pathj c]a wining division - ontario · 2017-01-17 · dr. m.e. hurst, provincial geologist, the...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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PJTMF'NiT Of M IN; f c, S2009SE8MI 520ei9SE0e36A1 TARP LAKE 010

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Robert ThomsonResident Geologist

Kenora, Ontario,

(with drawing p-7) August 1946,

Note The writer's letter to Mr. Rickaby (Deputy Minister of Mines)

of October 15, 1946 (a copy of which is appended) is regarded as

confidential. Central Patricia Mines asked that information on the

showing at Kapkichi Lake be kept confidential and E. Wilson similarly

for the reported gold occurrence on Pa 6464 and 5, of Patricia

Participators Syndicate.

INTRODUCTION On insturctions in a letter dated June 29, 1946 from

Dr. M.E. Hurst, Provincial Geologist, the writer spent from Aug.

l to 7, 1946, in Pickle Crow Area to make an appraisal of the current

situation and future outlook. A summary of the results was sent

to Mr. Rickaby in my letter of October 15, 1946, a copy of which

is appended to this report.

In addition to publications of the Ontario Dept,

of Mines, information on the Pickle Crow Mine is given in an article

in the October 1945 issue of the "Pre-Cambrian" and on the Central

Patricia Mine in an article published in the November 1945 issue

of the same journal.

all situated on the south side of Crow River; notes on the

pr'v ror tl*,:-P on the north sl::e ci" the river are ^Mver.; Vi t. "he11

Group, Norpick Gold Mines Ltd., Patricia Particapators Syndicate

and Gateway Gold Mines. A reference is made to work done in the

'. vicinity of Kapkichi Lake, a short distance west of Ponsford Twp,

PICKLE CROW MINES. ' ^ v" ' y / , :' ..* ' m*m*,,mmmm .-...nml, .1.1,111. .1 i li,ia.i*-x ,^-' |f - ^ _ ^ f .,y ^, ". ,. - - '. . f -. " ^. ^ ;,-

V The writer lai gratef^lj^to.^r.^^Alek'^at^iei'^fpr a br^lef si^ve^of ̂ ̂^

recent developments at the wine, a;.t which possibly the most Inter^stihg|?s|^tij: --"S' -v-.'--. ,V ; ';^.^. ,%'ii^^-: ^ of the developments in the Plckla Crow Area since * the "publication^bf s^-^i|Sfvv'^, ; . ^ -.^ - ".'.-..'•'v. --' '^";; r'KX"' ; : X.^ : . '.V^^;5 ^*^:^^^''^,'-'''^. '^/ r^ ; ^; ''-:,^^:;^: r\:^^?^i'^ '%^'J.E'i' Thomson's report in 19^8/ h;i^e' ::6^urreki'';:';3:^:; #±. •^^'^.•^•ft^^lSS^

;..,'''" : 4"'.'' " '' ;v ":- !':-;: '' is'-';/ 1 : -i.' -V': ' ^ '" ' :.''ifX:'ifei\i' ' ^^^.^ii?^;."^. ^V* ; ' ;'v'^f'^':^^':'' "ia '^*lt'^l^

' Deyeibpment on lihe/Boweli velxi ^as^, continued^ to la ;depth of^Y^ ̂ f^'M^

* 2000 feet and there has been'a decrease in grade from 1600 to 2000 ft. V '•'•''.^.

; Diamond drilling has been-carriecl on! from a crosscut on the bottom i; - ; ?

level and has shown the continuity of the vein .downwards but. with

low assay returns from the intersections; however, an insufficient ;

number of intereectlons have been obtained to afford reliable

estimates. More drilling followed by shaft sinking .and lateral work i'

were to be undertaken. The possibility of the lower grade zone

being succeeded downwards by a richer one was regarded as 'a possibility.,- . ' -t, i ' \.' ' , : . ' ' ''-.

At present some 50# of the ore was coming from the Bowell vein. At

the bottom level on the east end of the drift a quartz vein some ,3

feet wide but with negligible values was reported. *-

Some 800 to 1000 feet southwest of No. l shaft, diamond : . ; ?

drilling (up to 900 ft. in length) from the 1300 foot; level had f J ' ^y

given intersections yielding good assay returns.' Earlier drilling v

from surface to test the same zone had given'low returns. More work ;- . -^'*, ' " ^ ' n ' ' ' T.. :' ,. .^' .^ j! '. ' " '- - ' " . - . - . ' ' " v *- ' . . '.l. 1 ''''

was contemplated on the *one.

that of their No. 2 orebody —— a quartz vein in a large quartz porphyry

rock of porphyry *md also independent of Iron forma : Ion. TMe

vein is very Irregular with great rolls and branches; this has

made explorationtand mining more difficult and costly. Neither

.ateral.or vertical limits of the orebody have been

. . . . . . ,. .. . '•:-#-'* f'. :~y--'completion dud; to tne difficulties, of carrying on

particularly during the war (y.ears.*. ^Inthewriters'opinion"thisi^;f^^^f

group of claims has important ore potentialities.' ' A north easterly^v^,ftf!; •~[ :'.'-'' -. ' '•'•"'y y.-- -'"'''\'": ' ' ' .-.' '.' ".'•••''.-•- -' : -' r' ' v "./''r^'v'- i:-'-'" ' ;-\--'.-'.'^".'''--y.'f^^y. U-;-^ ^'' :':'^ •^f striking'fault (apparently suggested first by B;S. Buffam on the^a- '^^"^

