pine co .i son c. w. spickler paintiqdandruff ~~kes hair fall out a 1mall bollia of...

Post on 26-Dec-2019






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Pine Co .I sOn c. w. Spickler

Nationallrail PaintiQ.g Paper hanging

I he NewlvUr~""''"d lll"hw.11 Interior Deoor~~tl•t ~ I•INE ClrY

l-r'11n CJnJdJ 10 New OI­

l'"" I he, Feder•llloJJ

Ther+: 111oa a very rood attend­.. wroe at th1• m~etmK In the Faunlly tl.ratrc, \" aftfornocm, to ,,,.

tht< SL J•aul-to-Uuluth twn of thQ BurillirtOn Way, c.r fJrlllll.:l!·UJH\-Wiute trail, .,.,h,ch •• to 1un from Stw Orltana aln.JKht

rth, niiJUiol' the 1-':'COtl"al coune uf I~ \liui .. IJtlll to the Twm fltJH

uuJ thton un to Duluth and Port \rthur, (lUI

I De Leatry, of St Paul, aut )' of tht• .,.,hole movemtnt, had

hurlfl· or the metllnK, and A E n was 1 ht.~stn temporary cha1r

m11n and c A !'tle)tr, of St. Paul,

• rnponr.f}' ahrulary, after wh1eh I~~~~~!!==~ tt•lln · f'halfee, 11f Duluth, waal • ho t n t~upt~rvlaor of the St Paul-

luluth d•vli.Jon, and C A Ml'ver. -- COAL -::.,~· ,/~~;;":::':~7;.,;,~~.~. ,: ~ ~ ~Qn1111t or Henry Olldenburg, of Garito", Ranker Hanaon, of Bar­, Cha F Mahnke, of Morm· Lah, Chua. Olson, of Stur~teon 1.ake, r ll Fncbun, or Wtllo"' lh cr. A J_ Undnhtll, of Rutledge,

Legl.slature '~"'~h ~;·;, .. :~,.~"~~·.:"j ~ ... ~. c.n c.f Beroun, JOL f Petsch~! of

I•IL.l~tt hall 11t Pme City, S.tunla~. l'me Ctty, I. R B~:eklund of RocK

C fun II 19!11 at.! o'clock 11 m Crel'k, Dr C. A. ADde~on or Rush

Onvenes C1ty, Godfrl'd Stolberg of Harrt•. J Cl~vo:rton Sc:hoolt Crow Rapidly p lloltnber~ of Sorth Branch, C C

Don't wall unul F:v<·ryone

"Bta You To it."

Louis Volanec Phon!:' }oUI'IJOrdr:nlO-

Prooh11k1's Pha,...,

Phone 11 l r ~~;o~n~7utl' ~~;:~e ~:' ~ ~~k:~:;:~:~ :,lck;.:'r:~t o(La~!~m~~!d J M~rr!;eh:; •f INJUtriiiJt 111\0lher teacher \"Cry Wh1te Dear, and membe~ from th1 ~ ~~~:!!!~~~;;;;;;~

Pmt'-Cill~.tJ:v DISII h. I \\ t:ll md mn~;ot~~~11 t;:;•~~~::u:~~~:ol b:::: !lcrc~u~Ju~unTiu:"to~:lu!u c:0~,j That Moraial '---1]110 tlemandt•d The conuuuntty 1~ a mel'llllg at Pme City 'Wlthm t.he If }OU arT lame ll'VetJ' moaaUaa.

Re~:ogntztd Ill OrKJIII/JliUII ••u,ung \l'f)' ra1udly, nnd \\~ nt!cd uu:t couple of weeD to outlme :mc.l uf!'er unnary tlla, there m.Dil

of tloth HI)U ~~ l~~~~~;;~:l~:~!~ 1~1u~he~\·::m~unt1~; 1t.. work. ~:r: c.::: n~~:n 1~ ~ 1fr -f'lo\l'rton Enterprise. Tha Arnuralaa• A..k for Halp ~~~~t:: •:~ ~:.e:: .• '::C::er-= I o~:~·.n~•:!•oun \~till~~ ~~~~,•;J bi .,u::stco~n~or:n:a p~:: ~~~~n• \\~! !:~) n rd n Pm~ CitJ' ...U.

