plans for photo shoot

Post on 13-Nov-2015






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Plans for Photo Shoot


Plans for photo shoot

Theme- winter clothes, comfy and look fashionable at an affordable price. Schedule- Models- Maddie Kirk Costumes- Image 1: top, skirt, kimono, tights, boots and scarf. Image 2: tights, flower playsuite , bootsImage 3: grey jumper, black jeans and boots Locations: Image 1: will be Maddie walking down a street at nightImage 2: will be Maddie leaning on a tree on the back field behind my houseImage 3: Maddie leaning against a white wall.Legal & Ethical consideration- Trespassing- is when you go onto someones land or property without the owners permission. This applies to my work because I will not go on to anyones private or owned land without their permission. Copyright- is illegally copying someone elses work and then using it as your own. This applies to my work because I will use my own images with my own model and not copy any other advertisements. Obscenity law- is when you cannot offend people for example swearing or nudity images in magazines are classed as obscene. This applies to my advertisements because there cannot be any nudity images such as my model showing any obscene parts of her body. Intellectual property rights- is when you copy someone elses ideas. This applies to my work because I cannot copy anyone elses ideas for advertisements they must be my own ideas. Trademarks- is a recognisable sign which identifies a product. This applies to my advertisements because I will only be using my chosen charities logo and no other logo and secondly, all the branded clothes which are featured in the advertisements the logo of the brand has to be completely covered. Discrimination- is defined as the action that denies social participation or human rights to categories of people based on prejudice. This applies to my work because everyone needs to be treated equally so for instance I cant just say that only white people are allowed to go into my chosen charities shop to buy clothes.

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