poke a hole in it

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Sometimes All It Takes is a Second Set of Eyes

When I speak before an audience of business owners I usually ask

“By a show of hands, how many of you

have a Business Plan?”

Usually half of the hands go up.

Then I ask

“For those with yourhands up, how many of you have it in writing?”

About half of those hands go down.

And I follow that up with

“And finally, for those with your hands still up, how many of you have updated it in

the past year?”

About half of the hands left go down.

So our strategy team started thinking.

“Instead of an all-or-nothing

approach, what if there was a

simple way to help Business

Owners by becoming a second

set of eyes?

What if we could review their

existing Business Plan and give

them feedback … to poke holes

in what they already have?”

And an idea was born!

To learn more, visit http://pokeaholeinit.com

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