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O poder em renovar os pensamentos.


  • Teaching Notes by Joyce Meyer

    Joyce Meyer Ministries P.O. Box 655 Fenton, MO 63026 636-349-0303 1-800-727-9673


    Power ThoughtsHow to Renew Your Mind with Gods Word

  • Copyright 2008 Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored electronically, sold, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc.

  • June 7-9, 2007 College Park, Maryland

    POWER THOUGHTS Power Thoughts Part 1

    I. The Importance Of Thoughts.

    A. Proverbs 23:7 We are what we think.

    Gird up your mind. 1. We can be, do and have what God says we can have. 2. Thinking prepares us for action. 3. Colossians 3:2 Set your mind. 4. Renewing your mind is an ongoing process. 5. Gird up my mind get ready for action.

    B. Romans 12:2 Mind must be renewed.

    1. We must learn to think like a child of God. C. II Corinthians 10:4-5 We can control our thoughts.

    1. We can do purposeful thinking. D. Philippians 4:8 Think on these things.

    1. All good things II. I Am In Right Standing With God.

    A. II Corinthians 5:17-18, 19-21 New creature


  • 1. Lay hold of this thinking which is TRUTH.

    a. Not condemned, not guilty and not ashamed b. Im reconciled no debt, sins canceled and

    have favor 2. FACT You may not be doing everything right.

    TRUTH You are made right so you can improve what you do.

    B. Your who is not based on your do.

    1. It is based on what Jesus did. C. We easily received sin and condemnation from Adam. Why cant we

    just as easily receive righteousness, forgiveness, and freedom from condemnation from Jesus?

    To reign as kings in life, we must receive from Jesus.

    1. Romans 5:12, 15-17

    D. II Samuel: Chapter 9 A young man who lived without the blessings

    he had available because of how he thought of himself

    Thinking righteously prepares you to resist temptation.

    1. FACT He had some problems, weaknesses and flaws.

    2. TRUTH He was still in the family. He had blood rights. E. You are valuable God wants a relationship with you. F. Youll never go beyond how you see yourself.

    1. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Think about yourself.


  • III. I Will Not Bow Down Or Be Afraid.

    I wont be afraid Im not acceptable to God.

    A. Romans 8:15 I am a child of God. I have the Holy Spirit not a spirit of fear.

    B. Romans 8:31 If God is for me, who can be against me? C. Psalm 118:6 The Lord is on my side I will not fear. What can man

    do to me?

    JM NOTE: Awesome scripture

    1. Our only acceptable attitude toward fear must be, I will not fear.

    2. Think I will not live in fear.

    D. Daniel 6:1-10 Men tried to control Daniel through fear, but he would

    not bow down to them.

    1. The fear of man destroys destinies. E. Luke 12:4-5 Dont fear man fear God who has the ability to hurl

    you into hell.

    JM NOTE: Good fear evil fear. F. Joshua 1:5-9 Making progress requires that we know how to handle

    the feeling of fear.

    1. I will not fear. G. Example: When God led me to quit my job and begin preparing for a

    teaching ministry; I was so afraid, I shook when I walked.

    1. First, I quit my full-time job and got a part-time job. 2. God wanted obedience, not sacrifice. 3. I was so afraid, but I did it afraid and began learning how

    to trust God for provision.


  • H. Faith steps out to obey God while it feels fear.

    Faith takes action when fear is present. 1. By faith

    a. Moses left the palace in Egypt. b. Abraham left his family (idol worship).

    c. Daniel stepped into the lions den. d. Noah built an ark. e. Abraham offered up Isaac. f. Rahab, Ruth, Esther, Jacob, Joseph, Gideon

    and Paul all stood against fear because they believed God was with them.

    JM NOTE: 365 Fear nots in the Bible.

    I am right with God.

    I will not be afraid (walk in fear).












































  • Power Thoughts Part 2 I. I Am Able To Do Whatever I Need To Do.

    A. Philippians 4:13 Ready for anything and equal to anything

    1. God gives me inner strength. 2. I am determined (keep standing on the inside). 3. Colossians 3:2 Set your mind for success.

