partb shihui zhong 531945

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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Shihui Zhong



AIRshihui zhong531945Group 10-11

Part A—The Case for innovation



1. Architecture as a Discourse

2. Computational Architecture

3. Parametric Modelling

4. Algorithhmic Explorations

5. Conclusion

6. Learning outcomes

Part B—Design Approach

1. Design Focus

2. Case Study 1

3. Case Study 2

4. Technique: Development

5. Technique: Prototype

6.Technique Proposal

8. Learning Objectives and outcomes


Self Indroduction

I am the third year Environment student and my major is Architecture. A lot of different study experiencees affect me as I come from China and I have been in Australia for nearly 5 years. I like doing different type of works, however, I am not good at doing digital programs. Since the start of Year1, I have learnt many useful technical tools such as Auto CAD, Rhino and sketch up, I have also learnt Indesgn and Photoshop as these are important tools for getting good visual effect. I can do these programs, but still not very proficient.

Air Studio is the one which has highly technical requirement. In this area, I think we can have a good practice of using computer programs to design modern, digital and more sensitve building and structures. I atempt to understand the theme and purpose of studing Design studio. That is "practice makes perfect" . As I am in the process of coming up ideas and thinking the rationality, it is the time for me to learn how to use my knowledge to solve the problems.



7 Richard Williams, 'Architecture and Visual Culture', in Exploring Visual Culture : Definitions, Concepts, Contexts, ed. by Matthew Rampley (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005), pp. 102 - 116. dutton, thomas a. and Lian hurst Mann, eds (1996). Reconstructing Architecture: Critical Discourses and Social Practices (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press), p. 1

“Architecture, then, as discourse, discipline, and form, operates at the intersection of power, rela-tions of production, culture, and representation and is instrumental to the construction of our identities and our differences, to shaping how we know the world.”

— Dutton, Thomas A. and Lian hurst Mann


“Architecture, then, as discourse, discipline, and form, operates at the in-tersection of power, rela-tions of production, cul-ture, and representation and is instrumental to the construction of our identi-ties and our differences, to shaping how we know the world.”(Dutton, Thomas A. and Lian hurst Mann, 1996). As Thomas A and Lian Hurst Mann said, the ar-chitecture is a combination of technics and the arts. Ar-chitectural skills and arts are closely related to each other“to make architecture is to construct knowledge, to build vision, and skills always lead the develop-ment of Architecture.

For example, if there is no geometric and measuring knowledge for Egyptian pyramids, it cannot be built. If we go to Richard Wil-liam's article, he defined the Architecture as 'Arts', 'symbolic realm 'and 'spa-tial experience'. He also claimed that good archi-tects need to have good vision and spatial imagina-tion. The example of Mies van der Rhoe's German Pavil-ion, which was regarded as "a kind of reality reserve' and "encave capable of resisting as other the de-structive onslaught of tech-nological modernisation" in the reading is the one I analysis last year. The dire-

ct rectangular form and the open space are all the expression of the beauty of geometry. And in architec-ture thinking, I start to less how to stress "less is more".

The discussion contrib-utes to my design for the Gateway Project because I have learnt that Architec-ture design is not a single designing approach, it in-cludes complex thinking which I need to find from the historical buildings. As the discourse, Architecture provides amazing skills which we need to learn and a large number of visual views to us. Thus I need to combine them together by using my own visual expe-rience.

A.1.1 Architecture-- A Combination of Arts and Digital Technology

A.1.2 Precedents water cube

Linking to the discussion of 'Architecture as a discourse', The Beijing National Aquatics Center in China, which is known as Water Cube(Fig 1.2.1), is my favourite design strcuture and can represent the modern architeture idea--combination of modern technical skills and visual views.

Although the form of the building is common rectangular shape, we do not feel boring about this, that is why? The reason is the architects put their efforts on the skin and construction, based on Weaire–Phelan structure(Fig 1.2.2). As Richard William says in the reading it is important to "see the look of building and how is it achieved"(Richard,2005,pp106), the initial idea of design is directly shown on the existing building---bubbles cover the cube,refers to water. The idea also has the traditional chinese meaning, where the square cube represents earth and the those circles represent heaven, it is a combina-tion of them and represents lucky. The 4000 ETFE bubbles are coloured blue because they can reflect the sunlight to become shiny, thus look like real bubbles in the visual effect. Another reason I like the building is the technic used for design and constrcution. Under the light ETFE pillows, steel frames are the main support which is quite stable(Fig 1.2.3).