Springer Group of Central Patricia and now regarded as;very probable'fe

by the Pickle Crow Staff) is believed to pass through Pickle Crow/,, ;? ;J;

the former Winoga, and the former Albany River Properties. The

fault is alleged to follow low ground and the creek west of?the motor ,

road. The economic significance of the f au j. t is said to be that \v,

the ore bearing veins have formed from somewhat easterly-westerly - ;-V

fractures extending from the fault. Mr. Hattie gave as one .evidence ^ : ,v

of the f au tl that the northwesterly part of the west drift on the \ ^ ;:

1300 foot level went through fissile .schist, which kept sloughin 'f \ ; 'K^lv

,/. off. Mr. Moriette, chief engineer,/ had the opinion that most of ^1^^!^

the. workings were under the .fault; the position of the fault has not

been sharply.,delineated as yet apparently. Mr. Hattie remarked that ; V"' ' , ', - - ' - "' ' * ' . ' ' . - ' - . .-- '"' '''

drilling naar the fault had shown the presence :pf"bodies

In them.

"."ii" M"--peri^q ^T c*rt8j". *"! n.i! ci * or P" ! r: v .- '-- . .: vr-' ' wns

nerit' oned by Mr. Ha t tie; he said that where the qunrtz ve:ns were

intersected by certain small dikes they were spectacularly rich* . This

appears to be somewhat similar to the relation, well.known in this are*" ' ' -. . - .. ;^;-fUf,^^

- . - t* *~ * V* "~"t' *'-i. fSL''

Patricia Gold Mirie^ Ltdi^^iihp dptifcned* It; to^JJiam^ General j-

. Develppment Mines- ilj'd^.-'whjp^ formed Ylfaltx'iciaGold Miners''i^d^y ':'fV-? 'v-^^P^'

In the fall of 1945;a magnetometer^survey was made of the*whol^ : ^®s^t^M

property. An east-west base' Xihe waai run;? and? nor^th-stfutlv lines' out^v^^*^^:

at 300 feet intervals; in all some 38 miles of'line were made^ ln; i: ?': "^ j '

February 1946 diamond drilling was started and -"up-to August? l, '19^46 K| .^ iS;. -',:L''.' .' ' \- ' : ' '-, ''•j-'\.**"- ' 7- . : '-- .', ; .'" ,; ''-'7,-'. .'.'"4'.'.^v,if

some 9400 feet (by contract to Boyles B.ros. at ft2.l6 a foot) ha'd , V ;* y^.' ' ' - ' - ''. :- * - - - ' , ' - ' -. . . *'" :*-''VA 1***. {t,

boen d rilled. The writer is indebted-to R. Massey Williams, in\ .chargevv^

of operations for the company since June for for*a review of the workedone.

Diamond drilling from February until about June was^to test^ magnetic'V ^•- - ••••-'."'•.'•'.'•- ' •-•". -' ". ,-. V-'"" i-'--: ,A t- p'-.-. ...;.v....- c'-ul;^ anomalies; it was unsuccessful. Mr. Massey, using the ;cut lines jreferences, made a geological survey of; the property witii results

may be summarized as follows; The northwester^ part bf tihe

is covered by sand ridges "of an estimated tnlnichess'o.f 200 plus

The northeastern and eastern parts contain two or three large areas'^. '-'^K-^

of pillow lava, which Is in general massive, x This massive lava has^v y^^

been;trenched 'and aleo drilled by former •'operators, " r .'- "'.^''''^t^v*^-'^^,. - ;. - -. , "', :] l: - : ''.' -?.i-. - -: "' J ' . . - ,- ;- - . ' •••'•'•^'^••^ "*r .^}''-.^iyi-

- v ~'.- .' ' '"i : " '' v ^ .' -' - { ' "- -. -^" •.'*?s '-" .-' • : 'i.*.:;V''1'^: '

'. ,-'.: -- - '. "- ^* : y'. ,'V'.;: ' '•.;';- /^•^•vi^*^^^^--^i^^l

" ' - 1--- -''- ; . ' ' ^''':V' :''^' ;'Vr'K''1"''''-^ '-'" "' V'*' "^^'^-'•WV''^^*!*'.:,*-' ^.feirii'-' Mi^iii^^^^Jfe^^^^iX'Siiaitaasfe

in VA.QW 01 MM* wppwfci auco vi Mio ruwr. dna niao ui no

available on the r^R-nts of tr*n:h*n^ **nu dr'M'r.- tt

apparently because it was close to a producing mine (Central Patricia)

and further because it was alleged that diamond drilling on Pa 2612'

(on the south aide of Grow River);hadi given an intersection, from ":^ ^v

which a s say returns were liS.^O'.fgQl^' 61^ 435,00 per^ pz.) per 'tori;* ^ 0- ' -~ . , . , i

over a length q


owned by

-- i - v ' :-; -"-- /,v;.".# '•-..-; - .V-^.^/gi 1 -.-.^;; -:r', - '"V.'v.x ^.•-.-..-,V,.*V-:.v*^i^ gth of 20^fee^|Thft "strlTce^bl'ia zorie givinf auch4n? ^, fyJ*ffi#-•-.'•' - '. - i ' V-v'.'j,-'i-.v A.-. !?* .-A-'-iiv i-tTk-.i^.vwi* . - -V./-. v^ -, ."';-.~r̂ '- 1 •;,.?P.'i'.. 1 . i ,-;- .--^i";*'''*/; ^?'i^j'A'';-:'- ; .^^v*^V:j^^^^^ori mieht 'be/expected Itojextehdthrouiiti-clainf:Pa 2185; fe-f vf*fefev

formation: both h61es gave negative .result s* Some" 10 other ̂ liblea -*l^ ;. ' ' ' '. -.v-" * ' ' ',- '. ^ '.-' -,'-^*-'' -"^'C^i.'.^r/^ri :";; : .-~ *-/* ii^.-?- /*^ *V.\'f^ .":-^ :x " ^^;?'" - . - -- -. - . .-' - . v,.'' ,'---. - -- ^'.s'.'.f'*," -.- -- '' •-•^'•••:-' "- -' .v- v^^'*-i--"V^ -v--- .7 ;-,-^-.

