percentage analysis

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Percentage Analysis


    Percentage Analysis

    Trend Analysis

    There has been the constant uprising trend in the Net Sales of the Ferozsons right from the start

    of the 2004. There is the general rising trend. However the Increase in cash has been in

    consistent throughout the whole period as can be seen in the year 2008n and 2009. But the

    Accounts receivables had sharp rises. Most of the work was been done on credit. But in 2008 the

    receivables are also on decline. Seems like the hidden costs consumed most of the cash and

    receivables declined in the process as well. The reason of it could be the constant increase in the

    costs that can be sited in the Financial Statement. The fixed assets also appear in the constant

    rise hence the extra cash earned could have been spent to increase the assets and the accounts

    receivables may had been replaced with the assets.

    The company also increased its Net Total Investment in the number of companies hence most of

    the cash was diversified. The increase in investment is tremendous after the year 2006.n the

    increase is evident from the increase in the Share in profit of Farmica by 2008 of around 285% as

    compared to that of loss of 64% in the year 2004.

    Companys prepaid expenses have been increasing constantly for the year 2005 and 2006 but

    however most of them were used upp till the end of the 2008 and the increase declined sharply

    by the end. Companys inventory rose constantly hence overall there has been the constant and

    sharp increase in the current assets of the company hence the company would have been on the

    financial boom during the tenure. Company provides the facility of loans and has invested in

    many deposits as well hence the company has its legs spread to all sides wide and open. Thus the

    cash and income sources are a lot but the cash in hand seems to be low as compared to all the

    investments being made by the firm hence the liquid assets accounts doesnt appear to be rich.

    One can easily notice the increase in the tax provision by the government and the increase has

    been seen throughout the period. Increase in the profit after tax has hit the maximum point till

    2008 of about 318% as compared to that of year 2004. The financial heath has been more than

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    satisfactory alone by the fact but the increase in receivables has been more so the cash in hand

    and the dividends to be distributed hold a question mark at their face.

    The assets and the Stockholders Equity section show a remarkable increase. Total Assets have

    been increasing constantly hence a bright future can be predicted rightly as they increased by400% till 2008. The Companys reliability and good market repute can be guaranteed.

    Common Size Analysis and Index Analysis

    In the total Stockholders Equity, the net profit constitutes for around 21% in 2007, the amount increased

    to 23% in the preceding year. The trend is upward hence the growth is positive and the margins are

    attractive for the stockholders. The company has managed well its distribution channels and as a result the

    part of Total Equity allocated to it has decreased from 23% in 2007 to 21% in 2008. The company seems

    to be gaining the economies of scale, a good sign after all. The companys share in the profit of the

    farmica increased as well as you can see in the figures stated hence the overall Equity increased due to the

    reason. So the companys investments can be termed as profitable and the Equity financing is in good

    shape. Company faces the threat from the increased tax provision by the government and the profit

    margins are said to be reduced due to the same effect. The companys administrative expenses increased

    its share in the total equity hence the official expenditures need to be controlled or in a way employs are

    too much easy going for what they spend during the working hours. The increase in Gross profit is indeed

    a very remarkable signal fro the companys well being an a promise of good dividends for the stock

    holders an case the other expenses maybe reduced somehow. Overall the total Stockholders Equity has

    increased allowing them to claim high profits and fruitful results for them. The Index Analysis performed

    for the financial Statement makes it clear and completely backs our analysis. The Costs of Goods sold

    other Operating Income, Selling and Distribution Cost and Financial Cost all have been reduced. The

    Other Operating Income fell by 18% which is the decline in the total Equity. The Reduction In costs is a

    positive trend towards the EOS (Economies of Scales). The Net Profit of the company has increased by

    around 8% leaving the overall positive impact.

