please rsvp by cob monday, march 2, 2020 00a lrtp full agenda.pdf · tammy rosario, jc . bridgjette...

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The Regional Building 723 Woodlake Drive Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 757-420-8300

Robert A. Crum, Jr., Executive Director Thomas G. Shepperd, Jr. Chair, John L. Rowe, Vice Chair

PLEASE RSVP BY COB Monday, March 2, 2020 February 28, 2020 Memorandum #2020-37 TO: LRTP Subcommittee BY: Dale M. Stith, HRTPO Principal Transportation Planner RE: LRTP Subcommittee Meeting, March 4, 2020 Attached is the agenda with related materials for the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Subcommittee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 4, 2020 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (or immediately following TTAC) in the Regional Building Board Room, 723 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA. DMS/nb LRTP Subcommittee: Members

Troy Eisenberger, CH C. Earl Sorey, Jr., CH Carol Rizzio, GL Donald Goodwin, FR Michael Hayes, HA Paul Holt, JC Bryan Stilley, NN Deborah Mangiaracina, NO Brian Fowler, NO Carl Jackson, PO James Wright, PO Dannan O’Connell, PQ Beth Lewis, SH Robert Lewis, SU

Jason Souders, SU Tara Reel, VB Katie Shannon, VB Carolyn Murphy, WM Timothy C. Cross, YK Grant Sparks, DRPT Ivan P. Rucker, FHWA Ray Amoruso, HRT Michael S. King, NAVY Eric Stringfield, VDOT Chris Voigt, VDOT Barbara Nelson, VPA Joshua Moore, WATA

LRTP Subcommittee: Other Benjamin Camras, CH Anne Ducey-Ortiz, GL Tammy Rosario, JC Bridgjette Parker, NN Ellen Roberts, PQ Michael Johnson, SH

LJ Hansen, SU Christopher Lowie, FWS Keisha Branch, HRT Jamie Jackson, HRT Kevin Page, HRTAC Barbara Creel, WATA

Copy: Theresa Brooks Leo Pineda Steve Lambert

Mike Kimbrel Keith Nichols Kendall Miller


MARCH 4, 2020 CALL TO ORDER 11:30 A.M.

The Regional Building, 723 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, Virginia

1. Call to Order

2. Public Comment Period (Limit: 3 minutes per individual)

3. Submitted Public Comments

4. Approval of Agenda

5. Minutes of February 5, 2020

6. 2045 LRTP Candidate Projects: Comments Received

7. 2045 LRTP: Environmental Mitigation Consultation

8. 2045 LRTP Candidate Projects: Data Collection

9. For Your Information

10. Old/New Business

11. Next Meeting Adjournment


The meeting will be called to order by the Chair at approximately 11:30 a.m. AGENDA ITEM #2: PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD

Members of the public are invited to address the LRTP Subcommittee. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. AGENDA ITEM #3: SUBMITTED PUBLIC COMMENTS

There are no written submitted public comments. AGENDA ITEM #4: APPROVAL OF AGENDA

Members are provided an opportunity to add or delete items from the agenda. Any item for which a member desires an action from the LRTP Subcommittee should be submitted at this time, as opposed to under “Old/New Business”. AGENDA ITEM #5: MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 5, 2020

Summary minutes of the February 5, 2020 LRTP Subcommittee meeting are attached. Attachment 5





1. CalltoOrderChair Robert Lewis called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Regional Building Board Room, with the following in attendance: MembersinAttendance:

Troy Eisenberger (CH) Grant Sparks (DRPT) Paul Holt (JCC) Angela Hopkins (NN) Bryan Stilley (Vice Chair, NN) Deborah Mangiaracina (NO) Carl Jackson (PO) Robert Lewis (Chair, SU)

Tara Reel (VB) Dawn Odom (VDOT) Eric Stringfield (VDOT) Barbara Nelson (VPA) Joshua Moore (WATA) Carolyn Murphy (WB) Timothy Cross (YK)