had been put down along, the probable li-Tie of strike of the P alleged : t. W i.' ' '' ' "


intersection without yielding- anya s say5 "i|ie,tiurns"-of. interest/-.•'- : '.: - , '"'"' ..t"'.- .-, ;" ;':'j-"' . "••i ^','",-. ; '-"i c - '- '-"V -P ' '-''-" v

At the time of the writers' visit a vertical hole was being put^

doxvn as nearly as possible directly over ;he middle of the

supposed intersection. Mr. Williams stated that if,this final , ,

test did not give worth while returns that he would conclude that

the vicinity of the alleged intereectlon had no merits worth

further prospecting. At the time of the writers' visit x-ray

drilling was being carried on in claim Pa 2624, so.uth of Crow fttver. ^ i

At this place former operators had excavated a few*rock trenches : in X: ' '." . ' - ' ' -' ; , . ' ' " . - ' ' -t; . *.'-.'

a northerly-southerly direction,but no gold occurrence had been "T*

reported. Three-holasat- 30 degrees and a t 30 foot intervals .;-.,'

had been drilled from north to south under the trenches but with ;

negative results. Scattered bands,of/siliceous iron formation ^.iNliv' - : : '' :- '' ; -. ; "''-' ' ' '^ •'-•':v '- '' , ' . i .'•',- .-.'. ••'-"' /''- - ''; ,, ; ; ' "- ," "vjf/v;

(containing very little magnet!tej^and some chlorite schist occurred v

development of carbonate. The middle hols went !nto a keweenawan

i i *5 v i*i s*.? dlVf! 'i ; lr" ex: md T, s ,r ."v r-O n-i-i s x' i ' - .iv--- i w!

40 feet. A similar dike o-curs wost of hore. Kr. Ailliams

stated that on completion of the holes then being drilled he

intended to move the drills to the north side of Crow River

do some cross sectional d rilling* If by September nothing were

. v .j. -c ".H

from Pl'ckel jCfow and Central Patricia Mines., Bulivings**nclude\v|;'i^^tffjjj;

frame'cookery, sleep camp, dry, hoist house; store house "and small ^'t^*fis

log, office on claim Pa 2161. The Tiead frame is,, situated at about r ,

the middle of the same claim. The former-camps were situated on a y

sandy knoll on the south bank of Crow River in the northeast corner s.' y ?

of claim Pa 2162. The writer spent part of one day, August 4, 1946 Ihiv^?

visiting the property and is grateful to Mr. R.J.R. Schalir, In *; {y'^* y^

charge, for information. Mr. Schaller had succeeded Mr. Salkend, ,' *

the former manager about May 1946; apparently the trenching, drilling,/?;

sampling, location and erection of camps, and preparation for erection/ /3

of head.frame had been done under Mr. Salkend's direction. At the time V^t

of the writer's visit no geological maps, drill plats, or assay plans* ;l4 '. "-'- :"' ' -- . : '..^''•••^'^•:^ with the exception of a generalized plan scale one inch equals 400""feet',;^

of the property, now filed at the Resident Geoibgist's office, * ^J" ̂

Kenora, were available for inspection; theyv were said to be. at Head:; y;^^

Office in Toronto. : . " ; '"". - .., " ' - . ". - . - ';.-.;. ', .' 'y: ^ ; |f-l':s;^f^.

: - ."--' 'Y;-'' ". ' ' . . - -"'.'.,':; "';', ; -y,^.',, "'.,'..' ?"'-\ -r. ,,,;-.v :",^ ; ;^?;l^f^|l ;- - ;'-- : , -: V,;;r. ; ;!-::^ ; ^ : ; '•••^/•'•••±'i*. -^^;;-^^:.^;. .v- .^ : i^.:--\-\-r-:- :^/^:^'^^,:xy -. -- { '.,.;,! : '.-y .-' ''- v.; ; ;--. 'y,..,:-, v.-\S'y--y. " . x.^ 1 .: t-, y; '. l ;X '^v1 - ''iv-'V V -' i--*- 'f.'- -'?- y , ^^:'ik^ff^-

I^Jiiil:l;iii;:ftife :^

-x V''•X'.':

\'.-̂x"- :r.-.,;o i .. t . ^

Since th* jDntario D*ptv*of Mine* report on the district, by J.B.

T*", orison, *as r-jV: !?h*J d!ara'-n1 dr'li'.n." nn ' 'r*--.- .'rv v* s ^*en

c^r-Ied out ;:i L.iO property. The rain effort at ri'oae.-it Is shaft

sinking; the announced intention is to sink to a depth of 1000 feet*

The southern part of claim Pa 2161 is underlain by lavas with ", * i - ' ————— ,. -' .. - " *" r*, j"'1 "1 ".