    The operating Income has decreased as the relationship can be derived from the increase in the Fixed

    assets as the operating Income is invested in the buying process of the land, plant and equipments. The

    inventory has increased around 35% that shows the positive trend in the production process and indication

    for the rising demand for the products of the company. The prepaid expenses are declining as the

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    expenses accrued overtime are depreciating with the consumption of services and the investments. The

    cash has declined in the bank and the receivables are also on a big decline at about 88%. The companys

    income has been reinvested immediately as stated by the financial reports so there are no withheld

    finances and the firm is doing well to do with it. But as seen from the earlier analysis the companys

    doing much of its dealings at credit hence the companys liquid assets are at low scale. Companys total

    current assets are increasing. The total current assets have increased by 15% bringing a net change of

    21% in Total assets.

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    Ratios Analysis

    Gross Profit Ratio.


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Gross Profit


    Ferozson 0.58000614 0.54952121 0.570820202 0.573764428 0.616516

    Otsuka 0.3306322 0.35257923 0.34392416 0.344812343 0.3684616

    Highnoon 0.35531101 0.40795047 0.404083156 0.361214325 0.3659792

    This ratio measures the share of Gross Profit in the Net Sales of the Company. The Gross Profit

    of the Ferozsons shared 58% in 2008 while Otuska and Highnoon had the 33% and 35.5%. hence

    the gross profit of the ferozsons was the highest in the 3 companies in question. The Gross Profitof all three companies has been in decline but ferozsons has got somewhat stable Gross Profit

    Ratio. Otsuka faced the constant decline in the ratio of Gross profit with its Net Sales with

    highest in 2004 of about 36.8% which was only 33.6%. for highnoon the record has been very

    fluctuating as lowest in 2008 at 35.5% and highest in 2007 at 440.8%. But for the ferozsons the

    record was on level for the whole span and the decline was minimal. With highest of 61.6% of

    gross profit ratio in 2004 and lowest in 2007 at around 55%, still higher than the highest of the

    other two.

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    Operating Profit (Margin) Ratio


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004





    Ferozson 0.23278376 0.21710862 0.233799066 0.23417928 0.2015356

    Otsuka 0.10291753 0.12678236 0.116507012 0.108450197 0.1405999

    Highnoon 0.03264985 0.05450274 0.049633124 0.040477108 0.037446

    This ratio indeed measures the profits of the company in case there were no tax provisions by the

    govt. and it measures the Earnings of the company if the tax has not been intact. It is also called

    the Earning Before Income Tax(EBIT) Ratio. As we can see in the table, the EBIT Ratio is

    highest in case of the ferozsons abd has increased contantly. However, the trend in the Otsuka is

    quite the opposite as there can be seen the constant decrease but it has still got higher EBIT Ratio

    than those of the Highnoon throughout the year. Highnoon has unpredictable and fluctuating

    trend. In 2008 23.2% of Net Sales of ferozsons were its operating profits while the figures for

    Otsuka and the Highnoon are 10.2% and 3.2% respectively. Ferozsons had highest EBIT ratio

    23.4% in 2005 and lowest in 2004 i-e 20.1%. otsuka had its peak in 2004 at 14% and went

    through the constant decline to 10.3% in 2008. Highnoon showed the 2008 to be the worst EBITratio year at 3.2% and the best was 2007 at 5.45% of Net Sales were Operating profits. Hence the

    ferozsons had greater Operating profits and that would have led to greater Retained Earnings and

    better Dividend and Dividend Yield.

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    Net Profit Ratio


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004


    Profit Ratio

    Ferozson 0.53719832 0.29164291 0.286260186 0.312326973 0.3084021

    Otsuka 0.09561896 0.11670042 0.108648461 0.10244144 0.1306161

    Highnoon 0.04974683 0.0678697 0.064956857 0.052383419 0.0682321

    This ratio states that how much Net Profit the company earns on the Net Sales of $1. Ferozsons

    net profit shows a downward trend in 2006 and 2007 before reaching the boom in 2008 at

    earning $ 0.54 approximately at every 1$ sale. This ratio is low for the other two competitors

    throughout the year as they never overtook the Ferozsons. Otsuka was in decline as seen by its

    gross profit and EBIT and Highnoon follows the random walk. Otsuka had the highest Net profit

    in 2004 at 13% and highnoon had the 6.8% highest in same year. They couldnt even touch the

    lowest of Ferozsons in 2006 at 28.6%

    Return on Equity


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Return on

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    Ferozson 0.28766949 0.33384367 0.390578767 0.753235369 0.4780264