Fig 1.2.2 Weaire-Phelan structure

Fig 1.2.3 Steel frames inside water

Figure 1.2.1 Water Cube view


It is not hard to see that the computer technic is important for creating the Weaire–Phelan structure. I also try to create the geomatry form myself when I start using grassshopper. It is a good ex-perience to know the original set for the Water Cube.When I create the form, I realise that the geometry can be found in natural sys-tems like crystals, cells and molecular structures. Again the Water Cube design tells us to use computer programs to creat an amazing space for different shapes and thoughts, that is modern Atchitecture.

Although the form of the building is common rectangular shape, we do not feel boring about this, that is why? The reason is the architects put their efforts on the skin and construction, based on Weaire–Phelan structure(Fig 1.2.2). As Richard William says in the reading it is important to "see the look of building and how is it achieved"(Richard,2005,pp106), the initial idea of design is directly shown on the existing building---bubbles cover the cube,refers to water. The idea also has the traditional chinese meaning, where the square cube represents earth and the those circles represent heaven, it is a combina-tion of them and represents lucky. The 4000 ETFE bubbles are coloured blue because they can reflect the sunlight to become shiny, thus look like real bubbles in the visual effect. Another reason I like the building is the technic used for design and constrcution. Under the light ETFE pillows, steel frames are the main support which is quite stable(Fig 1.2.3).


Fig 1.2.4 Start of grasshopper to creat geo-matry structure

Richard Williams, 'Architecture and Visual Culture', in Ex-ploring Visual Culture : Definitions, Concepts, Contexts, ed. by Matthew Rampley (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005), pp. 102 - 116.

Architects: PTW Architects (an Aus-tralian architecture firm), Arup inter-national engineering group, CSCEC (China State Construction Engineer-ing Corporation), and CCDI (China Construction Design International) of Shanghai

A.1.3 Precedents Metropol Parasol Architect: Jürgen Mayer-Hermann

Metropol Parasol(Fig 1.3.1) is a wooden structure which is located atSeville, Spain. The reason I chose it as the second precedent is the structure is quite interesting and it also looks like using the Rhino fabrication to create the form. Actually I have learnt Rhino fabrication in Virtual and it is a good experience to make modern structure.

I think the design idea of the structure is mainly focus on the theme--nature and has the purpose of creating an attrative structure which can make a beautiful view with surround site in the urban area. Jurgen Mayer- Her-marn’s design is influence dby the vaults of the Cathedral of Seville and the ficus trees in nearby Plaza de Cristo de Burgos. The effect of city culture can be evidenced here and it becomes one of the “world’s most fascinating cultural destinations”.

In order to solve the problem such as the hot weather, the umbrella form was produced. The architect created a 1.5m*1.5m geomatry grids, so that all components and panel are organized intensive in it(Fig 1.3.2). The meth-od is very helpful for my Gatway Project Design because it tellls us how to translate the ideas to the site .

The wooden honeycomb structure has six concrete base which form a body(Fig 1.3.3). In the curves, it contains four levels of the public space. The architect uses the different level of the stairs to form the museum space and when you look from up to down, the space looks like a piece of the clouds and people will develop the sense of layers. Things I learnt for my design from the precedent is the “softness” and “Movement” of the design space. Using Rhino skills to create the move and soft form can make the space and surrounding site look more open.

Figure 1.3.1 Metropol Parasol view

Figure 1.3.2 Metropol Parasol original grids set

Figure 1.3.3 Metropol Parasol sit concrete bases


A.2. Computational Architecture

13Yehuda E. Kalay, Architecture's New Media : Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2004), pp. 5 - 25

“For the first time perhaps, architectural design might be aligned with neither formalism nor ra-tionalism but with intelligent form and traceable creativity.”

— Terzidis, Kostas

terzidis, Kostas,Algorithmic Architecture,2006, p. x

Design, as a ‘purposeful activity”, aimed at achieving some welldefined goals(Yehuda E. Kalay,2004). The problem analysis, solution synthesis, evaluation and communication are all parts of design process and affected by computing. Computers, which can do the design process quickly and re-peatedly, by following a set of instructions called program, can tells them in minute how to manilulate the electrical impulses in their circuits. Digital program plays important roles in Architecture. It helps people draft-ing and modeiling architecture. For example, with the continuous devel-opment of computer-aided design (CAD) technology, the use of computer graphics and drawing has become the basic requirements of the design work. Compare to the privious hand drawing work, it improve the efficiency as the designers can directly use the program to see the effect before built and do not need to do the reputational work. In contemporary architecutural design, generative design method is highly used to generate a set of images, sound and animations. “models of design capable of consistent, continual and dynamic transformation are replacing the static norms of conventional processes”(Yehuda E. Kalay,2004).There-fore, it is a communication between computing and design which can ex-plore more possibilities. For my own gateway project design, it is helpful to use the computation because of the efficiency and it is innovative. As the purpose of the project is to explore new ideas to meet the theme of discourse, learning of computa-tion is a process which aims to achieve the goal and increase the ability of generating our ideas.


