period___________________________________ date____________________________________ library visit...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Library Visit Date(s)_______________________

Research Due Date_______________________

Report Due Date__________________________

Power Point Due Date______________________


Put your name and date on upper right hand side of the paper. Number from 1-10 down the left hand side on every other line

READ the following:– You need to know this to answer the questions:

The Abenaki (a-buh-NAH-kee) are American Indian people of the northeastern United States. Before Europeans came to America, the Abenaki were a strong farming civilization. For this part of the test

imagine we’re writing a report about the ancient Abenaki nation.

Using the information from the paragraph you read and the information on the pretest and the note cards on the back of the pretest questions write a short report to tell what you know about the Abenaki nation.

You will have 45 minutes to write.

How does a writer prepareto write?

Internet Accurate informationGood organizationOriginal work

BooksEncyclopediasReference booksMagazinesJournals

Secondary sourcePrimary source

Publication Process

Print Sources: Traditional print sources go through an extensive publication process that includes editing and article review. The process has fact-checkers, multiple reviewers, and editors to ensure quality of publication.

Internet Sources: Anyone with a computer and access to the Internet can publish a website or electronic document. Most web documents do not have editors, fact-checkers, or other types of reviewers. (;

Authorship and Affiliations

Print Sources: Print sources clearly indicate who the author is, what organization(s) he or she is affiliated with, and when his or her work was published.

Internet Sources: Authorship and affiliations are difficult to determine on the Internet. Some sites my have author and sponsorship listed, but many do not.

Sources and Quotations

Print Sources: In most traditional publications, external sources of information and direct quotations are clearly marked and identified.

Internet Sources: Sources the author used or

referred to in the text may not be clearly indicated in an Internet source.

“If you think you’re right, or, if you think you’re wrong, you’re right.” - Henry Ford

Author Qualifications

Print Sources: Qualifications of an author are almost always necessary for print sources. Only qualified authors are likely to have their manuscripts accepted for publication.

Internet Sources: Even if the author and purpose of a website can be determined, the qualifications of the author are not always given.

Publication Information

Print Sources: Publication information such as date of publication, publisher, author, and editor are always clearly listed in print publications.

Internet Sources: Dates of publication and timeliness of information are questionable on the internet. Dates listed on websites could be the date posted, date updated, or a date may not be listed at all.

Bias and Special Interests

Print Sources: While bias certainly exists in traditional publications, printing is more expensive and difficult to accomplish. Most major publishers are out to make a profit and will either not cater to special interest groups or will clearly indicate when they are when they are catering to special interest groups.

Internet Sources: The purpose of the online text may be misleading. A website that appears to be factual may actually be persuasive and/or deceptive.

Google – search - search engine


DOMAIN – end suffixNet – for profitOrg – nonprofitGov – governmentmil – U.S. militaryEdu – schools, colleges, universities


Written Report

Power Point Presentation


Research notes ___________

Content ___________

Organization ___________

Total 100%

Writing Evaluation Guide

Organization ____________

Introduction ____________

Content ____________

Conclusion ____________

Bibliography ____________

Style ____________

Mechanics ____________

Total 100%

Has an introductionHas topic paragraphs

Four different topics (to be discussed)Has a concluding paragraphHas a topic sentence near or at the beginning

of each paragraphUses transition words and sentences to help

the reader move from one paragraph to the next.

Grabs the readers attentionHas a thesis statementProvides background informationGives the reader an idea of what he or she

will learn

Writes at least one paragraph for each main ideas in the introductory paragraph

Writes sentences that are clear and easy to understand

Includes facts and details from at least three sources

Writes information in own wordsUses accurate information

Restates the thesis statement using different words

Summarizes the information in the reportGives own final thoughts

Lists at least three sourcesUses correct format

Uses simple, compound, and complex sentences

Varies the first words of sentencesIncludes illustrations, such as pictures,

diagrams, and maps

Uses correct spellingUses correct capitalizationUses correct punctuation

Writing Evaluation Guide

Organization ____________

Introduction ____________

Content ____________

Conclusion ____________

Bibliography ____________

Style ____________

Mechanics ____________

Total 100%

Power Point Presentation

Use of graphics ____________

Spelling and grammar ____________

Content ____________

Organization ____________

Style ____________

Total 100%

FirstYou must know the topic you are gathering

information on:Author

Not books written BY the authorBUT books written ABOUT the author



Table of ContentsIndex

Architecture, 19-29 Chicken Itza 7, 22

ball courts, 21, 46-47 Chiefs, 11-14, 17

Chichen Itza, 7, 22 Cozumel, 27

Temple of Venus, 20

Tulum 23, 25 Eras

Art, 40-45 classical, 3

carvings, 20, 22, 40, 41 postclassical, 4

Astronomy, 7, 20, 34, 44, 82-88 preclassical, 2

calendar, 7, 82-84

Temple of Venus, 20 Food. 10-13. 34,


Cancun, 27 farming, 10-13

Cenotes, 6, 23, 27-28 34, 56-57

drinking water, 27

sacred, 28

Gods (see also religion) Mathematics, 62-65

Chac, 12, 46 Mayan ruins, 23-28

Cosmic Turtle, 12 Ake, 23

Earth Lord, 12-13, 47 Dzlbilchaltun. 28

hero twins, 4, 12, 20 Edzna, 24

Itzamna, 13 El Castillo, 26, 27

Ixchel, 13, 46, 75 El Rey 26, 27

Kukulcan, 12, 76 Mayapan, 23-24, 26

maize god (corn god), 4, 20 Puuc cities, 25

Tlaloc, 13, 76 San Gervasio, 23

vision serpents, 4, 12, 23, 61 Tulum, 23, 25

Xaman-Ha, 28

Government, 11-17 Xcambo. 28

Lanaguage, 32-39 Playa del Carmen, 8, 26

diagrams, 35 Priests (see Reliogion)

Head notecards with individual topics

Place bibliography information on the top of each notecard

Use a new notecard for each source and topic areaMake sure it lists the

topic again – this helps when you start to write


Education (pp 10-14) #1

Greene, Jacqueline. The Life of Stephen King. New York, Houghton Mifflin, 2006.