HRTPO/HRPDCStaff: Theresa Brooks Kathlene Grauberger Steve Lambert John Mihaly

Keith Nichols Leo Pineda Jeff Raliski Dale Stith

OthersRecordedAttending: Bridjette Parker (NN) Robert Brown (NO) LJ Hansen (SU)

2. PublicCommentPeriod There were no public comments. 3. SubmittedPublicCommentsThere were no submitted public comments.

Attachment 5


4. ApprovalofAgenda Chair Lewis asked for additions or deletions to the LRTP Agenda. Hearing none, Mr. Joshua Moore Moved to approve the agenda as written; seconded by Ms. Carolyn Murphy. The Motion Carried. 5. ApprovalofJanuary8,2020Minutes Chair Lewis reported that the LRTP summary minutes from the January 8, 2020 meeting were included in the February 5, 2020 LRTP Subcommittee Agenda. Chair Lewis asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes. Hearing none, Mr. Timothy Cross Moved to approve the minutes as written; seconded by Ms. Dawn Odom. The Motion Carried. 6. HRTPOProjectPrioritizationTool:RecommendedEnhancementsMs. Dale Stith briefed the LRTP Subcommittee on this agenda item, detailing the current status of the recommended enhancements for the HRTPO Project Prioritization Tool. She informed the group that HRTPO staff met with the Prioritization Task Force on January 24, 2020 to review feedback received on the scoring weights and any outstanding comments/questions. Additionally, Ms. Stith informed the LRTP Subcommittee members that HRTPO staff reviewed a set of test projects using the new enhancements in the HRTPO Project Prioritization Tool with the Prioritization Task Force. This analysis was conducted to ensure that the new enhancements and the redistribution of the enhancements/weights were reasonable and cohesive (a brief summary of the test projects was provided to the LRTP Subcommittee members). Lastly, Ms. Stith informed the LRTP Subcommittee members that the Prioritization Task Force recommended LRTP Subcommittee approval of the enhancements to the HRTPO Project Prioritization Tool, including the adjusted weighting factors.

As next steps, HRTPO staff will seek TTAC approval of the recommended enhancements at the February 5, 2020 meeting. The recommended enhancements will be placed under a public review and comment period. Additionally, HRTPO staff will seek HRTPO Board approval of the recommended enhancements at the March 19, 2020 meeting. Lastly, HRTPO staff plans to use the updated HRTPO Project Prioritization Tool to evaluate the 2045 LRTP Candidate Projects.

Following a brief group discussion, Mr. Bryan Stilley Moved to recommend TTAC approval of the enhancements to the HRTPO Project Prioritization Tool, including adjusted weighting factors; seconded by Mr. Moore. The Motion Carried.

Attachment 5


7. Old/NewBusinessNo old or new business. 11.NextMeetingThe next LRTP Subcommittee meeting is to be determined. ADJOURNMENT9:14A.M.

Attachment 5


As part of the public review of the 2045 LRTP Candidate Projects, comments were submitted by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC). HRTPO staff provided a written response to SELC and would like to address the project specific comments with the LRTP Subcommittee. Ms. Theresa Brooks, Transportation Engineer III, will brief the LRTP Subcommittee on this agenda item.

Attachment 6A: SELC submitted comments

Attachment 6B: HRTPO response to SELC comments


Discuss potentials modifications to the 2045 LRTP Candidate Project list and/or project descriptions, and update as necessary.