A.2.1. Computation—A New Media

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao is a world-famous museum which is used to display modern and contemporary art. It has been hailed as a "signal moment in the architectural culture", because it represents "one of those rare moments when critics, academics, and the general public were all completely united about something." (Tyrnauer, Matt , 2010). "The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao was built in 1997.It consists of glasses, steel, limestone and titanium, which is in dialogue with Bil-bao’s shipbuilding industry. Besides, The organizing center of the mu-seum is served by the atrium, which Gehry called The Flower because the shape. (Riding, Alan,1997)The most successful factor in the design of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao is the use of computer software. The software is called Com-puter Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application (CATIA), which is originally used for aerodynamics. Gehry used this software when he wanted to fix the process. The software is great tool for him to generate his idea and it can be evidenced as many curves on the ex-terior of the building, which is a new complex thinking of creating the new shapes. Besides, according to architect, “the randomness of the curves can also be used to catch the light”. (Aggerwal, Artika,2011). It is hard to emerge Gehry by simply hand drawing. With the help of the computer, it is easier for designers to show their designs to the public. Electronic design has become the main design methods. Gehry used CATIA to simulate the process of wind and air. He chose polyhedron as the external structure with surface and curve and it is a brilliant idea to do this. The surface and curve are like playing a symphony. Another highlight of the museum’s design is the use of water and the reflection will increase the brightness of the museum. It is a good example of showing the exploring ideas by using computa-tion. For my gateway project, considering of the surrounding site and make the structure as a part of the site is quite important and I think the computation can help me do it by using different functions.

A.2.2 Precedents Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao


Vanity Fair,Architecture in the Age of Gehry",22 July 2010.

“A Gleaming New Guggenheim for Grimy Bilbao”, The New York Times, 24 June 1997Aggerwal, Artika. Frank Owen Gerty,2011


Architect: Frank O. Gehry.

A.2.3 PrecedentsPhoenix International Media Center

Phoenix International Media Center(Figure2.3.1) is a project which is still under construction. The project is invested by Phoenix Satellite Television (East) Beijing. There is no doubt that Phoenix International Media Centre is a great and fantastic building and it will be another land-mark in Beijing after its construction.Phoenix International Media Centre is located in the southwest corner of Chaoyang Park in Beijing. The building is designed as the media office, the broadcasting studios and the produc-tion offices. Besides, Phoenix International Media Centre is also used as an important place for Phoenix Media to promote itself to the public. It provides the public with some space to get interactive experiences.

Figure 2.3.1


Architect: BIAD UFo

The building’s surface is smooth and gives people a feeling of topological corporate culture of Phoenix International Media Centre. The most feature of the design of Phoenix International Media Center is the application of digital technology. Phoenix International Media Center takes the parametric design. The method helps modern buildings make prospective.The out structure of Phoenix International Me-dia Center is not like a traditional design, it is very creative and Innovative. In the process of designing such a typical computerization example, designers use digital technology to analyze the relationship between related parts. Based on the explanation of “Mobius Strip”, which is “a surface with only one side and only one boundary component”, the model is related to the nature and gives people a feeling of peace. The computer technology used in the design also helps to simulate many possible feasible structures. Many designs of Phoenix International Media Center are not finished by painting. They are completed by programming, which is very advanced.

For the design of gateway project, I will consider the situation of how to use the digital modelling con-nect the area outside. In this case, the circular form and taking views in different angles attract me and I can develop my ideas based on it.

Figure 2.3.2


Except for the prac-ticality, the design for Phoenix Interna-tional Media Center is another highlight. The central logic of the design concept is to create a building-in-building concept (Figure2.3.2)which is based on the model of “Mobius Strip”. “The sculptural shape pro-vides the building a harmony relationship with the irregular di-rection of the existing streets, the sitting cor-ner of the site, and the Chaoyang Park.”