er1 1 naJIJIY lot of IMOPie on lht' B G. Haaa, bameamaker Plu

,J::·t 7:t:·".!~.t~:~w~::~he~= ~;~~dJA~:· an~7n~ ::i = ~u~:~~:.~; ~=~ ~~p:~p::~ ~! ::~;;;c ~= ml ~~ ~ ~ . uunc.letl \\·ould be taken can of ~omr:Y limes epthe Jddal:r

J1UH too~ .... were Juft the otber ....,

when I ~t up. J felt all Doan R. cble7 Pilla I)UJek Nlief ... -

.. ~u 1 ha .... ._ time. a nee wUa 11raw ....

uch attacb eoz4ac -. Mil lime Dou br.ft ~




A 1mall bollia of "Danderlne" keep1 hair thlok, 1trong,


Tid Ibm• Mn. David llayn ... G110rp Ua)'ft-. Ita IT)' lf ) nu Mn

f:~ii~~~~~~ John OrM!l, Adolph loh,o.4, Mn

manda Kenna Mn a: A. Unit.:

I Fred Kaelbl•, " J Franta, Tum ~ t ranta, V Jla n•lcuh, F ~I Btut·k, In f ld fh11ck, l hu u ll 11l•y

l h• l•n• ll ln "· <h 11r ·, ~tl, lluhrrt l:::==::....:.=....::;::;:_.:..:;..,.;..:.::;_ l ll uue, o\1\ltlt'O t llwr, Mr• \\' 111 I· I h

JI•U•J•h IJ Lie)'. lnrt < Ualt~y,

I =..,;,;;;;;;;;;;,;;,;;;;;~~""=~ I• tJal 111an, ~; \ Uulun on, Mu t, Uoh\1\ROII \n.he Uohlnann, n (j

\In n c. Jcuu•a, LMv.nrn··· lnnt'l I mwn tu 8tu~k 3.! nlt!lllllll"'l

St huul lll•ltlcl r\o Ill - Wm f l' l h~nlt•lll, 11ollt:llor

Uu\ .. r t Tt•Ldl

e hvm.: anti a rOJ~\IIt' &huul ll oetun No ,0 'llh \uJ n"IJlunalhLhty, t " tn "ml Juhn Nnrtlatrum, I!Ulirllora

of "A h tth two 6,'TI'l\t \ 1 \ \iuJl4, \lr'll 'II A. Vujla h fo wurk hu hl'tJI\ l'rnnk }ly,umln MN. C' 0 Unnle\.11,

eunaec: r utotl \lu lim Kn•n~, A I· l.lnytl, II

In )If• h llf ba• ll n a "real leatlf'r llAh er1un, .\ l'lt,un, J W Tou•lc)' Lhe adtonl o f bl• f cllov.mcn, anJ llll•l lornnllt, Gu>~l Grvmlt, ~I C'. dutb b11 xamJ•Iu 1¥111 hH· un. i111hm•mnn, r \\'~ ll•ull, Ann>~ UaEII

by J•etty •wnrn·J~ anol Mam1e B1u.Li, l Kuw, Joe Kotek, and lll ii UIUillntuntllnp In \I"' 0 H Swiln~on, P St<IU!IOII.

hal bren OIHI (I( the J;"rcatt \ f;usl Jtvtl\11'11!', ,\ J"rtem\, l'hu or hll t1m11 , and In tlcalh h• T··ll·h, \ W Blllr, Lnr» Juhn.«~n ~t llll h' e un tn the thou~·hl \ulfll I BttJ:', ~lt11 Au~ru1L Ber}t', •or b uf other gC!III:ratlon>l. u~rman ~rhm•dl w Olson, !\11"1

hu fln t::& heJ a human life, tlur IIL~uh"th O!Mon, l 11hh r. Nor1hlrom, lw hn1 doubt!~•• llllt<lt lu .J Surd•l rom, It J K.trnl, M •• J

human llll!llah ' but II :~· ltk, J r. llnnson. ~11li{IIU! JhaiiiOII,

worked har•l wi th h c)'l'l on th• \lottt Swan•nn, .lot.> Knra11, l'rtmk .\ foturt' Hr aow f~~orther tlmn mo Jar, \Ibm l.tuuhu Thus Bntll,