    Otsuka 0.20981676 0.22851634 0.200239369 0.187752138 0.0405014

    Highnoon 0.09300011 0.17066903 0.153013747 0.112851799 0.1133259

    This ratio shows the profitability of owner investment. The ratio states the returns that common

    stockholders get on their share in the total stockholders equity and their capital investment. The

    return on equity for ferozsons is the highest as compared to the other two competitors. Ferozsons

    maintained the greater return for its common stockholders throughout the year. In 2004 Otsuka

    provided less return but by 2008 Highnoon was not in lead in lead against Otsuka by 20.9%

    against 9.3%. ferozsons have been giving the 75% return in 2005 to be its highest and otsuka

    gave 22% as highest in 2007 and in 2007 17% return on equity to the common stockholders of


    Price Earning (Times)


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Price Earning


    Ferozson 20.6 14.9307646 11.70759566 7.80070458 8.2012028



    Earning Yield


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Earning Yield

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    Ferozson 4.85436893 6.69758065 8.541463415 12.81935484 12.193333



    Dividend Payout Ratio


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004


    payout Ratio

    Ferozson 262.647619 29.3363421 34.0212033 40.04483523 113.1438



    Dividend Yield


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Dividend yield

    Ferozson 0.97087379 2.62096774 1.951219512 2.820512821 2.6666667



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    Return on Assets


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Return on


    Ferozson 16.0758993 18.5349515 23.27746035 31.39176969 25.891884

    Otsuka 0.08277676 0.09840681 0.101597977 0.104238024 0.1421988

    Highnoon 0.04484603 0.08088142 0.067778039 0.047967891 0.0450313

    It measures the efficiency of assets in producing the sales. Thus it is the measure that how

    efficiently the assets are being used to increase the sales or how much sales are being produced..

    the return on assets is much greater in the ferozsons with minimum of 1600% in 2008 and

    maximum of 3100% in 2005. The return on assets of ferozsons is far beyond comparison with

    the other two in which otsuka had the highest of 14% in 2004 compared to 2500% of ferozsons

    and 4% of Highnoon. Highnoon had the highest return of only 8% in 2007 as compared to 9%

    and 1800% of otsuka and ferozsons respectively.

    Current Ratio


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004



    Ferozson 2.5974409 2.93994356 2.863706923 2.77114431 1.6951172

    Otsuka 1.13033361 1.16593385 1.308744197 1.421122845 1.6649051

    Highnoon 0.04484603 0.08088142 0.067778039 0.047967891 0.0450313

    It is the measurement of short term loan paying ability of an organization. The measurements

    suggest that how much liability each of the asset has to pay. Like the current ratio of ferozsons in

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    2007 state that for every 1$ of liabilities, there are3 2.93 $ of assets to payback there loan.

    Ferozsons had least current ratio of 1.66 in 2004 but still was the greatest than the other two and

    it suggested the strong financial condition of the company. Otsuka was quiet a sound company

    and had enough assets to back its liabilities and the current ratio was highest in 2004 at 1.66,

    although it then fell to 1.13 by 2008. The weakest of the three is the highnoon, as the company

    seems to be already in the lot of debts as the ratio is decimals which means the liabilities that the

    company owes have not sufficient funds are the assets to back these conditions. The situation is

    alarming for the Highnoon and it must prefer to pay as much as possible.



    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Quick (Acid-

    Test) Ratio

    Ferozson 1.675852 2.07246189 1.550928766 1.821307576 0.978441

    Otsuka 0.65372902 0.65078604 0.965228522 0.99353963 1.0721013

    Highnoon 0.50895043 0.51106865 0.497153352 0.520678878 0.4568279

    It measures the intermediate short term debt paying ability. And as foreseen the ferozsons is

    doing best with the more assets to back up the liabilities at hand and the assets are quite in good

    shape and have more cash in hand. However the otsuka and Highnoon are both not doing well.