A.3. Parametric Modelling


Woodbury, Robert (2010). Elements of Parametric Design (London: Routledge) pp. 7-48Burry, Mark (2011). Scripting Cultures: Architectural Design and Programming (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 8 - 71

Weisstein, Eric.2003. CRC Concise Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Second. Florida: Chapman & Hall/CRC.doi:10.1201/9781420035223-18

“Parametric is a set of equations that express a set of quantities as explicit functions of a number of independent variables, known as ‘parameters'"

—Weisstein, Eric

Parametric is a “set of equation” which can “express a set of quantities as explicit functions of a number of independent variables, known as ‘parameters’ ”(Weis-stein 2003).It breaks traditional archi-tecture thinking and focus on the “On-tological Shift”(Woodbury,Robert,2010), which means to change the basic way of thinking the entities in the world. In the parametric modeling, the thinking of the basic geometrical elements is transferred to the “Computer script”, which “affords a significantly deeper engagement between the computer and user by automating routine aspects and repetitive activities, thus facilitating a far greater range of po-tential outcomes for the same investment in time”(Burry,Mark,2011). Therefore, the irregular forms such as Nurb surfaces, curves and point particles can be formed and it is the start to create those amazing and crazing shapes.Why is the Parametric modeling so im-portant? It is not hard to see that we can use the tool to create or change the shapes easily we want during the process. Relate to the Architecture discourse, a success-ful design is not only visually attractive, but also has its own approach, in this case, parametric modeling is helpful to

transfer the ideas to the most suitable ex-pression in a logical way.It also can be said that the parametric modeling is natural.On another side, the technique also has its shortcomings. “It turns out that these ideas are not easy, at least for those with typical design backgrounds. Mastering them requires us to be part designer, part computer scientist and part mathematician.”(Woodbury,Robert,2010)As Robert said, the parametric modeling may have a high requirement of the learning skill of software as well as the Math knowledge. In order to meet the updating require-ments, it is also important to put new function in the software, which means designers need to spend times on the functions every time it is updated. Also, it may cost a lot if the designers change the shape for many times in the real design project.For my gateway project, parametric mod-eling is very helpful. In the lecture, some positive principles are mentioned, “All forms must be soft…All activities com-municate with each other”. There are also some negative principles—“Avoid sim-ple repetition…”It helps me to generate my ideas on how to create the attractive model using parametric tools.


Burry, Mark (2011). Scripting Cultures: Architectural Design and Programming (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 8 - 71

A.3.1. Parametric Modelling

A.3.2 PrecedentsWaterloo International railway station

Figure 3.2.1

Figure 3.2.2

Figure 3.2.3Woodbury, Robert (2010). Elements of Parametric Design (London: Routledge) pp. 7-48


Architect: Nicholas Grimshaw& Partners

Although parametric modeling is a mod-ern tool, it cannot only reflect the charac-teristic of the century, but also show the ar-chitecture style. I choose the International Terminal Waterloo as the first precedent because it is “one of the earliest demon-strations of parametric modeling in architecture”(Woodbury,Robert,2010). “Easily change the shape” can be evidenced in the previous discussion, the exploring strategy can be evidenced in this example, which is “deferral”(Woodbury, Robert 2010).

The existing condition is that the train track curves through the sta-tion. However, Nicholas Grimshaw& Partners did not initially set the model to the proper location as they did not want it to be constrained by the curves. The fact is that the initial points and lines in the para-metric model can be changed easily, we can see a lot of points which form the surface in Fig3.2.4, and each of the point can be moved. As the result, the designers made the decision in a deliberate strategy and changed a lot. The initial idea of the structure was from the bone structure of animals. Architects drew a lot of drawings to imagine the shape and inner structure. Fig3.2.5 shows the final roof structure. The unsymmetrial form shows the interesting idea, although it looks irregular, it is quite logical as using the math formula and knowledge. The design directly shows the idea of computer scripting, which en-courages people to change the way of thinking based on the simple geomatry.Back to my gateway design, I also need to explore my thinking of creating the shapes to not only meet the requirement of the structure and location, but also the user experience.

Figure 3.2.4

Figure 3.2.5


A.3.3 PrecedentsGalaxy SOHO

Figure 3.3.1 Figure 3.3.2

Figure 3.3.3

Figure 3.3.4

Figure 3.3.5

Figure 3.3.6


Architect: Zaha Hadid

A.3.3 PrecedentsGalaxy SOHO

Another precedent I choose is the Galaxy SOHO in Beijing, China. The project began in 2009 and just finished last year. It consists of 4 towers which are 15 floors in height and the total area is about 46965 square meters. Zaha Hadid not only created a flowing and organic interior space, but also made it as a landmark in the area. The main theme of the design is from the thinking of Chinese courtyard and the purpose is to create a large inner area. Each building has its individual atrium and core traffic, the integration of different levels with the space t creates the outdoor platform. As the result, people can take broad views in all direction at the plat-forms and it is a 360 degree world without corners.As I said in the previous discussion, the para-metric modeling is used to easily change the shape, Zaha Hadid used the tool to make a continuous structure with flowing lines, which contains the combination, division and solvation process. Architect’s idea in-spires us that we can develop our own ways of thinking to create shapes and flowing space rather than the regular ones by using the parametric modeling.

