powerpoint presentation · william crawford john quincy adams john c. calhoun henry clay andrew...

Post on 22-Jul-2020






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• By the early 1800s, all _________________ could vote regardless of _______________________________________________

• As a result, politicians had to appeal to the ___________________ in order to win elections

• Many politicians used the ________________ which gave people ____________________ in return for ___________________

• Use of the ___________________ led to ___________________________________


le t

he w



• The ___________ Party had collapsed so the only Presidential candidates were from the ____________________________

• 5 Democratic-Republicans ran for President: (1) _______________________ , (2) __________________________,

(3) ______________________ , (4) __________________ , and (5) _______________________________

• _____________ dropped out of the Presidential race, instead deciding to run for ________________________

William Crawford John Q. Adams Henry Clay Andrew Jackson

We’re all from the same party – the

Democratic Republicans!

• _________________ won the popular vote, but no candidate won a

_______________ of the ____________________ so the outcome of the

election was decided by the ________________________________________

• _______________ persuaded his supporters in the House to vote for ______

• ________________________ received the most votes in the House of

Representatives and became __________________

• Once President, ___________________________________________________________________________

• Jackson called the vote and the appointment a “______________________” because it defeated the


How many times has a candidate won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college vote?

“The Judas of the West has closed the contract and

will receive the thirty pieces of silver… Was there ever witnessed such a bare

faced corruption in any country before?”

- Andrew Jackson

Henry Clay’s going to be around for a while!

white men



social class, property ownership, or religioncommon man

Spoils System government jobs party loyalty Spoils System government corruption

Federalist Democratic-Republican Party William Crawford John Quincy Adams

John C. Calhoun Henry Clay Andrew JacksonCalhoun Vice President

Jacksonmajority electoral vote

House of RepresentativesHenry Clay AdamsJohn Quincy Adams

PresidentAdams appointed Henry Clay as his Secretary of State

corrupt bargainreal wishes of the American people

5 Times:1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, 2016


• Adams accomplished very little since _____________ supporters

in Congress opposed Adams’ plans every chance they got

• Provided funds for ____________________________________

I’m better known for what I did after being President. While serving as a Representative from Massachusetts

for 17 years, I became an adamant opponent of slavery and even defended

the Amistad captives before the Supreme Court.

• A tariff is a ____________________________________________

• The Tariff of 1828 __________________________________ by placing a tax on ___________________

• It was called the __________________________________ by ___________________ because of its


• In response to the tariff, ________________________ wrote ‘The South Carolina Exposition and

Protest’ arguing that __________ had the right to ____________________________________ and that

South Carolina would _____________ if the tariff wasn’t repealed

____________________ , National Republican Party (what was left of the Democratic-Republican Party)

________________________, new Democrat Party

Circle the winner

• Both candidates used ____________

campaigns ( _____________ or

scandalous ____________________ )

against ___________________ and

each other’s __________

• Jackson wanted the ____________

to have more political power such

as the power to _________________

Senators and Federal judges

(including Supreme Court justices)

• He proposed eliminating the

____________________________ and

limiting the ________________ to a

single term (remember, __________


• Many new voters ___________ with

Jackson as a ‘__________________’

_________________ men voted in the 1828 election - That’s _________________ more voters than in 1824, the first year records of the popular vote were kept


scientific research

tax on imported productsprotected Northern industry foreign importsTariff of Abominations Southernersdevastating effect on the Southern economy

John C. Calhoun states nullify Federal laws


1828 mudslingingmalicious verbal attacks

each other wives


directly elect

Electoral College President

there areno term limits yet

identifiedcommon man

• These treaties forced Native Americans from the 5 Civilized Tribes ( ____________________________________________

______________________________) to __________________ (modern day Oklahoma) located West of the Mississippi River

• The _____________________ openly resisted the treaties and removal orders by _____________ against the United States

• The _____________ chose the _______________ as their battlefield

• As a result of the wars and court cases, _______________________________________________________________________

• Jackson used the _________________ to reward campaign workers and loyal Democrats with government jobs

• He vetoed _____________ during his 8 years as President, ______________________________________________________

• He had a group of _____________________ known to his opponents as his ‘ ___________________ ’


• Jackson’s first term was plagued by his decision to appoint _________________________________________

• Eaton had ______________ a newly widowed young woman named Peggy O’Neal with a sullied reputation

• Secretary of State, __________________________ supported Eaton, but the _______ of the Washington

elite headed by the _______ of Vice President John C. Calhoun _____________________________________

• The Choctaw lived in ________________________


• Between __________ , they were forced to move to

a _______________ in the Indian Territory

• The Muscogee Creek lived in _________________________

• In _______ , many of the Creek were forced to leave

Georgia and settle on a _____________________________


• The remaining Creeks resisted removal during the


• The Creeks _________________ and the remaining tribe

members were ___________ relocated to the reservation

• In _____ , the U.S. government paid the Chickasaw _______________

for their lands east of the _______________________________ and they

joined the __________________ on a reservation in Indian Territory

• To make matters worse, ______________ used Jackson’s support of John and

Peggy Eaton as a way to attack ________________________________________

• In 1831, Eaton and Van Buren ____________ from Jackson’s cabinet to protect

the President from further _________

• The Indian Removal Act of 1830 gave the __________ power to negotiate _________

exchanging Native-held land ______ of the Mississippi River for land ____ of the Mississippi River

Spoils System 12 bills more than all the Presidents before him, combined

unofficial advisors Kitchen Cabinet

John Eaton as his Secretary of Warmarried

Martin Van Buren wives wife

opponentssnubbed Eaton and his wife


President treatieseast west

Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, Seminole, Cherokee Indian Territory Creeks & Seminoles going to war Cherokee courts

the removal took several years

Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana


Georgia & Alabama1826

reservation in Indian Territory

1836 Creek War lost the war


1836 $530,000 Mississippi River



• The Seminoles lived in ____________

• In _______ , the U.S. and the Seminoles agreed that the Seminoles would move to the reservation

with the Creeks, but _____________________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________ was fought between 1835-1842