    The ratio fell for otsuka in 2004 declining with the passage of time from 107% to 65.3%. but the

    trend is alarming for the sirens. For the Highnoon the ratio remained low but cautiously stable

    between the range of 45% and 52%.

    Receivables Turnover

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    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004



    Ferozson 33.0649179 41.4085149 81.87459246 108.0877334 72.802062

    Otsuka 6.66418596 6.32575972 5.041980146 4.750715939 4.4738278

    Highnoon 2 2 0.394991142 1.102251105 0.7781751

    This ratio measures the efficiency of collection of Cash against the sales. And to see how much

    of the cash is in credit and need to be relieved. The recovery or cash collection is not so good

    with the ferozsons as the sales seem to be high but so does the Average Account Receivables. It

    is a symbol so the loss of liquid asset such as cash. However Highnoon gives you the chock to

    see that most of its work has been the cash basis not on the credit but through case. Ferozsons

    have more to recover, followed by otuska and then the highnoon. The lesser the better.

    Receivables Turnover Days


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004


    turnover days

    Ferozson 11.0388903 8.81461217 4.458037458 3.376886429 5.0135943

    Otsuka 54.7703804 57.7005792 72.39219303 76.83052507 81.585617

    Highnoon 182.5 182.5 924.0713562 331.1405162 469.04612

    This ratio measures the liquidity of Accounts Recievebable. It states that how much time a $1 in

    Accounts Receivables takes to turn into the cash. Greater the ratio means more the recievablesare and the less is the cash in hand. In the table given here ferosons has the the lowest ratios of

    the other two. Highnoon has been a weak company and it takes a lot of days to convert its

    receivables to cash. As in 2006 highnoon had the ratio around 924 and even the lowest is 182.5

    in years 2007 and 2008. The otsuka has the less ratio values fro the span of four years with

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    highest of 81.5 in 2004 and has decreased the ratio constantly to 54.77 till 2008. Overall it takes

    minimum days with the ferozsons to convert its receivables to cash, then to otsuka and highnoon.

    Inventory Turnover Ratio


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004




    Ferozson 2.48922114 2.97686874 2.663480923 3.076899012 4.1762586

    Otsuka 2.02600756 1.90749369 2.713307088 2.255176115 1.3538944

    Highnoon 2.8708317 2.8183066 2.835770263 2.903233247 2.6434932

    Inventory turnover ratios measures how efficient a company is in managing its inventory. It

    states how long a company keeps its inventory before selling it and how efficiently it does that.

    With the above data we can conclude that although Feroz Sons have a high and low graphs,

    highnoon come out to be the most efficient out of three with constant or nearly constant ratios

    across the span of 5 years. The lowest figure for Feroz sons was in the 2008 with 2.48 while for

    otsuka it was 1.90 in 2007 and for highnoob it was way back in 2004 with 2.64.While the highest

    figures for Feroz sons were in 2004 with 4.17, for otsuka in 2006 with 2.71 and for highnoon in

    2005 with 2.90. Feroz Sons has been seeing a constant decline in inventory management

    efficiency since 2004 with the exception of 2007 which showed a little improvement. While for

    Otsuka the efficient inventory management has been variable, increasing constantly from 2004 to

    2006, decreasing in 2007 and again increasing in 2008. While Highnoon had more of a stable

    inventory management with minor changes.It only decreases from 2.90 in 2005 to 2.835 in 2006

    other then that the company has seen little changes regarding its inventory turnover ratio.

    Highnoon is the most efficient inventory manager out of these three.

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    Inventory turnover days


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004




    Ferozson 146.632211 122.612057 137.0387138 118.6259278 87.398803

    Otsuka 180.157274 191.350568 134.5221857 161.8498873 269.59267

    Highnoon 127.140856 129.510395 128.7128244 125.7219 138.07488

    Inventory turnover days measure how long inventory has been kept before selling it out. The

    lower the time the company kept its inventory the better it is. With above data Feroz Sons has the

    lowest inventory turnover days in 2004 with 87.39 and highest in 2008 with 146.63. Otsuka had

    the lowest in 2006 with 134.52 and highest in 2004 with 269.59. While Highnoon had the lowest

    in 2005 with 125.72 and highest in 2004 with 138.07. The above data shows that HIghnoon

    among the three has the least inventory turnover days over the period of 5 years with Feroz Sons

    and Otsuka lagging behind.

