part 6 how shall we then live? 2 peter 3:11-18. theme the prophecies of god are promises designed to...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Part 6

How Shall We Then Live?2 Peter 3:11-18

ThemeThe prophecies of God

are promises

designed to transform

the people of God

into godly people.

Introduction:The alarm has


The Consequences ofNOT Looking Forward

• Adam and Eve and the consequences of eating of The Tree

• The people in Noah’s Day and the building of the great Ark

• The Israelites and the consequences of false worship

• The kings of Babylonia and the consequences of forgetting God

The Blessings of Looking Forward

• David looked forward• Daniel looked forward• Isaiah looked forward• Joseph & Mary looked forward• Jesus looked forward• Paul Looked forward• John looked forward

1. What Is His Promise?

13 …In keeping with His promise (prophecy)

Sudden, complete, revolutionary, surprising, God centered.

A. New Home“we are LOOKING FORWARD

to a new heaven and a new earth,

the home of righteousness.”

B. New Behavior

12 as you LOOK FORWARD

to the day of God and speed its coming.

C. New ForecastThat day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.

2. How Does His Promise Influence Us?

11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, What kind of people ought you to be?

A. A Well-Defined Lifestyle

• You ought to live • Holy (internal: “clean” lifestyle) and • Godly (external: “exemplary” lifestyle) lives

B. A Well-Defined Eagerness

14 So then, dear friends, since you are LOOKING FORWARD to this,

c. A Well Defined Training

• Make every effort to be found • Spotless (prayer, confession, cleansing

from God)• Blameless (make things right if at all

possible)• And at peace with Him. (Constantly seek

knowledge of His will)• [A pause for the sake of unity and

protection, Vss. 15-17]

3. How Is It Possible To Do This?

C. A Well Defined Resource

• But GROW in the • Grace and • Knowledge of our Lord & Savior

Jesus Christ (vs 18)

D. A Well-Defined Worship

18b To him be glory

both now and for ever! Amen.

ThemeThe prophecies of God

are promises

designed to transform

the people of God

into godly people.

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