February 13, 2020 Ms. Theresa Brooks Transportation Engineer III BY EMAIL Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization

Re: Draft Candidate Projects for the 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan Dear Ms. Brooks: The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) would like to provide the flowing comments on the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization’s (HRTPO) draft list of candidate projects for the region’s 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). SELC is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that works throughout Virginia to promote transportation and land use decisions that strengthen our communities, protect our environment, and improve our quality of life. We appreciate the opportunity to provide input at this early stage of HRTPO’s long-range planning process. Thoughtful transportation and land use planning will be especially important in the coming years given the many challenges facing the Hampton Roads region. Among other things, the recent VTrans Mid-term Needs Assessment indicates a growing need to expand and provide more equitable access to public transit and non-motorized transportation options throughout the region, particularly in its urban cores.1 Hampton Roads also faces some of the most serious climate change-related threats from flooding and sea level rise in the country. As a result, it is essential that the long-range planning process include careful consideration of these risks to the region’s transportation infrastructure, and that projects are sited and designed to prevent further loss of natural resiliency features such as wetlands and floodplains that help slow and store flood water and provide communities with valuable storm protection. The threats faced by Hampton Roads also underscore the need to make significant progress in this LRTP toward reducing the region’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation sector—the largest source of GHG emissions in Virginia. We strongly support the inclusion in the draft candidate list of many projects focused on expanding residents’ travel options as well as advancing cleaner transportation modes, including several key projects to expand the region’s public transit and passenger rail networks and a host of active transportation improvements. However, in viewing this draft candidate list as a whole and in light of the challenges and threats noted above, we are concerned to see its overwhelming focus on highway expansion. Indeed, highway projects comprise 183 out of 309 total projects on the list (not including interchange and bridge improvements), and the vast majority of these

1 Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment, Executive Summary and 2019 Mid-Term Transportation Needs, Hampton Roads Construction District at 23 et seq. (Jan. 2020), available at

Attachment 6A


projects involve adding new asphalt. Below we identify several examples from the draft candidate project list that raise serious concerns because of their substantial adverse effects on the region’s communities and environment. These proposed projects should be removed from further consideration in the LRTP process.

New Route 460 (Suffolk to Zuni): Previous plans for a new highway parallel to Route 460 were extremely expensive relative to their limited benefits, and ran into serious permitting issues due to their severe impacts on wetlands and other resources. After scoring poorly in SMART SCALE, the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) most recent plans to build a new highway along this stretch were wisely scrapped in favor of a focus on targeted upgrades to existing Route 460.

Route 460/58/13 Connector: VDOT also recently pulled the plug on a study of improvements—and potential widening—for this stretch of highway after finding that its existing capacity should be able to handle expected travel demand through 2040.2 VDOT further found that each of the options under review would have enormous impacts on wetlands in the corridor,3 which runs alongside the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge containing some of Virginia’s most important habitat.

Southeastern Parkway and Greenbelt: Similarly, in 2010 the Federal Highway Administration terminated the environmental review process for this project after decades of study in which federal agencies raised serious and repeated concerns with its impacts on wetlands and other resources—essentially finding this project unpermittable.4 These issues were significant in 2010, but are even greater today in light of the immediate threats posed by climate change and the need to protect wetlands as a resiliency resource for local communities.

Nimmo Parkway Phase VII-B: This proposal to build a raised parkway across part of the Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge and through the largest contiguous forest in the Back Bay watershed raises serious concerns regarding impacts on wildlife populations and habitat. Further, it threatens to exacerbate local flooding both to the north and the south of the proposed parkway by restricting the normal bi-directional flow of water in response to winds, tides, and rainstorms, and by isolating wetlands that help absorb floodwaters. Improving the existing Sandbridge Road corridor is a far less damaging alternative that should be pursued instead.

2 See Angel Deem, Presentation to HRTPO, “Route 460/58/13 Connector Environmental Assessment (EA) Status Update (Nov. 15, 2018), available at 3 VDOT reported that the wetlands impacts of the four alternatives under review ranged from 76.7 acres for the six-lane option to improve access at the eastern end of the corridor to 98.9 acres for the eight-lane option to improve access at both the eastern and western ends. Id. 4 “Termination of Environmental Review Process Cities of Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, VA,” 75 Fed. Reg. 70351 (Nov. 17, 2010) (noting that the proposal would result in the net loss of over 170 acres of wetlands and quoting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s comments that “even the best mitigation may not be able to adequately compensate for the environmental harm expected” from the project).