    Defeat the spirit of give up.

    B. Romans 8:37 I am more than a conqueror I know I have victory no

    matter what the battle is. C. Judges 6:12-16 Gideon responded to Gods call with I cant do that.

    JM PROP: Use excuse bag D. Numbers 13:25-33

    1. Two men said, We are able. 2. Ten said, We cant. 3. The two (Joshua and Caleb) became well-known. 4. All saw giants only two saw God.

    E. Joshua 14:10-13 At the age of eighty-five, Caleb asked for a mountain.

    1. He did not have an I cant attitude. 2. Be careful about Im too old, or Im a woman,

    or Im too young.


  • F. I am strong (in the Lord).

    1. Joel 3:10 let the weak say, I am strong [a warrior]!

    2. II Corinthians 12:7-10 Paul had human weakness, but was strong in the Lord.

    II. Set Your Mind To Always Have A Positive Attitude.

    Thomas had a doubtful, negative attitude no wonder there is no Book of Thomas.

    A. Psalm 27:13-14 David always expected something good to happen.

    1. He had many enemies. 2. King Saul aggressively sought to kill him for years. 3. During many of those years he had to remain in hiding. 4. His own son (Absalom) betrayed him by covertly trying

    to steal his kingdom. 5. David had terribly disappointed God by committing

    adultery and murder. 6. His baby son died. 7. He was not allowed to build the temple he desperately

    wanted to build. 8. He was constantly at war.

    a. Murphys Law:

    If anything can go wrong it will. b. A Christians attitude:

    1) If anything can go right it will.


  • 2) Nothing is as hard as it looks.

    3) If anything good can happen to anyone, it will happen to me.

    B. Joseph had a positive attitude.

    1. Genesis 50:20 He made a choice to look for something positive in the situation.

    2. Joseph had been sold by his brothers to slave traders. 3. His first masters wife accused him (falsely) of sexual

    assault. 4. He spent thirteen years in prison for a crime he did

    not commit. C. Paul always maintained a good attitude.

    1. Romans 8:28 All things work together for good to those who love God and want His will.

    a. If we keep praying! b. I believe in every situation there is more

    right than wrong, if we search for it. 2. II Corinthians 1:8-9 He put a positive spin on a very,

    very negative situation.

    a. I dont complain about anything.

    1) Philippians 2:14

    2) I Corinthians 10:9-10 3. II Corinthians 4:8-9, 18 He rehearses or recognizes the

    problem, but declares they will have victory. 4. Isaiah 30:18 God is looking for someone who is

    expecting to be blessed.


  • III. I Obey God PROMPTLY.

    A. Exodus 24:7 All the Lord has said we will do we will be obedient

    1. Mind-set B. Our level of blessing and power is directly linked to our level of prompt,

    accurate obedience.

    1. Deuteronomy 8:1-2

    C. Isaiah 1:19-23 Be willing and obedient, and eat the good of the land.

    1. Dont delay. 2. Cant turn a deaf ear. 3. John 13:17 and James 1:22

    D. Acts 5:28-29 Although it put them in prison they said, We must obey God rather than men.

    1. How different would our country be today if public officials

    had this commitment to obedience? 2. What if all Christians had this commitment?

    E. Colossians 3:1-2 Set your mind and keep it set.

    1. You set your mind, and you keep it set. F. Example: God told me to pay for a womans shoes in the check-out

    lane. I did not want to obey because I did not want to be embarrassed.

    1. I was not only embarrassed, but ashamed when the woman tried to check-out and didnt have enough money; and had to leave her shoes.

    2. Fear is one of the main reasons for disobedience.

    a. Fear of sacrifice


  • b. What people will think? c. Fear of failure

    Thinkand obey God promptly.













































  • Power Thoughts Part 3 Foundation Scripture: Philippians 4:8 Thinking prepares us for action. I. I Dont Make Decisions Based On Feelings.

    Examples: Get angry and have an emotional tantrum Have a day filled with self-pity Have an emotional eat everything you can get day.