Figure 3.3.4

Figure 3.3.5

Figure 3.3.6 : / /w w w.fang wuzaix ian .com/b encandy.php?c ity_id=1&fid=19&id=1386




Figure1 Figure2




Figure 7

A.4. AlgorithmicExploration



The interesting example I choose looks like using panelling tool to create but it is actually done by grashopper.It is efficient to use grasshopper to gener-ate the points and we have done a lot in class task. I di-vided the surface and using explode tree to explore the points, thus I can choose three points in every four to form the triangle. The design can relate to the precedents I choose such as Waterloo International railway station and Phoe-nix International Media Center which are covered with glass thus light can go through the structure. What I have understood for new architecture is to generate ideas in a new way. For this design, the new idea is to make the space more open ny using the connection with out-side area through the emp-ty space.I have mentioned it in the privious chapter and the parametric tool makes the structure more complex.

Figure 8C l a s s t a s k Vase

Through the case for innovation, the meaning of using digital tech-nology has been identified. Although it is the optional choose in ar-chitecture design, more and more architects and designers learn the skill as it is the representation of new architecture and ideas. The ar-gument can be supported by three main area, they are Architecture as a Discourse, Computational Architecture and Parametric Modeling. Architecture as a Discourse has a generate idea that Architecture is a combination of arts and technical skills, Computation shows the importance of learning the computational programs and paramet-ric modeling part tells us the exact task and function the of the skill which we need to achieve. After the research and analysis of these area, I deicide my design approach to be like strips and folding with irregular patterns. I will take the area of continuity and cohesion into special consideration, as the result, I may use some skills from tes-sellation to make the structure include more patterns and consists of different parts, but it still works as a whole structure. It is innovative for me and it can make the space look more open thus people can take a broad view. Last but not least, digital skills help the architects and us in the designing process because of it efficiency, it is important to continue exploring the technics by ourselves.

A.5. Conclusion


During the four weeks, I have learnt a lot about the theory and practice of architec-tural computing. Firstly, architectural dis-course gives me the idea of how to make more possibilities by using visual design as well as the digital skills. It is important to look back to the historical buildings to see the changes in the designing the pro-cess, thus I can take the ideas in the past to modern architecture in order to gen-erate my thinking in a new way, which towards a logical and complex direction. Also through the experience in learning computing and parametric, it seems that I am in the process to solve different lev-els of problems. I have known the func-tion and ability of the digital tools which can make the building more fashion and well organized. I am also awared of those

main figures the architects used often toachieve their design approach. The im-provement for me is to start using the parametric modeling tool which is grass-hopper. It is helpful to get lots of solutions for one problem. At the beginning of the semester, I just knew a little bit about the architectural discourse issue and have no idea with the parametric modeling. The fact is when I look some modern building, I can only say that the building looks cool and it uses the digital technics. However, I couldn’t explore my ideas on how to make it look like this. Now I can use grasshopper and try to imitate the structure and understand the important thinking, thus it contributes to my own design. It is also helpful to go back to the past project in order to improve the ac-curacy and efficiency.

A.6. Learning outcomes



Part B. EOI IIDesign Approach


Figure 1



The Gateway Design Project requires installation to be attractive and exciting. "It should provide an entry statement and arrival experience, and become a new identifier for the municipality.1 "Our group realise that the it is a good way to make our design across all the sites(Figure1), as the result, people will get more experience as they will actually go through it as the movement.

Our design is focusing on the area of strips and folding. By connecting to the idea of movement, the design intent will focus on the illusion of speed based on the co-relations between perception of human speed and lines. As the purpose is to create kinetic architecture by using the static form, strips and folding is a good way to achieve because of the repetition of rhythm. For the drivers, it will be the relative movement as they are relative static in the car. Based on the light effect through the strips and folding, shadows can be created in different ways thus can form the spatial continuity. By connecting to the structural and environmental cohesion(choice of materiality) and the relationship with surrounding site, they all contribute to the experiential architecture.

In the process of choosing the approach,the flexibility is taken in to the consideration. Strip form is quite flexble and straightforwad for fabrication and construction. Also, the form can be changed in many ways, such as bending, laying and adding patterns, thus can develop many interesting design. More over, enhances the idea of movement, forms of strips and folding are generated from a single element(point) and it is easier to manage the distance and creating the harmony between built and natural environments.