Attachment 6A


Finally, we also recommend close scrutiny of any proposals for the Bowers Hill Interchange. While we recognize the importance of this interchange to the region’s transportation network, it is located in a sensitive area containing several environmental justice communities, substantial wetlands, streams, and floodplains, and in close proximity to the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. Expansion of this vast interchange could also have significant effects in increasing vehicle miles traveled and related GHG emissions. These communities and potential impacts must be carefully considered in relation to any potential improvements to this facility.

Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to continuing to participate as this long-range planning process moves forward.


Morgan Butler Senior Attorney

Travis Pietila Staff Attorney

Attachment 6A

Attachment 6B

Attachment 6B


Environmental mitigation links transportation and environmental planning via consultation and discussion with environmental agencies. The USDOT and VDOT also promote environmental stewardship, transparency, and early inter-agency consultation and collaboration. HRTPO staff will begin solicitation of environmental agencies for feedback regarding the 2045 LRTP Candidate Projects. During the development of the 2040 LRTP, the following agencies were contacted for environmental mitigation consultation:

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ)

Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF)

Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC)

Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR)

Virginia Clean Cities (VCC) Virginia Department of Game and Inland

Fisheries (VDGIF)

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (VDCR)

Virginia Council of Indians (VCI)

In addition to the solicitation for feedback regarding candidate projects, several environmental agencies will also be contacted for comment on the relationship and coordination between environmental and transportation planning. These agencies include the previous table, as well as:

US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)

US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

US Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Park Service (NPS)

US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) US Geological Survey (USGS)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

These agencies, along with others as recommended by the subcommittee, will be contacted for environmental mitigation consultation in the development of the 2045 LRTP. Ms. Dale Stith, Principal Transportation Planner, will brief the LRTP Subcommittee on this item. Attachment 7A: Environmental Mitigation Discussion from 2040 LRTP RECOMMENDED ACTION:

Review list of agencies for environmental mitigation consultation and update as necessary

2040 LRTP: Environmental Mitigation Consultation section from

Challenges and Strategies Report Attachment 7A

Attachment 7A



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Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ)

Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC)

Virginia Clean Cities (VCC)

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreatio n (VDCR)

Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF)

Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR)

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF)

Virginia Council of Indians (VCI)


Maintaining the quality of environmentally sensitive lands is an

important part of the region’s overall natural resource

conservation strategy. However, new construction and

development can stress or harm these areas. Transportation

infrastructure, in particular, can have large impacts on where

and how development occurs in the region, and how this

development can impact environmentally sensitive lands.

Environmental Mitigation links transportation planning to the

environment via consultation and discussion with

environmental agencies. MAP-21, the authorization that

governs the Nation’s transportation funding and replaces the

previous transportation legislation SAFETEA-LU, was signed into

law in July 2012. MAP-21 reinforces SAFETEA-LU’s provisions

for environmental mitigation, stating that environmental

agencies must be consulted regarding the development of the

LRTP. MAP-21 also streamlines the environmental review

process and reiterates the need, as SAFETEA-LU did, for a

discussion in the planning process that addresses environmental


The goals of environmental mitigation are to:

Identify open space areas that can be preserved

Reduce impacts where transportation and sensitive

lands intersect

Emphasize the importance of integrating/consideration

of wildlife and habitat into the design of transportation


Maintaining, or improving, water and air quality

Protecting historical and cultural resources

Encourage member localities to ensure that

transportation projects are consistent with the LRTP

and other federal, state, and local plans

Consultation: Development of the LRTP

Staff from the region’s localities participated in the

development of the 2040 LRTP, including: assisting in the

development of the Vision and Goals for the Plan, allocating the

forecasted 2040 land use and socioeconomic data, refining the

list of candidate projects, providing data for project evaluation

and prioritization, and selecting projects for the draft plan.