Wnlt••r Pt tenu111, ~Irs Wultl:'t Peter un, Wuhlu Pell'Nun. Claud Dilnld ,

l"e Baata-·Hi mumlwf!i Sdtool llt•tm·t No. U - John

luui•JIII!It. aolltllur John P•JI, \ll\rtm ~tlllhk, Frank

I J,;u;h, Jr It' Wc!dl'llll!111, \In F \\"cldf'numn, Tma w.,IJI!mDnn, :'11111-• •• \\'cltlt•mann, \'1rtur1R \Ytnde­,,,mn i:;rlrk tinndb~:rw, u~f!Lir Wu 10111, :\Irs Ot••ar W!!lltom, I·, :\I [hu~-1.', ~u•he ~untllwr~, Amo'l Rund

1nrt!. \lt"'l. !l<o•l" 0 1'rnlhm, \!r!l

l~&rk Trolhn, J. C Ruby, .Jolm Ruu· mwk, Jot> Huuh-nll!., \lro~ l!t"rt \tul, •II li!\'t' M~yo1, !'th W- (' f~n~h·r

O•ror \'ol•on, 1-:11lhttr A :•-h•L.,lll,\, .J Soukup, lltlo K Wl'tii'JI

\hlon l:na.:h, E 0. Lmdq\ltl. fo'rank nn (,nnl, !"hon~11ll 0. Ohllln, W1lmn

lmd• !lmt, !Iau· l L!lure•ch , R1eh11rtl • uliltlllln, WLllil \fcrr•mnn, ~~r~. S I Hn !.kc, John 11 11) MrK ll N111 ' r um, 1' F R'inn, MMI T F. Ry1111, \ln. 0 H Olton, John Chti!li!IIIIUII, \ IN .l onft!l Llndqulat- ~ ~ III1111Jh-.n.

School Oi~tr1rt No. 7-Wm. Er­h;ltt, aohdtor

0 d li bl good , coupled

UR reputation for fair dealing an r e a e d b"ity has ' h h D La I d f ' and ura u ' w1t t e e va recor o service 1 • om

made the De Laval Cream Separator the leader in t 115

c " munity.

Users of the De Laval Cre.1111 Separdtor& have car" ried away every firs t prize awarde l .:11 n"e


tions of the National Creall1ery Buttcrmdkcr ' A<>­sociation since their first meeting in 189 2 · 11Je record is unbroken.

The reason is that the De Lav.1l bowl -i gether with low Speed, enables the deliv ter-fat globules unbroken in their lldlt tion thus insuring m ore and better bu

The De Laval is the uBlue Ribbon Separator ..

You can buy a New De Laval !rom 1 tcr s.

Come In, examine the machiuc nud tnll!:

Sooner or later you wilt buy a



PINE GITY, MINNES01"A \\ m U Erhar t, Amehn Erhnrl,

rank ~aumer, Geo L Pt:lt!t runk Grfl!lll, Al11'1 l-'81\ltl!tl , J Qs P

lt'inm u-e r, Mmme Helnln l{cr. Harry! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~--------=~==!~~ .•·ppPt l, Katie Hoptlorl, Wm Cort..f ~ ln. Wm . Cort, J ake Blnnk, Denme .lank, John Hyda, Alher t Panger!, eo Dorr, Mn. Goo Ourr, l::dwarU 'an~rl , F rant. W1mmer, .\lhl'ft Se1 ld , J o•eph Pan j.!'t> rl , Mn Joaepb &IIIler!, M~ Frank Saun1et , E..t­ard Jo.:rhar t, lbrry 0 &VJ1i, )tr

'i"oUnjtbauer , !tf1ke Panger! , li n AI l!'ffht PanKt"r l, Fra nk Pranghofer , :<rank Cort, Jr, Pearl Nel1011 , lhle" " Brown Mh. M1lea 1': Brown. lhke R PanK•rl, lira Qaen, )lake

-~'.the ao:n .. q )Mtl. H• nry Y. Pa rarerl. Mra Uenr)· B. Panp rl, Ruth E Olaon, Clara

v Jlrank Paacerl , Mrs Oscar ~\lo~ l llricbo.;,. Ed S.meekn, Mr.. Shllla ,

Du t PranKhofer--t.G men1·

We Guarantee tho Goods That We Sell To Be Just as Repreeentecl

Warm Underwear The prices that we quote below are, we know, way below what other stores are charging for tbe same weight and quality. It Will pay you to verify this by looking up our otteriuga.


