pharynx part 2

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Part 2

Pharyngeal plexus of nerve

Formed by union of pharyngeal branches of vagus and glossopharyngeal and the laryngopharyngeal branch of superior cervical sympathatic ganglion

Lying in connective tissue(buccopharyngeal fascia,superficial to constrictor muscles,especially middle constrictor

Nerve supply

Glossopharyngeal supplies sensory fibers for mucous membrane of oropharynx and parasympathetic (secretomotor) fibers to the glands of this region

The pharyngeal branch of vagus carries motor fibers for the muscles of pharynx except (stylopharngeus) and soft palate (except the tensor).

Nerve supply Mucous membrane of nasopharynx and laryngopharynx is not innervated by pharyngeal plexus

Nasopharynx is supplied with general sensory (trigiminal) and postganglionic parasympathetic (originally facial) fibers through pharyngeal branch of pterygopalatine ganglion

The laryngopharynx receives its sensory and parasympathetic innervation through internal and recurrent laryngeal branches of vagus

Blood supply The pharynx receives blood from ascending pharyngeal branch of external carotid artery

The ascending palatine and tonsillar branches of facial artery

The greater palatine and pharyngeal branches of maxillary t

Branches of lingual artery and from superior and inferior laryngeal branches of superior and inferior thyroid artery

Lymphatic drainage through retropharngeal nodes

Relationships of pharynxPosteriorly contact prevertebral fascia

The small amount of loose connective tissue between fascia and pharyngeal wall called retropharngeal space

Anterior relationships of pharynx from above downwards: (posterior nasal apertures,soft palate,oral cavity,posterior surface of tongue , epiglottis and larynx)

Laterally pharynx related to carotid sheath ,styloid apparatus,glossopharyngeal nerve and pharyngeal and superior laryngeal branch of vagus

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