1 Gateway competition document

B.1. Design Focus


B.1. Design Focus

PICTURES vilion_meudon.html

Figure1 Figure2





Our group chooses the Seroussi Pavillion as the start point of our research as it is one of the siginif-cant examples which use the strips to create an at-tractive interior space , and people may have strong feeling of movement when they go through it.The design of Seroussi Pavilion was based on electro-magnetic fields (EMF), and the patterns of factors can modify themselves. The logics of attraction/repulsion were computed in plan and then“lifted” via series of structural micro-archingsections through different frequencies of thesine function1

By connecting our Gateway project,the natural structure of Seroussi Pavilion meetsthe design approach of us because of the wellorganization of the strips. It is a good idea to usefield to control the points and lines thus we canchange the position of points and lines easily.Linear perspective can express the feeling of move-ment in terms of the repetation and the shadows of different directions(Figure3). In architecture, the streamline Moderne, which emphasized curving forms, long horizontal lines, and sometimes nauti-cal elements is similar to our idea of strips. It isaffected by the industry design and representsthe movement. Thus the continuity of stripscreates the feeling of floating which can attractpeople’s eyes and create a moveable spatialexperience.







B.1. Design Focus


ExplorationThe exploration we have done is based on the Se-roussi Pavillion structure.The fact is we use the sine function to reconstruct the strips. Combing with the control of field, the density and form of strips can be easily changed.


Gateway competition document

B.1. Design Focus

B.2. Case Study 1.0


Figure1 Figure2


ICD Pavillion——Elastic bending structure

Our group chooses ICD Pavillion as the prec-edent for Case Study 1 because the key aspect of the project was to transfer the strip and folding model to elastic bending structure and form the floating interior space.The strips are manufactured robotically as planar elements, and connected subsequently so that tensioned regions alternate along their length1. It meets the design approach of us not only because of the structure, but also the spatial experience, the abstraction of movement and relationship with surrounding context. The space inside is curved and based on the circle so that people can walk around it. It is a good achievement that sunlight can go through the gaps between the strips so that it forms the connection with outside and nature. The intersecting strips create the feeling of floating which can attract people’s eyes and is very affective in visual views.

As the start point for our exploration, our group wat to construct our own design based on the bending structure of interior space which shows the experience of movement, rather than the form of the out look.




B.2.Case Study 1.0

Donut shape(based on ICD Pavillionform)

Intersecting strips(based on ICD Pavilionsurface pattern,unroll the surface)

Creating straight inte-rior space

Original version from prec-edent



Creating straight inte-rior space

Smooth the surface

Developed version by chang-ing the structure form

Single form change sequence

The explicit design space of our group is the tunnel-like interior space. In the period of learn-ing the precedent, we used the strategy of bending structure to create several version with different patterns. As we learnt the bending structure and use the surface pattern to create ir-regular and emotional form we want,we tried to create an in-teror space by changing the pa-rameters and period of the sin& cosine fomula.Then we get the complex form which consists of emotional tunnel strips(refer to the co-relations between human perception of speed and lines)with bending structure which can meet our design idea. .In the process of choosing and analysising the variation, we are trying to learn techniques not only about the form, but also the process how to change the linear outlook to the way we want for our interior experience of movement and continuty, as the result, we are in the way of unroll the surface then create again in our own process.


B.2.Case Study 1.0

We select Zaragoza Bridge Pavillion as our project precedent for Case Study 2.0. The reason that we choose Zaragoza Bridge Pa-villion is , there is a great chance for us to review and strengthen the idea of (linear) movement by learning the technique from the precedent.

Our group concentrates on developing the feeling of movement and this part in Zaragoza Bridge Pavillion is done by designers through enclosing the space at front and change the space to nar-row.(Figure1) The bridge pavillion is divided into four parts based on some interesting and bracing techniques(Figure2). Because we have chosen Strips & Folding as our approach, we realizes that it is highly possible to connect with visual and spatial continuity as the sunlight can go through the space and make beautiful shadows. This can be related to the experience architecture.

It is a start point for us to learn how to create the effect through the grasshopper. We have learn that is important to create grids on the surface. As the result, We can use the grids to control the patterns and bracing space in the purpose of achiving different experiences when you move as well as getting successful light effect.

Figure 1

B.3. Case Study 2.0


We select Zaragoza Bridge Pavillion as our project precedent for Case Study 2.0. The reason that we choose Zaragoza Bridge Pa-villion is , there is a great chance for us to review and strengthen the idea of (linear) movement by learning the technique from the precedent.