Additional agencies were also consulted in the development of

the LRTP, indicated in Figure 28.

A map and table of the candidate projects for inclusion in the

2040 LRTP were sent to the following agencies on September 4,

2014, with a request for feedback on projects based on their

respective area of expertise, with a response date of September

30, 2014.

Attachment 7A



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US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)

US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

US Department of Agriculture (USDA)

National Park Service (NPS)

US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

US Geological Survey (USGS)

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ)

Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC)

Virginia Clean Cities (VCC)

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (VDCR)

Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF)

Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR)

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF)

Virginia Council of Indians (VCI)



Consultation: The Environmental Mitigation Discussion

In addition to the solicitation for feedback regarding candidate

projects, several environmental agencies, listed in Figure 29,

were also asked to comment on text (referred to as the

Environmental Mitigation Discussion text) that explains the

relationship between environmental and transportation

planning, as well as the need and purpose in coordination

between the two fields. The environmental mitigation

discussion text and associated summary table are based on text

developed by VDOT staff for use by MPOs around the state.

The text and table explain the metropolitan transportation

planning process as well as the need and use of the regional

LRTP. Furthermore, the text explains the environmental

considerations at varying stages of project development,

including examples of potential environmental mitigation


Environmental mitigation materials were sent to these agencies

on September 4, 2014, with a request for feedback based on

their respective area of expertise, with a response date of

September 30, 2014. Responses were received from USACE,

VMRC, VDGIF, and VDOF. A summary of the responses can be

found in Table 8 on the following page. Copies of the complete

correspondence and responses can be found in Appendix A.

Attachment 7A



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Agency Comment Summary Mitigation Activity


Initiate coordination with regulatory and resource agencies early in

planning process.

Coordination with respective agencies initiated in the early phases

of the development of the 2040 LRTP, specifically as soon as the list

of candidate projects was developed. In the project development

stage, the environmental assessment will coordinate with

appropriate stakeholders.

Regional mapping of critical resources including aquatic resources

(e.g., streams and wetlands).

An evaluation of potential impacts to critical resources will be

conducted during the environmental assessment of the project

development phase.

For planning compensatory mitigation, reference the Compensatory

Mitigation Rule (33 CFR Part 332) and the preferred priority of

compensatory mitigation measures it outlines. However, note that the

Rule does allow for flexibility when determining the appropriate

project-specific compensation.

Project specific mitigation activities (as appropriate) will be

identified during the environmental impact assessment/statement

of the project development phase.

Regarding the Table of Potential Resource Mitigation Activities and

Areas, consider whether permittee-responsible mitigation sites could

be linked with designated private locality, and/or state conversation

areas, to form a larger conservation area or corridor.

Comment will be forwarded to VDOT staff.

Consider how mitigation areas might affect threatened and

endangered species.

An evaluation of potential impacts to threatened and endangered

species will be conducted during the environmental assessment of

the project development phase.

Use a collaborative process for the study of all projects and document

concurrence of the pertinent federal agencies at important steps to

provide the local governments and the public with a more dependable

framework for planning decisions.

The LRTP is developed employing a collaborative and

comprehensive planning process, especially in regards to the

evaluation of candidate projects. During the project development

phase, collaboration among relevant stakeholders will continue.


Projects have potential to encroach on waterways and impact key

resources, marine fisheries, anadromous fishes and/or any threatened

or endangered species.

An evaluation of potential impacts on waterways and other key

water resources will be conducted during the environmental

assessment of the project development phase.

Update the Hampton Roads Crossing Study to reflect potential impacts

on marine fishery resources

VDOT staff is reevaluating the Hampton Roads Multimodal Third

Crossing with a Supplemental Environmental Impact Study (SEIS).