    Total Assets Turnover ratio


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Total Assest

    turnover ratio

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    Ferozson 0.69059369 0.85371791 0.995618191 1.340501591 1.2346492

    Otsuka 1.28681654 1.31554735 1.477659 1.567304119 1.6311616

    Highnoon 1.37354462 1.36558075 1.365580747 1.185062212 1.2025682

    Total assets turnover ratio measures how much assets are efficient in producing sales for the

    company. It states how much efficient a company is in using its assets to generate sales thus

    making it an important factor to calculate the operating efficiency of the company. From the

    above figures we can see that Feroz Sons had the most efficient operating year in 2004 with total

    assets to turnover ratio being 1.23, otsuka also had it in 2004 with operating efficiency being

    1.63 but highnoon had the highest operating efficiency and assets to turnover ratio in 2008. Feroz

    Sons as a company had been seeing the constant decline in assets to turnover ratio from 2004 to

    2008. Although Feroz Sons as a company has been growing but the company has not been ableto use its assets efficiently to generate sales. Same is the case for Otsuka the company has been

    growing constantly over the span of 5 years but hasnt been able to use its assets efficiently to

    pull sales. But there is a different case for Highnoon, the company has been growing constantly

    and also has been improving its assets to turnover ratio and is most efficient company out of the

    three to use its assets in producing sales.

    Interest Coverage Ratio


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004




    Ferozson 196.783703 62.3162967 96.15905534 119.8551075 109.07116

    Otsuka 14.1010521 12.5751906 12.73475936 63.88825758 74.118731

    Highnoon 1.43264195 2.94076062 2.582359487 1.96346259 3.2643812

    Interest coverage ratio measure the ability of the company to pay its interest expenses. The larger

    this ratio will be the less risky the company is for creditors. Feroz Sons has the best Interest

    coverage ratio among 3 with highest in 2008 with 196.78 and lowest in 2007 with

    62.31.Feroz Sons has seen few declines along the way as well with 2006 and 2007 being bad

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    years for the company but it recovered in 2008 to become the most trusted company for

    creditors. While Otsuka is second less risky company for creditors with highest ratio in 2004

    with 74.11 and lowest in 2007 with 12.57. Highnoon has the most riskier company for creditors

    with highest ratio in 2004 with 3.26 and lowest in 2008. Highnoon among three is the most risky

    company for creditors with ratio alarmingly low.

    Working Capital


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004



    Ferozson 313369443 299252267 206336018 181018088 82060014

    Otsuka 53879 48796 73085 90282 99900

    Highnoon 194314626 192211908 137199317 76589918 62976334

    Working capital measures the operating liquidity available to business. A company requires

    positive working capital in order to run its operations efficiently. Feroz Sons has the best current

    assets to current liabilities ratio with lowest in 2004 with 82060014 and highest in 2008 with

    313369443, with a constant increase in working capital over the span of 5 years. Otsuka has the

    worst working capital as compared to other two. Otsuka had the highest working capital in 2004with 999000 and lowest in 2007 with 48796. Otsuka has seen a constant decline from 2004 to

    2007 with new hopes in 2008 as the company managed to increase its working capital in 2008 as

    compared to 2007. Highnoon had the lowest working capital in 2004 with 62976334 and highest

    in 2008 with 194314626. Highnoon has seen a constant rise in working capital over the span of 5

    years. Among these three Feroz Sons has the best working capital.

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    Overall Ratio Analysis

    The Gross Profit of all three companies has been in decline but ferozsons has got somewhat

    stable Gross Profit Ratio. Otsuka faced the constant decline in the ratio of Gross profit and for

    Highnoon the record has been fluctuating. While these other two companies had the decreasing

    gross profit Feroz Sons has been continuously seeing the stable gross profit ratios over the span

    of 5 years. The EBIT Ratio is highest in case of the ferozsons abd has increased contantly.