Our group concentrates on developing the feeling of movement and this part in Zaragoza Bridge Pavillion is done by designers through enclosing the space at front and change the space to nar-row.(Figure1) The bridge pavillion is divided into four parts based on some interesting and bracing techniques(Figure2). Because we have chosen Strips & Folding as our approach, we realizes that it is highly possible to connect with visual and spatial continuity as the sunlight can go through the space and make beautiful shadows. This can be related to the experience architecture.

It is a start point for us to learn how to create the effect through the grasshopper. We have learn that is important to create grids on the surface. As the result, We can use the grids to control the patterns and bracing space in the purpose of achiving different experiences when you move as well as getting successful light effect.

Figure 2

Figure 3

PICTURES : t t p : / / v i s t a d o o b s e r v a d o r. b l o g s p o t . c o m .au/2008_03_01_archive.htmlh t t p : / / w w w. c h i n a a c s c . c o m / S h o w S p e c i a l .asp?SpecialID=46


B.3.Case Study 2.0


Rebuilding of Zaragoza Bridge Pavillion

As I mentioned in the privious chapter, our design is focusing on the illusion of speed and the movement of interior experience. The reason we choose the Zaragoza Bridge as the precedent is not for the form, but the inner design,like the walking tunnel,light effect of patterns have the emotion of movement.At the start, we set up three points and create curves which meet at the top point to create the entrance(Also create another curve formular to set the curve on another side). Then we start to manipulate the curve between the two sides of entrence by using the sine formula of graph mapper. At this stage, surface can be created to form the structure we want. The most important thing in the process is to divide surface with isotrim to change the planar surface into grids. This is becasue we want our model looks like strip structure and easier for creating the patterns . So the last step, we create tile surface for the isotrim input to create the triangular patterns. The triangular patterns create a lot of parallel lines thus give people the feeling of movement and the speed. In this case , we will take the consideration into pure form of stip folding and will try to achieve the same results as the strips with patterns.


B.3.Case Study 2.0


B.4. Technique: Development


In the way developing the idea of movement, we focus on the illusion of speed and get our research into the relationship between human perception of speed an lines.As we use the equation of E=mc2, the increase of the energy and speed will results the increase of visual mass( the view drivers will see when they go through, can be explained as density). Also, the increase of the speed will cause the time dilation when it ups to the speed of light, at that time, we can get the tunnel like view which is said to be the Aberration.




In the way developing the idea of movement, we focus on the illusion of speed and get our research into the relationship between human perception of speed an lines.As we use the equation of E=mc2, the increase of the energy and speed will results the increase of visual mass( the view drivers will see when they go through, can be explained as density). Also, the increase of the speed will cause the time dilation when it ups to the speed of light, at that time, we can get the tunnel like view which is said to be the Aberration. 48



A — based on Case study1, curved interior space of linear structure has been created to meet the idea of illusion of speed.

B— based on the rebuilt of Zaragoza bridge,in order to get more outcomes of the effect,we change the patterns to the triangular form and get good result for the sunlight effect.



C— Trying to create the netting forms. At this stage we realise that folding and twisting are good ways for constructing our forms rather than just have the cuurved one.

D—Changing into more linear vectors. Based on the technique of Seroussi Pavillion, we use the field control to control the density of strips. Combine with idea of C, it forms the final form direction.




E— Density changes in the sequence to meet the suitable expression.Refer to E=mc2, this can be related to the re-sult of visual mass change.

F—Trying to have angles in the form. Changing the form form curved structure because the experience can be different through different angles.



G—Based on the triangular form, we create the open to narrow space by twisting the structure. It suits our design idea not only because of the strips form, but the feeling of the movement it gives to us through the pure strips. It gives people the sense of illusion of speed by linking to the E=mc2 equation. And people will have different experience when they go through it.

H— Final model achievement.



As the development from our matrix, the digital model we choose express our idea of illusion of speed and movement based on the equation of E=MC2.Now we are trying to choose the material from plywood, sterl bars and concrete. By connecting to the arguments in design focus, which is strips and folding is easy for fabrication because of the flexibility , plywood becomes our first choice as we can bend it in any way we like.

B.5. Technique: Prototypes




In the process I search for the fabrication methods, I am quite interested in the two types, which are directly unroll the surface and creating ribs on the strips and shows the joints. Compare the two methods, creating ribs has a good construction of the whole structure as the joints will force each part to have strong forces. In this way, the whole structure can be stable enough to prevent collapsing. However, the ribs may not meet our direction of pure linear structure which is based on the E=mc2, defined as the relationship between human speed and lines. Thus we choose the method with the one with directly unroll the surface. According to what Mies Van der Rohe said," Less is more", we want our design to be dynamic in interior experience. Pure strips meet the idea of us as the streamline Moderne.