. - '. - ••-'•; '- ' .-" ." -"' ' *V .--" V . v^.-M: 1 ' ''V*' " *; :"'-' ; - W'"'' ''-^Kl^,interclated bands of iron formation and related sedlmentiS.^^iTO^/^^^;^ strike of the fprmatlpna \ia apprqxima.teijr- north''Vo degreeiBr:ea"a|V^^^'^:

! :--'" ^.'t ''rf'^^an/l >^^T^o•"•ir*•n^lT*/lT^T•^•u^>';'i•4 !I^l^ i1 B**- *^A ^.Vfrta*/rt^-'t-.Vi*'-i*r\l*nKifc4rkr*aSifey- *rtw4 ^?s''-'-*J"*r\Srii*l!ir*-fi

the roadchloritic schistose; rpck. :

the distribution pf;^i,ro1rt 1; fprjiiatiqn; on pr(2P^rWesxto.'toe^so^1^^

and the abzence'of iron* formation on;the;Kaw Crow Property^!3?,tjhfl . ^.^

south- the present writer suggests that rocks in claim Pa;21(B1^ -'v-^.tv^

are the eouth limb'of a syncline." {^i" * ^ V" V;^^:V -v*"' ' \ \±''.''' ' ' ".' -^'". -V •Y-.,'"?'":- ''V"v v, '". v .V^ ; 'i-.r."v 'i.'-'^ ^: '^, ; ' ;

The company have designated A.B.C, etc. what they terra'zpnlas^and^ 41 -' ' '- . ' '' , ; -." ' ' '\*.. ' ' ' iff ' "

which are said to strike about nbrtth.ybf'degrees 1--0'aS^and\to3dip

70 degrees to the north. Five zones are stated to be gold,^bearing/ -

and it Is believed that 4 of these, A.B.C. and D. will-be'Intersected;,-'•'f ' ' "' .' : - .'. ' t- '*iv ''•. :.'.(:^':: ff':\ :' V'^y

by the projected 1000. feet vertical, shaft. Zones A.B. and^C.jwe^ev^^

very briefly examined on surface along part of their course^by the ;--vX

writer. Zone A. where seen by the writer in the south pai*V"of Pa 2161;

and north of the Pickle Crow - Crow shore road .lies on th'e Ihbrth^side^. '; ' , J[ '* '-' "' , V, . ,. -' ' ^4'. .-"j .'''•'•'C- .J-,! . ~/ f f

of a hill close to muskeg} it consists of a sheared zone, of fissile^?

chloritic schist and containing occasional irregular-areas^hd veinlets. "*. r - '. . ~- i - '~ 4 ~ . . . '-' . - - ' -. ..-. . ' ' 'V. * •"' i y - . -. ' - f - t j

' -' . ' . ,- -:*..' - B *

aohlat did not appear to be mineralized. 2one C. lies some 80 feet\ - ,. '* .

southerly. of A and ,la alnilar to'it, except that In one place the- -:''^-T:;:'u\.; :--:'--r^v.v'-'\/^"^-- ^^ ̂ •••-Iron formation*

'- -.' Zone' is.; -1^89111^^^ JTo|9aat|on^^ ' - *- -- ' " '- '-band.'-, riV-iiaB ^toextWiib'i&aVijfli;^ ^'-.'^^

•material.'-: Drill cbre^ fr/mf^f^jO^e^w^"' '-' -' v' ; ' ' '''i'' ;i 'LW;:ii '' : ~ jK'-^LV-^^''-^^iv^"*i^--^ ' •••* "'^'-"i-^'S.-.^'*-*':*- -U^i^^.^vVX^v^^fe,-: . - ^^*:y'U'^*-fc^^v^-'^ ^'VV^^fc^ ^ -^sv : f--.*-., :^' •^^^.^-••••V.:i*^-^f^V^3i'*5-iti r,n Minftffiiized wltff py^rtiotlteyv.chalcopyrite/ ahd^pyrltiBit|^;r;

Quartz veinlets containing area^tio^l/Silnch) of pyrrhotite were -^"~ * v

. Iron format! on nlnerallzed

Visible gold is reported tp bcojir?dn^such veinlets. The writer^ liotedH"/••. ' vY : '•• J'^- ::'''''^'' : ~,^ J-"-^", '^''•• ; ':'- ' ''.*'-''': r, --•'.••'- - .-'.I'.. '. . ,"' Jv.': ' ^"'^

that great lenghta of minerallzed'.lroii formation were left unaampled; i ;V

it was not apparent why some part s had be en s anqpled^ and others left. ,v ;.

Onvthe generalized map shown to-the writer this zone-was shown as , ;f

extending some 2400 feetV A reliable estimate of the merits of this ''

property was not possible by the writer in view of the unabailabillty

of plans and other information.' Mr. Schaller said that he was

satisfied that the results of previous exploration - as shown to him.

at Toronto - demonstrated that the operation had a reasonable* \ x

chance of success. He estimated that some 15000 to 20000 feet of dlamohc

drilling had been done. Apparently very little of this had been\ : , ^;*

directed towards testing the various zones much below at 100 feet ,,V

vertical depth. It seemed more prudent to the writer to have ; - *

limited the shaft sinking to less than half of .the proposed 1000 V

feet depth and to block' out ore bodies above this before sinking ;

far thor. A compilation 'and * iritegrati ort^of' all available Inf orma tl pri ; --\,' '^'•' t ' i ' -. v. v. •-'•- --'.- -. -''V-V^'^V^V'A^;;''-.,' .^ . .'••i'-:l' r '/---'-'- '- :--,.^; -\.:..-..-' ; 'v i '' •'•''C •• : '" ' •''•'•'•••; -. ' •'• l '-v^ijiSfc*--! ' iJv. A-v'Jv- * ;...-7'*''-?-J'. -- 'V " ~i^'r**-'' ' .YY'V '" s " - s ,- --

wou d

wignt MI ejrpectw in underground worfc nad been trrived at.The location of the headfrane lo^ wet ?;rr*'jn^ i-vJ of thw s'".a r t to be

s'.KiV tr.rou,;h f!35-'1e s 1: '?* 'r. th*.j vipper ;'i: * 'it lens* - 's '.mi.v.i 1*!.