2.00 2.50 89c

One lot of men'~ h .. ·;~.\y wc.ul bla.nkc:L undt!n\etr 2.25 (iocnJ{ ;tl, o..h·h

FOR CHILDREN Mi..,ses', ho}·~· and duldrt!n'-. hcaq· un1on -.u1t . tl ... .._ ...... line•!, 85c

\'da>loc unonn $J.OO and $1.25 rihbed aiH.l Rat, .d\ .. u:c-. .tl

\lts~e~·. boy,.' and ch•ldren'!S utbat

Boy!:>' lleJ.\')' ftce.:c lmecl tl $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50


Ext.ra hea.\ ~ canv.t-. ~:ln\'t'l';, ~mag at, per dozen

1.50 S2.60


FLOUR AND FEED From the Manufacturer to the Con1111mer

Tbe 1tndr ttream of ftour 1 ina from our mill I• e lndlcaUoo of thtt poblle'1 approYal of our roller to Rll llree td the euttom r


.,,. r. .... tf1' 'II• or u .... ..... , '""'' •t utoou,-,

or u.,.,. 1 ''"• Ll11ol 'fllltl IIIJ' fllh.,... dl...t, l .o~tu\oflh• a•lllthHII' I•rhla, trum Ull~ IUIIUIIIII/IIIIll

1•1 f r-J,mt rln1

ll) n11h1t untrr. U•-.­J.,.n.t vfll•• n Mt tt-. lhJillllllllilll

I J,,, thr n1 k1 111•1 111!1, Tltt "'tooJ1 lthl "'IIIIo I h\111. Mr h r1 10\Ut r•l'l•ue tluuu

Lu,, '''' .oo,. t-.1 1\caa.t •••II Huo .,..._, Atoo.l tlnltn•t•· allllo•lr­

lhn .. t It '"'"'' ....... ltruori,III>IIIU ... I .. IIkn,

:::.: ~'' ~!··:~~!·r;~~~~~·:~~.~.r~;:·k-TI·• IYUn,l jrol<>nl

.. The HousewifeandHer Work

'r{re You Open-Minded?

The average American is open-minded.

American business is con­ducted by true Americans of vision, open- minded men who beheve in their country and strive to meet thc1r country's needs. The men in the packing industry are no exception to the rule.

The business of Swift & Company has grown as the na­tion has progressed. Its affairs have been conducted honorably, efficiently, and economically, re­ducing the margin between the cost of live stock and the selling price of dressed meat, until today the profit is only a fraction of a cent a pound-too small to have any noticeable effect on prices.

The packing industry is a big, vital industry-one of the most important in the country. Do you understand it?

Swift & Company presents facts in the advertisements that appear in this paper. They are addressed to every open-minded person in the country.

Swift & Company U.S.A

ODe lo Ill .. , .. &e .... .....,_II lbo oonlo&.

··PNeoutoeiWol'la...._ ...... aad C.ertJA•* &nl .a.o ...._ ,._.. .u, made to •Wion •r Nr&aU'" aM frl.,ntll oad •• -..t nrr o111o that tM Uu> 1 uuuld cut 101 onrtbla• u C"brl•

...._ __ ,< t •--~~H.t.J:.-....t,(;~~: A..i./mltuJ./ ~¥Hii ,?/,n·HYI' 41-,- 'f'"t J.,.,,,/


.... C: ............................ ::J

We Wish You

A Happy and Prosperous New Year

1 ry


which arc guarilntccd to ivc the best results. They will make you smile every d<~y.

Be:roun C:r amery Beroun, Minn

!Ln\.. II ~tat.cmenl ol lhc Condlllmt ul I'm

Clly State IJ.onk of I'll~ f..: II '\1-<n ot CIIIICI Cl l Uu1lne"~ un Ill:•

c:emb~r Jl!>l, 1SII~

1.••••114111"' at u ........ u. U j; U lido (Jibrrt>..o*'l .,. r •

I ~g:4~£:i~~Z,p::';, n• ~ C••ll u• ll~11d lt • 1 ... 1 1 lllrrrotrr t .u l·<>ld au,.. Otlorr


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