Fabrication Research



M o d e l M a k i n g Process

Figure1 : Rebuilt Zaragoza Bridge model

Figure2: Curved model

Figure3: Final model strips detail

Figure4: Final model


Figure5: Interior experience

In total we have made three different models to see the effect and changes. Initially we made the model for the rebuilt of Zaragoza Bridge by using the paper. In this case( Figure 1), it shows the good effect of achieving the shadows as the interior experience, however, the sense of the movement needs to be developed beca-sue of the limitation of the straight form. (Figure 2) stats to get more sense about the movement because of the pure strip form. We can experience through the model picture that the space is form open to narrow and it is the tunnel form we are trying to achieve to support the abbration caused by the time dialation, which is the result of high speed. As we have tried different methods of modelling before the final model, we have realised that we can use cardboad to represent the plywood materiality because it is easier for us to organize the random strips. And there are many similarities between the two elements such as the area of connection can be stick together, and the structure can be bend or twisted(Figure3), which meets the design approach in the area of flexibility. The light effect can also be identified by the model in Figure 4&5. It is a good connection with the surrounding site as well as the interior experience when the sunlight go throught the gaps between the strips and create beautiful shadows.As the most important thing in our design idea, the illusion of speed can be accessed through the model based on the abberra-tion view which is the result of E=mc2 equation. Also linking to the achivement of spatial continuity, good light effect, interior experience and the connection with surrounding area, the model is the most successful one of the three.



to create a relative movement when the dirvers are relative static in the car. Related to the connection of surround-ing site and environmental elements, the sunlight can go throught the gaps between the strips of our design, thus the structure can get nature light as well as beautiful shadows in the area of ex-ternal and internal experience .

To express the feeling of movement , our group also takes the consideration into the flexibility of the material use as well as the fabrication methods to get the bended structure which is bearing the load directly to the ground and easy to construct. We choose the direct unroll form of fabrication which is the the pure strip form and meets the design of rep-etition of rhythm, clearly shows the idea of movement.

As the Wyndham Gateway Project rquires the design should "provide an entry statement and arrival experience, and become a new identifier for the municipality"1 ,our group start to think how the static structure can express dinamic feelings. The conceptual frame work of the Gateway Project stresses us to "support public arts and sculpture"2. In this case, we are trying to achieve the connection between the artisic structure and environment based on the idea of experience architecture.

At this stage, the experience of movement is the first achievement of our deisgn. Since the site is“viewed by motorists traveling at high speed"3, the movement is already existing. Our group uses the repetition of rhythm(static structure)

1 Gateway competition document 2 Gateway competition document 3 Gateway competition document

B.6. Technique: Proposal


In the way developing the idea of movement, we get our research into the relationship between human perception of speed an lines, and this become the second achievement which support our deisgn. As we use the equation of E=mc2, the increase of the energy and speed will results the increase of visual mass( the view drivers will see when they go through, can be explained as density). Also, the increase of the speed

will cause the time dilation when it ups to the speed of light, at that time, we can get the tunnel like view which is said to be the Aberration. The physical equation can strongly support our argument why our design is the achievement of the movement and illusion of speed. In addition, we are trying to create the colourful structure which can shows the variation of density thus become more sensible in the way achieving the idea.




B.8.Learning Objectives& Outcomes

B.8. Learning Objectives and Outcomes

After the mid semester presentation, we develop our idea by considering the density change of the form and using the colour to represent. It be-comes more sensitive as colour can attract people’s eyes and meets the proposal of the Gateway project.

Since the start of Part B, the group work is good for me to learn how to discuss the ideas and try to get the most attractive outcomes from many options. As we are in the logical process of learning from the precedents, changing through the precedents then create our own structure, the things we have learnt are not only about the team sprits which we need to come up with ideas together , but also the way of thinking how to support our argument and keep the ideas in the sequence and update. This can be evidenced in our group as develop the idea from movement to the illusion of speed, and do many research and finally use the physical equation which can strongly support our ideas.

Before doing the Case Study re-search, I have no idea how to con-struct a model myself, and can only use the grasshopper program to cre-ate the surface, not the proper form we want. After doing the research based on the definition we want, we are trying to understand and study to process of doing the parametric modelling of those famous projects. By summarying the important tech-niques, we practice a lot and thus use them to create the form our-selves. The good example is the reb-ult of Zaragoza bridge, at that stage, we can create the way we want to support our ideas of movement.

Another sucessful outcome for us is to put efforts on developing the form by using the grasshopper, as the re-sult we can see the sequences of change through the different steps. It helps us to define our ideas by us-ing the digital models and change in series as they can support our devel-oping ideas.


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