    However, the trend in the Otsuka is quite the opposite as there can be seen the constant decrease

    but it has still got higher EBIT Ratio than those of the Highnoon throughout the year. Ferozsons

    net profit shows a downward trend in 2006 and 2007 before reaching the boom in 2008 at

    earning $ 0.54 approximately at every 1$ sale. Net profit ratio of Otsuka and Highnoon is very

    low as they never seem to overtake Feroz Sons.

    The return on equity for ferozsons is the highest as compared to the other two competitors.

    Ferozsons maintained the greater return for its common stockholders throughout the year. In

    2004 Otsuka provided less return but by 2008 Highnoon was not in lead in lead against Otsuka

    by 20.9% against 9.3%.

    The return on assets is much greater in the ferozsons with minimum of 1600% in 2008 and

    maximum of 3100% in 2005. The return on assets of ferozsons is far beyond comparison with

    the other two. The current ratio of ferozsons in 2007 state that for every 1$ of liabilities, thereare3 2.93 $ of assets to payback there loan. Ferozsons had least current ratio of 1.66 in 2004 but

    still was the greatest than the other two and it suggested the strong financial condition of the


    Ferozsons is doing best with the more assets to back up the liabilities at hand and the assets are

    quite in good shape and have more cash in hand. However the otsuka and Highnoon are both not

    doing well. Ferozsons have more to recover, followed by otuska and then the highnoon, the

    lesser the better. It takes minimum days with the ferozsons to convert its receivables to cash, then

    to otsuka and highnoon. Feroz Sons has been seeing a constant decline in inventory management

    efficiency, while otsuka has also seen constant declines. Highnoon has been the most efficient

    inventory manager over the span of 5 years. Although Feroz Sons as a company has been

    growing but the company has not been able to use its assets efficiently to generate sales. Same is

    the case for Otsuka the company has been growing constantly over the span of 5 years but hasnt

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    been able to use its assets efficiently to pull sales. But there is a different case for Highnoon, the

    company has been growing constantly and also has been improving its assets to turnover ratio

    and is most efficient company out of the three to use its assets in producing sales.

    HIghnoon among the three has the least inventory turnover days over the period of 5 years with

    Feroz Sons and Otsuka lagging behind.Feroz Sons has seen few declines along the way as well

    with 2006 and 2007 being bad years for the company but it recovered in 2008 to become the

    most trusted company for creditors.

    Otsuka is the less riskier company among the three, and that makes Highnoon the most riskier

    company for creditors.Highnoon has seen a constant increase in working capital over the 5 year

    period alongwith highnoon sharing the same trend. While otsuka had seen a constant decline

    from 20047 to 2007, recovering back a bit in 2008.


    Feroz Sons is the best company to Invest in with the its current financial health and its

    performance over the time period of 5 years. The second best company to invest in is Otsuka

    lagging behind Feroz Sons in numbers.Otsuk has good financial health and the company is

    performing relatively good. While Highnoon is the worst company to invest in with its liabilities

    exceeding its assets. But highnoon is the most efficient company when it comes to using assets to

    produce sales, with other two companies having relatively smaller assets to turnover ratio.

    Summary ofRatios


    name 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

    Gross Profit


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    Ferozson 0.58000614 0.54952121 0.570820202 0.573764428 0.616516