Stephen King attended grammar school in Durham, MA\E, and then Lisbon Falls High School where he graduated in 1966. He went to college at the Univ. of Maine in 1970 with a BA in English.


The final piece of data to record is a working bibliography of all the sources you consult. Begin jotting one down as soon as you begin researching so that you won't forget when it comes time to draft the paper (a common error and stress-inducer). Therefore, before you even take notes, neatly record all the pertinent bibliographical information you'll need for any citation format you decide to use (author, title, (editor, translator, and/or edition number if there is one), publisher, city of publication, year of publication, issue number, volume, and page numbers).

The call number of a book, the search terms you entered into any database, and any URLs (web site addresses) for online information come in handy for easy RE-access to a resource should something come in question later on. In short, throw out nothing! And date it all too. Again, it doesn't matter that you may not need all the info you write down.

Top of paperBibliographic info

Author of reference bookLast name, first name.

Title of reference bookPlace of PublicationCopyright yearPublisher

Topics (childhood)Pages info taken fromQuotes around sentence taken directly from

bookParaphrase most of the information

Top of paperWeb address ( of wed site (“Stephen King The Official

Web Site”)Date I accessed site (3/18/08)

Topics (childhood)Same as from book

You now know how to put the bibliographic information on the notecard

You know the subject and the topics you need to research

You know the resources to go toHOW DO YOU TAKE THE NOTES ON THE


Find a book reference book with information about Stephen King.

Go to the index and find educationWrite a notecard with the bibliograpahic

information and education on the top. # the card – it may take 1-10 cards just for this information

Read a paragraph.Decide if there is anything important in that

paragraphIdentify the main ideaLook for supporting detialsIf you write anything---put down the page


Anything and everything that will flesh out your thesis statement or research question.

Be succinct in whatever you write, but don't rely too heavily on mental notes because you're afraid of writing too much down. Even if it's just background data, boil it down to a short phrase on paper and save the taxing of your memory .

Remember that it's fine to copy down duplicating facts. You may need them later on to defend your thesis. For major issues, having more than one person who agrees with you strengthens your point. Just make sure to record who said what each time.

It's also okay to copy down contradictory information. Analytical papers often include opposing views and even for argumentative papers, acknowledging an opposing viewpoint that is easily disproved by its counterpoint is always a good rhetorical tool.

Begin with a quotation. Just make sure you explain its relevance

Begin with a question Begin with an acknowledgment of an opinion opposite to

the one you plan to take Begin with a very short narrative or anecdote that has a

direct bearing on your paper Begin with an interesting fact Begin with a definition or explanation of a term relevant

to your paper Begin with irony or paradox Begin with an analogy. Make sure it's original but not too


Your body paragraphs are perhaps the most important part of your paper; without them your thesis is meaningless and your research question . . . well . . . remains an unanswered question.

The number of paragraphs you have will entirely depend on the length of your paper and the complexity of each subtopic. However, after you have begun to double space your prose, there should be a new paragraph somewhere on each page; a page without an indent is usually a signal that a paragraph somewhere is running too long.

Don't depend on your conclusion to sum up the body paragraphs. Your paragraphs should flow naturally .

Don't simply regurgitate your introduction. Try to talk about your topic in a new way now that you've presented all that you have about it.

Take this opportunity to purpose your feelings or opinion on the topic.

Don't end your conclusion with a quotation or with a statement that could very well be the subject of another paper. The former deflects attention away from you as writer and thinker; the latter deflects attention from what you're saying in your paper.

Good research uses a variety of sources. Information is accurate It contains facts that can be provedThe information is currentThe person presenting the information is an expertThe information is not biasedThe information is not too difficult for you to read.

Now you have your bibliography information and your information for your report

Organize the cards by topics of informationTake each topic area, one at a timeBegin to write a rough draft – combining

information from all of your sources on the same topic into an organized and meaningful group of paragraphs.

Think of an opening sentence to get your reader’s attention.REMEMBER – to indent the first word of your

paragraphWrite sentence to complete this introductory

paragraph that will let your reader know the four topics your are going to be talking about. (6 sentences)

Begin the second paragraph with the first topic you wrote about in the introduction. Complete the paragraphs with details on the topic. Use as many paragraphs as necessary to complete the topic.

Choose the next main topic from your notecards and write as many paragraphs as it takes to present this information.

Do this with all remaining topics.If you are using words taken directly from the book

put them into quotes and cite where they came from at the end of the sentence (Clay, 1987, p. 32)

FINALLY, write the last paragraph, CONCLUSION.Restate your thesis in different words, summarize

the topics presented in the report. And give your final thought about your author.

Go back and proof readMake correctionsAdditionsLook at spelling, punctuation, grammar,

capitalizationsMake sure you used transitions


Using the information in your report, make a power point presentation to show to the class.


Your nameAuthors nameDatePhoto of author

At least one slide for each topic covered in report

Photos if availableList of three other books written by the author

BookLast name author, first name. Title of Book. Place of

Publication: Publishing company, year.

EncyclopediaLast name author, first name. “Title of Article.” Title of Encyclopedia. Year ed.

Internet“Title of web page.” www.webaddress.html.

MagazineLast name author, first name. “Title of article.” Title of magazine, month year, page numbers.

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