• After the war, most Seminoles were _______________________________________________________

while a handful of Seminoles in the _______________ were granted sovereignty

• The Cherokee lived in ________________________________________________

• The Cherokee went to ______ to challenge Georgia laws that _________________________________

• In 1831, the Supreme Court ____________________________________ stating that Indian Nations

were not _______________ nations, but were ________________________ within the United States

• In 1832, the Supreme Court ruled __________________ of the

Cherokee Nation stating that ____________ did not have the

____________ to enforce a law within lands that were not

within the jurisdiction of the state (i.e. ____________________ )

• BUT ____________________________________________________


“John Marshall has made his decision, now

let him enforce it.”- Andrew Jackson

• The Cherokee were _____________ of the 5 Civilized Tribes to be removed

• The 1835 ______________________________ between the Cherokee and United States

exchanged Cherokee territory in the _________________ for land in the Indian Territory

• PROBLEM: the treaty was signed by Cherokee that __________________________________

and it was not agreed to by the Cherokee National Council or their Chief, _______________ ,

so the majority of the tribe __________________________________________________________

• In 1838, __________________________ authorized the use of

military force against the remaining Cherokee

• Between 1838-1839, ___________ Cherokee were forced to travel

from their homelands in ______________________________________

to a reservation in Indian Territory

• Approximately, ___________ Cherokee died on the journey

Historically, the Trail of Tears referred to just the routes the __________________ traveled, but the term is now used to

refer to the ______________________________ of all 5 of the Native American

nations from the _________________________ United States to reservations west of the ________________________________________


Seminole chiefs later renounced the agreementThe 2nd Seminole War

were forcibly removed to the Creek reservation Everglades

North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennesseecourt stripped them of their rights

refused to hear the case sovereign dependent nations

in favor Georgia

power Cherokee lands

the Supreme Court had no authority to enforcetheir ruling

the lastTreaty of New Echota

southeasthad no real authority

John Rossrefused to leave

President Van Buren

17,000Georgia and North Carolina



forced removal


Mississippi River


• Senator Daniel Webster of MA argued that the

________________________________________ and

that _______________________________________


• Senator Robert Haynes of SC argued that ______________


“Our Union: It must be preserved.”

- Andrew Jackson

“The union; next to our liberty the most dear;

may we all remember that it can only be

preserved by respecting the rights of the states...”

- John C. Calhoun

• ______________ sided with Webster while his Vice President,

____________________________ , sided with Haynes

• In 1832, Congress passed another tariff, the ________________________________________

• Despite being ______ than the Tariff of 1828, _____________ still objected to the new tariff

• South Carolina held a ___________________________ and declared the

Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 ________________________________

• As a result of South Carolina’s actions, ____________ passed:

• __________________ which gave Jackson the authority to use


• Henry Clay’s ________________________________ which further lowered the tariff rates

• The ________________________ ended when South Carolina accepted _____________________________________________

• Then, in a mostly symbolic gesture, ___________________________________________________________________________

Tweet It. Imagine Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun had Twitter. How would they have responded to each other’s quotes? Write a response using 140 characters or less. You may use hashtags, but remember while their responses may be as clever as you like, they are not mean or disrespectful.

Jackson, President of the United States Calhoun, Vice President of the United States

Federal government was supreme Federal laws could not be set

aside by states

states havethe right to declare Federal laws null and void

JacksonJohn C. Calhoun

Tariff of 1832lower South Carolina

nullification convention null and void

CongressThe Force Bill use Federal troops to collect the tariff

1833 Compromise Tariff Nullification Crisis the 1833 Compromise Tariff

South Carolina nullified the Force Bill

Tweets will vary.Tweets will vary.


• The 2nd Bank of the United States ________________________________________ and was authorized to run until 1836

• ____________________________________________, the bank would close in ________

• Jackson believed _____________________________________________________________________________________________

• ______________ decided to challenge Jackson by persuading Congress ____________________________________________

• Jackson ________________________________________

• Jackson’s controversial veto was _________________________ and helped him during his re-election campaign

__________________________, Democrat

_________________ , National Republican (soon to be the Whig Party)

Circle the winner

• After _____________ was re-elected, he was

determined to _______________________________


• Jackson ordered his Secretary of Treasury to


into the Bank of the United States and instead


• In 1836, ____________________________________


• The Specie Circular was an ________________ issued by Jackson

• It required that purchases of ________________ be made in ________________ (specie) rather than ___________________

• It was intended to stop inflation, but instead it led to the Panic of 1837 (remember a panic is an economic depression)

___________________, Democrat ____________________________ , Whig

Circle the winner

• The ____________________________ hit soon after

___________________ became President

How do you think the panic of 1837 will affect Van Buren’s presidency?

Assassination Attempt• In _______ , Richard Lawrence fired two shots at

Jackson and _________________________________

• He was found _________________________


was established in 1816 Unless its charter was renewed 1836

the bank was corrupt and unconstitutionalHenry Clay to pass a bank re-charter bill

vetoed the bill popular among voters


1832destroy the Bank of the United States

stop putting U.S government money

had the money placed in other banksthe Bank of the United States’

charter expired and was not renewed

1834they both misfired

not guilty of attemptedmurder by reason of insanity

Andrew Jackson Henry Clay

Henry Clay again! He never becomes president, but his influence in

congress continues in our next unit!Executive Order Federal land gold or silver paper bank notes

Panic of 1837 Van Buren

Answers will vary

Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison

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