    A. John 21:1-6 They lacked success due to emotional decisions.

    1. God is not obligated to make something a success just because it is what we felt like doing.

    2. On the other hand, you dont need divine direction about

    everything you do. 3. Proverbs 3:5-7 Acknowledge God (care what He wants),

    and He will direct your path. 4. Pray for guidance every day.

    B. Learn to let emotion subside and then decide.

    1. How we feel or what we think when emotions are heated up changes when they calm down.

    Example: Having great fun with people Lets do this next weekend at my house! Then, Oh, no!

    2. Emotional decisions:

    a. Cause us not to keep our word. b. Cause debt.


  • c. Cause regret. d. Cause people not to respect or trust us. e. God cant promote us.

    f. Cause us to disobey God. g. Cause us to give up on things we should

    stick with. h. Cause us to start things we cannot finish.

    i. Cause us to say things we dont mean.

    C. John 21:15-19 Is your love for God strong if you have to walk a path

    you would not have chosen?

    1. What if people you know have it easier than you do?

    John 21:20-22 D. Luke 5:1-7 Peter acted on Gods Word instead of feelings. E. Ephesians 2:3 Walking in the flesh means

    1. Obeying emotional impulses 2. Thoughts of the mind

    F. Romans 8:5 Dont set your mind on or gratify the desires of the flesh.

    1. Romans 13:14 Stop thinking about how you feel. 2. Think I dont follow my feelings. I dont have to have

    everything I want. When I dont get my way, I dont get upset.

    II. I Am Very Generous.

    A. Stingy, small-spirited, narrow-minded people have little-bitty pathetic lives.


  • 1. I dont like them they irritate me. 2. Proverbs 1:19 Greed steals your life.

    B. Ephesians 3:20 God is large-spirited and invites us to think big.

    1. Exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond. 2. Many scriptures refer to Gods abundant, generous nature. 3. Go the extra mile.

    C. II Corinthians 9:6-8 Give generously.

    1. God is able to give every EARTHLY blessing in abundance.

    2. He is able but He doesnt do it for a stingy person.

    D. Some questions to ask yourself:

    1. How do you tip? 2. What kind of gifts do you give? 3. Do you freely and frequently encourage and compliment

    others? 4. Are you willing to share what you have? 5. Do you hoard possessions or do you give away what you

    are not using? 6. If someone with a cold needs a Kleenex, do you give them

    one or the whole package? 7. Do you give the restaurant seat with the view to someone

    else you are with? 8. Do you take the steak with the least amount of fat for



  • 9. Who gets the largest piece of pie? The last piece of candy? 10. Think I am very generous.

    III. I Am Very Careful About What I Say.

    A. Proverbs 18:20-21

    1. Words have consequences. 2. They carry life or death.

    B. Some scriptures that show the power of words:

    1. Proverbs 11:9 2. Proverbs 12:18 3. Proverbs 13:3 4. Proverbs 15:4 5. Proverbs 15:28 6. Proverbs 20:19

    JM NOTE: Homework assignment: Read Proverbs and highlight every scripture on

    the mouth and words. C. Proverbs 8:8 David confessed: All the words of my mouth are

    righteous... D. Psalm 19:14 David prayed, Let my thoughts and words please God.

    1. He was not passive. He prepared himself for right action (through prayer and confession).

    E. I Peter 3:10 To enjoy life we must control our tongue.

    1. Set your mind in that direction.


  • F. James 1:26 If we think we are religious and do not control our tongue, we are deceived.

    G. James 3:6 We start fires with our tongue.

    Think I am very careful about what I say.













































  • Power Thoughts Part 4 I. I Treat People The Way I Want To Be Treated (Forgiving, Merciful,

    Kind and Encouraging).

    Not the way they treat me

    A. Matthew 7:12-14 Do to others as you want to receive.

    1. Must stay on the narrow path

    No room for flesh on the narrow path B. Called to love

    1. I Peter 4:8 Above all, have intense love for one another.

    JM NOTE: Above all

    a. One aspect or character trait of love is that it forgives the offenses of others.

    b. I am not easily offended.

