photo shoot ideas

Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Ideas for photo shoot for a music magazine


Photo shoot Ideas

Inspiration photo shoots

I have chosen this pictures as inspiration, as the concept of these photos uses bold colours from the clothes, also they have an indie style. Also I can see that these are posed. The model isn’t looking away from the lens of the camera they are looking into it to give it some directness like they are looking at you.

These are bold photos and stand out, with my photos I can show attitude with the model by the way that they pose.

My own photo shoot

With this photo the pose shows attitude with the way that the hands are on the hips and looking directly into the camera lens.

This photo has the arms down the side and doesn’t show so much attitude and the body is slightly turned.

These photos I have changed the clothes which are more indie and are more toned down from the dress and glitzy look. I have made her pose with the hands on the hips again as this show attitude although her body is slightly turned. I have done medium close up and slightly full body shot. I like the medium close-up better.

With this shot I wanted to do something different and have the hands above the head to look it make fun. Although can’t see her eyes very well.

This photo is more subtle with one arm to down the side of her body and one hand on the hip still giving it some attitude. Also looks more natural and less posed which makes it different.

Chosen pictures to be used…

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