    Otsuka 0.3306322 0.35257923 0.34392416 0.344812343 0.3684616

    Highnoon 0.35531101 0.40795047 0.404083156 0.361214325 0.3659792





    Ferozson 0.23278376 0.21710862 0.233799066 0.23417928 0.2015356

    Otsuka 0.10291753 0.12678236 0.116507012 0.108450197 0.1405999

    Highnoon 0.03264985 0.05450274 0.049633124 0.040477108 0.037446


    Profit Ratio

    Ferozson 0.53719832 0.29164291 0.286260186 0.312326973 0.3084021

    Otsuka 0.09561896 0.11670042 0.108648461 0.10244144 0.1306161

    Highnoon 0.04974683 0.0678697 0.064956857 0.052383419 0.0682321

    Return on


    Ferozson 0.28766949 0.33384367 0.390578767 0.753235369 0.4780264

    Otsuka 0.20981676 0.22851634 0.200239369 0.187752138 0.0405014

    Highnoon 0.09300011 0.17066903 0.153013747 0.112851799 0.1133259

    Price Earning


    Ferozson 20.6 14.9307646 11.70759566 7.80070458 8.2012028



    Earning Yield

    Ferozson 4.85436893 6.69758065 8.541463415 12.81935484 12.193333




    payout Ratio

    Ferozson 262.647619 29.3363421 34.0212033 40.04483523 113.1438


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    Dividend yield

    Ferozson 0.97087379 2.62096774 1.951219512 2.820512821 2.6666667



    Return on


    Ferozson 16.0758993 18.5349515 23.27746035 31.39176969 25.891884

    Otsuka 0.08277676 0.09840681 0.101597977 0.104238024 0.1421988

    Highnoon 0.04484603 0.08088142 0.067778039 0.047967891 0.0450313

    Current Ratio

    Ferozson 2.5974409 2.93994356 2.863706923 2.77114431 1.6951172

    Otsuka 1.13033361 1.16593385 1.308744197 1.421122845 1.6649051

    Highnoon 0.04484603 0.08088142 0.067778039 0.047967891 0.0450313

    Quick (Acid-

    Test) Ratio

    Ferozson 1.675852 2.07246189 1.550928766 1.821307576 0.978441

    Otsuka 0.65372902 0.65078604 0.965228522 0.99353963 1.0721013

    Highnoon 0.50895043 0.51106865 0.497153352 0.520678878 0.4568279



    Ferozson 33.0649179 41.4085149 81.87459246 108.0877334 72.802062

    Otsuka 6.66418596 6.32575972 5.041980146 4.750715939 4.4738278

    Highnoon 2 2 0.394991142 1.102251105 0.7781751


    turnover days

    Ferozson 11.0388903 8.81461217 4.458037458 3.376886429 5.0135943

    Otsuka 54.7703804 57.7005792 72.39219303 76.83052507 81.585617

    Highnoon 182.5 182.5 924.0713562 331.1405162 469.04612




    Ferozson 2.48922114 2.97686874 2.663480923 3.076899012 4.1762586

  • 8/9/2019 Percentage Analysis


    Otsuka 2.02600756 1.90749369 2.713307088 2.255176115 1.3538944

    Highnoon 2.8708317 2.8183066 2.835770263 2.903233247 2.6434932




    Ferozson 146.632211 122.612057 137.0387138 118.6259278 87.398803

    Otsuka 180.157274 191.350568 134.5221857 161.8498873 269.59267

    Highnoon 127.140856 129.510395 128.7128244 125.7219 138.07488

    Total Assest

    turnover ratio

    Ferozson 0.69059369 0.85371791 0.995618191 1.340501591 1.2346492

    Otsuka 1.28681654 1.31554735 1.477659 1.567304119 1.6311616

    Highnoon 1.37354462 1.36558075 1.365580747 1.185062212 1.2025682




    Ferozson 196.783703 62.3162967 96.15905534 119.8551075 109.07116

    Otsuka 14.1010521 12.5751906 12.73475936 63.88825758 74.118731

    Highnoon 1.43264195 2.94076062 2.582359487 1.96346259 3.2643812



    Ferozson 313369443 299252267 206336018 181018088 82060014

    Otsuka 53879 48796 73085 90282 99900

    Highnoon 194314626 192211908 137199317 76589918 62976334

    Current Ratio

    Ferozson 2.5974409 2.93994356 2.863706923 2.77114431 1.6951172

    Otsuka 1.13033361 1.16593385 1.308744197 1.421122845 1.6649051

    Highnoon 1.37333004 1.41544649 1.310250776 1.179019429 1.1669732

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