After the writers' visit a magnetometer survey was made by Mr. Fox

(of Koulomzine, Brossard and Co.) ; Kr. Fox told the writer that he

had tried to correlate the results of the three diamond drilling' ' ll**, - - -' ' . . ' . , ' . - " '••S - k -'

' ' ". .' ' i - ,' .. ' '" ' , ,' ' .' , . ^ ' ' ' V* , - ' *' ' . - ' . *

programs shJch had been carried .out.previously, on the^properjty.; ,\- ' ^

'.of* 9 'claims, Pa; 8260 to^:8268,, north'of Kawinogans - -- .' ^ ' -. ' i- -. . '- ' ~. -' i- '.' - . J i . * , . '-, ' i,' , ' ," ^ , . V .1. "Aj. .- ':^,'.'^•^-.^^v -." ; v--v-^:i : '. : -\: - -'-y-s'V. •-•.^.••^ : '•^--',:^;;x;:

." A. ^ J ^ ̂ ̂ -^— ' ** ,_ A 1 ^ —. — ,. ,-T * A. JL'^ — ' ' — '— A. — 'J* ' - ^ * ""i^*- - A ** - l 1 ' ^.^^' - ^i "i -''-- - 1

'". '. '"-V* l"

unsatisfactory','- . -- ' /-'-. -' "' * .'".',Mitchell Gr'oup - Conneli

The group consists

River and is situated some 3 miles a little east of; north of ' ; . ". ".-~'"^." ~y -..-'-." c-1''- ' ;\ ; - \' - : - ''. '".'. 'S-.- *. .. -- "O -- : '''' s '..*-.r ""; " Patricia Gold Mines. Access from there'.may, be obtained by a lumper' ,

road leading across -the Kawinogans river at the dam by the mine,'; past,

the east side of the airport and northeasterly to hear the camps of. Nor-

pick Gold Mines Ltd. (see drawing f "'-7) J some 3 miles from'the

bridge a poorly marked trail leads easterly to the Mitchell Group.

The old lumber road was suitable for motor traffic for less than a

mile from the bridge. There are no buildings on the property.: The *

writer spent part of August 5, 1946 looking at the showing in company

with Mr. Mitchell, who is foreman for Boyle s'Bros. Drilling Company ;

and resides at Central Patricia Mines. A number of trenches, in;, the ",

vicinity of the showing were seen by the writer, who was told that "^

it was done by Picador Mines about 1935* Np records of this wprk were

available to the writer and he was not able to*obtain any/information

about the company. Mitchell in May 1946, staked the ground .partly, -

this showing; the writer had the impression ^h** the

expos! rv *,rie v^.'n -i'..-, h t h^vy r.ovn rr * :,- ry rrev'- :. : --f r,,, tt..- vU

excavated trenches In the vincjnlty but this *s merely conjecture.

The southeastern edge of a large belt of sand hills with northeast

trend passes through the southwest corner of Pa 8246 approximately. , ,

The sand appears, toj bq~ vory thick and outcrops jin, d t seem to be unlikely. -l-The muskeg on the southeast-side of the sandy area; is shallow and *;^ l ^ ^

fairly nuradrdus l outcrops were' seen in the southeastern part ̂ it^Paif 8264 ';^j||pl*.- . - ; vO;:.. ",, '.''••"•' '" ."' v ..-'i';".- '; .' .'^"'- -- .;,T ':-i' ''-~ v" ' "" * --' ' ' -' ' -~ " "

l.' -,. J l T.* * ,, " '4-i "'' S." ' V . s-'

and on Pa '8262' in the vicinity of tlie1 •'•'•' " "i^-.'*';-'-'"-:-v'V'*-v.-^^.- 'x.j'x-'

reported toVexteirid sou^theeTsterly to: Kawinogans RiiVe?*. ^. __ ,,_ ,^_^..,. .xw.,.- . : . " ; ':.'.."';/ '^^^'^ -^by the writer in/'the southeastejrni part of PQ.8265^atld^8262/Vat^'^e^^^ ^^pillow lava, in places altered to chlorite schist^ On ,Pa 8262^ at^^e^^f^ showing, a djke of quartz prbphyi^^.witbi width tp^ 6/feet but* ; nb,t'regular, '^

occurs. In the northeast corner of Pa 7768(otto of the E,-\Wi3.sbn groupJ^^|v'

a band of what was believed to be carbonatized.'irpn formation i,^/^":^/ :^ ;'^1

is exposed in an old trench. At Post 2 claim 2749 and to' a smaller"-- *' ; - -' ''.. ''.'- '- ; . v."':' ' r " '! . 'j*.- '- '••'.r*'A'.- -'

extent at Post l claim 2740 magnetic disturbance of the compass needle ^ t (;-

was noticed. On the east side of claim Pa 8265 in old, trenches a few ;!

dark dikes up to about 2 feet wide were seen. In these trenches rusty

carbonate and quartz stringers are exposed. A sketch by the wril r.of

the showing (on Pa 8262) is shown on accompanying drawing P-7. Assay

returns of samples shown on drawing are as given below:- ; :; -: :

P-l, 5 inch quartz vein, 2# pyrites o,12oz gold per ton. /, " , , "

p-2, wall rock of sampel P-l, schist with quartz veinlets,-o.13 os. "/Jtf^;

P-3, wall rock northwest of sample P-l, greenish chlorite, some'pyrite

and a few quartz veinlets 0.17oz,

* ^'\?' -, . : ''\,'-^"-' ' ' 'v". f-i "~

,. ^'*i^!^:-r ̂ .%'V'^: *3k?v

F-5, quartt O.02 ox.