    C. Love is seen or not seen in how we treat people.

    Especially people who cannot do anything for you

    1. Do you listen and take note of what people say they like, want or need?

    Listening to people and letting God use you to bring them joy

    a. Judy told me she loved Brighton purses. b. I told my daughter I wanted time for

    Christmas and birthday gifts. 2. I John 3:17-18 Do you use your possessions to meet needs?


  • 3. Do you believe the best about people or imagine the worst?

    4. Are you merciful and quick to forgive (give people a break), and dont demand perfection?

    D. Love is:

    1. I Corinthians 13:1-8 Patient, kind, humble, not easily offended, not rude, doesnt demand its own way.

    2. John 13:35 Proof of discipleship 3. John 15:13 Self-sacrificing 4. Constraining Prevents us from saying and doing what

    we feel like saying and doing. 5. It is the standard Christ calls us to live by. 6. It is the mark of a Christian. 7. It is divine it comes from God! 8. It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. 9. I John 4:12 It is where God abides.

    E. It is something we do on purpose.

    1. Galatians 6:10 Be mindful to be a blessing. 2. Colossians 3:14 Put on love. 3. Ephesians 5:2 Walk in love.

    II. I Enjoy Every Moment Of My Life.

    A. The time that has gone by in our lives cannot be recalled. JM NOTE: See stats on my time.


  • 1. Weve used it. 2. Spent it. 3. Wasted it. 4. Invested it. 5. Weve wished it away (I wish this day was over). 6. Dreaded it. (Did you ever dread a day?) 7. We may have been wise enough to have enjoyed it.

    B. The present moment we have is the only one we are assured of.

    1. It is the gift of God. We are alive!

    Celebrate! C. Soak up each moment. Refuse to merely exist while you are anxiously

    waiting for the event you think will bring you joy. D. Ecclesiastes 2:4-8, 17, 24 He hated and wasted his life; then saw the

    value of joy.

    Enjoying life is not the result of getting everything you want.

    1. He made himself enjoy. 2. Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 3. Ecclesiastes 3:11 Everything is beautiful in its time. 4. Ecclesiastes 5:18-19

    E. John 10:10; 15:11; 16:24 and 17:13 Jesus desires that we enjoy what He

    arranged for us to have.

    Enjoy all of life. F. Hindrances to enjoying life is:


  • 1. Not knowing it is Gods will. 2. Being excessively perfectionistic. 3. Romans 12:16 Not being willing to adapt and go with

    the flow. 4. Not understanding the beauty and power of simplicity. 5. Expecting someone else to make you happy. 6. Being selfish. 7. Not letting others help you. Learn to receive.

    8. Thinking on wrong things.

    III. God Abundantly Supplies All My Needs.

    A. Genesis 12:1-2; 13:2; 15:1 1. God is the God of more than enough.

    a. My needs are met. b. I have more than enough.

    c. I am abundantly supplied for every

    good work. B. For various reasons people count themselves out they disinherit


    1. Lack of knowledge some believe that abundance is not Gods will.

    Psalm 35:27 He takes pleasure in your prosperity.

    2. James 4:2 You have not because you ask not.


  • 3. Some are small-minded. They havent formed the habit of bold expectation.

    Isaiah 30:18 and Ephesians 3:20

    4. Some get trapped in a cheap mentality.

    Examples: I could never afford that; I could never own a new car; I could never shop there; Ill find it on sale or I wont buy it.

    5. They are stingy, and we reap only as we sow.

    (See Malachi 3:8-10.)

    C. John 14:2 In my Fathers house are many mansions. 1. Not a few small apartments

    D. Isaiah 54:2-3 Enlarge, spread out, stretch out

    1. He did not say shrink up.

    Be small-minded; dont ask for much. 2. Ask Me for the nations and Ill give them to you.

    E. Psalm 20:4 David prayed, May God give you the desires of your

    heart and make all your plans succeed.

    1. Deuteronomy 28:1-14 It all hinges on obedience to God. 2. Example: Luke 6:35 Forgiveness of your enemies.

    F. Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the

    desires of your heart. G. Hebrews 11:6 God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

    1. Put God first, trust His timing, but expect abundance.

    Think God abundantly meets all my needs.













































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