VDGIF Recommend that the Draft Table of Potential Resource Mitigation

Activities and Areas include reference to the Virginia Endangered

Species Act, in addition to the Federal Endangered Species Act

Comment will be forwarded to VDOT staff.

VDOF Recommend adding an upland forest category to the Draft Table of

Potential Resource Mitigation Activities and Areas. Comment will be forwarded to VDOT staff.

Attachment 7A


The 2045 LRTP Candidate Projects list is a compilation of roadway, transit, intermodal, and active transportation projects developed through input from various HRTPO technical and advisory committees and the public. The next step in the development of the 2040 LRTP is to collect data on these candidate projects for travel demand modeling, scenario planning analysis, environmental justice analysis, and project prioritization. HRTPO staff will be providing two (2) spreadsheets electronically to LRTP subcommittee members to review and populate: A. Cost Estimates Planning level cost estimates are needed for all candidate projects. Some of the 2045 candidate projects were provided with cost estimates; HRTPO staff has also populated other candidate projects with 2040 cost estimates which will need to be reviewed and updated as appropriate by localities/VDOT. Cost estimates can be provided either as current year or as year-of-expenditure (noting the anticipated construction year/year-of-expenditure). As part of this cost estimate process, staff is also asking stakeholders to review the Committed Projects list and inform us of any needed changes.

B. Prioritization Data HRTPO staff is preparing a data collection spreadsheet highlighting cells for data that is needed from stakeholders for the project prioritization process. Staff has initiated this data collection process by populating candidate projects with existing data from the evaluation of 2040 candidate projects. In addition to providing missing data, stakeholders will also be asked to review the 2040 data and verify if it is still current/accurate, updating the data as needed. The Prioritization Data Collection spreadsheet will be provided to committee members following the LRTP meeting.

Ms. Theresa Brooks, Transportation Engineer III, will brief the LRTP Subcommittee on this agenda item. Note: Spreadsheets will be emailed to Subcommittee members.


Review and provide data/feedback to Ms. Theresa Jones by: A. Cost Estimate spreadsheet: March 18, 2020 B. Prioritization Data spreadsheet: March 31, 2020

AGENDA ITEM #9: FOR YOUR INFORMATION A. 2045 LRTP Candidate Projects Maps

HRTPO staff has prepared maps of the 2045 LRTP Candidate Projects, including an interactive online version: B. 2045 LRTP: Scenario Planning Update

On July 18, 2019, the HRTPO Board approved the Regional Scenario Planning Framework, which included Place Types, Scenario Narratives, and Control Totals for Additional 2045 Growth: As part of the Regional Connectors Study (RCS), a Scenario Planning White Paper was developed describing the approach to scenario planning to be applied to both the RCS and the 2045 LRTP: HRTPO recently received the HRTPO RCS interim land use Community Viz (CV) model for the three 2045 Greater Growth scenarios. Staff is reviewing data. Staff also anticipates scenario-specific travel demand models from the RCS consultant soon.

C. 2045 LRTP: Environmental Justice analysis

As part of the evaluation of 2045 LRTP Candidate Projects, HRTPO staff will assess candidate projects using the HRTPO’s Title VI/Environmental Justice Methodology. Once completed, results will be documented in a report and presented to the LRTP Subcommittee. D. VTrans – InteractVTrans

VTrans has produced an interactive mapping application, InteractVTrans, as a tool for public and stakeholder feedback and for accessing VTrans related data such as performance measures, mid-term needs, and recommendations as they become available. A demonstration of this tool was recently provided to HRTPO staff. For more information on the tool, please see the links below: Demo presentation to HRTPO staff: InteractVTrans website:

E. Connected/Autonomous Vehicle (C/AV) Assumptions – Working Group

A doodle poll for the C/AV Working Group will be sent out next week. AGENDA ITEM #10: OLD/NEW BUSINESS AGENDA ITEM #11: NEXT MEETING

June 3, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. (following TTAC)

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