~.. 0 -.renter*. *!it'". cf ; ;nr'r ^xr se'i *'i ^ T .~ -- ;' * '' ,v!t.r. ?c-^ add

itional stringers. The quartz is i 5na ^r*'r.t;d conta'ns pyrite in araoun*

le as than 3#, and has some sericitic slips. The porphyry and lava vail•- ' - ,. ,' ' . "~"'

rock contain a few quartz stringers and a little pyrite mineralization., ••.v'-/-:. ^'-v^- .vv'vv - -'r * " - ^.,, ::^:^:*:-^Mitchell stated that some 6 samples taken by himself and Mr. H.- - ' r- - ' " -

h showing ;tha't*gbl(^^ep^ fcb^ yv^lnlJjb^'arMpir^^;-: - - --•--.. .v-.-- -. - --.-..:-ugges.tlbn -; tba t prospe c ti ng in the vie in! t*-- 1 s In? btde-.rV l." ' ' " . 7;, |J !^H -.^j't'-',1 *: -'--*^; •.•-''r--:-." - -- - - j..-'.' f- .••••w'. . - . v' •-.- ' * f^V'1 . -i*'- ./'*' ;-"^i*'-*'i-'-"^ i*

. '- - -.;.", ;V'.-.'.'.^-.^ "•'•^-/.••^.-..••^••'••:i-. "-T-.^'::' X U V ••"' "' f '-''- ••••" ' ''^^v. ' V— • 1 ."'SVvnf^;f,V-rr*;^^ '. . .. ... . X - • . ,The trenches In the^ viclnityt ^put downl by;; previous op^era.tprs, 'give the"',' " '-*^'^ : ';. i :^v*'v '^"'-'.- ;;;'-^-;i^'v^-^;'"- '^ -••'^-. 4^' -•'?'^:^^' Impression that as much surf ace 'Work as the^ depth of muskeg will permit

•~ ' ' - 1 - ' , ' ,'' '^' ' ' -'-' ,'."'' : ", 1 "' 1 . ..-: -' ' Ar^'*;' .'••;.'-i- -V - ;- .".* . "' - 1 ; ' -'i..'" •? J^".'- V : Vw ' - '-r1 " : X'

has been done and that future work would have '' tp take the form iiof; V

diamond drilling. :'hs writer' does not know of drilling having been * -f. 7" , "'"- -," ", . ' -- ' .'.: -J . '*. . -- *- :"'il "'' " .' ','.:

done by the previous operators. Mr. Hattie told the wrltar that Dr. ̂

J. B. Mawdsley had looked after" much of the work on the north side

of Kawinogans River and probably the Picador ground.

Norplck Gold Mines Ltd. ' . . - * ; .

This property Includes the "former Metcalfe Showing, described by

Hurst, and this showing (M.K. Hnrst; "Pjckie Lake - Crow River

Ontario Department of Mines, Volume 38, Pt. 2, 1930, pp 26-7),app^ears^to- . _____ ; _____ LJ — i. ; y :^~ —— : — : —— - ——— ii ——— - ———— : —— ̂ —— - '-'^ ̂ .'V^f^-'

have been the main reason for taking up the ground again, r The writer,^' ' V *-' :V','.'"'.;-'. , . h - v - ' ' - 1 ' - ,..-i' ' ' ' -. -. : ,' ! ,-'s\- "*T''''V''

spent part of August 7, 1946 in a very brief exaraina;tion and is graceful. -." ,'^ •:.'- 1' •'• : -;-v^--.;:;^ " :-'^'*--,/.--- . ; •^^^..^•-^••^j^^to Mr. C. S. johnston, ̂ consulting engineer for information.* ; fi ' :- * -;.•- : ^ . ..-•'•"..' ' ; ' -:--:' :- •'••- i .. '. . '••* :-;*iZ:~- A . ' ', .'..•; :-.:.

office, Kenora) showing nuch of the diamond drilling done up to that

tr^e Xfiwl ne ; ' 's- s :('ver at tr.e dan nortn of ."/on t ra l j'strlc't M! ne, and

past the east side of the airport to an old stable on the east side

of a small lake In the north part of Connell Twp. (see drawing f-f)

from there

camps are

is not suitable,. , * •i^''--' .;*' ,

erected in

-'{started in ;

Five ; showings ~i*ex*eAbeing- inyestlg*at#a^ltat|inb1s t'jpfj..^th4^W6^^,;^^(4^bMiiil^/fv^^;] '

done on the old Metcalfe' one on claim OPaL 6477^ The 'showing"-'isiimade'W;:::.^^-. -'* ' ' - v- ; * - 'v "~V: . ^ ••'.•.--./-•".^'-•, : -'.v't-.^. v 'K:-,;-; -v-ini •-•..•-:'--..- -.; '' ."'f^: ' . ^SS:,^ V^i ^fr'f'i&ff-

