5:

    0igh nu);er o' rede)ptions 'ro) single source@

    ultiple stores not co)pleting store details on su;)ission paperwor.

    Batches o' photocopied ouchers 'ro) single outlet

    Batches o' downloaded 3 printed ouchers 'ro) single source

    &ouchers in

    &ouchers spread oer )ultiple issues" which all turn up together 8 not cut out separatel:

    Store speci'ic ouchers returned 'ro) other stores

    arge ;atches o' high alue coupons

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    $udience6 Pub/ishersI+istributorsI*ho/esa/ersIProcessin" #ousesI

    +EVE%OP)D 'EE+B$C. %OOPS 'O( BE!!E( CO,,)C$!)O

    !o moe for4ard the strate"y of combatin" potentia//y suspicious redemptions head on-ne4strade partners 4i// endeaour to 4or< to"ether to estab/ish rapid feedbac< /oops

    #ot/ine feedbac< from oucher processin" houses to oucher issuers 4i// be encoura"edto achiee the fo//o4in":

    Clear identi'ication 3 adice o' issuesidenti'ied ; the Suspicious #lags a;oe ;

    &oucher Sche)e" Bar Code and StoreDshop details@

    Clear identi'ication o' storeDshopD;ranch 9 no

  • 7/25/2019 PPA Best Practice - Vouchers and Coupons - Sep 2013.docx


    $udience 6 Pub/ishersI+istributorsI*ho/esa/ersIProcessin" #ousesI(etai/ers

    )'O(,$!)O SO(CES



    P/ease see the updated /ists of contacts and /in

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