personality tests used for hiring

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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If you’re gearing up for an interview and are looking for guidelines to help you clear one, here’s an important round that you will definitely have to pass to move on to the next round… the Personality Test. Here are some of the most common personality tests used by employers…

16 Pf Questionnaire

This is the most common personality inventory that measures that measure the 16 known personality traits recognized in an individual. Here, actual behaviours of an individual are recognized by asking simple questions about daily and concrete situations. These questions relate to your self image and how you feel about yourself.

Dominance, influence, steadiness, conscientiousness (DISC)

This is based on a four quadrant behaviour model. With this an employer can judge what type of behaviour would be better or worse for a particular job. Your reaction in a particular team, management or leadership situations help determine your beahviour under DISC.

Caliper profile

This type of personality test measures 25 personality traits related to job performance. The instrument is used for hiring, performance improvement and team building and is designed to provide information on an individual’s strengths, limitations, motivation and potential.

California psychology inventory

This inventory produces score for 18 scales that measure various fields such as social skills, intellectual flexibility and interests.The entire idea of conducting these psychological tests by employers is that understanding an employee’s general aptitude, intelligence and behaviour analyzes if he’s best suited for the mentioned job or not.

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