' . ' \ .,lf . i -'' - ' -*'- ,'- '' -' ••••*.-'V' ••" ' ! ••'"'':- .-* •-'•:'-';',,'l . jf ". '-""i* .':.:L^-. "T '- f *^? ';- 4i :i^' -?'~^ .* -i^ fte

up c f narrow gold 'bearing quarts5;-Yeinsj 32 diamond drill' -hole s^/ at 1;'^^

25 foot intervals, had been^ pu t-: d own along^a^ length^oT^'^00 feet^ ̂ K &V1

\pparently the drilling showed that the grade and size of the deposit.^

at the depth of the intersections did not change materially from where t

exposed at surface. " f '' - r T .

The Norpick property appears to begood prospecting ground except ;'\ i

that overburden is extensive and heavy. At the time of the writers

visit plans had been made for extensive drilling and prospecting '

in the future. ; "v -; ^ ^?

Patricia Participators Syndicatei - i , ^ ;

Mr. E. Wilson, of Central Patricia, told the writer that this *,.-;- ;V

Syndicate owned five claims partly In the northwest corner bf , ; t^i ^

McCullagh Township nad partly adjoining to the north. The numbers ,-; ,^'

of the claims were given as Pa 6465,4 and" 5, and Pa/'7378 and 9*; ,: J ^

Mr. Wilson said that a gold; bearing shear had been found "a^t^ the-line ̂ /^

of Mccullagh Township; he asked that this Information be kept ^ , Vi: - ' ', .' .i. - .''j;-"-' V-'-' : ;.f". ,\:X^J-'"^- :'-'- i S-'V.-'X' :-':-' : -- "'';.' V - '^.'.SX'v

.confidential. " .' .--'. ,^. -"^ ••^.." v''.;-V"--.••:;V '-'Vv -''-. -"V^X'-' C, '' •••' '\'\v-^^.^V

E^^'^-.l: ::;:/ :^^llffig: ; :v^

In conversation with Mr. B. Wilson, of Central Patricia, the writer ' ol .: th'i'. 'T. '-HI o~KI Tn I ur, for-rv.;!' rr.^:\ft ' -r 'f .-v'rfv.jc - I.: '<,

aad purchased about 1936, a clalr^ just no:*ta of ra 5494 (at the north

west corner of the Gateway Group) and had done a considerable amount

of drilling on it but without success. S shear zone was said to



apkich^-':tiaiU:^iie"8^ta^^^ V.^^:0^K^^J* .-W- .. - n "-'- x.'.ift'-'-'- * f. t-""A ' -' imi'-i.T: "L-^i i Ai-- JL -vi. Vi-li' - .:-*-i *'V± - ik\ L^.'-.lL l'\s v -^4.^J.*4j^li'iCL.'"T:i."i.'?i'*5*ifJw*

iv v/oo sm&JLj. T/O. .-Os ox 'jOcoriOjmc ^*UMV^* ***?n*ww.* ••••.AVA*^ ,v**w ^v*** v**^psv*L.NViJ7 *H*wwu*v| i" ^: /... :: ' -";. " : ;; ' ; '- vxX: '•'• v^;w-v; : '.••'••••''i, v ^. - : :;^3-? U'-"-",' '^'•^':: ':̂ ^^^^^M^^^^, started he got in .touch wli^i;Connell^'.ihterestsV (3.ri.clps^e •a-"^ i^- v'~-i^"^

s r

with Central Patricia Mines); as a result claims Pa 7780 to

were staked. The showing consisted of two small gold bearing quartz; ^;-

veins, with ladder-like velnlets between. The veins have a northeasterly

strike; the south vein ,has. a southeasterly dip; They5 are ̂ exposed^ , y .-y

on claims Pa 7788 or 9 close to the south shore of- Kapkichi Lake. ; i ?

aome 1400 feet df diamond drilling had be'en done under the direction V?

of Central Patricia Mines. The d rilling showed widespread chalcopyrite;' - ' -'' " - " ' ;. ' ' . '' ..; : "S r .' .. '- , v'.v : ; . i

(up to about 2# copper but f or the most part much less "than one 11^,. ;-

one gold assay was 0.45 02. per ton but for the most part; :;th,e^s'says;.;{-

gave traces. Apparently the showing had hot given very encbuaging i^ ̂, :- ' ,- -i, pf- - ' ' '" v,' . ' ' ' ' ' - '''* i ' -" -'.-"*^-i?' "*

J. .^ . . -' ': --, _ - 'j- "' '' -;v. -1 . - - ' -' ' ' ^•'..••, . ••"•x r ,. •~':"'\'f* 1- . ^*J.

results from the first testing: a decision on vi^iat future w.b^k;wa^s^^yvl.

to ,be done had not been reached. Quite ,a number of^.claims.have been .fl\:

staked in the vicinity but.^the hvMers^ are^wajfcing^to see^the.:; r^sullis^;;'^

of the' drilling on the^ original showing before undertaicirig j—~'- ""-l|-

Tha greenstone belt In the Pickle Crow Area has been outlined on ttie1 -—-, n r. *, f- .i v ' '-,o n r' '~we s t

ov that oi I"*. ;VVR- s. Mature work presumably s r.o ;1 . :^yti L'ne. form of

adding information to J.E. Thomson's map (scale one inch B 1000 feet)f

and extending the area, covered toy this large scale mapping. The Y development of theories Qfbre'deposition is needed to serve as a guldeT

f or .prospecting An; an area: touch of the surface ; of which ^d been

o\ yr so tnoroughly^^ai^the chances of new discoveries by'mere^isurjwork, are-not g6^)4.^.^ii!|r;V; >II'a'tt;le'^and•^.•; ^;^w^re itt': spoke of ^e-ide'a^o'f^lM

. : ' -:v^ ^^^'^W^^ regional f aijlt&t':"controllingVbre; deposition and : app^eriitly{ had):|^^S ;v^^


deposition and apparently.-; : v. ^,-V^(;,.-^:^^'-^-'i^^^Y -i '•'•teXZ*.- ;-Ztf-.-fc.- :rt* ,. -- -.x^-V.:^;fc- :,: i'^W'v^-^^P^ '.f. , : \;-..:. J -X-.:' ^;^.^--'V 'l. V:^ ^^:^Sr ,f^;';'-'ife. :-.-/v'-: rf---^.-,, , sV-^v,^:./1*" v...-.^-*-?.'V' ;^^f f^fr'

ively; In mind vthree ̂ one: with /nort^asterly trend near Tickle.^^- :f ' '^:^/^^Crow Mlne,s, one near^'..^ntJr.a'l-: Patricia Min^is.a^^^one^o^^ejihort^^^d^^

of Kawinogans~Riye^r eiteiid^g^^^bii^Kapkichi-;Xake^:itooic:^k^ox^t^^^:

the small lake on' the west pfl,rt oif'Connell^ Township; 'The evidenc^Af or^^

the existence of the s faults is ; as yet unconvincing, v At the time of ̂ '

the writer's visit the .hypo the si s that there was an ore be aring "break?

on the north side of Kawinogans river was regarded favour ably* by'. the ''res

idents'of the area; "Bed rock is'so heavily overburdened that-prospecting

or geological work is very difficult in that part of' the areai-? ; ; '; : 'Y)

It is interesting to note that gold production from the Pickle Crow ":

Area is only slightly smaller than from the Red Lake AVea. .Prospecting

activity during the''current .boom has been very much less in 1 the; Pickle^' .i- : ', -'. -v*.- e : ' ''- - *. - ' ". - -. - -' - ••'•' --.i- ,-':.-'.* '.;--'-'- - ;, ". 'r ^''f-

.' -- ; '' ':- 'v '.' , : ' -- '-.' . v -. ••'•-'v-, ---.f-- '-.v ,* '•^'.'.•'i-'Crow Area than at Red Lake. Possibly one reason for this is''that a I^Jc

large part of the Pickle CrowT Area if f irmly held by the^tydj^itrong^ir^

companies there*

kUi^^'lMite^~. .•;*;i•i'.i'SfcJi*.? ^^

Mr, Barrett and"for.-Jtettia wished to have more detailed geological

was now --- vafore 't v;as too late to be o.0 use Ir. exploration.

They stated their willingness to cc-operate as far as possible.

In the writers' opinion nore work in the area is well worth conaiderat--,. - •'.-.'••.••••' '^'^.'^A ; -. -fr . v-'- ;^'V,. . v ^ \ ' -;;'V•''^^; v^^^^^rV^:/'^

ion by the Dept. of aiiiies;. ;.Such ^workr^rould iriclAide'bringing ; J.B.^&c 'J1 . '-' 1 '' -f ' - -'' ^v''" ' f -''''' "^ ' - *^v- --" '-'-'"'. - , i f --, .Thoniaph ' a/', nap/.^p'^t^.--- dj^^ve3|^i?g^

CobaltJune 18, 1948.

saoesseeaaeAi TARP LAKE 300

Mr. H.C. Rickaby, Deputy Minister of Mines, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto 2, Ont.

Dear Mr. Rickaby:f

in answer to your letter of October 7, received on my return from a trip to Red Lake, I intend to turn in a somewhat lengthy report en ny visit to Pickle Crow Area* I discussed matters with Messrs. Barrett and Hattie.

In regard to present conditions the current boom in exploration, now on the wane, has had little effect on the prospecting activities of the two large oo panics, the Central Patricia and the Pickle n,rov Gold Mines. They held large blocks of ground on which there is no need to hurry work and most of the men available are engaged in developing known structures and on product!©' To tho writer the most encouraging gesture in recent years has been t'; development of the No. 2 Vein at Pickle Crow Ooid Minosj further in the original group of this company plus the later acquired groups, Cohen-McArtimr, Winoga and Albany River it seems likely that gold can be rained for aany yaars to come. Tho writer is not so familiar with Central Patricia and would rely on Mr. Barrett's word that the mine is In a favourable position.

The writer knows of nothing of great interest turned up by other exploration companies recently but work done was not very extensive, certainly not in comparison with other area as fer example Red Lake. Properti&s on which some work has been done recently include the Crowshore, the Waltr5cia (formerly the Metcalfe Group), A summary of work done follows:-

C row a hore:. On this property, on the east side of Albay River fines', a shaft, with objective of 1000 feet depth, has been started. At the tl-no of the writers' visit no maps or plans were available and so no appraisal was possible. The method of development is unusual as the drill holes on which the shaft sinking is based are comparatively shallow. It did not appear to the writer that the nature of the ore bodies hoped for had been worked out and so the results to be obtained from underground work are conjectural.

Waltriola^ A magnetic survey followed by diamond drilling this year 'did not give satisfactory results*



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